JINTBUS0101PENELOPE Engine Version 1.2MQ08wt|p} Update Service April 1996 Update Service  3Locate People and Companies via Online Phone Books  PC Troubleshooting  1Celebrate April Fool's Day with Humor on the Net  !%End of the Update Service Topic List /J CUserObject q CPresObject$qV= 19z April 1996: What's NewT CShapeList CDIBShape! jAdSqAdCDibBABM6(Ad#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cLͫGLOSSARYf&Click to search the reference glossary`KC+?-n{v89JZyeVwKJ55 !v:`:Glossary !uͫSEARCH_LIST ToursClick to select a tour.`!_ q[ J MD) 6Mfx ~9~FHbrigSzZbHm@m7r_ Q L M 5 !{ͫk Click to connect to the Internet`{7 0 cq+)4Fb`{Wy\NO8x = 438x = 438 !ͫSEARCH_LIST Sites|#Click for a list of Internet sites.`-PgZR'Q,N0[;]@a9j6j1m-r&u 3~;wBvGWzc~hl^IyTrCa=b;e6l,^2]3Y*PHO= 4-) >EDK Qf= 5 x = !ZpyzͫSEARCH_LIST FAQx.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`yzC$COak,l5s=zKyUlrLyAv/q%dUF6+ ',C 5 !Hͫmp,Click to see the organization of this CD-ROM`"qxKRX]bgmrwxiR<+!  }xp ic \G)D$r 5 !gxͫoh2Click to configure or launch external applications`x@fkb,a3xLc3p"h*h*Q#F@A= 8 x = 49 !f`fSites of Interest"ArialNew Romanof !V `V #Connect to the Internet "ArialNew RomanoV !'`'ڀTours"ArialNew Romano' !#=`=Software"ArialNew Romano= !V0`V0&Frequently Asked Questions0"ArialNew RomanoV !<Y0`Y0)Browse the Table of Contents0"ArialNew RomanoYCEllipse!e**ͫSEARCH_LIST FAQu.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`** !3V`V BAnuBMnu6(V  dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c.mm^3 3 33^^<^3.333^v33<^vm rA/Dsmmū^mmc^^! 3^^mm^^3 ^m3^^ 3^^m^m^m^ <^ v^m^m̫k7/[ mm^^^mm3^^! ^ .ȁ^3 3^<.^.mmm^<33^^mmv^^ <^^m^^vv^3 m 3<<<^c^mmrD8Zfmmmm^m.^^m3 ..^mmm^!3m3m <33m^3^^mm^̫rK8fmm^^^^<<^^<!!3c  .cm^^^^^mm̫ū ̫ſ́m̫̫^^^m^mmȿ%Ȗ[/Drmmv<< ^m^^3^3v^mm 5.3 m|mmm^ m%m3 ^^^3mȋm̫^c^<<.<<^^^ 灄<<^^ <^^^^^%дr8Usmc^^<f<^^%mc^<^m!3&^^^mmcȄm ! ^<^mm^<^m^c%ȌP8f mm5 vmm 3ms3 3^m m 3^mmm3c !. <^ < c^m%%̴Ъk8K|^mm<3ξmm s<竡^̪ mm  mmc3^mm<3.^^ !!.m^ ^^. 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To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J p$p 9oSY*.1http://www.stars.com/Vlibm !<xipx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J o$o ;oSY*.31http://www.netscape.com/comprod/at_work/index.htmlm !<xiox=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J n$n `oSY*./1http://www.wilsonWeb.com/articles/why-come.htmm !<xinx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J m$m m|oSY*.41http://techWeb.cmp.com/ia/0219issue/0219midman.htmlm !<ximx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J l$l a{oSY*.*1http://www.fau.edu/rinaldi/net/netpol.txtm !<xilx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J k$k doSY*.1http://www.pepsi.comm !<xikx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J j$j _yoSY*.'1http://homepage.seas.upenn.edu/~museumm !<xijx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J i$i Y}oSY*.1http://www.business.govm !<xiix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J h$h Dw H{9409 Tidbits of the Internet] !W4\h4 BABM6(4".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭYh>K BABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cSh>;#mhttp://techWeb.cmp.com/ia/0219issue/0219midman.html$m"Arial0 Symbo> !~ZRhiConnecting an +enterprise network, to the Net without compromising a company's secrets often represents a sizable challenge for a network manager. Interactive Age takes a look at this growing phenomenon where the corporate network meets the +Web, in The Enterprise and the Net.Z"Arial0 Symbo !X#24Qh24 BABM6(24".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cS/ /!'!6mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr EXvvvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\vv]4vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm vvvv]vv]rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?/(vv4]v=mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSv]v)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvvvvvvv4vvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm v]vv]4444]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@4]emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTvvv mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv4mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]]Tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm}]]mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]!!>>HXXX=)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm[[yggy4}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm]]'XXXX!!gXvvmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv!!!X('yH!y]vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)H:yy[[>[mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvvH!g(((H] mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmTvvHH[[׏[[!!![v}mmmmmmmmmmmmmm>[ygH[!HHH(mmmmmmmmmmmmme]&[(>]6mmmmmmmmmmmm]]([g>>vmmmmmmmmmmm X]v mmmmmmmmm4rmmmmmmmmm]mmmmmmmmvvvvv@mmmmmmm]mmmmmmvvmmmm]vemmmm@vmm]v)mmevr]vv]bbbb1GbS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.bbbbbbbbS !2ƭOh2 BAVBMV6(2dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c<Bh<The Pepsi Online +Web, site reflects the large amounts of money and resources put into it. Be sure to visit here with your latest version of +Netscape, and a fast connection.