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DIALING I VA4224Vadic 4224 *D%M%S%B KDIALINGBPT I USER-DEFINEDKRTLOG.OUT.LOGLogfile is open - Close it? exists - Overwrite? Number: Seconds: Abort dialing string: Enable auto-answer string: Blind dialing string: Modem description: Connect at 300 message: Connect at 1200 message: Connect at 2400 message: Connect at 4800 message: Connect at 9600 message: Connect at 19.2k message: Connect at 38.4k message: String: Character(s): Ticks: Failed call message: Dial format string: Modem reset string: Initiate dialing string: Initiate dialing prompt string: Disable auto-answer string: Pulse dial string: Ringing message: Connect (speed locked) message: Seconds: Tone dial string: Response to wake-up: Init modem to dial string: Name Phone-Number: Extended Mode: Numbers or ALL: No LOGFILE is open opened, blocksBINARY-MODE (fixed 512, no carriage control) enabled closed is already open ?SET$DEBUG-W-Bad option You must SET DEBUG as desired to write to this file Caution: Binary files will require 8-bit prefixing requires hardware flow control must always be quoted is not a control characterError from device assignment Kermit-11 no longer running in LOCAL mode Link device: Speed not settable Speed: DTR/CD not currently present DTR/CD presentParity is set, forcing 7bit mode Blocks: Mode: Option: Value: Octal 1-36: Seconds: Octal value: How many? On, Off? Length? Your max authorized priority is DK --> Explicit or Implicit? You may need to SET BLO on the other Kermit ASCII text mode set Binary mode set DEC-Multinational mode set Auto ASCII/Binary mode set Caution: Binary files will require 8-bit prefixing appended to BINARY-TYPE list Packet length truncated to buffer maximum of . bytes Remember to SET BLO 3 for long-packets @ nltllllll Date Exact-Length Length Protection System-ID System-Info Type (text/binary)lll1-Byte-Checksum2-Byte-Checksum3-Byte-CRC-CCITTm)mBm[mtmCONNECT session logging:PACKET exchange logging:RAW binary I/O logging:RPACK rec packets to TT:TERMINAL debug display:mmmASCII (7-bit text)BINARY (fixed 512, no carriage control)DEC-Multinational (8-bit text)mmnn nNONEODDEVENMARKSPACEn"n&n,nNOSCOPETTYVT100VT200Block-check-type: Incomplete-file-disposition: RANDOM error generation: SEED = . ENABLED disabledLogfile is , cur/max blk: /No LOGFILE is openESCAPE connect command prefix FILE-TYPE set to Auto ASCII/BinaryExisting file protection:File naming conversion: DISABLED enabledLower case file naming:Volume verification is:Local comma CSI-Parsing: realEMULATEDFile create-size blocks: Init file: WILDCARDS are set ImplicitEXPLICITTake file EOF action: NOEXITKEEPdiscardRECEIVE conpar+p.eol EOL SEND senpar+p.eol EOL nominal packet LENset packet limit LENLONG-PACKETS set locally