TNT V1.9 Quick Reference ------------------------- KEY-CODES -------- Key-codes containing are only available, if TNT is not running under X. Key-codes containing must be performed by pressing and releasing and then pressing and releasing the other key. Cursor movement and miscellaneous --------------------------------- S, Left arrow Cursor left D, Right arrow Cursor right E, Up arrow(1) One line up X, Down arrow(1) One line down A Start of line F End of line L Delete character Y Delete to end of line N, INSERT Toggle insert-mode H, DEL Backspace M, J, CR, LF Send current line V Pass character (1) only on command, connect, mailbox and extended monitor screen Window movement and control --------------------------- R, Up arrow(2) Window (4) one line up C, down arrow(2) Window (4) one line down W, Page up Window (4) one page up Z, Page down Window (4) one page down HOME Top of window (4) END End of window (4) P, P, P Toggle suspend output(3) (2) only on heard, monitor, help and box-list screen (3) only on monitor and connect screen (4) on connect, extended monitor and mailbox screen the received text window will be moved. Screen switching ---------------- M, M, F11 Monitor screen (toggle) C, C, F12 Command screen Q, Q Connect screen B, B Mailbox screen S, S Heard-list screen X, X Extended monitor screen H, H Help screen L, L Box-list screen (toggle) F1 - F9 Connect screen (channel 1-9/11-19...) F10 Un-proto screen (channel 0/10...) I, TAB Select channel Keyboard macros --------------- 0 - 9, 0 - 9 User defined keyboard macros TNC-COMMANDS ------------ DAMAdis,"B" : DAMA timeout Version,"V" : Shows version of TNC-software CHeck,"@T3" : Connection timer T3 Connect,"C" : Start connection CText,"U" : Response text if connect is received by TNC DIGIpeat,"R" : DIGIpeat function Disconne,"D" : End connection DAYTIme,"K" : Time and date functions Frack,"F" : Start value of round trip timer for retry timing FUlldup,"@D" : Full-duplex on modem side MAXframe,"O" : Maximum number of outstanding packets Monitor,"M" : Frequency monitor functions MYcall,"I" : Call-sign of the local operator With MYCALL the call sign is set permanently on this channel, with "I" only up to the next disconnect. A permanent MYCALL can be removed by using "$" as call sign. Persist,"P" : Persistence value for transmitter key-up RESptime,"@T2" : Delay before Info-frame will be confirmed (timer T2) REtry,"N" : Maximum number of retries SLottime,"W" : Slot-time value for transmitter key-up Txdelay,"T" : Time after transmitter key-up to sending of data USers,"Y" : Number of channel open for connection Xmitok,"X" : Locking of transmitter BUFfers,"@B" : Free buffers of TNC A1SRTT,"@A1" : A1-value for smoothed round trip timer A2SRTT,"@A2" : A2-value for smoothed round trip timer A3SRTT,"@A3" : A3-value for smoothed round trip timer IPOll,"@I" : Packet length up to which I-Poll mode is used VALcall,"@V" : Check call-sign in connect command All verbose commands can be abbreviated, the up-case part is mandatory. EXTERNAL COMMANDS ----------------- Most of the commands can be abbreviated, the up-case part of the command is mandatory. Saving data to files -------------------- LOGQso : log sent and received data to a file LOGRec : log received data to a file LOGSnd : log sent data to a file READ : log received data to a file, only CR->LF translation (for 7PLUS files) READBin : log received data to a file without any translation READAbin : receive a file using Auto-BIN protocol LOGAbin : receive a file using Auto-BIN protocol but no sending of statistics at end of transfer (for BOX-BIN) READYapp [filename] : receive a file using YAPP protocol CLose : close open file on current channel LOGMon : log all monitor data to a file RDMON : log all monitor data to a file, only CR->LF translation RDMONBin : log all monitor data to a file without any translation CLOSEMon : close monitor data file LOGXmon (on extended monitor screen) LOGXmon (on other screens) : log all received data of extended monitor channel to a file RDXMON (on extended monitor screen) RDXMON (on other screens) : log all received data of extended monitor channel to a file, only CR->LF translation RDXMONBi (on extended monitor screen) RDXMONBi (on other screen) : log all received data of extended monitor channel to a file, without any translation CLOSEXmo (on extended monitor screen) CLOSEXmo (on other screens) : close a file on current extend monitor channel APPend [ON/OFF] : flag if data shall be appended to existing files (only valid for LOGQSO, LOGREC, LOGSND, LOGMON and LOGXMON) AUTOBIn [ON/OFF] : start of Auto-BIN reception on a valid header. AUTOYApp [ON/OFF] : start of YAPP reception on a valid header AUTO7Pl [ON/OFF] : start of 7Plus reception on a valid header Sending files ------------- SENDLog : send file SEND : send file, only LF->CR translation (for 7PLUS) SENDBin : send file, no translation SENDAbin : send file using Auto-BIN protocol SENDQbin : send file using Auto-BIN protocol, quiet mode SENDYapp : send file using YAPP protocol, quiet mode BReak : abort sending of a file FPACLen : packet length for file sending Shell,Run and redirect ---------------------- SHell : start a shell TSHell : start a shell, no CR-LF translation ROOTSH : start a root shell TROOTSH : start a root shell, no CR-LF translation ENDShell : end a shell RUN : run a program RUNT : run a program, no CR-LF translation ENDRun : abort a running program REDir : redirect to device ENDRedir : end redirection SOCKCon : connect a socket TSOCKCon : connect a socket, no CR-LF translation ENDSOCKC : end socket connect SOCket AXSERV : start AX25 server SOCket AXSPEC : start AX25 server (line-oriented) SOCket NETCMD : start wampes