<"Arial0 Symbo J g$g X  EditorialB !Ag?Understanding the Intranet "Internet," "intranet," what's the difference? By now, you know what the Internet is the world's biggest collection of inter-connected networks. Through the Internet, organizations are receiving and sending information all over the planet. The Internet's open +protocols, and +applications, have proven to be universally useful over a mixture of networks, +server, platforms, and workstations. Could that universality be useful to a large corporation struggling to piece together an enterprise-wide network? We've all seen organizations trying to integrate their diverse collections of computing resources. We know that this can be quite challenging. On the +server, side, most organizations have a significant investment in legacy systems and many flavors of UNIX solutions. Concerning +client, workstations, organizations have Windows and Mac advocates, each pushing for their type of workstation. With all this diversity, how can organizations build a cohesive information infrastructure? This is where the Intranet comes in. Organizations are beginning to use the Internet technology internally to transfer information between diverse equipment and networks. In other words, Intranet is the latest term to describe when Internet's +protocols, and +applications, are used, not for accessing the vast resources on the Internet, but for moving information within an organization's boundaries. Intranet is an explosive new market segment, estimated by industry sources to be $1.2 billion by 1997. Most BPR, Business Process Re-engineering, activities quantify an organization's workflow and identify customers and suppliers which may be external or internal to the organization. Companies which have focused on using the Internet for external purposes are now realizing that these same +applications, can also be used internally. Almost all the organizations I have worked with recently are making significant amounts of information available through internal +Web, pages. To get a sense of what companies are doing, a good starting point is +Netscape,'s "At Work" page, #ohttp://www.netscape.com/comprod/ at_work/index.html$o, which will lead you to press clippings about Intranets and -Netscape's. Customer Profiles page. Here you can learn how companies such as AT&T, Eli Lilly, Mobil, and Sandia National Laboratories use +Web,-based intranets for a variety of +applications,. For example, AT&T has built a variety of internal +Web, sites for billing systems, library services, and office supply ordering. One of their most popular sites is POST, their employee phone book. AT&T already had an employee information database, but adding a +Web, interface has widely increased its use throughout the company. Using POST, employees can find complete contact information for fellow employees including their relationship to an organizations structure. Many large organizations are also utilizing the Internet's mechanisms to organize their large collections of internal +Web, sites. Some organizations even have +Yahoo,-style indexes, complete with announcement registration forms so that employees can more easily publicize themselves and find each other's pages. These intranets sound good, but how do they relate to the existing groupware infrastructure and development activities of a corporation? Actually, two phenomena are occurring simultaneously. Traditional groupware +applications, are becoming +Web,-capable, and +Web, technology is rapidly expanding to incorporate traditional groupware functions. Almost every major vendor, IBM, Novell, Oracle, et al, are making sure that their products support +Web, +protocols,. This inclusion of +Web, functionality is occurring on both the +server, and +client, side of most major groupware +applications,. Oracle, for example, has released its own +Web, +browsers, called PowerBrowser and WebServer, both with strong support for Oracle's databases. Meanwhile, +Netscape,, the leader of the Internet +Web,, continues to expand rapidly into traditional groupware functions. +Netscape, has acquired Collabra Software, and will be integrating Collabra's electronic-forum software with +Netscape,'s Navigator. Other conferencing mechanisms like Hypernews are also becoming widely used to integrate the functionality of +Usenet, +newsgroups, into +Web, pages. Thus far, +Web, technology and proprietary groupware +applications, have been complementary in their uses. As each camp expands into the other's territory, the competition will increase. Competition is usually a good thing, as evidenced by the recent price reductions in Lotus Notes. Which approach will win? I am not foolish enough to pick sides on this one :-) This topic has been the subject of many debate +newsgroups,, for example, comp.groupware.lotus-notes.misc. (Be sure to look at their +FAQ,). By the way, if any of you are working on +Web, development activities, the best online resource is the +Web, Developer's Library, #phttp://www.stars.com/Vlib$p. Russ Haynal russ@navigators.com #qhttp://www.clark.net/pub/rhaynal$q  J d$d V~Zsult Aut ! d8 CPanelRect!