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Fatal: setgid failure. Fatal: C-Kermit setuid to root! sysinit ttyname(0)sysinit CTTNAMsysinit cttnamsysinit uname machinesysinit uname sysnamesysinit uname releasesysinit uname versionUSERsysinit uidbuf from USERLOGNAMEsysinit uidbuf from LOGNAMEsysinit uidbuf from whoami()UNKNOWNsysinit final uidbufJOBACCTPRINTERDISPLAYUNIXLOCATIONsysinit startupdirNCURSES_NO_SETBUF=1ttopen telnetfdttopen ttnamettopen ttnmsvttopen modemttopen netconnttopen ttyfdttopen *lclttopen ttmdmttopen ttnetttopen REOPEN netopenttopen MAXNAMLEN definedttopen BSD4 *NOT* definedttopen BSD42 *NOT* definedttopen MYREAD definedttopen netttopen net ttfdflgttopen net ttyfdttopen PTY: nopushttopen PTYttopen pipe: nopushPipe errorFork errorwfdopen failurettopen net xttopen got open fdttopen non-net ttfdflgttopen non-net ttyfdttopen fdflagAttopen xlocalttopen fnamBttopen ttlockttopen ttlock failsttopen lkfttopen timottopen alarmttopen timed ttyfdttopen untimed ttyfdttopen errnoCttopen substituting 0ttopen perrorWarning, problem releasing lock ttopen EACCESS/dev/null%s is not a terminal device ttopen not a ttyttopen fnam=CTTNAMttopen fnam=cttnamttopen ttyname(ttyfd) xlocalttopen setting ttyfd = 0ttopen stdio redirectedttopen tcgetattr ttold.c_lflagttopen tcgetattr ttraw.c_lflagttopen tcgetattr tttvt.c_lflagttopen O_NDELAYttopen fcntl O_NDELAYttopen fcntl failure to unset O_NDELAYCan't unset O_NDELAYttopen executing close/openttopen calling carrctlttopen carrctl okttopen tcsetattrttopen ttspeedttopen lock filecloseresethangupsetupttclos ttyfdttclos netconnttclos xlocalttclos closing netttclos ttyfd after netclosttclos setting O_NDELAYWarning - Can't set O_NDELAYttclos fcntl failure to set O_NDELAYttclos alarmttclos ALARM TRAP errnottclos() timeout: %s ttclos Attclos exithangupttclos calling tthang()ttclos tthang()ttclos Bttclos calling ttres()ttclos ttres()ttclos Cttclos calling closettclos close()ttclos D?WARNING - close failed: %s errno = %d ttclos failedttclos about to call ttunlckttclos donetthang BSD44ORPOSIX USE_TIOCSDTRtthang BSD44ORPOSIX ioctl TIOCCDTRtthang BSD44ORPOSIX ioctl TIOCSDTRttres 8 bits + even parityttres 8 bits + odd parityttres 8 bits + invalid parity: markttres 8 bits + invalid parity: spacettres BSD44ORPOSIXttres resultttres errnottres return codettlock NOUUCPNOLOCKttpkt parityttpkt xflowttpkt speedttpkt ttpmskttpkt netconnttpkt modes already set, skipping...ttpkt calling ttsspdttpkt ttsspd resultttpkt 2 stopbitsttpkt 1 stopbitttpkt IGNPARttpkt 8 bits + even parityttpkt 8 bits + odd parityttpkt 8 bits + invalid parityttpkt calling tcsetattr(TCSETAW)ttpkt BSD44ORPOSIX tcsetattrttpkt BSD44ORPOSIX tcsetattr errnottpkt okttsetflow flowttsetflow net modemttvt ttyfdttvt tvtflgttvt speedttvt flowttvt curcarrttvt modes already set, skipping...ttvt network connection, skipping...ttvt using external fd, skipping...ttvt setting modes...ttvt SVORPOSIX flow XON/XOFFttvt SVORPOSIX flow NONEttvt SVORPOSIX flow KEEPttvt SVORPOSIX flow HARDttvt 2 stopbitsttvt 1 stopbitttvt hwparity IGNPARttvt 8 bits + even parityttvt 8 bits + odd parityttvt 8 bits + invalid parityttvt BSD44ORPOSIX tcsetattrttvt BSD44ORPOSIX tcsetattr errnottvt okttsspd cpsttsspd ttyfdttsspd xlocalttsspd okttsspd sttsspd failsttsspd tcgetattrttsspd tcsetattrcongspdttspdlist no USETCSETSPEEDttspdlist B50ttspdlist B75ttspdlist B110ttspdlist B134ttspdlist B150ttspdlist B200ttspdlist B300ttspdlist B600ttspdlist B1200ttspdlist B1800ttspdlist B2400ttspdlist B4800ttspdlist B9600ttspdlist B19200ttspdlist B38400ttspdlist B57600ttspdlist B76800ttspdlist B1152000ttspdlist spdlistttgspd ttyfdttgspd cfgetospeed 1 POSIXttgspd cfgetospeed 2 BSDORPOSIXttgspd codettgspd speedttpushback nttpushback my_countmygetbuf IMPROPERLY CALLED with my_countmygetbuf readmygetbuf errnomygetbuf TCP errormygetbuf SERIAL errorSVORPOSIX myfillbuf calling read()SVORPOSIX myfillbufSVORPOSIX myfillbuf ttcarrSVORPOSIX myfillbuf errnottinl calling tn_doop()txttinl tn_doop() returnedu_start and !inserverme_start and server@K@K0K@L\KlK|KKLLttflux my_countttflui le_inbuf chttflui ttpipettflui netfluittflui ttyfdttflui POSIXconbgt process group testjcNOJCconbgt jcconbgt osigintconbgt signal testconbgt isatty testconbgt backgrdconint conistateconint backgrdconint jcconint background ignoring signals, jcconint foreground catching signals, jcconnoi conistatein_chk entryin_chk ttyfdin_chk ttptyin_chk ttpushin_chk close-on-disconnectin_chk carrier lostin_chk ttgmdm I/O errorin_chk ttgmdm gotsigsin_chk FIONREAD return codein_chk FIONREAD countin_chk FIONREAD errnoin_chk my_countin_chk nin_chk resultttxin MYREADttxin myread returnsttxin xttol sttol dblflagttol doubled sttol tryttol okttol write errorttol TCP errorttol partialttoc timeoutttoc flowttoc tcflowttoc errnottinl maxttinl timottinl alarmttinl timoutttinl startttinl eolttinl unsavingttinl myread failure, nttinl myread errnocontinuingttinl EINTR myread iclosingttinl non-EINTR -3ttinl network myread failure^%c... Canceled... ttinl skippingttinl lengthttinl extended lengthttinl bad seqttinl EOP lengthttinl ittinl csavedttinl removedttinl got eolttinl senses parityttinl packet beforettinl packet after ttinl gotttpushttincchttinc le_getcharttinc error on ptyttinc myreadttinc restoring oldalarmttsndb ttyfdsndbrk POSIXsndbrk tcsendbreakttwait select errnottwait OKttwait select xmsleep SELECT 1msleep SELECT 2msleep QNX6 selectgtimer%fgftimer.A{Gzt?ztime s==NULLztime GFTIMER gettimeofdaycongm getting modescongetbuf char losscongetbuf readaheadconcb constateconcb cgmfconcb backgrdconcb ttyfdconcb ttfdflgconcb isattyconcb xsuspendconcb cccbrk.c_flagconcb c_cc[VINTR]concb xconcb errnoconcb returnsconbin constateconbinconbin returnsconres cgmfconres constateconres isatty okconres restoring tcsetattrconres returnsconchk contypttinc LocalEchoInBufconinc(0) errnoconinc timeout logic errorconinc alarm setconinc(timo) nconinc(timo) errnottscarrcarrctlttgmdm K_MDMCTL definedttgmdm TIOCMGET ioctlttgmdm errnottgmdm bitsttgmdm TIOCM_CTS definedttgmdm TIOCM_DSR definedttgmdm TIOCM_CAR definedttgmdm TIOCM_RNG definedttgmdm TIOCM_DTR definedttgmdm TIOCM_RTS definedpriv_opnpriv_opn resultpriv_opn errno?Sorry, device is not open ttruncmd fail: nopushttruncmd systemttruncmd waitttruncmd wait statuspttruncmd wait pexitstatckxfprintf() buffer overflowckxprintf() buffer overflow:%s%s %s UNIX File support, 8.0.200, 4 Mar 2004 QNX6rm -f cp mv pwd ls -l cat Maillpdf who /usr/adm/wtmpWTMP open failedWTMP write errorWTMP record OKcksyslog s1cksyslog s2cksyslog s3%s: %s %scksyslog errno/var/log/iksd.logdoiklog openxferlog open failure %s: %mdoiklog open errnoxferlog: %s open okzopenizopeni chkfnzopeni called with ZSYSFN, failing!Terminal input not allowedzopeni: attempts input from unredirected stdinrzopeni fopenzopeni fullnamefile[%d] %s: open failed (%m)file[%d] %s: open read okzopenozopeno fcb dispzopeno fcb typezopeno fcb charzopeno fcb is NULLzopeno fp[n]=stdoutwazopeno appendzopeno fullnamezopeno fopen argzopeno failed errnoappendcreatefile[%d] %s: %s failed (%m)zopeno zobufsizezopeno ZOFILE nonblockingzopeno ZOFILE unbufferedfile[%d] %s: %s okzopeno okzclose file numberzclose zclosfzclose zclosf fp[n]zclose fclose failszclose error flushing last bufferzclose iklogopen*(pipe)%.24s [BUFFER WOULD OVERFLOW] ikskermit_%.24s %d %s %ld %s %c %s %c %c %s %s %d %s zclose iksdmsgzclose returnszsinl zchin failzsinlzinfill kactiveZINFILL feofzinfill calling ttwaitzinfill ttwaitZINFILL INBUFSIZEzinbuffer is a valid bufferZINFILL about to call freadZINFILL freadZINFILL ferrorZINFILL errnoZINFILL count 0 EOF return -1ZINFILL count 0 not EOF return -2 %czoutdump zoutcntzoutdump wrotezoutdump write errorzoutdump write returnschkfn out of range/dev/nullzgetfs fnamSTATzgetfs S_ISLNK needrlinkzgetfs readlinkzgetfs readlink errnozgetfs readlink resultzgetfs sizezgetfs st_size/dev/ttyzchki stat failszchki not regular file (or fifo)zchki stat ok:zchki access failed:zchki access ok:zchko entryzchko lenzchko zchkodzchko: Malloc error 46 zchko izchko itsadir.zchko access failed:zchko access ok:zdeletzdelet fullnamefile[] %s: delete failed (%m)file[] %s: delete oknzrtol namenzrtol fullnamenzrtol sizing MAXNAMLENnzrtol sizingNONAMEnzrtol new namezstrip beforezstrip after tilde-strippingzstrip afternzltor name.././nzltor fullnamenzltor name2zchdirzchdir 2zchdir 3on_cdHOMEzgtdir SVORPOSIX CWDBLzxcmd fails: nopushzxcmdzxcmd outzxcmd priv_chk failedOKFailedzxcmd popenzxcmd pipe failure/bin/shzxcmd pidSHELLgetpwuid()zxcmd shpath-czxcmd fork failurezxcmd fcntl 1 pipe flagszxcmd fcntl 2 resultzclosf filnumzclosf outzclosf pclosezclosf pexitstatzclosf fp[filnum]zclosf fp[ZSYSFN]zclosf killing pidzclosf wait statuspzclosf wait pexitstatfgen string spacefgen can't malloc string space initspace ssplenzxpand entryzxpand xdironlyzxpand xfilonlyzxpand fn 1zxpand fn 2zxpand isdir 1zxpand fn 3zxpand haveonedir A1zxpand haveonedir A2zxpand haveonedir Bzxpand okzxpand fcountnzxpandnzxpand xmatchdot 1nzxpand xmatchdot 2nzxpand xmatchdot 3nzxpand xdironlynzxpand xfilonlynzxpand xmatchdotnzxpand xrecursivenzxpand xnobackupnzxpand xnolinksznextznewn suffix removalznewn suffix removal 2znewnznewn max 1znewn max 2znewn namepartznewn len.~*~znewn A matches.~%d~znewn A newnameznewn B deltaznewn B matchesznewn B new namezrename oldzrename new/zrename dirzrename no dirzrename rename()zrename link()zrename unlink()zrename zcopy()zrename zdelet()file[] %s: renamed to %s okfile[] %s: rename to %s failed (%m)zcopy src argzcopy dst argzcopy files identical: stat()source file not foundzcopy srczcopy dst 1zcopy files identical: strcmp()zcopy source is directoryzcopy dst 2zcopy dst 3zcopy open sourcezcopy open destzcopy final readzcopy errnofile[] %s: copy to %s failed (%m)file[] %s: copy to %s okzsetperm guestzsetperm errorzsetperm okzgperm----------%ozipermzsattr buf.st_mode & 0777zsattr lpermszsattr gpermsU1zdtstr timearglocaltime returns nullzdtstr tm_yearzstrdt YEAR-2000 ALERT 1: localtime yearzdatstr year%04d%02d%02d %02d:%02d:%02dzdatstrzfcdatzfcdat statzfcdat lstat failedzfcdat buffer.st_mtimezstrdtBad creation date zstrdt date check 1zstrdt date check 2zstrdt date check 3zstrdt so far so goodzstrdt yearzstrdt fails - yearzstrdt 4 bad date zstrdt 6 bad date zstrdt 9 bad date zstrdt 12 bad date zstrdt 15 bad date zstrdt tmx 1zstrdt tmx 3 (DST)KPKKKKKKzlocaltimezlocaltime date check 1zlocaltime date check 2zlocaltime date check 3zlocaltime so far so goodzlocaltime yearzlocaltime fails - yearzlocaltime 4 bad date zlocaltime 6 bad date zlocaltime 9 bad date zlocaltime 12 bad date zlocaltime 15 bad date Pzstimezstime datezstime: nothing to dozstime: zstrdt failszstime: tmzstime: A-pkt date ok zstime: Can't stat file:zstime lpermszstime gpermszstime system idzstime file perms beforezstime isguestzstime ckxpermszstime isguest sb.st_modezstime octal lpermzstime mask 1zstime mask 2zstime gprotectzstime S_IRUSRzstime S_IWUSRzstime S_IXUSRzstime mask xzstime mask x|maskzstime flagzstime S_IFMT x%04ozstime file perms afterzstime: sb.st_atimezstime: SYSUTIMEH modtimezstime setpermszstime DIRECTORY bit onzstime DIRECTORY bit offzstime chmodzstime 0: can't set modtime for filezstime 0: modtime set for filezstime 1: comparepacketzprint filezprint flagszprint printernamezprint printpipecat %s | %scat %s >> %s%s %s < %szprint commandecho splitpath**splitpath mallocsplitpath malloc failuresplitpath xpatlastSPLITPATHfgen patfgen current directoryfgen stathackfgen scratchfgen xpatslashfgen xpatfgen xpatlastfgen xpatabsolutefgentraverse add: end of path segmenttraverse entry sofartraverse entry xpattraverse entry xpatlasttraverse entry pl -> nparttraverse xpatslash absolutetraverse xpatslash relativetraverse xpatslash ckmatchtraverse add: recursive, match, && !isdirtraverse sofar 2traverse segisdirtraverse itswild traverse existstraverse not foundtraverse sofar 3traverse opening directorytraverse opendir()traverse opendir() failedtraverse skippingtraverse add: recursive && isdir && segisdir or matchtraverse mresult xpattraverse mresult pl -> nparttraverse mresult sofar segisdirtraverse mresult sofar itsadirtraverse mresult xmatchdottraverse mresult s1 kludgetraverse mresult depthtraverse mresult xpatslashtraverse mresult nambuftraverse mresult itswildtraverse mresult segisdirtraverse add: match && !itsadiraddresult string space not init'daddresultaddresult skipaddresult ARRAY FULLaddresult lenaddresult OUT OF SPACE?String space %d exhausted - use SET FILE STRINGSPACE to increase ?Too many files (%d max) - use SET FILE LISTSIZE to increase addresult ADDLOGNAMEtilde_expand?Privilege cancellation failure shz_exec commandz_exec arg 0z_exec arg 1z_exec tz_exec errnozshcmd commandzshcmd SHELLzshcmd shpathzshcmd shname-izshcmd exit statusiswildisdir statisdir errnoisdir S_ISLNK islinkisdir islinkisdir statbuf.st_modezmkdirzmkdir tilde_expandzmkdir tp after tilde_expansionzmkdir makingzmkdir failed, errnozfseekzfnqfp fnamezfnqfp xpzfnqfp while *szfnqfp zgtdirzfnqfp buf 1zfnqfp buf 2zfnqfp len/.////../zfnqfp overflowzfnqfp pathzfnqfp namezcmpfn s1zcmpfn s2zcmpfn result?Local resource failure: malloc getpwnam()sgetpwnamuserzvuser ckxsyslogzvuser CKSYSLOG definedlogin: user %sftpanonymouszvuser anonymous ckxanon(unknown host)login: anonymous login not allowed: %szvuser anon forbidden by ftpusers filelogin: anonymous login forbidden by ftpusers file: %szvuser anon sgetpwnam(ftp) OKzvuser anon sgetpwnam(ftp) FAILEDlogin: anonymous getpwnam(ftp) failed: %szvuser sgetpwnam okzvuser shellzvuser checkuserzvuser refused 1login: invalid shell %s for %s %szvuser refused 2login: %s login forbidden by ftpusers file: %szvuser sgetpwnam NULLlogin: getpwnam(%s) failed: %scheckuser name/etc/ftpuserscheckuser userfilecheckuser linecheckuser REFUSEDcheckuser OKlogoutWTMP logoutiksdckermitzsyslog syslog openedxxxxxx(null)zvpasslogin: anonymous guests must specify a passwordxxzvpass deniediks_%04xWTMP loginzvpass anon chrootzvpass anon chroot FAILEDzvpass anon chdir FAILEDzvpass anon chroot/chdir OKzvpass non-guest chdir FAILEDzvpass non-guest chdir OKzvpass setuid FAILEDzvpass setuid OKGUEST fncact=Ranonymous:Anonymous login. login: anonymous %s %sUser %s logged in. login: %s %sUSER=LOGNAME=HOME=zvpass guestzvpass zvunamezvpass guestpasszvpass dirzvpass homezvpass anonrootC-Kermit functions, 8.0.223, 1 May 2003EnabledRemote onlyLocal onlyDisabledError receiving filedates-differupdateaskdiscardappendbackupreplacerenameSERIOUS ERROR: encstr data == NULLencstrencstr memptr 1encstr spsizencstr getpkt rcencstr string too bigputfilputfil zchout write error, setting czseenBDECODEbdecode write error - errno%cxpnbyte RESETxpnbyte axpnbyte UTF-8 conversion errorxpnbyte haveuc[A]xpnbyte uc.x_shortxpnbyte feol[B]xpnbyte bufxpnbyte ucxpnbyte sjxpnbyte euxpnbyte bad euxpnbyte impossible combinationxpnbyte BAD FALLTHRUDECODEdecode write errnomaxdata spsiz 1maxdata spsiz 2maxdata len 1maxdata len 2SERIOUS ERROR: bgetpkt data == NULLbgetpkt bufmaxbgetpkt timeout sizebgetpkt: input errorbgetpkt empty filexgnbyte initial swapxgnbyte from bufzminchar swappingzminchar C0zminchar C1xgnbyte 1st UCS2Axgnbyte fileorderBxgnbyte UCS2 goodbom swapxgnbyte UCS2 badbom swapxgnbyte UCS2 noBOM swapCxgnbyte UCS2xgnbyte UTF-8 input errorxgnbyte UTF8->UCS2XGNBYTE EOFXGNBYTE xXGNBYTE KANA SJxgnbyte zminchar 1[UNICODE][other]xgnbyte thischarxgnbyte EOF on Ctrl-Z 1xgnbyte uc eolxgnbyte xx rcxgnbyte xx ucxgnbyte UCS->EUC UCSxgnbyte UCS->EUC EUCxgnbyte UCS->EUC xlabuf[0]xgnbyte UCS->EUC xlacountxgnbyte UCS->EUC rcxgnbyte decoding errorxgnbyte xcxgnbyte ucs2_to_utf8 errorxgnbyte UTF8 buf[0]xgnbyte UTF8 xlabufxgnbyte UTF8 xlacountxgnbyte errorxgnbyte send CRLFxgnbyte->UCS2BExgnbyte cxgnbyte xlaptrxgnbyte xlabufBAD BAD xgnbyte bad xlatypeSERIOUS ERROR: getpkt data == NULLgetpkt first uflaggetpkt first rtgetpkt zkanji: input errorgetpkt zkanji: empty string/filegetpkt: empty stringgetpkt funcstrgetpkt xgnbytegetpkt zminchar Agetpkt zminchar Bgetpkt timeout sizegetpkt: input errorgetpkt empty filegetpkt 1st chargetpkt eof crc16getpkt eof ffcgetpkt nleftgetpkt EOPgetpkt leftovergetpkt osizegetpkt eof/eottinit flagtinit spsiztinit timinttinit winlotinit getsbufpktinit winloTransaction beginsbinarytextGlobal file mode:Collision action:rinit fncactresetc fsizefnlist: no memory for cmargbuffnlist nfilsfnlist cmargfnlist cmarg2stdinCalibrationsinit xpsinit gnfilesinit gnfilNo files meet selection criteriaToo many files match wildcardCancelledRead access deniedFile is not readableNo files matchFile not foundsinit nfilssinit filnamsinit msg?