to OFF_received_ LENmax avail buffTIME-OUT REC seconds wait SEND seconds wait_received_ secondsRETRY initial-connect limitmax for other packets ^ ----------------- Packet Stats ----------------- Type Last Sent Last Rec Prev Sent Prev Rec --- Last Transaction --- ALLBytes sent: received:For data bytes:Time to transfer: Physical data rate: chars/second File transfer rate: Chars per read: DELAYPAUSE secs before send-packinitNo handshaking in useHandshake set to S/W Parity is set Terminal, QUIET, Console78-bit, FullHALF Duplex, MILNET XON is , BREAK is shortLONGAttributes: On: OffNothing SETstart of packet SOH BINARY-TYPE file extents: *Accessable devices:No phone numbers defined Last number dialed: SL status: ONKEDsPackets between display updates: Server time-out: Repeated character quoting: secondscontrol quote = (), applied to (0 = unprefixed, 1 = prefixed): : renamed to deleted block copied to _To: DK --> HOME--> @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]~?LP: (Hz) .LST% Aborted from keyboard% Timed outToggling DTR..Re-initting modem.. modem is on-line Try #: The known modem types are: % No answer YesNoDial time-out secs: Settle-time ticks: %X = "XBinary-responses: Result strings: SuccessRings+1 Failure Link disconnected , DTE is forced to Format effectors: % No dial$prompt% No dial$go% No dial$ack = "" Modem name: "Modem type: Wakeup string: Wake-rate in ticks:  Response to wakeup: Dial FORMAT string: Dial-rate in ticks: Pause character(s): Dial-acknowledge:  "Initiate" string: "Initiate" prompt: "Confirm" string: "Confirm" ack:  Echoes dial string: .Redial w/o reinit: Blind dial string: *Pulse dial string: ,Tone dial string: &Dial abort string: (Reset/idle string: 4Enable autoanswer: 6Disable autoanswer: <[?1l[?3l[?4l[?5[?6l[?7h[?8h(B>]x :00 LD0 --> DU5:JAYSEN.DSK R/O [not available]~ATJ~AN~A~J4B4NB"NB NBBNBJ I @+$J B4 :3J 2 n AJ "  \"I EJ ڀ ^J "I J& N J 57 7 wHHHvH J z J l fJqHJlH e -T wtЇ`ԷZfF  7 H7 B 8fVH %/f %f  f&:Y e &E fF $  fH ,ef ذ & :7ʵ7 V < lfF 7 X7 R 7 "7 z҇f 4  f H   &f&f5Tf He  D7 7 I JJJJJJJJJJJJJnVVVVWVlWVWVnVFXRYXZZ|Z"XZ[[YEGNRISTLCKEDUFHRT deleted %KRTSER-I-Server stopped Server REMOTE commands: BYE Stop server and logout REMOTE COPY Copy a file to another REMOTE CWD Change server working directory REMOTE DELETE Delete specified file REMOTE DIR Display a directory FINISH Stop server leaving Kermit running GET Get file(s) from server REMOTE HELP Display this help text REMOTE RENAME Rename a file SEND Send file(s) to server REMOTE SPACE Show available disk space REMOTE TYPE Type specified file ?KRTSER-E-Invalid argument(s)?KRTSER-W-Unimplemented commandReceive XREPLY failedTry of got invalid response checksum failed was NAKed timed out1 file renamedRemote ACK: Get completedGet