Begin3 Title: ODARS ISP Server Version: Entered-date: First entry (First free edition for ISP's) Description: Free Web database server for Web hosting and managing ODARS Web databases (ODARS2web) and search engines (ODARS4Search) which are generated and tested on clients' local Win PC's, then easily uploaded to their service providers (with installed ISP Server). Free of charge for commercial and institutional ISP's. Keywords: ISP, IPP, Web-Hosting, Web Publishing, database, search engine Author: (infoware GmbH) Maintained-by: (Peer Ivo Kuchenmeister) Primary-site: pub/Linux/system/admin/isp 2140kb odarsisp-linux-3.1.0.tar.gz 1109 odarsisp-linux-3.1.0.lsm Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: Linux, kernel vs. 2.0.33+; Apache Web server, vs. 5.004+; Perl, vs. 5.004+; System library libc, vs. 6.xx Copying-policy: Free for commercial and institutional ISP's End