$ v = f$verify(0) ! PCPRINT.COM $! $! Print VMS files on the printer that is attached to your VT102, $! VT200, or VT300, or PC with MS-DOS Kermit or other VT terminal $! emulator that supports the "transparent print" function. $! $! Author: Mark Buda $! $! Usage: $! pcprint :== @sys$login:pcprint.com $! pcprint file.ext [,...] $! $ print_in_progress = 0 $ type := type $ write := write $ say := write sys$output $ sayerr := write sys$error $ ff[0,7] = 12 $ esc[0,7] = 27 $ rp_on = esc + "[5i" ! Remote printer "ON" sequence $ rp_off = esc + "[4i" ! Remote printer "OFF" sequence $! $ on error then goto exit $ on control_y then goto ctly_exit $! $ file = p1 $check_file: $ file = f$edit(file,"collapse") $ if file .eqs. "" $ then $ read/prompt="_Filename: "/end_of_file=exit sys$command file $ goto check_file $ endif $ f = f$search(file) $ if f .eqs. "" $ then $ sayerr "%PCPRINT-F-FNF, File not found - ''file'" $ goto exit $ endif $ say rp_on $ print_in_progress = 1 $ type 'file' $ print_in_progress = 0 $ say ff $ goto exit $! $ctly_exit: $ if print_in_progress then say ff $ goto exit $! $exit: $ say rp_off $ v = f$verify(v) $ exit