failedProcessing file name "" block(s) copied to DK --> %KRTSER-I-Server starting. Return to your local machine by typing its escape sequence for closing the connection, then issue further commands from there. To shut down the server, use the BYE command to logout, or the FINISH command and then reconnect.Connecting to DTE speed: N/A ?KRTSER-W-Type ^C times to stop the server from this terminal .LSTENSYXT`a`Zaa a``JAtIdAIJApMdAI4B4NBNBNBؑNBtNBNB NBBNB  :zGE&  5ŀ7&  "ŀ7 B V& C  ^~& f   @pf@ W ׭ŀ ~ff   8 7 & 7 7 7 7 7 7  Ѫ67 DĪ:H w4 d6"4 J 4р 4fTz5`JH D   1KB@<76 I z4 r I ff  (I N& 2e@& <6I 4 rС& 8E r |XE ^ !7 Jyvq6fw (WTO[6 < \ * H 767 7  7ݨۨۨڨ6. n̨7ʨɨ jw!KB7r I & $SN A< LHG F8E  76 XE 7Tݧ6 N ɧƧ8.ͧ6"   Ќ    xef@ x"ь  e&f  R~% 77  tI d[I PfŀRG& N . dGG  zΡE8ڡ5.U&ڡG ԡ f2 ,  H f G 55ffB@ ^~  h f4 \ f  f4 f4  ff e U ~Of  E f ̖% W f b̖%f fff ˖% f R   \T & ا f d   x ͇7 f < Tɋ d )6f B  , fII e `7 Xf3 6%  l & Wf@օ 0  . A f B   " J7 ҽ (fS   " fI Z%  &<  v   d"J . z7 7 7 7 77 >7 1  pR^b c B *G& FoJ& <ˋzJ , K "7 l ~ vf6d ݖ% ff6d e 06d׭*"6d& Pw & ( f : 7 7 f " 7 р&fcc ͋W   ͋W T&fc17  `VBT, Cע*)ˋɋ"@az ע_- 7  fa 7 VeJ F f87  P Ʒ fVa ld <7 J F 77 X&777J a6d &^b Va   v&6d & " b "wf& e 1Va ZeV7pJ2 0&I & V  S O1   7747p a6d 6b& H"c& >bc& 4 f& &f0   r6d & n `7̋&  Nw bf&& дe&f& &  W17:J ,u&( @ B  gJ vf j  (Ã~gJ Re% 7%I Vf % If Ʊe :Vaf& ܶe 1Va n$K tf&$Kf& e !~J  J f  ~J pJ h V 8KdCcIiQqRrXxBb?HhlZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZB Try to send a break to the remote C Connect back to the local Kermit-11 I Drop and raise DTR (for RSTS only) Q Quit console logging. See SET LOG R Resume console logging. See SET LOG X Send XON and cancel any active XONs RUBOUT Try to fake a break to the remote ? Print this MESSAGE Please use the SET LINE command Connected line and console line are the same unit Connecting to: Speed: Type Control C to return to the local Kermit-11 ??DETKEY error - DTR not present or has been lost Failure to open terminal line - Send completedSend failedProcessing file name ""b"cbcJJJ,JHLP:KRTHLP.HLPKRT:KRTHLP.HLPSY:KRTHLP.HLPDK:KRTHLP.HLP Additional information is available on: Upgrades --?KRTHLP-W-Can't find KRTHLP.HLP on HLP, KRT, SY or DK is an incorrect version LP:KRTHLP.OUT% Help not found for the requested topic Select topic, please: Y03.63-49 19-Feb-96PSTS2XSdSmS|S nS S S tS S S SSSSlSSST~ TFT!XT")T# 4T#>T$iET%XT1aT28gT7pT8{wT:1~T:T;|TFTLITRTUjT\T_T`TgUk~Uo?Ux$U?3U6EUOUXU\gUtUUUbU UUUHUUGUUUUyVYVVq"V+V4V=VFVOV{XVIaVFjVrsV|VUV9VVVVVVVVsV+VV_VV"W W@WEW'Wm0Wg8W@WIW{RW&WW^WdW8mWyWWW)WWVWWWWtWWGWIWW~WW)WlX XXk"X0X7X>XLX_XeXvoX^wXEXXXAX XGXvXXX XHXuX@X?YY(YY#YR)Y1YjZFuZG"ZGZH ZI{ZIRZJ{ZJZKZLZMZN2ZOX[P[P$[Q32[R8[R\A[RO[SU[S^[T6j[Wr[X7y[Xg[YK[[ [\[]D[]p[][][^d[^I[_2[_8\`H\`$\`.\b8\b?