Date: Wed, 11 May 88 09:19:10 PDT From: JAFW801%CALSTATE.BITNET@CUVMA.COLUMBIA.EDU (Jack Bryans) Subject: File MSVRMX.HLP Files for the RMX Portings of MS-Kermit and What To Do With Them The following files constitute the version 2.30 release: MSVRMX.BOO BOO-encoded executable Kermit for iRMX 86 MSVRX2.BOO BOO-encoded executable Kermit for iRMX 286 MSVRMX.DOC Documentation for both OS's MSVRMX.HLP This file MSVRMX.CSD The edit pass SUBMIT file. \ Converts MSSDEF.H & MSS*.ASM MSVRMX.MAC The edit pass macro file. / to MSSDEF.H86 & MSS*.A86 MSURMX.A86 Source code for the keyboard support module for RMX MSXRMX.A86 Source code for the traditional "X" module for RMX MSZRMX.A86 Source code for the DOS emulator and Kermit driver MSVRMX.P86 Source code for the wild card implementing auxiliary command, WC Note that all files but the enBOOed executables apply to both OS's. The MS-Kermit files, MSKERM.DOC, MSKERM.HLP, and MSKERM.BWR provide primary documentation for all version 2.30's. To build Kermit for either iRMX 86 or iRMX 286, get the following files into the same hard disk directory: MSVRMX.CSD, MSVRMX.MAC, MS?RMX.A86, MSVRMX.P86, MSSDEF.H, and MSS*.ASM. Then SUBMIT MSVRMX. (If your system is an 8086, go for a long coffee break.) The edit pass generates MSSDEF.H86 and MSS*.A86 and ASM.CSD, LINK.CSD, BIND.CSD, and BIND2.CSD. When it is done, you can delete MSVRMX.CSD, MSVRMX.MAC, MSSDEF.H, and *.ASM, as well as the link/bind .CSDs that don't apply to your system. LINK.CSD is for iRMX 86, BIND.CSD for iRMX 286, Release 1, and BIND2.CSD for iRMX 286, Release 2ff. Then, SUBMIT ASM(os{,asm-param-list}), where os=86 for iRMX 86 or os=286 for iRMX 286. The optional list of assembly parameters may be as many as five, such as XR,DB,'PW(132)',NOPR (assuming you want the listing you don't need to be wide). Module MSXRMX.A86 gets one warning message on iRMX 286. In all other cases, assembly is zero warnings, zero errors. For iRMX 86, SUBMIT LINK{(link-param-list)}. SUBMIT LINK(PU) produces the shortest module. For iRMX 286, Release 1, SUBMIT BIND{(bind-param-list)}. SUBMIT BIND(NODB) produces the shortest module. For iRMX 286, Release 2ff, SUBMIT BIND2{(bind-param-list)}. SUBMIT BIND2(NODB) produces the shortest module. File MSVRMX.P86 is the source for the wild card auxiliary command, WC. Its comment header contains SUBMIT files to build it. If you rename MSVRMX.P86 to WC.P86 and use an editor to dig the WC.CSD appropriate for your system out of its comments, just SUBMIT WC. Then, as super user, RENAME kermit,wc to :UTILS: PERMIT :UTILS:kermit,:UTILS:wc R U=world and you've got it.