compatible netcmd server ENDSock : end socket server Directory --------- CD : change directory CWD : display current directory Miscellaneous ------------- // : force executing of remotecommand TNC : send command to TNC directly CHANnel or S : switch to channel x CONCall : update callsign in status-line CStatus : list connected channels with start-time and calls SENDCom : send command script CBell [ON/OFF/OTHER] : connect bell INFObell [ON/OFF/OTHER] : new information bell RXBEll [ON/OFF] : Bell while RX-File-transfer SOUnd [ON/OFF] : playing sound effects (only in sound-version) MCHkbin [ON/OFF] : display short binary-packets COOKie [ON/OFF] : send a cookie on connect UMLaut [ON/OFF] : umlaut conversion CONText [ON/OFF] : send special connect text on connect TXEcho [ON/OFF] : echo all transmitted data PTYEcho [ON/OFF] : echo data transmitted using SHELL, RUN, SOCKET or REDIR NAME : set or display name STIme : send current time SCOokie : send a cookie TIMESET : set time of TNC DATESET : set date of TNC RESYnc : show number of resyncs since program start LAYer3 [ON/OFF] : analysis of NETROM/TheNet headers HEArd [ON/OFF] : heard-list available KMAcro : reload keyboard macro file MSEnd : send a file containing special macros WORDWrap [ON/OFF] : word-wrap at end of line WHOLElin [ON/OFF] : send whole line or only up to cursor position LINelen : length of input line MONlines : number of monitor lines on connect screen CONDiv : input/output lines ratio on connect screen XMONDiv : input/output lines ratio on extended monitor screen MBOXDiv : input/output lines ratio on mailbox screen COMP [ON/OFF] : Huffman compression BSCRHold [ON/OFF] : hold window position on back-scroll NOSCRoll [ON/OFF] : hold window position when changing channel TABExp [ON/OFF] : expansion of TAB to spaces FREE : number of free buffers in TNC from last polling SIGNon : display copyright and version information LOGBOOK [ON/OFF] : enable/disable logbook CTRltx : send a control-character (Code 01 (^A) - 26 (^Z)) EXit : leave TNT (after confirmation) QUIT : leave TNTC without termination of TNT-daemon MSG : show or set CText-macro TEll : send message to all channels DA, WEG, 600, GND, KLO : send a special message (see tnt_tellfile) PGP / GnuPG ----------- PGPAUTO [ON/OFF] : enable use of PGP/GPG USEGPG [ON/OFF] : Use GPG instead of PGP PGPKEYAD [ON/OFF] : Will PGP-Public keys automagically added to your keyring? PGPEDIT [<#lines>] : start editor. The edited file will be signed and transmitted GPGEDIT [<#lines>] : same as PGPEDIT, but using GnuPG(GPG) EDit [<#lines>] : editing and sending Routing scripts --------------- XConnect [portheader:] : connect using routing script QRG [ ] [portheader:] : list or define active frequency/frequencies LSNOTOWN : show own calls not allowed for connects LDNOTOWN : reload file of own calls not allowed for connects Extended monitor and box-list ---------------------------- XMON [ON/OFF] : enable extended monitor function EXTmon [ ] (extended monitor screen) EXTmon [ ] (other screens) : start extended monitoring EXTAmon [ ] : start extended monitoring on next free channel ENDEXtm (extended monitor screen) ENDEXtm (other screens) : end extended monitoring EXTComp [ON/OFF] : Huffman compression LOGBlist : log all received data to a temporary file BLIst [] : close file and load it into box-list screen XBList : finish box-list Interface commands ------------------ IFAce : start connection to socket ENDIFace : finish connection to socket FINIFace : terminate external program and finish connection to socket ACTIf : activate program on current channel DEACtif : deactivate program on current channel SNOCONN : message, if activation not successful DPBox-interface commands ------------------------ ACTBox : start connection to box DEACTBox : finish connection to box FINBox : terminate box and finish connection BOX : activate box on current channel ENDBox : deactivate box on current channel AUTOBOx [ON/OFF] : send all received mail to box MONBox [ON/OFF] : send all monitored mail to box LMONbox : show currently monitored mail SNOBOX : message, if activation of box was not successful SCANMBEA [ []] [$] : s&f-start on mail beacon LDBOXFil : reload all box related files ACCUIReq [ON/OFF] : enable reception of un-proto list request ACCUICal : destination callsign of valid un-proto list requests Password generation commands ---------------------------- PRIV : start password generation LISTPRIV : show all password data LOADPRIV : reload password file Remote-command permissions and access levels -------------------------------------------- REMOte [ON/OFF] : enable remote commands REMAllow [ON/OFF] : enable remote commands on current channel (only when connected) NODERem [ON/OFF] : enable remote commands for boxes and nodes SETACC [NORMAL/SYSOP/ROOT/ALWAYS] : set access level for specified remote-command NOACC [ON/OFF] : enable connect only from sysops SNOACC : message for non-sysops when NOACC = ON LISTSYS : show all sysop data LOADSYS : reload sysop file LSTNOREM : show calls with remote off LDNOREM : reload no-remote file LSTFLCHK : show calls doing Flexnet connection quality check LDFLCHK : reload Flexnet check file LSEXTREM : show all extended remote commands LDEXTREM : reload extended remote commands file AUTOStrt [ON/OFF] : Enable autostart LSAUTOST : show all autostart call-signs LDAUTOST : reload autostart file Broadcast transmission/reception --------------------------------- SENDBC : send file using broadcast BCRQST [ON/OFF] : generate broadcast requests SHPACSAT [ON/OFF] : show broadcast frames DECBCAST [ON/OFF] : decode broadcast frames BCRXstat : show broadcast receiver status BCTXstat : show broadcast transmitter status