\bF\bV\cb\d_q\e}\fw\f\f\fH\g\h>\j\jZ\j\l\n\n]n]n+]o6]o?]q:G]qO]qNX]r`]sFk]tt]u|]vY]w,]x@]y]zG]z]{]|9]}]}u]~]]^D^~"^;,^ >^~I^O^?X^]^e^+w^@^;^e^^^^4^^w^^&^Y^^ _9__#_#-_T5_<_B_K_WY___Th_t__v___L____8___m```-%`p-`Q6`@`Q`HY```g`!p`Su`}``C``3`"`````%```! aaPa$a+ar6a=aHa1 ?1 @1 ASCII-Set1 ASSIGN1 Binary-Files1 BUG1 BYE1 CD1 Character-Sets1 CLS1 CLX1 Common-Problems1 CONNECT1 Control-Chars1 COPY1 CWD1 DATE1 DAYTIME1 Debugging1 DELETE1 DIAL1 DIRECTORY1 DISCONNECT1 DISMOUNT1 EXAMINE1 EXIT1 File-Format-Info1 FINISH1 GET1 HANGUP1 HELP1 HOME1 HPRINT1 Installation-Notes2 Files-Required2 KM2 KRT.INI-Examples2 Modems3 Anchor3 Hayes-MNP3 Telebit-T25003 Telebit-T30003 US-Robotics2 RT-112 TSX-Plus1 Introduction1 Local-vs-Remote1 LOGFILE1 LOGOUT1 Long-Packets1 MILNET-TAC2 Binary-Files2 Flow-Control2 Intercept-Character2 Time-Outs1 Modems1 MOUNT1 Parity1 PRINT1 PWD1 QUIT1 RECEIVE1 REDIAL1 Release-Notes2 KRT.COM2 KRTAIL2 KRTASM2 KRTATR2 KRTCM12 KRTCMD2 KRTCON2 KRTCVT2 KRTDAT2 KRTDEB2 KRTDIA2 KRTDIR2 KRTDSP2 KRTEDI2 KRTERM2 KRTERR2 KRTHLP2 KRTINI2 KRTLNK2 KRTMAC2 KRTNHD2 KRTOSI2 KRTPAK2 KRTREC2 KRTRMS2 KRTSEN2 KRTSER2 KRTSHO2 KRTST02 KRTST12 KRTSUB2 KRTTRA2 KRTUTL2 KRTXL2 KRTXM2 KRTXMO1 REMOTE2 CD2 COPY2 CWD2 DELETE2 DIRECTORY2 HELP2 HOST2 LOGIN2 RENAME2 SPACE2 TYPE2 WHO1 RENAME1 SEND1 SERVER1 SET2 ATTRIBUTES3 ALL3 DATE3 EXACT-LENGTH3 LENGTH3 OFF3 ON3 PROTECTION3 SYSTEM-ID3 SYSTEM-INFO3 TYPE2 BAUD2 BINARY-TYPE2 BLOCK-CHECK-TYPE2 CL:2 CONSOLE3 7-BIT3 8-BIT3 BREAK3 MILNET3 PRIORITY2 CONTROL-CHARACTER3 PREFIXED3 UNPREFIXED2 DEBUG3 ALL3 CONSOLE3 CONNECT3 NONE3 NORPACK3 NOTERMINAL3 NOTT:3 OFF3 ON3 PACKET3 RAW3 RPACK3 TERMINAL3 TT:2 DEFAULT2 DELAY2 DIAL3 ABORT3 ANSWER3 BINARY-RESPONSE3 BLIND3 COMMENT3 CON3003 CON12003 CON24003 CON48003 CON96003 CON192003 CON384003 CONFIRM3 CONFIRM-ACKNOWLEDGE3 DIAL-ACKNOWLEDGE3 DIAL-PAUSE3 DIAL-RATE3 ECHO3 FAILURE3 FORMAT3 Format-effectors3 IDLE3 Important-Notes!3 INITIATE3 INITIATE-PROMPT3 INIT-ONCE3 NOANSWER3 NOBINARY-RESPONSE3 NOECHO3 NOINIT-ONCE3 PULSE3 RINGING3 SETTLE-TIME3 SUCCESS3 TIME-OUT3 TONE3 WAKE-ACKNOWLEDGE3 WAKE-RATE3 WAKE-STRING2 DTR2 DUPLEX2 END-OF-LINE2 EOF2 ESCAPE2 FILE-TYPE3 ASCII3 AUTO3 BINARY3 CREATE-SIZE3 CSI-PARSING3 DEC-MULTINATIONAL3 FIXED3 IMAGE3 NAMING4 CONVERTED4 FULL4 LOWER-CASE4 NOLOWER-CASE3 NOPROTECT3 NOREPLACE3 NOVOLUME-VERIFY3 PROTECT3 REPLACE3 TEXT3 TYPE3 VOLUME-VERIFY3 WILDCARDS2 FLOW-CONTROL2 HANDSHAKE3 CR3 NONE2 HOME2 INCOMPLETE-FILE-DISPOSITION2 LD:2 LINE2 LOCAL-ECHO2 LOGFILE2 LONG-PACKETS2 MODEM-TYPE2 NOATTRIBUTES2 NODEBUG2 NOLONG-PACKETS2 NOREPEAT-QUOTING2 NOUPDATE2 PARITY2 PAUSE2 PHONE3 ANSWER3 BLIND3 NOANSWER3 NUMBER3 PULSE3 TONE3 XMODE2 PROMPT2 RANDOM2 RECEIVE3 PACKET-LENGTH3 START-OF-PACKET3 TIME-OUT2 REPEAT-QUOTING2 RETRY2 SEED2 SEND3 NOXON3 PACKET-LENGTH3 PADCHARACTER3 PADDING3 START-OF-PACKET3 