%s sinit okPbXb`bhbpbxbxbsipkt pktnumsipkt getsbufxsinit krcvfil rdatapCALIBRATENONAME Incoming file from Kermit server... Please confirm output file specification or supply an alternative: Incoming file from remote Kermit... Please confirm output file specification or supply an alternative:Refused by userAccess deniedrcvfil rcvexceptrcvfil skippingException listrcvfil discard refused: exception listrcvfil cmarg2rcvfil srvcmd 2rcvfil access deniedWrite access deniedrcvfil srvcmd 1Receivingrcvfil pipesendrcvfil rcvfilter rcvfile pipesend filterrcvfil pipename?Sorry, receive filter + filename too long, %d max. Name too longrcvfil asrcvfil dirflgrcvfil ofn1len/dev/nullrcvfil existsrcvfil permsrcvfil fncactrcvfil appendCan't append to a directory error - can't append to directory appending toCan't rename existing directory error - can't rename directory backup:rcvfil backup ofn1rcvfil backup ofn2 refused: namercvfil overwriteCan't overwrite existing directory error - can't overwrite directoryoverwritingrcvfil updateFile has same name as existing directory error - directory exists:rcvfil bad collision actionrcvfil ofn1rcvfil ofn2rcvfil ofpermsrcvfil calling zmkdirzmkdir fails error - directory creation failure:Directory creation failure. path created:rcvfil fspecrcvfilx: nrcvfilx: ofn1rcvfil fpfsecsppPonpq,qreof fncactreof discardreof discardingreof successreof cxseenreof czseenreof rdatapreof o_isopenreof lastcharreof closfreof MOVE zrename moving received file to FAILED to move received file toreof RENAME zrename renaming received file to FAILED to rename received file toreof returnssfile send filter sfile xsfile notafilesfile restored tcharsetsfile restored fcharsetsfile cmarg2sfile binary 1sfile wearealikesfile xfermodesfile filepeeksfile s_csetsfile tcharsetsfile xfrxlasfile scanfilesfile scanfile textsfile scanfile text7sfile scanfile 7 fcharsetsfile scanfile 7 tcharsetsfile scanfile text8sfile scanfile 8 fcharsetsfile scanfile 8 tcharsetsfile scanfile Unicodesfile Unicode tcharsetsfile scanfile binarysfile binary 2sfile sendmodesfile pktnamsfile fnspathsfile fncnvU1UNsfile xpathsfile xfncnvFILE%02ldsfile filnam 1sfile pktnam 1sfile pipesend filtersfile pipename?Sorry, send filter + filename too long, %d max. sfile filnam 2sfile pktnam 2sfile error - Recover vs TextRecovery attempted in TEXT mode: sfile X packetsfile binarySendingsfile q as mode: binary mode: texttransparent character set xfer character set file character setSending from:SFILE fpfsecsSFILE fsecs4~~sdata entry, firstsdata drainsdata draining, winlosdata sbufnumsdata countdownsdata streaming pktnumsdata nxtpkt pktnumsdata packetsdata cx/zseen windowingsdata cx/zseen nonwindowingsdata spsizsdata binarysdata paritysdata eof, drainsdata pktnumsdata lensdata datasdata spacksdata ttchkszeofDseofseof can't get s-buffersxeof nxtpkt failssxeof packetseot nxtpktrpar max 1rpar sprmlenrpar max 2rpar 8bq sqrpar 8bq ebqrpar xfermoderpar whatami2rparspar biggest 1spar rprmlenrpar biggest 2spar packetspar 8bq rqspar 8bq sqspar 8bq ebqspar 8bq rqfspar setting parity to spacespar capasspar lscapuspar lscaprspar ebqflgspar swcaprspar swcapuspar yspar lpcapuspar lp lenspar slow-start spsizspar lp spmaxspar windowspar window after adjustmentspar no windowsspar sending, redefine spmaxspar biggestspar whatruspar streamokspar clearrqspar urclearspar sysindex xspar sysindex yspar sysindex biggestspar whoareyouspar sysindexspar whatru2spar whatru2 xfermodeRemote system type: proto whoareuD7proto special VMS prefixinggnfile sndsrcgnfile filcntgnfile whatgnfile recursivegnfile dodirstoognfile binary = gnf_binarygnfile pipesendgnfile calibrateCALIBRATIONgnfile arrayTransaction cancelledgnfile czseengnfile filefile EOFgnfile filefile filnamgnfile nfils?Internal error expanding ADD list gnfile addlist filnamgnfile cmlist filnamgnfile ngetpathgnfile getpathgnfile absolute.gnfile wildgnfile nzxpandgnfile znext Agnfile gnferror Agnfile gnferror Bgnfile donegnfile znext Xgnfile znext Bgnfile FTP MPUT /RECURSIVEgnfile znext Cgnfile setting sndsrc backgnfile fullnamegnfile zchkignfile gnferror Cgnfile -1gnfile skipping:: open failure - skippedSkippedgnfile -3gnfile fileselectgnfile gnferror Dgnfile result Client Command Status Description REMOTE LOGIN required Transfer file(s) from server to client. GET %-14s%s Transfer file(s) from client to server. SEND %-14s%s Send file(s) as e-mail. MAIL %-14s%s Assign value to server variable or macro. REMOTE ASSIGN %-14s%s Change server's directory. REMOTE CD %-14s%s Copy a file on the server. REMOTE COPY %-14s%s Delete a file on the server. REMOTE DELETE %-14s%s List files on the server. REMOTE DIRECTORY %-14s%s Exit from Kermit server program. REMOTE EXIT %-14s%s Execute a shell command on the server. REMOTE HOST %-14s%s Send a file to the server for printing. REMOTE PRINT %-14s%s Get value of server variable or macro. REMOTE QUERY %-14s%s Create a directory on the server. REMOTE MKDIR %-14s%s Remove a directory on the server. REMOTE RMDIR %-14s%s Rename a file on the server. REMOTE RENAME %-14s%s Set a parameter on the server REMOTE SET %-14s%s Inquire about disk space on the server. REMOTE SPACE %-14s%s Display a server file on your screen. REMOTE TYPE %-14s%s List who is logged in to the server. REMOTE WHO %-14s%s Return the server to its command prompt. FINISH %-14s%s Log the server out and disconnect. BYE %-14s%s ıLp,Pt̳8\Ĵ REMOTE HELPC-Kermit %s,%s Internet Kermit Service (EXPERIMENTAL) typenxtdir funcnxtnxtdir funclennxtdir funcbufnxtdir return 1*.~[0-9]*~nxtdir ckmatchnxtdir zgetfsnxtdir zcfdat0000-00-00 00:00:00domydir permsnxtdir linkname%10s%-10s %s %s %-10s %s %s -> %10s%10ld %s %s%s%s %10ld %s %s%s%s syies%sSummary: %ld director%s, %ld file%s, %ld byte%s%snxtdir return 2snddir matchdotsnddir dir_dotssnddir sd_dotsnddir name./*snddir name 1snddir name 2Listing files: %s%s%s*/*snddir directorysnddir nzxoptssnddir nzxpand nxpndDIRECTORY %sDIRECTORYsinit()snddirskipping %10s: %s%sdeleted directory: %s%s%s%ld file%s deleted, %ld byte%s freed%sDeleting "%s"%sREMOTE DELETEDirectory requested: cwdChanged directory tocwd failedFailed to change directory tosyscmdsyscmd zxcmd oksyscmd zxcmd failedremsetremset tcharset lookupremset tcharsetremset tcharset fcharsetremset xlatyperemset tcharset after setxlatypeRSET FILE CHAR nameREMOTE SET xfermode $<Tl $<Tl| ,@(LHadjpkl lenadjpkl slotsadjpkl bufsizadjpkl new lenwhoarewe xfermodewhoarewe g_xfermodewhoarewe remote sysidL3N3whoarewe wearealikewhoarewe setting fncnvwhoarewe setting binaryRTT RECVRTT RECV ERROR spacketsRTT RECV ERROR sequenceRTT SENDRTT SEND ERRORRTT z scaledRTT rcvtimo (float)RTT final rcvtimo@HzG@@@?input sstateinput nakstateinput sndtypinput xitstainput whatinput CONNECTION BROKENinput winloinput rseqtbl[winlo]input return pre-stashed packetinput rpackinput echo discardedinput type D=input typeUser cancelled.FAILED - InterruptedFAILED - Connection lostReceive window fullrpack receive window full wslots winlo pktnumTransmission error on reliable link.input got E, nakstateZZZ crunched zZZZ xZZZ x not recd yetZZZ x not NAK'd yetZZZ NAKing winloToo many retries.SERVER IDLE TIMEOUTinput receive-state timeout, winloinput sending NAK for winloinput sent too many naksinput rsn=winloinput out of sequence, rsninput rseqtbl[rsn]input recv can't find index for rcvd pktSliding windows protocol error.input recv chkwinSequence error on reliable link.STREAMING input streamingSTREAMING input sndtypinput send returning pre-stashed ACKinput streaming typeinput sendecho discardedInterruptedConnection lostinput send got E, nakstateToo many retriesinput send state timeout, winloinput send resending winloinput send too many resendsinput T cut packet lengthinput send rsninput send winloinput send chkwinbestlen ack xbestlen ack typebestlen Bbestlen retrybestlen lenbestlen spacketsbestlen Abestlen wslotsbestlen maxsendbestlen spsiz Abestlen spsiz Bbestlen spsiz Cbestlen spsiz Dinput send rotated send windowinput send mark pktinput send ACK for previousinput send ACK out of windowNAK received on reliable link.input send NAKinput N cut packet length in windowNAK for next packet, windowingNAK for next packet, no windowing NAK out of windowNAK out of windowinput send unexpected typeinput about to flushinput rsninput returning typeparchk nparchk startchktimo streamingchktimo timochktimo flagchktimo spmaxchktimo urpsizchktimo plenchktimo new timospack nspack dataspack dspack lenspack copyspack mydataspack sseqtbl[n]spack sending packet out of windowSTREAMING spack skippingspack spktlspack ttol returnsFAILED: Connection lostspack ttol msecspack calling screen, mydata=@@chk1chk2chk3nxtpkt pktnumnxtpkt winlo nxtpkt nnxtpkt chkwinnxtpkt getsbuf failureSTREAMING fastack kSTREAMING fastack can't getsbufSTREAMING fastack xacknsackns kackns can't getsbufackns winloackns nack1nack bad pkt numnacknack can't getsbufresend seqRetransmissionresend PKT NOT IN WINDOWresend kresend pktinfo indexresend retry(resend)resend ttol msecresend ttol returns@@errpktProtocol Error:errpkt drainingDraining incoming packets, wait...Drain complete.?scmdString too longscmd spackGET Packet Internal Error 1sopkt NULL listsopktsopkt encstrsopkt overflowGET Packet Too Long for Serversopkt leftoversopkt fieldGET Packet Internal Error 8@ sopkt o->opktitemsopkt datasopkt opktcntGET Packet Internal Error 9sopkt pktnumsopkt spackSend Packet Failuresopkt rcsrinit recursivesrinit regetsrinit retrievesrinit opktsrinit ooptssrinit omodesrinit cmargGET with no filenamesrinit null cmargGET Packet Internal Error 2srinit malloc fail O1Ox%dGET Packet Internal Error 3srinit malloc fail O2GET Packet Internal Error 4srinit malloc fail M1Mx%dGET Packet Internal Error 5GET Packet Internal Error 6srinit malloc fail F1GET Packet Internal Error 7srinit malloc fail F2ch == LFkstartch = CRkstart SOPkstart EOLkstart EOP chkspktkstart ksbufp - ksbuf >= 94B00zstart Zmodem SOPZmodem downloadreceive /protocol:zmodemset proto kermit, server, set protocol gset proto kermit,server,set proto xmodemset proto kermit,server,set proto xmodem-crcset proto kermit,server, set protocol yset proto kermit,server,set proto zmodemserverreceive /protocol:kermit      rpack pktnumrpack getrbufrpack ksbufautodownload parityautodownload parchkrpack timintrpack rcvtimorpack streamingrpack timint 0 || streaming but rcvtimorpack ttinl lenrpack ttinl msecrpack: ttinl failsrpack ^C serverrpack ^C en_finrpack fatalioBad packet headerrpack packet length less than 3Bad packet lengthrpack bad sequence numberBad sequence numberrpack echorpack bctlrpack chklenpacket too longrpack block check Bchecked charsblock check (1)should be (1)Checksum errorblock check (2)should be (2)block check (3)should be (3)CRC errorbad type B block check(crunched)rpack block check OKrpack got dup@@%c-xx-%02d-%c-%02d-%02d- tstats xfsecststats filcnttstats fpxfsecststats fptsecsTransaction complete files transferred total file characters communication line in communication line out elapsed time (seconds) effective data rate {Gzt?A{Gzt?Afstats tfcfstats whatfstats epktmsg complete, sizeckmkdir 1 fc: no name givenmkdirrmdirckmkdir 2+UNIXOROSKckmkdir 3ckmkdir 4ckmkdir rcnot implemented in this version of C-KermitcreationremovalDirectory %s : : removeduprsizdofastinibufs sinibufs rini_pkts: no memory for s_pktinibufs size 1inibufs size zinibufs overflowinibufs bigbuf malloc failedinibufs size 2inibufs bigsbsizinibufs bigrbsizmakebufmakebuf bufsizmakebuf MAXWSmksbuf makebuf returnmkrbuf makebuf returnwindowgetsbuf bad arggetsbuf packetgetsbuf pgetsbuf data == NULLgetrbuf new rbufnumfreesbuf sseqtbl[n]freerbuf no such slotfreerbuf packetfreerbuf rbufnumfreerpkt seqchkwin packetchkwin winlochkwin slotsSEND BUFFERS:buffer inuse address length data type seq flag retries%4d%6d%10d%5d%6d%4c%5d%6d ...[%.72s%s] [(empty string)] [(null pointer)] free: %d, winlo: %d RECEIVE BUFFERS:sattr flagsattr notafile datesattr zsattrsattr init max%ld%d@sattrsattr numsetsattr leftsattr sendingname>=<;:98765432sys-dependentformatoriginprotectiondispositionencodingaccessblocksizepasswordareaaccountcreatordatetypesizeunknownrsattrrsattr refused refused:rsattr RESEND nrsattr RESEND zrsattr RESEND sendstartgtattr: no memory for dsbufgattr bad recfmgattr file typegattr binary 1 refused: typegattr binary 2gattr binary 3 refused: dategattr encodingAgattr sets tcharset TC_TRANSPCI196I190I6/204I6/100gattr xfer charset lookupgattr: xfer charset unknown refused: character setgattr switch tcharsetgattr fcharsetgattr switch fcharsetgattr unk encoding attribute refused: encoding refused: bad dispositiongattr dispos refused: mail disabled refused: print disabledgattr RESENDgattr: no memory for spbufgattr length refused: length bytes refused: length Kgattr fsizeN+gattr RESEND not binarygattr RESEND OKN?gattr returndC`DEdNdNdNdNFdNFJMN\LCL?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????? !c#$Y|P"Ca"~-R_o?23'u--,1o"????AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOxOUUUUYTsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo/ouuuuyty  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ɻȼ̹ڿôŰ՟Ͼ󨷵ǎԐѥ噞ᅠƄФ  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ןѪÄȞϕ̋յݯ  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Ӵܤ妧ҭ۱׵ϲ  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KERMIT READY TO SERVE...Entering server mode on Type Ctrl-C to quit.Return to your local Kermit and give a SEND command.KERMIT READY TO RECEIVE...Return to your local Kermit and give a RECEIVE command.KERMIT READY TO SEND...Return to your local Kermit and give a SERVER command.KERMIT READY TO GET...KERMIT READY TO SEND SERVER COMMAND...proto calling wart, justoneC-Kermit server doneGET disabledsgetinit whatrusgetinit binary (1)sgetinit binary (2)sgetinit csgetinit lensgetinit psgetinit O valsgetinit M valsgetinit filenamesgetinit EOPUnknown GET Parametersgetinit unknown parametersgetinit unquoted filenamesgetinitsgetinit pipesendsgetinit Asgetinit Bsgetinit O-Packet TBCsgetinit O-Packet done - havefsGET without filenamesgetinit winloCommand package 8.0.157, 11 May 2003DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanseptemberoctobernovembermaymarchjunejulyjanuaryfebruarydecemberaugustaprilCommand? :%s %s%s%s ?Memory allocation failure ?Name too long - %s prompt sxprompt sy%s %spushcmd savbufpushqcmd savbuffatal error: unable to allocate command bufferscmini dpx&cmpush to depthcmpush: no memory for cmp&cmpop called from top level&cmpop to depthcmnum: illegal radix - %d cmnum: cmfld-1cmnum 1st chknum okcmnum xxesc okcmnum zp 1cmnum zp 2cmnum 2nd chknum okcmnum xxesc 2 okcmnum exp eval okOutput filecmofi xdefcmofi cmfld returnscmofi 1.5cmofi 2?Name too long cmofi 3?Wildcards not allowed - %s cmofi 4cmofi 5: is directory/dev/ttycmofi 6: failure?Write permission denied - %s cmofi 7: okcmifi dcmifi nzxoptscmifi2 path?Default name too long cmifi gtwordcmifi switch x IKSD IDLE TIMEOUT: %d sec Command or field too long cmifi brstripExpanded name too long cmifi tilde_expand?cmifi: malloc error cmifi svcmifi itsadircmifi dirflg...cmifi nzxopts 2cmifi nzxpand 2cmifi y itsadircmifi *xp pre-zxpandcmifi y nzxpandcmifi y atmbufcmifi diractive catch-all zxpandcmifi diractive nzxpandcmifi sv wildcmifi y?Wildcard matches more than one directory cmifip hasnopath/cmifip add pathdirectoriesfiles?No %s match - %s ?Too many %s match - %s cmifi sv not wildcmifi nfiles?Not a directory - %s ?Read permission denied ?Read permission denied - %s ?File not readable - %s ?File not found - %s cmifi esc, xc%s Default name too long %ccmifi tilde_expand Acmifi tilde_expand Bcmifi tilde_expand xc cmifi nzxpandcmifi filbufcmifi *xpcmifi partialcmifi childrencmifi REPAINT filbufcmifi REPAINT cccmifi REPAINT xccmifi REPAINT bp-cccmifi REPAINT bp-xccmifi erase okcmifi partial cmdbuf?Partial name too long cmifi partial atmbufcmifi unique?Directory name too long cmifi directory atmbufcmifi after erase sp=?Completed name too long Directory name Input file specification %scmifi ? *xp, cccmifi ? wildcmifi matchdot: %s %s%s, one of the following: @A[[[[A[AA,A,AKXcmfld xdef 1cmfld xdef 2cmfld atmbuf 1?Default too long cmfld atmbuf 2cmfld gtwordcmfld xcmfld 1cmfld 2cmfld 3Value too long cmfld 4cmfld returnscmfld QUESTIONMARK Please complete this field %s%scmfld gtword A xcmfld gtword B x`]____^^^^t]t]^_cmtxt cmflgscmtxt calling (*f)cmtxt (*f)cmtxt: addbuf Text string?Unexpected return code from gtword() - %d aadddd3cd3c3cabDate and/or timecmdate cmfld rccmdate 1cmdate 2?Evaluated date too long ?