NAME Time::Out - Easily timeout long running operations EXAMPLE use Time::Out qw( timeout ); # time out the following code block after 5 seconds timeout 5 => sub { # do something that might take a long time... } ; if ( $@ ){ # timeout occured... } INSTALLATION To install this module, use your preferred CPAN client. If this is cpanm then run the command cpanm Time::Out DOCUMENTATION After the installation, you can find further documentation using the commands: perldoc Time::Out MAINTENANCE To maintain this module, run the following commands: cpanm --notest --with-configure --with-develop --no-man-pages --local-lib-contained local --installdeps . perl Makefile.PL make make RELEASE_TESTING=1 test # use Test::Harness make RELEASE_TESTING=1 testp # use TAP::Harness make cover # coverage statistics in vim format COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2005-2008 Patrick LeBoutillier, 2023 by Sven Willenbuecher. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.