{ "import_options": { "calculateTangentSpace": { "description": "Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes.", "name": "Calculate Tangent Space", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "dropNormals": { "description": "Drops normals for all faces of all meshes.", "name": "Drop Normals", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "fbxPreservePivots": { "description": "Set whether the fbx importer will preserve pivot points (as extra nodes)", "name": "FBX: Preserve Pivot Points", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "findDegenerates": { "description": "This step searches all meshes for degenerate primitives and converts them to proper lines or points.", "name": "Find Degenerates", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "findInstances": { "description": "This step searches for duplicate meshes and replaces them with references to the first mesh.", "name": "Find Instances", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "findInvalidData": { "description": "This step searches all meshes for invalid data, such as zeroed normal vectors or invalid UV coords and removes/fixes them. This is intended to get rid of some common exporter errors.", "name": "Find Invalid Data", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "fixInfacingNormals": { "description": "Tries to determine which meshes have normal vectors that are facing inwards and inverts them.", "name": "Fix Infacing Normals", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "generateLightmapUV": { "description": "Unwrap mesh to generate lightmap UV channel", "name": "Generate lightmap UV channel", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "generateMipMaps": { "description": "Force all imported texture components to generate mip maps for mip map texture filtering", "name": "Generate Mip Maps", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "generateNormals": { "description": "Generates normals for all faces of all meshes", "name": "Generate Normals", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "generateSmoothNormals": { "description": "Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh.", "name": "Generate Smooth Normals", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "globalScale": { "description": "This step will perform a global scale of the model.", "name": "Enable Global Scale", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "globalScaleValue": { "conditions": [ { "mode": "Equals", "property": "globalScale", "value": true } ], "description": "Global Scale factor.", "name": "Global Scale Value", "type": "Real", "value": 1 }, "improveCacheLocality": { "description": "Reorders triangles for better vertex cache locality.", "name": "Improve Cache Locality", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "joinIdenticalVertices": { "description": "Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported meshes.", "name": "Join Identical Vertices", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "optimizeGraph": { "description": "A postprocessing step to optimize the scene hierarchy.", "name": "Optimize Graph", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "optimizeMeshes": { "description": "A postprocessing step to reduce the number of meshes.", "name": "Optimize Meshes", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "preTransformVertices": { "description": "Removes the node graph and pre-transforms all vertices with the local transformation matrices of their nodes.", "name": "Pre-transform Vertices", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentAnimations": { "description": "Removes any animation components from meshes.", "name": "Remove Animation Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentBoneWeights": { "description": "Removes any bone weights from meshes.", "name": "Remove Bone Weight components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentColors": { "description": "Removes any Color components from meshes.", "name": "Remove Color Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentNormals": { "description": "Removes Normal component from meshes.", "name": "Remove Normal Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentTangentsAndBitangents": { "description": "Removes Tangents and Bitangents components from meshes.", "name": "Remove Tangent Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentTextures": { "description": "Removes any embedded texture components from meshes.", "name": "Remove Texture Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeComponentUVs": { "description": "Removes any UV components from meshes.", "name": "Remove UV Components", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "removeRedundantMaterials": { "description": "Searches for redundant/unreferenced materials and removes them.", "name": "Remove Redundant Materials", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "splitLargeMeshes": { "description": "Splits large meshes into smaller sub-meshes.", "name": "Split Large Meshes", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "transformUVCoordinates": { "description": "This step applies per-texture UV transformations and bakes them into stand-alone vtexture coordinate channels.", "name": "Transform UV Coordinates", "type": "Boolean", "value": false }, "useBinaryKeyframes": { "description": "Record keyframe data as binary files", "name": "Use Binary Keyframes", "type": "Boolean", "value": true }, "useFloatJointIndices": { "description": "Stores joint indices as floating point numbers for GLES 2.0.", "name": "Use Float Joint Indices", "type": "Boolean", "value": false } }, "source_scene": "D:/Downloads/desert/Nature_Rock_uk5ofde_2K_3d_ms/uk5ofde_LOD0.fbx" }