%s CMD(P)command?Command history error %s awcmcfm: cmflgscmcfm: atmbuf?Not confirmed - %s Press the Return or Enter key to confirm the command HUUU\pcmfdb in->fcodecmfdb cmnumcmfdb cmoficmfdb cmifi2 xcmfdb cmifi2 ncmfdb cmfldcmfdb cmtxtcmfdb cmkeycmfdb cmcfmcmfdb - unexpected function code?cmfdb - unexpected function code: %d cmfdb xcmfdb cmflgscmfdb crflagcmfdb qmflagcmfdb esflagcmfdb out->nresultcmfdb failure xcmfdb failure errbitsDoes not match filename or switchDoes not match filename or keywordNot a number or valid keywordNot a number or valid switchNot valid in this position?%s: "%s" x4$ungword cmflgsunungw atmbuf?Saved word too long gtword ungw return atmbufgtword cexitinggtword c < 0gtword EOF?Field too long error 1 gtword too long #1gtword iscontdgtword too long #2?Field too long error 2 Arrowkey ESC cmdconchkArrowkey ESC c2Arrowkey ESC c3gtword too long ??Too long gtword too long Esc %s %s%s?Command too long, maximum length: %d. ?Command buffer overflow pushccmdgetc()gtword CR telnet errorcmdconchk NOARROWKEYS x sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssTABLE OUT OF ORDER [%s] [%s] lookupplus supplements at http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit.html.2nd Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann 1997, ISBN 1-55558-164-1,DOCUMENTATION: "Using C-Kermit" by Frank da Cruz and Christine M. Gianone, Type HELP OPTIONS for help with command-line options. for a menu (context-sensitive help, menu on demand). Press ? (question mark) at the prompt, or anywhere within a command, Type SUPPORT to learn how to get technical support. Type NEWS for news about new features. Type MANUAL to access the C-Kermit manual page. Type HELP followed by a command name for help about a specific command. Type LICENSE to see the C-Kermit license. Type INTRO for a brief introduction to C-Kermit. Type EXIT to exit.Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Project website, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/.To order: +1 212 854-3703 or +1 800 366-2665. More info at the Kermit2nd Edition, Digital Press / Butterworth-Heinemann 1997, ISBN 1-55558-164-1. Type LOGOUT (or EXIT) to log out. Type VERSION for version and copyright information. Type INTRO for a brief introduction to Kermit commands.check with the Kermit Project to see if there have been updates.If the release date shown by the VERSION command is long past, be sure to which documents the new features of C-Kermit 8.0. 3. http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit80.html which documents the new features of C-Kermit 7.0. 2. http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckermit70.html 1. "Using C-Kermit", second edition (1997), current with C-Kermit 6.0.Documentation: . Performance improvements and bug fixes . Lots of script programming improvements . LISP-like S-Expressions and natural floating-point arithmetic . Learned scripts . File scanning for automatic text/binary determination . Telnet Com Port Option for dialing from Telnet modem servers . A new built-in FTP clientWelcome to C-Kermit 8.0.206. Major new features include: USA New York NY 10025-7799 Fax: +1 (212) 662-6442 612 West 115th Street Voice: +1 (212) 854-3703 Columbia University Web: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ The Kermit Project E-mail: kermit@columbia.edureleases, and information about other Kermit software, contact:where xxx is the name of the command. For documentation, news of newFor further information about a particular command, type HELP xxx, http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckscripts.html Read the manual, "Using C-Kermit". For a brief tutorial, visit:To learn about script programming and automation: http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/ckututor.htmlFor a C-Kermit tutorial, visit: SHOW COMMUNICATIONS, SHOW TERMINAL, SHOW FILE, SHOW PROTOCOL, etc.To display other settings: SHOW ESCAPETo display your escape character: Type your escape character followed by the letter C.To return from a terminal connection to the C-Kermit prompt: FTP [ OPEN ] Make an FTP connection SSH [ OPEN ] Select an SSH host and CONNECT to it RLOGIN Select an Rlogin host and CONNECT to it TELNET Select a Telnet host and CONNECT to it SET HOST Make a network connection but stay in command mode SET NETWORK TYPE Select network type (if more than one available) LOOKUP Lookup entries in your network directory SET NETWORK DIRECTORY Specify a network services directory (optional)To make a network connection:(*) (For use with optional dialing directory)Further info: HELP DIAL, HELP SET MODEM, HELP SET LINE, HELP SET DIAL CONNECT Begin terminal connection DIAL Dial the phone number SET PARITY Communications parity (if necessary) SET SPEED Select communication speed SET LINE Select serial communication device SET MODEM TYPE Select modem type LOOKUP Lookup entries in your dialing directory (*) SET DIAL AREA-CODE Area-code you are dialing from (*) SET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE Country you are dialing from (*) SET DIAL DIRECTORY Specify dialing directory file (optional)To dial out with a modem: CONNECT Begin terminal connection SET FLOW Communications flow control, such as RTS/CTS SET PARITY Communications parity (if necessary) SET SPEED Select communication speed SET LINE Select serial communication deviceTo make a direct serial connection: SET PREFIXING Amount of control-character prefixing SET WINDOW Number of sliding window slots SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH Kermit packet sizeFile-transfer performance fine tuning: ROBUST Use extremely slow and cautious settings CAUTIOUS Use slower, more cautious settings FAST Use fast settings -- THIS IS THE DEFAULTFile-transfer speed selection: SERVER Be a Kermit server REGET Recover an interrupted get from a server RESEND Recover an interrupted send GET Get files from a Kermit server RECEIVE Receive files SEND Send filesCommands for file transfer: ORIENTATION Explains directory structure TYPE Display a file on your screen TAKE Execute commands from a file HELP command Request help about the given command HELP Request general help EXIT Exit from KermitBasic commands:Command words other than filenames can be abbreviated in most contexts.Examples: C:/TMP/README.TXT, C:\\TMP\\README.TXT.or double backslash (\\) as the directory separator in most contexts.you must enter DOS, Windows, or OS/2 pathnames using either forward slash (/)IMPORTANT: Since backslash (\) is Kermit's command-line escape character, or introduce a backslash code, variable, or function. . \ (backslash) include the following character literally . ESC (or TAB) Attempt to complete the current field. . ? (question mark) Display a menu for the current command field. . CTRL-N: Command recall - go forward in command recall buffer. . CTRL-B: Command recall - same as Ctrl-P. . CTRL-P: Command recall - go backwards in command recall buffer. . CTRL-R: Redisplay the current line. . CTRL-U: Delete the current line. . CTRL-W: Delete the most recent word typed. . DEL, RUBOUT, BACKSPACE, CTRL-H: Delete the most recent character typed.While typing commands, you may use the following special characters: - Internet Kermit Service - FTP sessions - Rlogin sessions - SSH connections via external agent - Telnet sessions . TCP/IP network connections: . Automatic modem dialing . Serial connections, direct or dialed.Supporting: . Numeric and alphanumeric paging . International character set conversion . Script programming . Terminal connection . Error-free and efficient file transferWelcome to UNIX C-Kermit communications software for: MATCH DOTFILE default is OFF in UNIX, ON elsewhere. with period) or UNIX FIFO special files. MATCH FIFO default is OFF. Tells whether wildcards should match dotfiles (files whose names beginSET MATCH { DOTFILE, FIFO } { ON, OFF } shell. command, the command is executed on the host instead of an interactive external ssh program may be included. If the hostname is followed by a COMMAND string, which is "ssh -e none" by default. Options for the Makes an SSH connection using the external ssh program via the SET SSHSyntax: SSH [ options ] [ command ] By default it is "ssh -e none" (ssh with no escape character). Specifies the external command to be used to make an SSH connection.Syntax: SET SSH COMMAND command Also see HELP REMOTE, HELP SET LOCUS, HELP FTP. NOTE: PUT includes SEND, MPUT, MSEND, and all other similar commands. to KERMIT forces these commands to be treated as Kermit client commands. Kermit to treat GET, PUT, and REMOTE as FTP client commands; setting this when you give a GET, PUT, or REMOTE command. SET GET-PUT-REMOTE FTP forces if you have only one active connection, the appropriate action is taken at a Kermit server or an FTP server. The default is AUTO, meaning that Tells Kermit whether GET, PUT, and REMOTE commands should be directedSyntax: SET GET-PUT-REMOTE { AUTO, FTP, KERMIT} SET LOCUS AUTO restores automatic switching. the locus as indicated and disables automatic switching. If you give a SET LOCUS LOCAL or SET LOCUS REMOTE command, this sets or make any other kind of connection, the Locus becomes LOCAL. FTP connection, the Locus becomes REMOTE; if you close an FTP connection automatically whenever you make or close a connection: if you make an By default, the Locus for file management commands is switched on. SHOW COMMAND shows the current Locus. etc. To force remote execution, use the R-prefix: RCD, RDIR, and so these commands to be executed locally, give it an L-prefix: LCD, LDIR, CDUP, DIRECTORY, DELETE, RENAME, MKDIR, and RMDIR. To force any of server) sent to the server. The affected commands are: CD (CWD), PWD, locally or (when there is a connection to a remote FTP or Kermit Specifies whether unprefixed file management commands should operateSyntax: SET LOCUS { AUTO, LOCAL, REMOTE } up to any reasonable depth of nesting. through \%9. Kermit command files may themselves contain TAKE commands, words, are automatically assigned to the macro argument variables \%1 Tells Kermit to execute commands from the named file. Optional argumentSyntax: TAKE filename [ arguments ]The default is ON, meaning to use passive mode. SET FTP PASSIVE-MODE { ON, OFF }In Kermit's FTP client, passive mode is controlled with the command:own port filtering firewalls then data channels cannot be established.active mode must be used. If both the client and server are behind theiraddress space. If the server is behind a firewall then the traditionallong as the client is behind the firewall and the server is in publicconnection with the server as the destination. This works just fine asserver establishing a connection to the client, the client makes a secondthe data channels are created in the reverse direction. Instead of theLater, FTP protocol added a "passive" mode, in which connections forfiltering firewalls.address and port provided by the client. This doesn't work with portserver to establish the data connection to the client using a destinationmultiple connections. As described above, FTP originally required theFTP is one of the few well-known Internet services that requiresFirewall Traversal in C-Kermit COMMAND HISTORY Saves the current command recall (history) buffer KEYMAP Saves the current key settings. existing file. Items: by default; include APPEND at the end of the command to append to an Saves the requested material in the given file. A new file is createdSyntax: SAVE item filename { NEW, APPEND } SHOW VARIABLE TERMINAL, SHOW VARIABLE COLS, SHOW VAR ROWS, SHOW COMMAND.Also see: size, the appropriate number is substituted. too large for what Kermit or the operating system thinks is your screen the lower right corner is 24 80. If a row or column number is given that numbers are 1-based so on a 24x80 screen, the home position is 1 1 and Moves the cursor to the indicated row and column. The row and columnSCREEN MOVE row column Clears from the current cursor position to the end of the line.SCREEN CLEOL Synonyms: CLS, CLEAR SCREEN. Moves the cursor to home position and clears the entire screen.SCREEN CLEAR the emulation you are viewing C-Kermit through. that the host terminal type is set to agree with the kind of terminal or depends on proper terminal setup on both ends of the connection -- mainly Performs screen-formatting actions. Correct operation of these commandsSyntax: SCREEN { CLEAR, CLEOL, MOVE row column } Word number n, if there is one, otherwise an empty string.Returns string: Nesting is possible with {}()[]<> but not with quotes or apostrophes. 32 = angle brackets: 16 = square brackets: [a b c] 8 = parentheses: (a b c) 4 = apostrophes: 'a b c' 2 = braces: {a b c} 1 = doublequotes: "a b c" brackets selected by the sum of the following: If grouping mask given and nonzero, words can be grouped by quotes or Default include set is null. ASCII (C0) control characters are always treated as break characters. Default break set is all characters except ASCII letters and digits. 1 = don't collapse adjacent separators. 0 = collapse adjacent separators n3 = optional separator flag: n2 = optional grouping mask. s3 = optional include set. s2 = optional break set. n1 = word number (1-based) s1 = source string\fword(s1,n1,s2,s3,n2,n3) - Extract word from string. used as the new prompt for this level, e.g. "prompt Breakpoint_1>". is like setting a breakpoint. If the optional text is included, it is Kermit to serve as its own debugger; adding the PROMPT command to a script to be given, in any number, prior to returning to the script, allowing command allows variables to be examined or changed, or any other commands SHOW STACK, TRACE, and Ctrl-C all have their normal effects. The PROMPT the script can be continued with an END or RETURN command. STOP, EXIT, Enters interactive command level from within a script in such a way thatSyntax: PROMPT [ text ] PATTERNS for details). case it is treated as a pattern rather than a literal string (HELP format. The text, if given, can be a \pattern() invocation, in which MINPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT. See HELP PAUSE for details on time-of-day For use in script programs with IF FAILURE and IF SUCCESS. Also see succeed. If the interval is negative, the INPUT command waits forever. text must already be available for reading for the INPUT command to timeout interval is 0, the INPUT command does not wait; i.e. the given communication connection until the timeout interval expires. If the does not attempt to match any characters, but continues reading from the INPUT waits for any character. If the /NOMATCH switch is included, INPUT for the given text to arrive on the connection. If no text is given, Waits up to the given number of seconds, or until the given time of day,Example: INPUT 5 Login: or INPUT 23:59:59 RINGSyntax: INPUT [ /NOMATCH ] { number-of-seconds, time-of-day } [ text ]Also see SET OUTPUT. \L - Send a Long BREAK signal. \B - Send a BREAK signal. \N - Send a NUL (ASCII 0) character (you can't use \0 for this). etc, plus the following special codes: during CONNECT mode. The text may contain backslash codes, variables, Sends the text out the communications connection, as if you had typed itSyntax: OUTPUT textAlso see SET TERMINAL BYTESIZE, SET SERIAL, and SET STOP-BITS. Chooses 8 data bits plus the indicated kind of parity.SET PARITY HARDWARE { EVEN, ODD } Forces 8th-bit prefixing during file transfer. Chooses 7 data bits plus the indicated kind of parity.SET PARITY { EVEN, ODD, MARK, SPACE } Chooses 8 data bits and no parity.SET PARITY NONEeither by typing it literally or by entering its numeric code.You can also specify an 8-bit character (128-255) as your escape character,for example, SET ESC ^_ sets your escape character to Ctrl-Underscore.letter or one of: @, ^, _, [, \, or ], to indicate a control character;You may also enter the escape character as ^X (circumflex followed by a C-Kermit prompt or followed by ? to see other options. (Control-\). Type the escape character followed by C to get back to the Decimal ASCII value for escape character during CONNECT, normally 28Syntax: SET ESCAPE number Normally ON (they are processed). Whether to process the special OUTPUT-only escapes \B, \L, and \N.SET OUTPUT SPECIAL-ESCAPES { ON, OFF } normally 0. How many milliseconds to pause after sending each OUTPUT character,SET OUTPUT PACING fails. PROCEED (default) allows use of IF SUCCESS / IF FAILURE commands. Tells whether to proceed or quit from a script program if an INPUT commandSET INPUT TIMEOUT-ACTION { PROCEED, QUIT } INPUT command times out, 0 for no maximum. The maximum number