|nod !dBuddha's Birthday  The birthday of Buddha is the most important of all Buddhist holidays. The name Buddha means "enlightened one." His original name was Siddhartha, and it is believed that he lived from 563 BC to 483 BC. J c$c V(oZsult Aut !c11 ! noc ! cCivil Rights Act Anniversary Exactly one week after the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsV !aPSaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭTam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c BM> 6(!2#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cͱdR(dwH+/y~R(эoddEw<<9dAddJddddwHRA<&UU(FRddddт 50wwR([>ѡl]RYyh(>]C\b7b]Rf]]f)]ll Rsll66vllcjllfѐlilll\vbvv7llRv]l] l]lf(vbllvv]|Ѵl]v(ll]vb]sll]7]щv]l.l]b.5vll]]6.lvl ]5|vlv]lb]f5l]l lll\svvlblll(Jllli|vb+(ll2%;sblvlc(sjv]b4%C 2]bYv]G4427q4;lv\]]udG46644lR&8w64%bbbf //R hj~h\Hbqק9?/8a AAKā vqdwoCvll3HH[3(wQcl]HgyoR1^|(dHHggw5H>[<((3yw55[[[(7y(3X33Rw5sbൡRygdH57Gvl]b>[Cb]b)C#fq(!^Eͫg W$Click to read This Month's Editorial`^EeditorUeditorDeditor BABM6(^E".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J g$g foSY*."1http://ypo.com/search/ypocomp.htmr !<xngx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J f$f `oSY*.1http://www.niyp.com/s !<xnfx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J e$e foSY*.1http://www.telephonebook.com/r !<xnex=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J a$a TO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments_ !aP\aPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭ]am BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J c$c coSY*.1http://wyp.net/r !<xncx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J d$d \oSY*.1http://www.switchboard.com/r !<xndx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J l$l roSY*.!1http://yellowpages.bellsouth.comr !<xnlx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J m$m ^oSY*.1http://www.bigbook.com/r !<xnmx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J n$n foSY*."1http://www.natltele.com/form.htmlr !<xnnx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J o$o goSY*.,1http://www.best.com/~jgro/phoneSearch.shtmlr !<xnox=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J `$` B5 oSub1R           `% !N&0YN&0`&0[What does your phone number spell? #ohttp://www.best.com/~jgro/phoneSearch.shtml$o0 !" Y" " ` ?NTC Phone Phinder #nhttp://www.natltele.com/form.html$n  CFreehand!VKE?9)YVKE?VKE?VKE?`E?C5C3C2C1C0B/B.B-B,B+B*B)B(B'B&B%B#B"B!C CCCDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD D D D D DDDDDDDCBA@?>876543210/.-,+*)('%$#"!       !""#$%&'()**+,--./012345 6 7 8 9 9 : ; < = = < ; :9999999999999 9!9"9#9$9%9&9'9(9)9*9+9,9-9/90919293949595868778695:5;5<5=5>5?5@5A5B5;M:Lԁ!amV,yYamVamVamV`kQMe7d8c9c:b:a;a<`=_>^>]?\@[@Z@Y@X@W@WAVAUATASARAQAPAOANAMALAKAJBIBICHDHEGEGFGGGHGIGJFJFKEKDKCKBKAK@K?K=K<K;K:K9J8I7I7H6G5G4G3F2F1E0E0D/D.D-D-C,C+C*C)C(C'C&C%C$C#C#D"D!D DDDDCBA@@?>=<<;:98765433210/....--,+++**)('&%$#"!!!!""###$$$#""!!                      !"#$&()*+-./0123456666666666 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 : :;;<<=>>??@@AABBCDEFGHHIJJKLL M N!O"P#Q$Q%R%R&S&T&T'U'V(W)X)Y*Z*Z+[+[,\,\-]-].^.^/_/`0a1b1b2c2d3e4e5e6d6ԁ!n6kYn6n6n6`n6n l k jiihhhgffeddccba``_^^^]]\\[[ZZ Y Y X W U TTSRRQPONNMLKKJIIHGFEDCBBA@?>=<; : 9 3 1 0 / . - , + + * *))((''&%%$#"!                 ! 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This site includes links to online telephone, fax, and business directories from around the world. * !Amƭͫa I1Click for instructions on Update Service comments`mupdtsrvUupdtsrvDupdtsrv BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J d$d ioSY*.1http://www.ibm.com| !<xxdx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J e$e roSY*.1http://www.hp.com| !<xxex=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J f$f _oSY*.1http://www.yahoo.com| !<xxfx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J g$g [oSY*.1http://www.lycos.com{ !<xxgx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J h$h [oSY*.1http://www.lycos.com{ !<xxhx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J i$i [oSY*.!1http://www.altavista.digital.com| !<xxix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J j$j [oSY*.*1http://www.melbpc.org.au/others/index.htm| !<xxjx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list. J `$` B5 oSub1vR        ` !GYGt`And finally, if you +post, a question to the +newsgroup,, be sure that you are clearly describing your problem. Include specifics about your hardware, as well as operation system and software version numbers. Include exact error messages you may be receiving. Some people may answer your question directly to the +newsgroup, so be sure to check back every couple of days. Many more people may answer your question directly through +Email,. Be sure to thank anyone via direct +Email, who provides useful information.! ;#޽ͫb  !Pnoq`nList of Newsgroups"Arials?JLJJ`9/ onY ;# ;#rLists appropriate newsgroups`# !mBƭY mBmBmBp` BABM6(x#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c