TIME-OUT3 XON2 SERVER2 SL2 SPEED2 START-OF-PACKET2 TERMINAL2 TT:2 UPDATE2 VLSWCH1 SHOW2 ALL2 ASSIGNS2 ATTRIBUTES2 BAUD2 BINARY-TYPE2 BLOCK-CHECK-TYPE2 CL:2 CONSOLE2 CONTROL-PREFIXING2 DATE2 DAYTIME2 DEBUG2 DEFAULT2 DELAY2 DIAL2 DTR2 DUPLEX2 END-OF-LINE2 EOF2 ESCAPE2 FILE-TYPE2 FLOW-CONTROL2 HANDSHAKE2 HOME2 INCOMPLETE-FILE-DISPOSITION2 LD:2 LINE2 LOCAL-ECHO2 LOGFILE2 LONG-PACKETS2 MEMORY2 MODEM-TYPE2 PACKETS2 PARAMETERS2 PARITY2 PAUSE2 PHONE2 RANDOM2 RECEIVE2 REPEAT-QUOTING2 RETRY2 SEED2 SEND2 SERVER2 SL2 SPEED2 START-OF-PACKET2 SUBMOUNTS2 TERMINAL2 TIME2 TIME-OUTS2 TT:2 UPDATE2 VERSION2 VLSWCH1 SL-Editor2 Function-Keys2 KED-Mode-Functions1 SPACE1 STATUS1 TAKE1 TIME1 TRANSMIT1 TYPE1 Upgrades1 XMODEMJAtI 09f& T  (Eff &*  ,E! 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""$$&&))((**,,..r r @121@2@2P @020@$2$@2 @2 @2 @2 @2ff pff Loe@Zf .oeK1 &1 (2 &2 ({ff 4oe@Er{f oeWuDaff nef ne  8xƁ/pZ`P@߂0 *R}߃ %f"Rp`υP@!8Q0 ˆ Sy쇰,S׈phM`{XP@݉80# _uۊS~ԋp;`hP@0 JgǍ#?sǎ䎐 2xaplhޏ`PE@{0 Đ&X͑摰)Spp`PҒ@05 Nlɓ#HpŔ田 MsÕp` P0HP@0 Ȗ)Tr՗P"P#P{{P{{ ER$ABO-This error code no longer in useER$ACC-F11ACP access error or file improperly closed or createdER$ACT-Current RMS activity precludes operationER$AID-Bad area ID (STV=@XAB)ER$ALN-Alignment options error (STV=@XAB)ER$ALQ-Improper allocation quantityER$ANI-Not ANSI "D" formatER$AOP-Allocation options error (STV=@XAB)ER$AST-Invalid operation at AST levelER$ATR-Attribute read error (STV=SYS err code)ER$ATW-Attribute write error (STV=SYS err code)ER$BKS-Bucket size too large (FAB)ER$BKZ-Bucket size too large (STV=@XAB)ER$BLN-This error code no longer in useER$BOF-Beginning of file detected ($SPACE)ER$BPA-Private pool address zero or not word-alignedER$BPS-Private pool size not multiple of "4"ER$BUG-Internal RMS error condition detectedER$CCR-Can't connect RABER$CHG-$UPDATE-Key change without having attribute of XB$CHG setER$CHK-Bucket header corruptedER$CLS-RSTS/E close function failed (STV=SYS err code)ER$COD-Invalid or unsupported "COD" field (STV=@XAB)ER$CPB-Parameter block has invalid argument listER$CRE-Could not create file (STV=SYS err code)ER$CUR-No current record (Operation not preceded by GET/FIND)ER$DAC-F11ACP deaccess error during "CLOSE" (STV=SYS err code)ER$DAN-Data area number invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$DEL-RFA-Accessed record was deletedER$DEV-Bad device, or inappropriate device typeER$DFW-Error occurred on deferred write (STV=SYS err code)ER$DIR-Error in directory nameER$DME-Dynamic memory exhaustedER$DNA-Zero DNA with non-zero DNSER$DNF-Directory not foundER$DNR-Device not readyER$DPE-Device positioning error (STV=SYS err code)ER$DTP-"DTP" field invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$DUP-Duplicate key detected, XB$DUP