to seconds of silence (no input at all) before theSET INPUT SILENCE read-only variable \v(inscale). The default value is 1.0. automatically by this factor, which is also available in the built-in (as opposed to a specific time of day) have their time limit adjusted part, e.g. 2.5. All INPUT commands that specify a timeout in seconds A number to multiply all INPUT timeouts by, which may include a fractionalSET INPUT SCALE-FACTOR Tells whether to display arriving characters read by INPUT on the screen.SET INPUT ECHO { ON, OFF } inherited by subordinate macros and take files. This setting is local to the current macro or command file, and is Tells whether alphabetic case is to be significant in string comparisons.SET INPUT CASE { IGNORE, OBSERVE } Whether an INPUT in progress can be can interrupted from the keyboard.SET INPUT CANCELLATION { ON, OFF } Removes the old INPUT buffer and creates a new one with the given length.SET INPUT BUFFER-LENGTH number-of-bytes Controls whether autodownloads are allowed during INPUT command execution.SET INPUT AUTODOWNLOAD { ON, OFF }Syntax: SET INPUT parameter value variable should cause a command to fail. OFF by default. Whether an illegal function call or reference to a nonexistent built-inSET FUNCTION ERROR { ON, OFF } references to nonexistent built-in variables. ON by default. Whether to issue diagnostic messages for illegal function calls andSET FUNCTION DIAGNOSTICS { ON, OFF } SHOW PROTOCOL displays the current settings.use redirectable standard input/output.External protocols require REDIRECT and external file transfer programs that set proto ymodem rb {rb -a} {sb %s} {sb -a %s} rb rb set proto kermit {kermit -YQir} {kermit -YQTr} {kermit -YQx} spaces. Examples: to represent the filename(s). Use { braces } if any command contains receiving files with this protocol. Use "%s" in any of these strings in binary or text mode, respectively; s5 and s6 are the commands for s4 are commands used on this computer for sending files with this protocol the remote computer, and there are no s4-s6 commands. Otherwise, s3 and If the protocol is KERMIT, s3 is the command to start a Kermit server on RECEIVE process on the other end in binary or text mode, respectively. output prior to SENDing with this protocol, to automatically start the Selects protocol to use for transferring files. s1 and s2 are commands toSyntax: SET PROTOCOL { KERMIT, XMODEM, YMODEM, ZMODEM } [ s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 ]Syntax: BYE Shut down and log out a remote Kermit server /SIMULATE Show what would be done but don't actually do it. /NOPAGE When listing, don't pause at end of each screen. /PAGE When listing, pause at end of each screen (implies /LIST). /NOLIST Operate silently (synonym: /QUIET). /LIST List each file (synonym: /VERBOSE). /RECURSIVE Change permissions in subdirectories too. /DOTFILES Include files whose names begin with dot (.). /TYPE:TEXT Only change permissions of text files. /TYPE:BINARY Only change permissions of binary files. /DIRECTORIES Only change permissions of directory files. /FILES Only change permissions of regular files. which must be an octal number such as 664 or 775. Optional switches: UNIX only. Changes permissions of the given file(s) to the given code,Syntax: CHMOD [ switches ] code filespecto evaluate an S-Expression anywhere in a Kermit command.\v(svalue) is set to its value. You can use the \fsexpresssion() functionvariable \v(sexpression) is set to the most recent S-Expression, andit is printed at any level; if OFF it is not printed. At all levels, theS-Expression is printed if the S-Expression is given at top level; if ON,If SET SEXPRESSION ECHO-RESULT is AUTO (the default), the value of the pi The value of Pi (3.1415926...) nil False (empty) t True (1)Built-in constants are:values or no value at all.Operators can also be names of Kermit macros that return either numeric IF Conditional evaluation (if (1) 2 3) 2Operators that work on truth values: ~ Reverses all bits (~ 3) -4 # Bitwise Exclusive OR (# 3 1) 2 | Bitwise OR (| 1 2 3 4) 7 & Bitwise AND (& 7 2) 2Bit-oriented operators: NOT (!) Reverses truth value of operand (not 3) 0 XOR Logical Exclusive OR (xor 3 1) 0 OR (||) At least one operand is true (or 1 1 1 1 0) 1 AND (&&) Operands are all true (and 1 1 1 1 0) 0 >= Operands in ascending order (> 1 1 2 3 4 5) 1 > Operands in strictly ascending order (> 1 2 3 4 5 6) 1 = (==) All operands are equal (= 3 3 3 3) 1 != Operands are not equal (!= 1 1 1.0) 0 <= Operands in descending order (<= 6 6 5 4 3 2) 1 < Operands in strictly descending order (< 6 5 4 3 2 1) 1operator, sets SUCCESS or FAILURE accordingly:Predicate operators return 0 if false, 1 if true, and if it is the outermost LOG10 Log base 10 of given number (log10 1000) 3.0 LOG Natural log (base e) of given number (log 2.7183) 1.000.. TAN Tangent of given number (tan pi) 0.0 COS Cosine of given number (cos pi) -1.0 SIN Sine of angle expressed in radians (sin (/ pi 2)) 1.0 EXP e (2.71828..) to the given power (exp -1) 0.367.. SQRT Square root of 1 operand (sqrt 2) 1.414.. ROUND Operand rounded to nearest integer (round 1.75) 2 FLOOR Floor of floating-point operand (floor 1.25) 1 CEILING Ceiling of floating-point operand (ceiling 1.25) 2 TRUNCATE Integer part of floating-point operand (truncate 1.333) 1 MOD Modulus of all operands (1 or more) (mod 7 4 2) 1 MIN Minimum of all operands (1 or more) (min 1 2 3 4) 1 MAX Maximum of all operands (1 or more) (max 1 2 3 4) 4 ABS Absolute value of 1 operand (abs (* a b 3)) 7.8 -- Decrements a variable (-- a) 1 ++ Increments a variable (++ a 1.2) 3.2 ^ Raise given number to given power (^ 3 2) 9 / Divides all operands (1 or more) (/ b a 2) -0.325 * Multiplies all operands (1 or more) (* a (+ b 1) 3) -1.8 - Subtracts all operands (1 or more) (- 9 5 2 1) 1 + Adds all operands (1 or more) (+ a b) 0.7 LET Assigns a value to a local variable (let b -1.3) -1.3 SETQ Assigns a value to a global variable (setq a 2) 2 QUOTE (') Inhibits evaluation of following value (quote a) a EVAL (.) Returns the contained value (6) 6 Operator Action Example Value start with backslash (\) is treated as a Kermit macro name. Operators: integers or floating-point. Any operand that is not a number and does not Operands can be any of (a) through (c) or an S-Expression. Numbers can be returns a number, or (d) an operator followed by one or more operands. parentheses can contain (a) a number, (b) a variable, (c) a function that numbers only. An S-Expression is always enclosed in parentheses. The C-Kermit includes a simple LISP-like S-Expression parser operating onSyntax: (operation operand [ operand [ ... ] ]) implied /PAGE switch. results appear on your screen. This switch overrides any express or Sends results to the given file. If this switch is omitted, the /OUTPUT:name Doesn't pause after each screenful. /NOPAGE Pauses after each screenful. /PAGE Precedes each file line by its line number within the file. /LINENUMBERS Doesn't print anything (but sets SUCCESS or FAILURE appropriately). /NOLIST one name per line, rather than showing each matching line. Prints the name of each file that contains at least one matching line, /NAMEONLY and assigns the total match count to the variable, if one is given. For each file, prints only the filename and a count of matching lines /COUNT:variable-nameDisplay options: Searches for lines that do NOT match the pattern. /NOMATCH Ignores case of letters (ASCII only) when comparing. /NOCASEPattern-matching options: Search only binary files (requires FILE SCAN ON). /TYPE:BINARY Search only text files (requires FILE SCAN ON). /TYPE:TEXT Searches through files in subdirectories too. /RECURSIVE Excludes files whose names start with dot (.) from the search. /NODOTFILES Includes files whose names start with dot (.) in the search. /DOTFILES Excludes backup files (like oofa.txt.~3~) from the search. /NOBACKUPFILESFile selection options: Synonym: FIND. files contained any lines that match the pattern, otherwise it fails. that START with "something". The command succeeds if any of the given the word "something", but "grep ^something *.txt" lists only the lines "grep something *.txt" lists all lines in all *.txt files that contain '^' and also at the end unless the pattern ends with '$'. Therefore, except that '*' is implied at the beginning unless the pattern starts with the pattern are printed. Pattern syntax is as described in HELP PATTERNS or pattern. In the normal case, all lines containing any text that matches Searches through the given file or files for the given character stringSyntax: GREP [ options ] pattern filespecdefaults; use SHOW OPTIONS to display customized defaults.COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING. Use SET OPTIONS DIRECTORY [ switches ] to changeFactory defaults are marked with +. Default for paging depends on SET /REVERSE If sorting, sort in reverse order. /ASCENDING + If sorting, sort in ascending order. /NOSORT + Don't sort. /SORT:key Sort by key, NAME, DATE, or SIZE; default key is NAME. /NORECURSIVE + Don't descend through subdirectories. /RECURSIVE Descend through subdirectories. /ENGLISHDATE In verbose listings, show date in "English" format. /ISODATE + In verbose listings, show date in ISO 8061 format. /NOXFERMODE + Don't show pattern-based transfer mode /NOMESSAGE + Don't add message to each listing line. /MESSAGE:text Add brief message to each listing line. /TYPE: Show only files of the specified type (text or binary). /XFERMODE Show pattern-based transfer mode (T=Text, B=Binary). /SUMMARY Print only count and total size of matching files. /NOHEADING + Don't include heading or summary. /HEADING Include heading and summary. /OUTPUT:file Store directory listing in the given file. /NOBACKUPFILES Don't include backup files. /BACKUP + Include backup files (names end with .~n~). /NOFOLLOWLINKS + Don't follow symbolic links. /FOLLOWLINKS Follow symbolic links. /NODOTFILES + Don't include files whose names start with dot. /DOTFILES Include files whose names start with dot (period). /NOPAGE Don't pause after each screenful. /PAGE Pause after each screenful. /ARRAY:&a Store file list in specified array (e.g. \%a[]). /ALL + Show both files and directories. /DIRECTORIES Show directories but not files. /FILES Show files but not directories. /VERBOSE + Also list permissions, size, and date. /BRIEF List filenames only. Optional switches: all the files in it are listed. Multiple filespecs can be given. files in the current directory are listed. If a directory name is given, wildcard characters, or a directory name. If no filespec is given, all Lists local files. The filespec may be a filename, possibly containing this command is equivalent to REMOTE DIRECTORY (RDIR). Otherwise: If LOCUS is REMOTE or LOCUS is AUTO and you have an FTP connection,Syntax: DIRECTORY [ switches ] [ filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] ] Also see CD, SET FILE DOWNLOAD, SET TEMP-DIRECTORY. tmpdir Your temporary directory textdir The directory where Kermit text files reside, if any startup Your current directory at the time Kermit started lockdir The UNIX UUCP lockfile directory on this computer inidir The directory where Kermit's initialization was found home Your home, login, or default directory exedir The directory where the Kermit executable resides download Your download directory (if any) variables, such as \v(download), \v(exedir), and so on. Here's the list: The symbolic names correspond to Kermit's directory-valued built-in (b) takes a symbolic directory name rather than an actual directory name. Kermit Change Directory: Like CD (q.v.) but (a) always acts locally, andSyntax: KCD symbolic-directory-name Relevant environment variables: CDPATH, HOME. And see: HELP KCD. Also see: SET LOCUS, PWD, CDUP, BACK, REMOTE CD (RCD), SET CD, SET PROMPT. Synonyms: LCD, CWD. C-Kermit's default prompt shows your current directory. directory is supplied. this directory. If the directory name is omitted, your home (login) one given, so that future non-absolute filename references are relative to Change Directory. Changes your current, working, default directory to theSyntax: CD [ directory name ] this command is equivalent to REMOTE CD (RCD). Otherwise:in effect. Also see HELP SET LOCUS, HELP PURGE, HELP WILDCARD.command unless you override them; use SHOW OPTIONS to see selections currentlyUse SET OPTIONS DELETE to make selected switches effective for every DELETE Implies /LIST. Preview files selected for deletion without actually deleting them./SIMULATE Delete files without asking permission./NOASK Go to go ahead and delete all the rest of the files without asking. delete it, No not to delete it, Quit to cancel the DELETE command, and Interactively ask permission to delete each file. Reply Yes or OK to/ASK Don't pause after each screenful./NOPAGE If listing, pause after each screenful./PAGE Like /HEADING /NOLIST, but only prints the summary line./SUMMARY Don't print heading and summary information./NOHEADING Print heading and summary information./HEADING Don't list files while deleting. Synonyms: /NOLOG, /QUIET./NOLIST List each file and tell whether it was deleted. Synonyms: /LOG, /VERBOSE./LIST This is a shortcut for /RECURSIVE /DIRECTORIES /DOTFILES./ALL attempting to delete the directory itself. given, Kermit deletes all the (matching) files in each directory before current or specified directory. When the /DIRECTORIES switch is also The DELETE command applies to the entire directory tree rooted in the/RECURSIVE directory is empty. that match the given file specification, which succeeds only if the are deleted. If it is given, Kermit attempts to delete any directories Include directories. If this switch is not given, only regular files/DIRECTORIES Delete only regular binary files (requires FILE SCAN ON)/TYPE:BINARY Delete only regular text files (requires FILE SCAN ON)/TYPE:TEXT Skip (don't delete) files whose names begin with "."./NODOTFILES Include (delete) files whose names begin with "."./DOTFILES /EXCEPT:{{pattern1}{pattern2}...} and inner braces around each pattern: specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer braces around the group regular filename or may contain wildcards, are not to be deleted. To Specifies that any files whose names match the pattern, which can be a/EXCEPT:pattern to be sent. Specifies that only those files smaller than the given number of bytes are/SMALLER-THAN:number to be deleted. Specifies that only those files longer than the given number of bytes are/LARGER-THAN:number Specifies that only those files modified at or after the given date-time/NOT-BEFORE:date-time Specifies that only those files modified at or before the given date-time/NOT-AFTER:date-time are to be deleted. Specifies that only those files modified before the given date-time/BEFORE:date-time to be deleted. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. Specifies that only those files modified after the given date-time are/AFTER:date-time to match multiple files. RM is a synonym for DELETE. Switches include: The filespec may denote a single file or can include wildcard characters Deletes a file or files on the computer where C-Kermit is running. this command is equivalent to REMOTE DELETE (RDELETE). Otherwise:Syntax: DELETE [ switches... ] filespecSHOW CHARACTER-SETS to list the current settings.Use SHOW ASSOCIATIONS to list the current character-set associations, and to be selected automatically. Synonym: ASSOCIATE TRANSFER-CHARACTER-SET. and SEND CHARACTER-SET is AUTOMATIC, the specified file character-set is either by command or by an announcer attached to an incoming text file, Tells C-Kermit that whenever the given transfer-character set is selected,ASSOCIATE XFER-CHARACTER-SET is selected automatically. SEND CHARACTER-SET (q.v.) is AUTOMATIC, the given transfer character-set Tells C-Kermit that whenever the given file-character set is selected, andASSOCIATE FILE-CHARACTER-SET text-patterns for filenames. The IF MATCH pattern is also anchored.case labels, in the INPUT and MINPUT commands, and in file binary- andYou can use anchored patterns not only in filenames, but also in SWITCHall files whose names contained "x"!