; I/D space version .psect topmem ,d,rw,gbl,ovr,rel .name utl .name sr .name err .root rm-rmsrot,senrec,utilty,error,topmem rm: .fctr a-b-c-d-e-errdvr-mem-sub a: .fctr in:krtpak b: .fctr in:krtdat c: .fctr in:krtrme d: .fctr in:krte80-in:krtedi e: .fctr in:krtcmd senrec: .fctr sr-*(in:krtsen,in:krtrec,in:krtcm1) set0: .fctr in:krtst0 set1: .fctr in:krtst1 show: .fctr in:krtsho connec: .fctr in:krteco-in:krttra-in:krtxmo help: .fctr in:krthlp-in:krtidx server: .fctr in:krtser debug: .fctr in:krtdeb dial: .fctr in:krtdia-in:krtmdm utilty: .fctr utl-*(set0-set1-show-dial,server,connec-help,debug) errdvr: .fctr in:krter0 ; This overlay must NOT contain ANY routines called by the ; command parser (GETCMD, GETCM0 and GETCM1) as the command ; lists for LOCAl and REMOTE commands are in here and loaded ; via calls to LOACMD and LOAREM, which simply force $AUTO ; to load the overlay and then they return the command list ; address in R0. error: .fctr err-*(e1,e2) e1: .fctr *(er1-er2-er3-er4-pk-copy) e2: .fctr *(cmdlst-setlst-conver-atr-ini-sersub-krtrmz) krtrmz: .fctr in:krtrmz sersub: .fctr in:krt80s conver: .fctr in:krtcvt copy: .fctr in:krtcpy er1: .fctr in:krter1 er2: .fctr in:krter2 er3: .fctr in:krter3 er4: .fctr in:krter4 sub: .fctr in:krtsub pk: .fctr in:krtpk cmdlst: .fctr in:krtcom setlst: .fctr in:krtstd atr: .fctr in:krtatr ini: .fctr in:krtini mem: .fctr lb:syslib/lb:extsk @lb:rmsrlx .end