attribute not setER$ENT-RSX-F11ACP ENTER function failed (STV=SYS err code)ER$ENV-Operation not selected in ORG$ or TKBER$EOF-End-of-fileER$ESA-Expanded string address is zeroER$ESL-No expanded string in expanded string areaER$ESS-Expanded string area too shortER$EXP-File expiration date not yet reachedER$EXT-File extend failure (STV=SYS err code)ER$FAB-Not a valid FABER$FAC-Record operation not supported in FAB FACER$FAL-Remote node does not support operationER$FEX-File already existsER$FID-Invalid FILE-IDER$FLG-Invalid FLAG-BITS combination (STV=@XAB)ER$FLK-File is locked by other userER$FNA-Zero FNA with non-zero FNSER$FND-RSX-F11ACP "FIND" function failed (STV=SYS err code)ER$FNF-File not foundER$FNM-Error in file nameER$FOP-Invalid file optionsER$FSS-System error during FNA/DNA string parseER$FUL-Device/file fullER$IAN-Index area number invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$IDX-Index not initialized (STV only, STS=ER$RNF)ER$IFI-Invalid IFI value, or unopened fileER$IMX-Too many XABs of a given type (STV=@XAB)ER$INI-This error code no longer usedER$IOP-Operation illegal, or invalid for file org.ER$IRC-Illegal record encountered (Seq. files only)ER$ISI-Invalid ISI value, or unconnected RABER$KBF-Bad key buffer address (KBF=0)ER$KEY-Invalid key field (KEY=0/NEG)ER$KRF-Invalid key-of-reference ($GET/$FIND)ER$KSZ-Key size=0, or too large (IDX)/NOT=4(REL)ER$LAN-Lowest-level-index area number invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$LBL-Not ANSI labeled tapeER$LBY-Logical channel busyER$LCH-Logical channel number too largeER$LEX-Logical extend errorER$LIB-Old/inconsistent library configuration (CRASH)ER$LOC-"LOC" field invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$MAP-Buffer mapping errorER$MEM-FNA, DNA, ESA, or RSA string wrapped to zeroER$MKD-F11ACP could not mark file for deletionER$MRN-MRN value=NEG/REL. key gt MRNER$MRS-Illegal FAB MRS valueER$NAE-Unmappable network access errorER$NAM-"NAM" block address zero or oddER$NEF-Not positioned to EOF (Seq. files only)ER$NET-Link or network abortedER$NID-This error code no longer in useER$NMF-No more files matching wild-card specificationER$NOD-Error in node name (or imbalanced nodes for $RENAME)ER$NPK-Indexed file-no primary key definedER$OPN-RSTS/E open function failed (STV=SYS err code)ER$ORD-XAB'S not in correct orderER$ORG-Invalid file organization valueER$PLG-Error in file's prologue (Reconstruct file)ER$PLV-File prologue version level unsupportedER$POS-"POS" field invalid (POS gt MRS, STV=@XAB)ER$PRM-Bad file date field retrieved (STV=@XAB)ER$PRV-Privilege violation (OS denies access)ER$RAB-Not a valid RABER$RAC-Illegal RAC valueER$RAT-Illegal record attributesER$RBF-Invalid record buffer addrER$RER-File read error (STV=SYS err code)ER$REX-Record already existsER$RFA-Bad RFA valueER$RFM-Invalid record formatER$RLK-Target bucket locked by another accessorER$RMV-RSX-F11ACP remove function failed (STV=SYS err code)ER$RNF-Record not found (STV=0/ER$IDX)ER$RNL-Record not lockedER$ROP-Invalid record optionsER$RPL-Error while reading prologue (STV=SYS err code)ER$RRV-Invalid RRV record encounteredER$RSA-This error code no longer usedER$RSL-No resultant string in resultant string areaER$RSS-Invalid resultant string sizeER$RST-Invalid resultant string addressER$RSZ-Bad record sizeER$RTB-Record too big for user's buffer (STV=Actual rec size)ER$RVU-RRV update error on insertER$SEQ-Primary key out of sequence (RAC=RB$SEQ for $PUT)ER$SHR-Unrecognizable value in FAB SHR fieldER$SIZ-"SIZ" field invalid (STV=@XAB)ER$STK-This error code no longer usedER$SUP-Operation unsupported over networkER$SYS-System directive error (STV=SYS err code)ER$TRE-Index tree errorER$TYP-Error in file type extensionER$UBF-Invalid user buffer addrER$UIN-FAL rejected some field (STV tells which)ER$USZ-Invalid user buffer size (USZ=0)ER$VER-Error in version numberER$VOL-Invalid volume number (STV=@XAB)ER$WCD-Wild card encountered during FNA/DNA string parseER$WER-File write error (STV=SYS err code)ER$WLK-Device is write-lockedER$WPL-Error while writing prologue (STV=SYS err code)ER$XAB-Not a valid XAB (@XAB=odd, STV=@XAB)ER$XTR-Extraneous field detected during parse1\x٘ 8Qręڙ 7aq+Ch{՛-ASq؜Please open a LOGFILE firstCan't log RAW I/O with another disk_based DEBUG option setCan't do this with RAW I/O logging onInsufficient free memory remainingUnknown speedMaximum of 31 entries in the BINARY_TYPE listIllegal file type stringRetries must be between 3 and 30Time_out must be between 0 and 94Minimum packet length is 20Bad option or valueAmbiguous SET commandUnrecognizable SET commandCan't connect TT to TTSyntax is ASS dev DK, only DK is supportedSyntax is GET file.typ [dev:][asfile.new]Ambiguous topicUnrecognizable topicServer sub-commands are not supportedCan't DIAL whilst DCD is asserted, use HANGUP firstInvalid number of retriesNo previous number dialedPlease SET MODEM firstFORMAT string undefinedModem not restored to its idle stateUnknown modem typeNo number found for specified nameAborted from keyboardCan't get wake$prompt from modemRange is 1 to 36 octalIllegal logical nameWAKE_STRING undefinedPlease SET LINE firstLogfile write errorAmbiguous commandNot running as a LOCAL KermitAmbiguous REMOTE commandUnrecognizable REMOTE commandTT is not supported hereUnrecognizable commandSyntax is SEND file.typ [dev:][asfile.new]Unsupported commandAmbiguous option or valueUnknown errorwf~ w^~y{h{f&BD  &   E Wp`A r  D Ԑ &@ȋ ȋ. 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