(wildcards), since you would not want a command like "delete x" to deletebeginning or end of the pattern. This is true mainly of filename patternsmeaning that ^ and $ are not treated specially, and * is not assumed at theAll other commands and functions that use patterns use anchored patterns, \fsearch(^abc,xxabcxx) fails because xxabcxx does not start with abc. \fsearch(abc,xxabcxxx) succeeds because xxabcxx contains abc.Example: The /EXCEPT: clause in SEND, GET, DELETE, etc. \frsearch(,[,]) \fsearch(,[,]) \farraylook(,) TYPE /MATCH: GREP [ ] The following commands and functions use floating patterns:a trailing "*" is assumed.leading "*" is assumed. Similarly, if the pattern doesn't end with "$",anywhere in the string instead of only at the beginning; in other words, aIf a floating pattern does not start with "^", the pattern can match$ (Last character of pattern) Anchors the pattern at the end.^ (First character of pattern) Anchors the pattern at the beginning.A floating pattern can also include the following special characters:a backslash, e.g. [a\-z] matches a, hyphen, and z rather than a through z.To force a special pattern character to be taken literally, precede it with may themselves contain *, ?, [abc], [a-z], or other lists of strings. ker{mit,nel,beros} matches kermit, kernel, and kerberos. The strings Braces enclose a list of strings to be matched. For example:{string1,string2,...} letter from m through z. Lists and ranges may be combined. This example matches a, c, d, or any[acdm-z] For example, [a-z] matches any character from a to z. the range; a hyphen (-) separates the low and high elements of the range. Square brackets enclosing a range of characters matches any character in[a-z] the list. Example: h[aou]t matches hat, hot, and hut. Square brackets enclosing a list of characters matches any character in[abc] normal function of question mark, which is providing menus and file lists. question mark to be used for matching by a backslash (\) to override the with "t". When typing commands at the prompt, you must precede any that are exactly 6 characters long and start with "k" and end with? Matches any single character. For example, "k????t" matches all strings "kt", "kit", "knight", or "kermit". matches all strings that start with "k" and end with "t" including* Matches any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, "k*t"In a pattern, certain characters are special:match file names; type HELP WILDCARD to learn about them.patterns, and wildcards. Wildcards are anchored patterns that are used totext. C-Kermit uses three kinds of patterns: floating patterns, anchoredA "pattern" is notation used in a search string when searching throughPATTERNS for details. Also see HELP SET MATCH.Similar notation can be used in general-purpose string matching. Type HELP ck{ufio,vcon,cmai}.c matches ckufio.c, ckvcon.c, or ckcmai.c. The strings the list. Example: ckuusr.[ch] matches ckuusr.c and ckuusr.h. with ".c". When typing commands at the prompt, you must precede any whose names are exactly 5 characters long and start with "ck" and end? Matches any single character. For example, "ck?.c" matches all files including "ck.c". matches all files whose names start with "ck" and end with ".c"* Matches any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, "ck*.c"This version of Kermit accepts the following wildcards:allowed to operate on only one file, such as TRANSMIT.that accept filenames also accepts wildcards, except commands that areFor example, in "send *.txt" the asterisk is a wildcard. Kermit commandsA "wildcard" is a notation used in a filename to match multiple files."show macro fast", "show macro cautious", or "show macro robust".macro with the DEFINE command. To see the current definitions, typeIf that fails too, try ROBUST. You can also change the definitions of eachFAST file transfers fail for you on a particular connection, try CAUTIOUS.connections. FAST is the default tuning in C-Kermit 7.0 and later. In casecontrol-character unprefixing at the risk of possible failure on someFAST chooses a large packet size, a large window size, and a fair amount offile-transfer parameters at once to achieve the desired file-transfer goal.FAST, CAUTIOUS, and ROBUST are predefined macros that set severaldisplay customized defaults. Also see HELP DELETE, HELP WILDCARD.Use SET OPTIONS PURGE [ switches ] to change defaults; use SHOW OPTIONS to actually be deleted. Implies /LIST. Inhibits the actual deletion of files; use to preview which files would Purge backup files without asking permission. Interactively ask permission to delete each backup file. Don't pause, even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING is ON. COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING is OFF. When /LIST is in effect, pause at the end of each screenful, even if Synonyms: /NOLOG, /QUIET. The PURGE command should operate silently (default). Synonyms: /LOG, /VERBOSE. Display each file as it is processed and say whether it is purged or kept. By default, none are kept. If /KEEP is given without a number, 1 is used. Retain the 'n' most recent (highest-numbered) backup files for each file./KEEP:n Descends through the current or specified directory tree. Skip (don't purge) files whose names begin with ".". Include (purge) files whose names begin with ".". regular filename or may contain wildcards, are not to be purged. To to be purged. are to be purged. to be purged. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. directory. Switches: n is a number. PURGE by itself deletes all backup files in the current Deletes backup files; that is, files whose names end in ".~n~", whereSyntax: PURGE [ switches ] [ filespec ]Type HELP LOG and HELP OPEN for further info. WRITE-FILE (opened with OPEN WRITE or OPEN APPEND) READ-FILE (opened with OPEN READ) DEBUG-LOG (opened with LOG DEBUG) PACKET-LOG (opened with LOG PACKETS) TRANSACTION-LOG (opened with LOG TRANSACTIONS) SESSION-LOG (opened with LOG SESSION) CX-LOG (connection log, opened with LOG CX) current SET LINE or SET HOST connection. The other items are: Close the indicated item. The default item is CONNECTION, which is theSyntax: CLOSE [ item ] command. or exit from Kermit, your script is available for execution by the TAKE recording. /CLOSE closes the current file (if any). After LEARN /CLOSE /ON enables recording to the current file (if any); /OFF disables subsequent recording. If you don't give any switches, /ON is assumed. Records a login script. If you give a filename, the file is opened forSyntax: LEARN [ /ON /OFF /CLOSE ] [ filename ]Also see: INPUT, REINPUT, SET INPUT. is negative, the MINPUT command waits forever. available for reading for the MINPUT command to succeed. If the interval MINPUT command does not wait; i.e. the given text must already be fails, and \v(minput) is set to 0. If the timeout interval is 0 the 1, 2, 3, etc. If none of the strings arrives, the command times out, \v(minput) variable is set to the number of the string that was matched: is encountered within the timeout interval, the command succeeds and the separated by spaces; use { braces } for grouping. If any of the strings the command waits for any character at all to arrive. Strings are strings to arrive on the communication device. If no strings are given, For use in script programs. Waits up to n seconds for any one of theExample: MINPUT 5 Login: {Username: } {NO CARRIER} BUSY RINGSyntax: MINPUT n [ string1 [ string2 [ ... ] ] ] string that might be in effect. it is given, and overrides (temporarily) any global SET TERMINAL TRIGGER all other CONNECT switches applies only to the CONNECT command with which trigger string, if any, that was actually encountered. This value, like Upon return from CONNECT mode, the variable \v(trigger) is set to the /TRIGGER:{{string1}{string2}...{stringn}} specify more than one trigger, use the following format: must enclose it in braces, e.g. "/TRIGGER:{READY TO SEND...}". To colon, e.g. "/TRIGGER:Goodbye". If the string contains any spaces, you command mode. To specify one string, just put it right after the One or more strings to look for that will cause automatic return to/TRIGGER:stringOther switches include:tells you how to escape back, etc. CQ is a synonym for CONNECT /QUIETLY.Include the /QUIETLY switch to suppress the informational message that escape commands. back to the C-Kermit prompt, or followed by ? for a list of CONNECT-mode recent SET HOST command. Type the escape character followed by C to get the most recent SET LINE command, or to the network host named in the most Connect to a remote computer via the serial communications device given inSyntax: CONNECT (or C, or CQ) [ switches ]separated by spaces.Just like GET (q.v.) except allows a list of remote file specifications,Syntax: MGET [ switches... ] remote-filespec [ remote-filespec ... ]Also see HELP MGET, HELP SEND, HELP RECEIVE, HELP SERVER, HELP REMOTE. of the GET command without affecting subsequent commands. Inhibits character-set translation of incoming text files for the duration/TRANSPARENT Performs this transfer in text mode without affecting the global/TEXT normally contain variables like \v(filename) or \v(filenum). after, and only if, it has been received successfully. The string should Specifies that each file that arrives should be renamed as specified/RENAME-TO:string the files to be sent. Tells the server to descend through the directory tree when locating is equivalent REGET. Works only in binary mode. Used to recover from a previously interrupted transfer; GET /RECOVER/RECOVER When sending in local mode, this suppresses the file-transfer display./QUIET directed to a pipeline. reception of files with names like "!tar xf -" to be automatically Overrides the TRANSFER PIPES setting for this command only. ON allows/PIPES:{ON,OFF} Overrides the global SET RECEIVE PATHNAMES setting for this transfer./PATHNAMES:{OFF,ABSOLUTE,RELATIVE,AUTO} directory after, and only if, it has been received successfully. Specifies that each file that arrives should be moved to the specified/MOVE-TO:directory-name input/output filter) before being written to disk. Causes the incoming file to passed through the given command (standard/FILTER:command Overrides the global SET FILE NAMES setting for this transfer only./FILENAMES:{CONVERTED,LITERAL} braces around the group, and inner braces around each pattern: are to be refused. To specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer regular filename, or may contain "*" and/or "?" metacharacters, after it has been transferred successfully. Asks the other Kermit to delete the file (or each file in the group)/DELETE line is interpreted as the name of a command. it on disk. The /AS-NAME or the second "filename" on the GET command Receives the file into the standard input of a command, rather than saving/COMMAND transfer mode. Performs this transfer in binary mode without affecting the global/BINARY filename on the GET command line. directory to store it in. You can also specify the as-name as the second Specifies "text" as the name to store the incoming file under, or/AS-NAME:text tries to create it. Optional switches include: that directory; if it is the name of directory that does not exist, Kermit is the name of an existing local directory, incoming files are placed in the as-name contain spaces, they must be enclosed in braces. If as-name server mode, to send the named file or files. If the remote-filespec or Tells the other Kermit, which must be in (or support autoswitching into)Syntax: GET [ switches... ] remote-filespec [ as-name ]Braces are required if the pipeline or filename contains spaces. log debug {| grep "^TELNET" > debug.log} log transactions |lprNote: The filename can also be a pipe, e.g.:the default for the connection log). Use CLOSE to stop logging.if any, is appended to; otherwise a new file is created (except APPEND isIf you include the APPEND keyword after the filename, the existing log file, options.) current directory; see HELP SET TRANSACTION-LOG for transaction-log format Names and statistics about files transferred (default: transact.log inTRANSACTIONS Records your CONNECT session (default: session.log in current directory).SESSION packet.log in current directory. Kermit packets, to help with protocol problems. The default filename isPACKETS The default log name is debug.log in current directory. Debugging information, to help track down bugs in the C-Kermit program.DEBUG default mode for opening. The default filename is CX.LOG in your home directory and APPEND is the Connections made with SET LINE, SET PORT, SET HOST, DIAL, TELNET, etc.CXRecord information in a log file:Syntax: LOG (or L) log-type [ filename [ { NEW, APPEND } ] ] where dashed sequences are followed as long as previous expects fail. -send-expect[-send-expect[...]] may be expressed in the form: that a sequence might not arrive, as with uucp, conditional sequences e.g. ~0 or two adjacent dashes, causes a short delay. If you expect Only the last 7 characters in each expect are matched. A null expect, UUCP systems, sent strings are followed by ~r unless they end with ~c. append a return, and ~o[o[o]] for octal of a character. As with some ~b backspace, ~s space, ~q '?', ~n linefeed, ~r return, ~c don't Letters in send may be prefixed by ~ to send special characters: keyword EOT to send Control-D, or BREAK (or \\b) to send a break signal. 'send' is the names, numbers, etc, to return. The send may also be the where 'expect' is a prompt or message to be issued by the remote site, and expect send [expect send] . . . A login script is a sequence of the form: is intended to operate similarly to UNIX uucp "L.sys" entries. Login to a remote system using the text provided. The login script "Using C-Kermit". use the full script programming language described in chapters 17-19 of releases for comptability, but not recommended for use. Instead, please A limited and cryptic "login assistant", carried over from old C-KermitSyntax: SCRIPT text/WIDTH. Use SHOW OPTIONS to see current TYPE options.You can use SET OPTIONS TYPE to set the defaults for /PAGE or /NOPAGE and implied /PAGE switch. results appear on your screen. This switch overrides any express or Sends results to the given file. If this switch is omitted, the Inhibits character-set translation. /TRANSPARENT Translates to the named character set (default = current file charset). /TRANSLATE-TO:name Translates from the named character set. /CHARACTER-SET:name Count lines (and matches) and print the count(s) but not the lines. /COUNT Truncate each line at the given column number before printing. /WIDTH:number Add line numbers (conflicts with /PREFIX) /NUMBER Print the given string at the beginning of each line. /PREFIX:string info about patterns. /HEAD and /TAIL apply after /MATCH. Only type lines that match the given pattern. HELP WILDCARDS for info /MATCH:pattern Only type the last 'n' lines of the file. /TAIL:n Only type the first 'n' lines of the file. /HEAD:n Don't pause at the end of each screen even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING ON. Synonym: /MORE Pause at the end of each screenful even if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING OFF. screenful if COMMAND MORE-PROMPTING is ON. Optional switches: Displays a file on the screen. Pauses automatically at end of eachSyntax: TYPE [ switches... ] file TEXT-PATTERNS Clears the file text-patterns list. SEND-LIST Clears the current SEND list (see ADD). KEYBOARD-BUFFER Clears the command terminal keyboard input buffer. INPUT Clears the INPUT-command buffer and the \v(input) variable. DIAL-STATUS Clears the \v(dialstatus) variable. DEVICE-AND-INPUT Clears both the device and the INPUT buffer. DEVICE Clears the current port or network input buffer. BINARY-PATTERNS Clears the file binary-patterns list. APC-STATUS Clears Application Program Command status. ALARM Clears any pending alarm (see SET ALARM).Clears the named item. If no item is named, DEVICE-AND-INPUT is assumed.Syntax: CLEAR [ item-name ]\fdiffdate(), and \futcdate(), that take date-time strings as arguments.such as /AFTER: or /BEFORE:, and to functions such as \fcvtdate(),All the formats shown above are acceptable as arguments to date-time switches DAYS, WEEKS, MONTHS, YEARS: +3days, -7weeks, +3:00, +1month 8:00. A date in the future/past relative to the date-time; date-units may be Delta times are given as {+,-}[number date-units][hh[:mm[:ss]]] local time at the host. If no timezone is given, the date-time is local. a local time in that timezone, to GMT which is then converted to the timezone offset, {+,-}hhmm, e.g., -0500; it is used to convert date-time, headers, either a USA timezone name, e.g. EST or a signed four-digit Timezone specifications are similar to those used in e-mail and HTTP Tomorrows's date, optionally followed by a time (default 00:00:00). TOMORROW Yesterday's date, optionally followed by a time (default 00:00:00). YESTERDAY Today's date, optionally followed by a time; 00:00:00 if no time given. TODAY The following shortcuts can also be used in place of dates: supplied. . If both the date and time are omitted, the current date and time are . If the time is given but date omitted, 00:00:00 is supplied. . If the date is omitted but a time is given, the current date is supplied. . If the hour is 12 or less, AM is assumed unless AM or PM is included. . The time may be in 24-hour format or 12-hour format. English. . The month may be numeric (1 = January) or spelled out or abbreviated in . The date and time may be separated by spaces or underscore. . The day, month, and year may be separated by spaces, /, -, or underscore. . If the year comes first, the second field is the month. in which case if (yy < 50) yyyy = yy + 2000; else yyyy = yy + 1900. . The year must be four digits or else a 2-digit format dd mmm yy, . The date, if given, must precede the time. Various date-time formats are accepted: Prints a date-time in standard format: yyyymmdd_hh:mm:ss.Syntax: DATE [ date-time [ timezone ] ] [ delta-time ]Also see HELP RECEIVE, HELP GET, HELP SERVER, HELP REMOTE. in this file (but a name can contain wildcards). that are to be sent. The filenames should be listed one name per line Specifies the name of a file that contains the list of names of files/LISTFILE:filename Send only files of the given type (see SET FILE SCAN)./TYPE:{ALL,TEXT,BINARY} are not to be sent. To specify multiple patterns (up to 8), use outer are to be sent. to be sent. HELP DATE for info about date-time formats. transfer without changing global protocol. Uses the given protocol to send the file (Kermit, Zmodem, etc) for this/PROTOCOL:name Sends the file to be printed, with optional options for the printer./PRINT:options Sends the file as e-mail to the given address; use with /SUBJECT:./MAIL:address text contains spaces, it must be enclosed in braces. Specifies the subject of an email message, to be used with /MAIL. If the/SUBJECT:text SEND /STARTING:n filename is equivalent to PSEND filename n. Starts sending the file from the given byte position./STARTING:number the given directory. Tells C-Kermit to move each source file that is sent successfully to/MOVE-TO:directory which is replaced by the original filename. the given name (usually you should include \v(filename) in the new name, Tells C-Kermit to rename each source file that is sent successfully to/RENAME-TO:name all their subdirectories, etc. files that match the filespec, but also in all its subdirectories, and Tells C-Kermit to look not only in the given or current directory for is equivalent RESEND (use in binary mode only). Used to recover from a previously interrupted transfer; SEND /RECOVER successfully (applies only to real files). Deletes the file (or each file in the group) after it has been sent before sending it. Specifies a command (standard input/output filter) to pass the file through Overrides the global SET SEND PATHNAMES setting for this transfer./PATHNAMES:{OFF,ABSOLUTE,RELATIVE} of a command; the second (if any) is the as-name. The first "filename" on the SEND command line is interpreted as the name Sends the output from a command, rather than the contents of a file. Skip over symbolic links (default)./NOFOLLOWLINKS Send files that are pointed to by symbolic links./FOLLOWLINKS Don't send files whose names begin with ".". Include (send) files whose names begin with ".". end with .~n~, where n is a number). Skip (don't send) Kermit or EMACS backup files (files with names that/NOBACKUPFILES the SEND command without affecting subsequent commands. Inhibits character-set translation for text files for the duration of name. This is equivalent to giving an as-name after the filespec. Specifies as the name to send the file under instead of its real/AS-NAME: the name _ARRAY_X_, where "X" is replaced by actual array letter. to be sent as-is. If an as-name is not specified, the array is sent with are set up), or /BINARY to treat the array as one long string of characters array element (and translate character sets if character-set translations Include /TEXT to have Kermit supply a line terminator at the end of each the brackets empty or omit them altogether to send the whole 1-based array. \&a[]. A range may be specified, e.g. SEND /ARRAY:&a[100:199]. Leave Specifies that the data to be sent comes from the given array, such as/ARRAY: Optional switches include: sent under its own name. Also see HELP MSEND, HELP WILDCARD. the files(s) are sent under; if the as-name is omitted, each file is wildcard characters. An 'as-name' may be given to specify the name(s) the SEND-LIST is used (HELP ADD for more info). The filespec may contain Sends the file or files specified by filespec. If the filespec is omittedSyntax: SEND (or S) [ switches...] [ filespec [ as-name ] ]Also see HELP SEND, HELP GET, HELP SERVER, HELP REMOTE. of the RECEIVE command without affecting subsequent commands. Forces text-mode conversions unless the incoming file has the binary Equivalent to /PATHNAMES:RELATIVE. Use the given protocol to receive the incoming file(s). is interpreted as the name of a command. it on disk. The /AS-NAME or the "filename" on the RECEIVE command line attribute Skips text-mode conversions unless the incoming file arrives with binary You can also specify the as-name as a filename on the command line. Specifies "text" as the name to store the incoming file under.Optional switches include: incoming file or files will be placed in that directory. the name it arrives with. If the filespec denotes a directory, the files are stored under that name, otherwise it will be stored under SEND command. If the optional as-name is given, the incoming file or Wait for a file to arrive from the other Kermit, which must be given aSyntax: RECEIVE (or R) [ switches... ] [ as-name ]Syntax: RESEND filespec [name] Resend the file or files, whose previous transfer was interrupted. Picks up from where previous transfer left off, IF the receiver was told to SET FILE INCOMPLETE KEEP. Only works for binary-mode transfers. Requires the other Kermit to have RESEND capability.Syntax: REGET filespec Ask a server to RESEND a file to C-Kermit.Syntax: PSEND filespec position [name] Just like SEND, except sends the file starting at the given byte position. /TEXT /TYPE; see HELP SEND for descriptions. given. Switches include /BINARY /DELETE /MAIL /PROTOCOL /QUIET /RECOVER and they may be in different directories. Alternative names cannot be listed, separated by spaces. Any or all filespecs may contain wildcards Sends the files specified by the filespecs. One or more filespecs may beSyntax: MSEND [ switches... ] filespec [ filespec [ ... ] ] Use SHOW PATTERNS to see the lists. See HELP SET FILE for further info. Adds the pattern(s), if any, to the SET FILE TEXT-PATTERNS list.ADD TEXT-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] Adds the pattern(s), if any, to the SET FILE BINARY-PATTERNS list.ADD BINARY-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] by itself to send the files from it. SEND-LIST and CLEAR SEND-LIST to display and clear the list; use SEND Adds the specified file or files to the current SEND list. Use SHOWADD SEND-LIST filespec [ [ ] ] Removes the given patterns from the SET FILE TEXT-PATTERNS list.REMOVE TEXT-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] Removes the pattern(s), if any, from the SET FILE BINARY-PATTERNS listREMOVE BINARY-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ]Syntax: SERVER Enter server mode on the current connection. All further commands are taken in packet form from the other Kermit program. Use FINISH, BYE, or REMOTE EXIT to get C-Kermit out of server mode. type HELP SET ? to see what's available. SET parameters. Help is available for each individual parameter; parameters. The SHOW command can be used to display the values of The SET command establishes communication, file, scripting, or other SHOW KEY command. To find out the scan code and mapping for a particular key, use the translation. for the key k. SET KEY mappings take place before terminal character-set key mappings. If there is no text, the default key binding is restored pressed during CONNECT mode. SET KEY CLEAR restores all the default Configure the key whose "scan code" is k to send the given text whenOr: SET KEY CLEARSyntax: SET KEY k text blanks. BLANK-FREE-2 type is the same as Type 2, but is guaranteed to contain no specify more rigorous checking at the cost of higher overhead. The BLANK-FREE-2. Type 1 is standard, and catches most errors. Types 2 and 3 Type of packet block check to be used for error detection, 1, 2, 3, orSyntax: SET BLOCK-CHECK type Enables/Disables timestamps on debug log entries.SET DEBUG TIMESTAMP { ON, OFF } Equivalent to SET TERMINAL DEBUG ON. Displays control and 8-bit characters symbolically during CONNECT mode.SET DEBUG SESSION Stops debug logging and session debugging.SET DEBUG OFF Use LOG DEBUG if you want specify a different log file name or path. Opens a debug log file named debug.log in the current directory.SET DEBUG ONSyntax: SET DEBUG { SESSION, ON, OFF, TIMESTAMP } command, separated by spaces. recommended for safety. You can include multiple values in one SHOW CONTROL to see current settings. SET CONTROL PREFIXED ALL is character as-is, without a prefix. USE THIS OPTION AT YOUR OWN RISK! UNPREFIXED means you think it is safe to send the given control printable character and prefixed, the default for all control characters. PREFIXED means the given control character must be converted to a The word "ALL" means all characters in this range. is the numeric ASCII code for a control character 1-31,127-159,255.Syntax: SET CONTROL-CHARACTER { PREFIXED, UNPREFIXED } { ..., ALL } Modem command to set the modem's speaker volume.SET MODEM COMMAND VOLUME { LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH } [ text ] Modem command to select tone dialing.SET MODEM COMMAND TONE [ text ] Modem command to select pulse dialing.SET MODEM COMMAND PULSE [ text ] Modem command to disable local flow control in the modem.SET MODEM COMMAND NO-FLOW-CONTROL [ text ] Modem command to turn the modem's speaker on or off.SET MODEM COMMAND SPEAKER { ON, OFF } [ text ] Modem command to enable local software flow control (Xon/Xoff) in modem.SET MODEM COMMAND SOFTWARE-FLOW [ text ] Modem command to enable hardware flow control (RTS/CTS) in the modem.SET MODEM COMMAND HARDWARE-FLOW [ text ] A second INIT-STRING that is to be sent to the modem just prior to dialing.SET MODEM COMMAND PREDIAL-INIT [ text ] for the modem. The 'text' is a replacement for C-Kermit's built-in initialization commandSET MODEM COMMAND INIT-STRING [ text ] Command that tells the modem not to wait for dialtone before dialing.SET MODEM COMMAND IGNORE-DIALTONE [ text ] Command that tells the modem to hang up the connection.SET MODEM COMMAND HANGUP [ text ] Modem commands to turn error correction on and off.SET MODEM COMMAND ERROR-CORRECTION {ON, OFF} [ text ] Modem commands to turn data compression on and off.SET MODEM COMMAND COMPRESSION {ON, OFF} [ text ] Modem commands to turn autoanswer on and off.SET MODEM COMMAND AUTOANSWER {ON, OFF} [ text ]if any:Omitting the optional [ text ] restores the built-in modem-specific command,each modem type, or to fill in commands for the USER-DEFINED modem type.SET MODEM COMMAND commands are used to override built-in modem commands for Selects the desired modem speaker volume for when the speaker is ON.SET MODEM VOLUME {LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH} Kermit should not change its interface speed. the speed reported by the modem's CONNECT message, if any. OFF means ON means that C-Kermit changes its serial interface speed to agree withSET MODEM SPEED-MATCHING {ON, OFF} Turns the modem's speaker on or off during dialing.SET MODEM SPEAKER {ON, OFF} Descriptive name for a USER-DEFINED modem.SET MODEM NAME Specify the maximum interface speed for the modem.SET MODEM MAXIMUM-SPEED use this command to turn its Kermit protocol function on or off. If the selected modem type supports the Kermit protocol directly,SET MODEM KERMIT-SPOOF {ON, OFF} synonym for RS232-SIGNAL. hangup command. RS232-SIGNAL means turn off the DTR signal. DTR is a escape back to the modem's command processor and give a modem-specific How hangup operations should be done. MODEM-COMMAND means try toSET MODEM HANGUP-METHOD { MODEM-COMMAND, RS232-SIGNAL, DTR } Selects the type of local flow control to be used by the modem.SET MODEM FLOW-CONTROL {AUTO, NONE, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF} For Hayes-compatible modems, Kermit uses three copies, e.g. "+++". Numeric ASCII value of modem's escape character, e.g. 43 for '+'.SET MODEM ESCAPE-CHARACTER number Enables/disables the modem's error-correction feature, if any.SET MODEM ERROR-CORRECTION { ON, OFF } given in your DIAL commands. include '%s' (percent s) as a place-holder for the telephone numbers The text replaces Kermit's built-in modem dialing command. It mustSET MODEM DIAL-COMMAND Enables/disables the modem's data compression feature, if any.SET MODEM COMPRESSION { ON, OFF } Synonym for SET CARRIER-WATCH (q.v.)SET MODEM CARRIER-WATCH { AUTO, ON, OFF } TB Telebit SB speed-buffering KS kermit-spoof SWFC software-flow ITU v25bis-commands HWFC hardware-flow EC error-correction DC data-compression AT AT-commands of a USER-DEFINED modem. Capabilities are: but in fact does not. Also use this command to define the capabilities for example, if your modem is supposed to have built-in error correction Use this command for changing Kermit's idea of your modem's capabilities,SET MODEM CAPABILITIES Kermit how to configure and control it. CAPABILITIES, SET MODEM, DIAL-COMMAND, and SET MODEM COMMAND to tell a type of modem that is not built in to Kermit, and then use SET MODEM for direct serial, connections. Use SET MODEM TYPE USER-DEFINED to use data compression, and hardware flow control. Use SET MODEM TYPE NONE with any AT command-set modem that is configured for error correction, modem type ?". The default modem type is GENERIC, which should work hanging up. For a list of the modem types known to Kermit, type "set appropriate modem-specific commands for configuration, dialing, and Tells Kermit which kind of modem you have, so it can issue theSET MODEM TYPE see them. Also see HELP DIAL and HELP SET DIAL.you SET MODEM TYPE, according to the modem's capabilities. SHOW MODEM toNote: Many of the SET MODEM parameters are configured automatically whenSyntax: SET MODEM ... dialing. Use this if internal calls from your PBX require a special prefix. internal, then this prefix, if any, is added to the number prior to If PBX-EXCHANGE is set, and Kermit determines from it that a call isSET DIAL PBX-INTERNAL-PREFIX from the phone number. being on your PBX, so it can make an internal call by deleting those digits the leading digits of one or more local phone numbers that identify it as If PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX is set, then you can use this command to tell KermitSET DIAL PBX-EXCHANGE [ [ ... ] ] Private Branch Exchange (PBX). Use this to tell Kermit how to get an outside line when dialing from aSET DIAL PBX-OUTSIDE-PREFIX International dialing suffix, if any, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL INTL-SUFFIX directory entries that result in international calls. Your international dialing prefix, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL INTL-PREFIX distance dialing prefix. You toll-free dialing prefix, in case it is different from your long-SET DIAL TOLL-FREE-PREFIX [ ] Tells Kermit the toll-free area code(s) in your country.SET DIAL TOLL-FREE-AREA-CODE [ [ [ ... ] ] ] local. For use (e.g.) in France. Whether to force long-distance dialing for calls that normally would beSET DIAL FORCE-LONG-DISTANCE { ON, OFF } be used for appending a calling-card number to the phone number. directory entries that result in long-distance calls. This would normally Long-distance dialing suffix, if any, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL LD-SUFFIX [ ] directory entries that result in long-distance calls. Your long-distance dialing prefix, to be used with portable dialingSET DIAL LD-PREFIX [ ] directory entries. Normally no suffix is used for local calls. Specifies a suffix to be applied to local calls made from portable dialingSET DIAL LC-SUFFIX [ ] directory entries. Normally no prefix is used for local calls. Specifies a prefix to be applied to local calls made from portable dialingSET DIAL LC-PREFIX [ ] string so do not include your own area code if it should not be dialed. spaces. Any area codes in this list will be included in the final dial require the LD-PREFIX. Up to 32 area codes may be listed, separated by Species a list of area codes to which dialing is local, i.e. does notSET DIAL LC-AREA-CODES [ ]number.country code, followed by area code in parentheses, followed by the phonethe dialing directory; i.e. numbers that start with a "+" sign andThe following commands apply only to portable-format numbers obtained from Establish a suffix to be added after all phone numbers that are dialed.SET DIAL SUFFIX [ text ] for example to disable call waiting. Establish a prefix to be applied to all phone numbers that are dialed,SET DIAL PREFIX [ text ]or found in the dialing directory:The following commands apply to all phone numbers, whether given literally How many seconds to pause between automatic redial attempts; default 10.SET DIAL INTERVAL because automatic redialing is illegal in some countries. no answer, until the call is succesfully answered. The default is 0 How many times to redial each number if the dialing result is busy or noSET DIAL RETRIES when dialing a list of numbers fetched from a dialing directory. calls. If this command is not given, there are no restrictions. Useful SET DIAL RESTRICT LONG prevents placing of long-distance and international Prevents placing calls of the type indicated, or greater. For exampleSET DIAL RESTRICT { INTERNATIONAL, LOCAL, LONG-DISTANCE, NONE } timeout calculation. of 0 turns off this feature and returns to Kermit's automatic dial to override the DIAL command's automatic timeout calculation. A value How many seconds to wait for a dialed call to complete. Use this commandSET DIAL TIMEOUT number Sets the list of countries in which tone dialing is available. Each ccSET DIAL TONE-COUNTRIES [ cc [ cc [ ... ] ] ] actually dialing. OFF for normal dialing. Set to ON to test dialing procedures withoutSET DIAL TEST { ON, OFF } is a country code. Sets the list of countries in which pulse dialing is required. Each ccSET DIAL PULSE-COUNTRIES [ cc [ cc [ ... ] ] ] modem database. dialer. The default is -1, meaning to use the number from the built-in How many milliseconds to pause between sending each character to the modemSET DIAL PACING number PULSE-COUNTRIES.) based on the country code. (Also see SET DIAL TONE-COUNTRIES and SET DIAL PULSE dialing. AUTO (the default) means to choose tone or pulse dialing Whether to use the modem's DEFAULT dialing method, or to force TONE orSET DIAL METHOD {AUTO, DEFAULT, TONE, PULSE} prior to dialing it, in order to perform any last-minute alterations. Specify the name of a macro to execute on every phone number dialed, justSET DIAL MACRO [ name ] Whether to ignore dialtone when dialing; default is OFF.SET DIAL IGNORE-DIALTONE {ON, OFF} Whether to hang up the phone prior to dialing; default is ON.SET DIAL HANGUP {ON, OFF} Whether to display dialing progress on the screen; default is OFF.SET DIAL DISPLAY {ON, OFF} dialed in the order in which they were found. effect, SET DIAL SORT OFF to disable sorting, and the numbers will be sorted in "cheapest-first" order. If this does not produce the desired When multiple entries are obtained from your dialing directory, they areSET DIAL SORT {ON, OFF} one directory, all of them are searched. dialed literally as given in the DIAL command. If you supply more than filenames, the dialing directory feature is disabled and all numbers are The name(s) of your dialing directory file(s). If you do not supply anySET DIAL DIRECTORY [ filename [ filename [ filename [ ... ] ] ] ] conversion, but the parity and speed fields are ignored. it alone (OFF). Old-style directories can still be used without ASK you whether to convert it, or convert it automatically (ON), or leave command tells Kermit what to do when it encounters an old-style directory: The format of Kermit's dialing directory changed in version 5A(192). ThisSET DIAL CONVERT-DIRECTORY {ASK, ON, OFF} displayed if DIAL succeeds and Kermit goes into CONNECT mode. indicate whether the verbose 4-line 'Connecting...' message is to be or AUTO, you may follow this by one of the keywords VERBOSE or QUIET, to DIAL command was issued from a macro or command file. If you specify ON do it if the DIAL command was given interactively, but don't do it if the dialing. ON means to do this; OFF means not to. AUTO (the default) means Whether to CONNECT (enter terminal mode) automatically after successfullySET DIAL CONNECT { AUTO, ON, OFF } in a replacement. Kermit ask you if it is OK to dial the number, and if not, to let you type In case the result might be wrong, you can use SET DIAL CONFIRM ON to have the dialing directory prior to dialing (use LOOKUP to see them). Kermit does various transformations on a telephone number retrieved fromSET DIAL CONFIRMATION {ON, OFF} central London is 171, not 0171. dialing prefix as part of your area code; for example, the area code for local or long distance. Be careful not to include your long-distance tell whether a portable-format phone number from the dialing directory is Tells Kermit the area or city code that you are dialing from, so it canSET DIAL AREA-CODE [ ] know what they really are. should follow this command by DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX to let Kermit not your true international and long-distance dialing prefixes, then you code 1; 00 and 0, respectively, for all other country codes. If these are command sets default values for them: 011 and 1, respectively, for country If you have not already set your DIAL INTL-PREFIX and LD-PREFIX, then this Japan, ... 351 for Portugal, 47 for Norway, 44 for the UK, 972 for Israel, 81 for Examples: 1 for USA, Canada, Puerto Rico, etc; 7 for Russia, 39 for Italy, dialing directory will result in a national or an international call. from, so it can tell whether a portable-format phone number from your Tells Kermit the telephonic country-code of the country you are dialingSET DIAL COUNTRY-CODE DIAL to display all of the SET DIAL values.dialing the telephone. Also see HELP DIAL and HELP SET MODEM. Use SHOWThe SET DIAL command establishes or changes all parameters related to COMMUNICATIONS also shows the current flow-control setting. as well as the current connection type and flow-control setting. SHOW Type SHOW FLOW-CONTROL to see the current defaults for each connection type connection-establishment command. been chosen in your most recent SET LINE, SET PORT, or SET HOST, or other current flow control type, overriding any default value that might have If you omit the switch and simply supply a value, this value becomes the not to try to change the current flow-control method for the connection. and some others; again, type "set flow ?" for a list. KEEP tells Kermit The flow-control values are NONE, KEEP, XON/XOFF, and possibly RTS/CTS a connection, the associated flow-control is chosen automatically. "set flow ?" for a list of available switches. Then whenever you make kind of connection: /REMOTE, /MODEM, /DIRECT-SERIAL, /TCPIP, etc; type Switches let you associate a particular kind of flow control with each connection, and script execution. Selects the type of flow control to use during file transfer, terminalSyntax: SET FLOW [ switch ] value and SET FILE WARNING OFF is equivalent to SET FILE COLLISION OVERWRITE. COLLISION. SET FILE WARNING ON is equivalent to SET FILE COLLISION RENAME SET FILE WARNING is superseded by the newer command, SET FILESET FILE WARNING { ON, OFF } files that do not start with a Byte Order Mark. Byte order to use when creating UCS-2 files, and to use when reading UCS-2SET FILE UCS BYTE-ORDER { BIG-ENDIAN, LITTLE-ENDIAN } Whether to write a Byte Order Mark when creating a UCS-2 file.SET FILE UCS BOM { ON, OFF } "?String space exhausted" error. Also see SET FILE LISTSIZE. current size. Use this command to increase the size if you get a filenames such as wildcard expansion lists. Use SHOW FILE to see the Changes the size (in bytes) of the internal buffer that holds lists ofSET FILE STRINGSPACE number scan the whole file. Also see SET FILE PATTERNS. size is the number of file bytes to scan, 49152 by default. -1 means to MODE automatic to allow name patterns and other methods. The optional SET FILE SCAN OFF to disable file peeking, while still keeping TRANSFER Kermit peeks at the file's contents to see if it's text or binary. Use If TRANSFER MODE is AUTOMATIC and FILE SCAN is ON (as it is by default)SET FILE SCAN { ON [ size ], OFF } binary pattern, the prevailing SET FILE TYPE is used. in text mode when FILE PATTERNS is ON; if a file does not match a text orSET FILE TEXT-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] of pattern syntax. SHOW PATTERNS to see the current file pattern lists. in binary mode when FILE PATTERNS are ON. HELP WILDCARDS for a description Zero or more filename patterns which, if matched, cause a file to be sentSET FILE BINARY-PATTERNS [ [ ... ] ] is OFF (see SET FILE SCAN). packets and like OFF otherwise. FILE PATTERNS are used only if FILE SCAN mode. AUTO (the default) is like ON if the other Kermit accepts Attribute in text or binary mode. OFF means to send all files in the prevailing ON means to use filename pattern lists to determine whether to send a fileSET FILE PATTERNS { ON, OFF, AUTO } performance. change the disk output buffer size; this might make a difference in slower. The optional size parameter after BUFFERED or UNBUFFERED lets you cached disk writes are not lost in a crash, but will probably also be Unbuffered writes might be useful in critical applications to ensure that systems but might also be risky, depending on the underlying file service. blocking writes are normal. Nonblocking writes might be faster on some Lets you control the disk output buffer for incoming files. BufferedSET FILE OUTPUT { { BUFFERED, UNBUFFERED } [ size ], BLOCKING, NONBLOCKING } see SET SEND PATHNAMES and SET RECEIVE PATHNAMES. LITERAL means use filenames literally (useful between like systems). Also (e.g. lowercase to uppercase, extra periods changed to underscore, etc). File names are normally CONVERTED to "common form" during transmissionSET FILE NAMES { CONVERTED, LITERAL } a "?Too many files" error. Also see SET FILE STRINGSPACE. to see the current size. Use this command to increase the size if you get Changes the size of the internal wildcard expansion list. Use SHOW FILESET FILE LISTSIZE number is in binary mode. AUTO (the default) means DISCARD if transfer is in text mode, KEEP if it What to do with an incompletely received file: KEEP, DISCARD, or AUTO.SET FILE INCOMPLETE { AUTO, KEEP, DISCARD } Use this command to specify nonstandard line terminators for text files.SET FILE END-OF-LINE { CR, CRLF, LF } already end with Ctrl-Z. receiver tack a Ctrl-Z onto the end of the output file if it does not Ctrl-Z in the input file as the end of file (EOF), and it makes the file transfers. When set to CTRL-Z, this makes the file sender treat the first End-Of-File detection method, normally LENGTH. Applies only to text-modeSET FILE EOF { CTRL-Z, LENGTH } received files go into your current directory. The directory into which all received files should be placed. By default,SET FILE DOWNLOAD-DIRECTORY [ ] NONE No file transfer display at all. This requires a terminal or terminal emulator. FULLSCREEN A fully formatted 24x80 screen showing lots of information. This format can be used on any video display terminal. CRT Numbers are continuously updated on a single screen line. SERIAL One dot is printed for every K bytes transferred. BRIEF A line per file, showing size, mode, status, and throughput. transfer. The choices are: Selects the format of the file transfer display for local-mode fileSET FILE DISPLAY option NOWHERE: Do not put incoming files anywhere (use for calibration). SCREEN: Display incoming files on screen (local mode only). PRINTER: Send incoming files to SET PRINTER device. DISK (default): Store incoming files on disk.SET FILE DESTINATION { DISK, PRINTER, SCREEN, NOWHERE } UPDATE - Accept the incoming file only if newer than the existing file. RENAME - Give the incoming file a unique name. DISCARD - Refuse and/or discard the incoming file. APPEND - Append the incoming file to the end of the existing file. OVERWRITE - Overwrite (replace) the existing file. the incoming file under the name it was sent with. BACKUP (default) - Rename the old file to a new, unique name and store an existing file. The options are: Tells what to do when a file arrives that has the same name asSET FILE COLLISION option switching automatically among different kinds of files. This tells the character set to be used for 8-bit text files whenSET FILE DEFAULT 8BIT-CHARACTER-SET this tells the character set to be used for 7-bit text files. When automatically switching among different kinds of files while sendingSET FILE DEFAULT 7BIT-CHARACTER-SET Type SET FILE CHAR ? for a complete list of file character sets. UTF-8 is the serialized form of the Universal Character Set. UCS-2 is the 2-byte form of the Universal Character Set. Kanji character sets. JAPANESE-EUC, JIS7-KANJI, DEC-KANJI, and SHIFT-JIS-KANJI are Japanese ELOT-927 is like ASCII with the lowercase letters replaced by Greek. GREEK-ISO is ISO 8859-7 Latin/Greek. CP869 is the Greek PC code page. HEBREW-7 is like ASCII with the lowercase letters replaced by Hebrew. HEBREW-ISO is ISO 8859-8 Latin/Hebrew. CP862 is the Hebrew PC code page. page used in Bulgaria SHORT-KOI is a 7-bit ASCII coding for Cyrillic. BULGARIA-PC is a PC code KOI-CYRILLIC, CYRILLIC-ISO, and CP866 are 8-bit Cyrillic character sets. Roman letters. Mazovia is a PC code page used in Poland. LATIN2 is ISO 8859-2 for Eastern European languages that are written with The CPnnn sets are for PCs. MACINTOSH-LATIN is for the Macintosh. NEXT is the 8-bit character set of the NeXT workstation. for Western European languages. national character sets. LATIN1 is the 8-bit ISO 8859-1 Latin Alphabet 1 The names ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE, NORWEGIAN, etc, refer to 7-bit ISO-646 Tells the encoding of the local file, ASCII by default.SET FILE CHARACTER-SET name Normally 8. If 7, Kermit truncates the 8th bit of all file bytes.SET FILE BYTESIZE { 7, 8 } a per-command basis with a /TEXT or /BINARY switch. files; the FILE TYPE setting is used instead, which can be superseded on When TRANSFER MODE is MANUAL, the automatic methods are skipped for sending RECEIVE command. superseded by including a /BINARY or /TEXT switch in the SEND, GET, or record format) supersede the FILE TYPE setting but can, themselves, be PATTERNS), client/server "kindred-spirit" recognition, or source file content scan (see SET FILE SCAN below), filename pattern matching (SET FILE is transferred in text or binary mode; these methods (which might include methods (depending on the platform) are used to determine whether a file When TRANSFER MODE is AUTOMATIC (as it is by default), various automatic the corresponding file type at the receiver as well. to an ancient or non-Columbia Kermit implementation, you might need to set of the file type automatically. However, when sending files from C-Kermit byte. In most modern Kermit programs, the file sender informs the receiver whenever you wish to duplicate the original contents of the file, byte for BINARY with TRANSFER MODE MANUAL for executable programs or binary data or conversion if TRANSFER MODE is MANUAL, which is not the default. Use between unlike platforms (such as UNIX and Windows), or BINARY for no and character set, which is usually needed when transferring text files of any other indication. TYPE can be TEXT for conversion of record format How file contents are to be treated during file transfer in the absenceSET FILE TYPE { TEXT, BINARY }(and SHOW) TRANSFER and PROTOCOL.Sets file-related parameters. Use SHOW FILE to view them. Also see SETSyntax: SET FILE parameter value complete list of possibilities. numeric code value of the handshake character. Type SET HANDSH ? for a other names like BELL or ESC, or use SET HANDSHAKE CODE to specify the before sending its next packet. Default is NONE; you can give one of the transfer. C-Kermit waits for this character from the other computer Character to use for half duplex line turnaround handshake during fileSyntax: SET HANDSHAKE { NONE, XON, LF, BELL, ESC, CODE number } Default is 0. a NAK while waiting for a command packet. Specify 0 for no NAKs at all. Server command wait timeout interval, how often the C-Kermit server issuesSET SERVER TIMEOUT n at a time; C-Kermit does not support multiple user/password pairs. is no longer required. Only one SET SERVER LOGIN command can be in effect account is ignored. If you enter SET SERVER LOGIN by itself, then login the server will respond to any commands other than REMOTE LOGIN. The Sets up a username and optional password which must be supplied beforeSET SERVER LOGIN [ username [ password [ account ] ] ] slows down the server too much. out. ON by default; turn it OFF if it causes trouble with the client or time to produce any output and therefore might cause the operation to time REMOTE HOST commands, which is useful in case the command takes a long Tells whether C-Kermit should send "keepalive" packets while executingSET SERVER KEEPALIVE {ON,OFF} NOTE: SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT and SERVER TIMEOUT are mutually exclusive. Idle time limit while in server mode, 0 for no limit.SET SERVER IDLE-TIMEOUT seconds Default is no GET-PATH, so C-Kermit looks only in its current directory. from client GET commands when the names are not fully specified pathnames. Tells the C-Kermit server where to look for files whose names it receivesSET SERVER GET-PATH [ directory [ directory [ ... ] ] ] file transfer display on the screen. Default is OFF. Tells whether local-mode C-Kermit during server operation should put aSET SERVER DISPLAY {ON,OFF} Synonym: SET CD MESSAGE FILE . To specify more than one filename to look for, use {{name1}{name2}..}. READ.ME (SHOW SERVER tells the current CD-MESSAGE FILE name). Tells the name of the file to be displayed as a CD-MESSAGE, such asSET SERVER CD-MESSAGE FILE name (or similar) file to your screen. command, should send the contents of the new directory's READ.ME Tells whether the server, after successfully executing a REMOTE CDSET SERVER CD-MESSAGE {ON,OFF}Also see: HELP SET LOCUS, HELP FTP, HELP SET GET-PUT-REMOTE.for example, RDIR for REMOTE DIR, RCD for REMOTE CD, etc.All REMOTE commands except LOGIN and LOGOUT have R-command shortcuts;xxx to get further information about a particular remote command xxx.Type REMOTE ? to see a list of available remote commands. Type HELP REMOTEthe command is directed according to your GET-PUT-REMOTE setting.directed to the server you are connected to; if you have multiple connectionsto a Kermit or FTP server. If you have a single connection, the command isThe REMOTE command sends file management instructions or other commandsAlso see HELP WILDCARD (for IF MATCH pattern syntax). IF < \%x 10 { ECHO It's less } ELSE { ECHO It's not less }It can also include an ELSE part on the same line if braces are used: ELSE echo It's not less IF < \%x 10 ECHO It's lessThe IF command may be followed on the next line by an ELSE command. Example: FALSE - always fails TRUE - always succeeds (number by itself) - fails if the number is 0, succeeds otherwise >= n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically greater than or equal to n2 > n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically greater than n2 <= n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically less than or equal to n2 < n1 n2 - n1 is arithmetically less than n2 = n1 n2 - n1 and n2 (numbers or variables containing numbers) are equal LGT s1 s1 - s1 is lexically (alphabetically) greater than s2 LLT s1 s2 - s1 is lexically (alphabetically) less than s2 EQUAL s1 s2 - s1 and s2 (character strings or variables) are equal greater than zero (see SET COUNT) COUNT - subtract one from COUNT, execute the command if the result is VERSION - equivalent to "if >= \v(version) ..." KBHIT - A key has been pressed OPEN CONNECTION - A connection is open OPEN { READ-FILE,SESSION-LOG,...} - The given file or log is open NEWER file1 file2 - The 1st file is newer than the 2nd one WRITEABLE filename - Succeeds if the file is writeable READABLE filename - Succeeds if the file is readable DIRECTORY string - The string is the name of a directory ABSOLUTE filename - The filename is absolute, not relative EXIST filename - The named file exists NUMERIC variable or constant - The variable or constant is numeric DECLARED arrayname - The named array is declared DEFINED variablename or macroname - The named variable or macro is defined COMMAND word - Succeeds if word is built-in command FLOAT number - Succeeds if floating-point number MATCH string pattern - Succeeds if string matches pattern AVAILABLE SSL - SSL/TLS authentication is available AVAILABLE SRP - SRP authentication is available AVAILABLE NTLM - NTLM authentication is available AVAILABLE KERBEROS5 - Kerberos 5 authentication is available AVAILABLE KERBEROS4 - Kerberos 4 authentication is available AVAILABLE CRYPTO - Encryption is available GUI - Program runs in a GUI window K-95 - Program is Kermit 95 C-KERMIT - Program is C-Kermit MS-KERMIT - Program is MS-DOS Kermit EMULATION - Succeeds if executed while in CONNECT mode ASKTIMEOUT - The most recent ASK, ASKQ, GETC, or GETOK timed out ALARM - SET ALARM time has passed KERBANG - A Kerbang script is running REMOTE-ONLY - C-Kermit was started with the -R command-line option FOREGROUND - C-Kermit is running in the foreground BACKGROUND - C-Kermit is running in the background FLAG - Succeeds if SET FLAG ON, fails if SET FLAG OFF ERROR - Synonym for FAILURE FAILURE - The previous command failed OK - Synonym for SUCCESS SUCCESS - The previous command succeededThe conditions are: IF ( EXIST oofa.txt || = \v(nday) 3 ) { , , ... } IF ( EXIST oofa.txt || = \v(nday) 3 ) IF EXIST oofa.txt If parentheses are used they must be surrounded by spaces. Examples:conditions separated by AND (&&) or OR (||) and enclosed in parentheses.enclosed in braces. The condition can be a single condition or a group ofcan be a single command, or a list of commands separated by commas andIf the condition is (is not) true, do the commandlist. The commandlistSyntax: IF [NOT] condition commandlistAlse see: HELP FUNCTION EVAL. to choose the old or new behavior, which is NEW by default. (no variable), and the result was printed. Use SET EVAL { OLD, NEW } NOTE: Prior to C-Kermit 7.0, the syntax was "EVALUATE expression" EVALUATE \%n (1+1) * (\%a / 3). traditional notation. Operators include +-/*(), etc. Example: functions, combined with mathematical operators and parentheses in The expression can contain numbers and/or numeric-valued variables or Evaluates the expression and assigns its value to the given variable.Syntax: EVALUATE variable expression included, it is printed. Also see SET EXIT. If a number is given it becomes Kermit's exit status code. If text is Exits from the Kermit program, closing all open files and devices.Syntax: EXIT (or QUIT) [ number [ text ] ] Obsolete. Same as IF (see HELP IF).Syntax: XIF condition { commandlist } [ ELSE { commandlist } ] Example: FOR \%i 10 1 -1 { pause 1, echo \%i } number of times given by the initial value, final value and increment. FOR loop. Execute the comma-separated commands in the commandlist theSyntax: FOR variablename initial-value final-value increment { commandlist } IF commands. commandlist while the condition is true. Conditions are the same as for WHILE loop. Execute the comma-separated commands in the bracketedSyntax: WHILE condition { commandlist }for information about patterns.invocation, a pattern, or any combination of these. See HELP WILDCARDSThe case label "x" can be a character, a string, a variable, a function :default, command, command, ... not match any of the labels: case-list, you can put a "default" label to catch when the variable does where "x" is a possible value for the variable. At the end of the :x, command, command, ..., break The case-list is a series of lines like these: Selects from a group of commands based on the value of a variable.Syntax: SWITCH { case-list } OPEN !READ sort foo.bar OPEN READ oofa.txt from or write to a system command rather than a file. Examples: specified mode: READ, WRITE, or APPEND. !READ and !WRITE mean to read For use with READ and WRITE commands. Open the local file in theSyntax: OPEN mode filename respond within the time limit. Suppresses "?Timed out" message when /TIMEOUT is given and user doesn't /QUIET upon timeout and the command does NOT fail. NOTE: If a /DEFAULT: value was also given, it is supplied automatically number, except it applies only to this command. Also see SET ASK-TIMER. command fails. This is equivalent to setting ASK-TIMER to a positive If the response is not entered within the given number of seconds, the /TIMEOUT:number limit expired with no response. Text to supply if the user enters a blank response or the /TIMEOUT /DEFAULT:textSwitches: Like ASK except the response does not echo on the screen.Example: ASKQ \%p { Password:}Syntax: ASKQ [ switches ] variablename [ prompt ] leading and/or trailing spaces in the prompt. response, up to the terminating carriage return. Use braces to preserve Issues the prompt and defines the variable to be whatever is typed inExample: ASK \%n { What is your name\? }Syntax: ASK [ switches ] variablename [ prompt ]Also see SET ASK-TIMER. Use braces to preserve leading and/or trailing spaces in the prompt. Issues the prompt and sets the variable to the first character you type.Example: GETC \%c { Type any character to continue...}Syntax: GETC variablename [ prompt ] untimed ASKs after a timed one, use SET ASK-TIMER 0. Also see IF ASKTIMEOUT. seconds with no response. This command is "sticky", so to revert to greater than 0, these commands will time out after the given number of For use with ASK, ASKQ, GETOK, and GETC. If ASK-TIMER is set to a numberSyntax: SET ASK-TIMER number ::= Copies with arithmetic evaluation (like EVALUATE). := Copies with evaluation (like ASSIGN). = Copies without evaluation (like DEFINE). assignment operator: Assigns the value to the variable in the manner indicated by theSyntax: . SET BLOCK-CHECK \%b ECHO Today is \%aThese variables can be used almost anywhere, for example: DEFINE \%b 3 DEFINE \%a MondayThe definition of a variable can be anything at all, for example:the macro, or just type its name, followed optionally by arguments.comma-separated list of Kermit commands. Use the DO command to executewhich defines a Kermit command macro called 'vax'. The definition is a DEFINE vax set parity even, set duplex full, set flow xon/xofffor example: DEFINE name command, command, command, ...A typical macro definition looks like this: the definition is omitted, then the named variable or macro is undefined. names are included, rather than their values (compare with ASSIGN). If if the definition includes any variable or function references, their literally. No expansion or evaluation of the definition is done. Thus Defines a macro or variable. Its value is the definition, takenSyntax: DEFINE name [ definition ] This prints 'goodbye hello'. ECHO \%x \%y DEFINE \%a goodbye ASSIGN \%y \%a DEFINE \%x \%a DEFINE \%a hello names. Compare with DEFINE. To illustrate the difference, try this: the values of any variables that are contained are used, rather than their The definition string is fully evaluated before it is assigned, so that Assigns the current value of the string to the variable (or macro).Example: ASSIGN \%a My name is \%b.Syntax: ASSIGN variablename string.Examples: DECR \%a, DECR \%a 7, DECR \%a \%n instead. is numeric. If the number argument is given, subtract that number Decrement (subtract one from) the value of a variable if the current valueSyntax: DECREMENT variablename [ number ]Examples: INCR \%a, INCR \%a 7, INCR \%a \%n numeric. If the number argument is given, add that number instead. Increment (add one to) the value of a variable if the current value isSyntax: INCREMENT variablename [ number ] printer. See HELP PRINT for further info. is omitted the default value is restored. SHOW PRINTER lists the current enclosed in braces, e.g. "set printer {| lpr -Plaser}". If the argument given file. If the SET PRINTER argument contains spaces, it must be PRINT command. If a filename is given, each PRINT command appends to the Specifies the command (such as "|lpr") or filename to be used by theSyntax: SET PRINTER [ { |command, filename } ] it is never requested. The default is ON. When EXIT WARNING is ALWAYS, confirmation is always requested. When OFF before EXITing if a connection to another computer might still be open. When EXIT WARNING is ON, issue a warning message and ask for confirmationSyntax: SET EXIT WARNING { ON, OFF, ALWAYS } constant, variable, function result, or arithmetic expression. Set C-Kermit's program return code to the given number, which can be aSyntax: SET EXIT STATUS number is terminated either by the host or by issuing a HANGUP command. When ON, C-Kermit EXITs automatically when a network connectionSyntax: SET EXIT ON-DISCONNECT { ON, OFF } When OFF, Kermit skips this sequence. CLOSE command on the communications device or connection when it exits. When ON (which is the default), C-Kermit executes an implicit HANGUP andSyntax: SET EXIT HANGUP { ON, OFF } fails, otherwise it succeeds. Synonym: SLEEP. the keyboard unless SLEEP CANCELLATION is OFF. If interrupted, PAUSE second is used. The pause can be interrupted by typing any character on current time, it is assumed to be tomorrow. If no argument given, one day in 24-hour hh:mm:ss notation. If the time of day is earlier than the Do nothing for the specified number of seconds or until the given time ofExample: PAUSE 3 or PAUSE 14:52:30Syntax: PAUSE [ { number-of-seconds, hh:mm:ss } ] 100 milliseconds. Do nothing for the specified number of milliseconds; if no number given,Example: MSLEEP 500Syntax: MSLEEP [ number ] this is usually EXIT or QUIT or LOGOUT) to return to Kermit. system's command line interpreter or shell; exit from it (the command for displays the results on the screen. If the command is omitted, enters the Gives the command to the local operating system's command processor, andSyntax: !, @, RUN, PUSH, or SPAWN, optionally followed by a command. XMIT. See HELP SET TRANSMIT for further information. starting a text editor. TRANSMIT may be interrupted by Ctrl-C. Synonym: must put the other computer in data collection mode, for example by correctly and completely. Before you start the TRANSMIT command, you There can be no guarantee that the other computer will receive the file /TEXT). to disable character-set translation in text mode (/TRANSPARENT implies CHARACTER-SET settings when TRANSMIT is in text mode. Include /TRANSPARENT Character sets are translated according to your current FILE and TERMINAL blasts the file out at full speed. TRANSMIT /NOECHO /NOWAIT /BINARY is a special case, that more or less TRANSMIT ECHO OFF or the /NOECHO switch to suppress echoing. Note that Normally the transmitted material is echoed to your screen. Use SET binary mode, it is sent a character at a time, with no feedback required. the next line; use /NOWAIT to eliminate the feedback requirement. In your keyboard), and C-Kermit waits for a linefeed to echo before sending with carriage return at the end of each line (as if you were typing it at changing the global setting. In text mode, it is sent a line at a time, TEXT), which you can override with a /BINARY or /TEXT switch without The file is sent according to your current FILE TYPE setting (BINARY or sent. the /PIPE switch is included, the name of a command whose output is to be filename is the name of a single file (no wildcards) to be sent or, if (or if C-Kermit is in remote mode, displays it on the screen). The to the computer on the other end of your SET LINE or SET HOST connection Sends the contents of a file, without any error checking or correction,Syntax: TRANSMIT [ switches ] filename rather than a filename, or if file2 is omitted. Multiple files can be translated if file2 is a directory or device name, TRANSLATE lasagna.lat latin1 italian lasagna.nrc is chosen automatically, if necessary. Synonym: XLATE. Example: is displayed on the screen. An appropriate intermediate character-set C-Kermit's file character sets. If file2 is omitted, the translation and stores the result in file2. The character sets can be any of Translates file1 from the character set cs1 into the character set cs2Syntax: TRANSLATE file1 cs1 cs2 [ file2 ]with the specified file, succeeds if it does, fails if it doesn't.Kermit waits up to the given amount of time for the specified event to occurwhere