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This might cure the Error 70. * Canon EOS: Improved EOS M capture * Canon CHDK: live preview capture support added * Added USB IDs: * Sony A7r III * Nikon CoolPix L430 * Nikon D850 * Canon EOS M2, M6, M100 * Canon EOS 6D Mark II * Fuji Film X-Pro 2 - pentax: * Code updates imported from pkremote - libgphoto2: * Report file changes via GP_EVENT_FILE_CHANGED (hooked up for Canon EOS currently) - translations: * updates spanish, chinese- updated to 2.5.16 release - ptp2: emergency bugfix as a previous bugfix broke some detection features- Avoid running fdupes across partitions. Replace old tar options, old RPM shell variables by new constructs. Rectify RPM groups. Make macro style consistent again.- updated to 2.5.15 release - ptp2: * fuji: Fix cameras without new capture properties. * Canon EOS: config aspectratio, highisonr * Canon EOS: emit CAPTURECOMPLETE event * Canon EOS: whitebalanaceadjustment is 32bit signed, not 16bit signed * usb: better error feedback * fixed some bugs found by AFL fuzzing * Added USB ids: * Sony: A6500, HX400V * Nikon: D500, D7500 * Olympus: VR360 * Canon PowerShot: ELPH 350 HS * Canon EOS: 200D, Rebel T7i * Fuji: GFX 50 S * Ricoh Theta S, Theta SC - libgphoto2_port/vusb: * now default disabled as it confused people, enable with --enable-vusb - libgphoto2-fix-fuji.patch: upstreamed- libgphoto2-fix-fuji.patch: check before using a ptp property that is only available in some updated Fuji cameras (bsc#1048853)- updated to 2.5.14 release * ptp2: * Canon EOS M remote control / capture support (M3, M5, M10 ... but not the original EOS M currently) * fix for Canon EOS camera crash bug introduced in 2.5.13. * Fuji XT-2 capture support (firmware update needed, might work for other Fuji XT too) * Canon EOS 77D added. * various bugfixes * added USB IDs: * Sony DSC-RX10M3, DSC-HX90V * Sony UMC-R10C * Nikon D5600, * Canon EOS 77D * Fuji XT-20 * synced MTP device ids from libmtp * more issues fixed that were found by the AFL fuzzer * pentax: * Added Pentax K5-II, Pentax K3-II * libgphoto2_port: * fixed gp_log_remove_func * libgphoto2_port/vusb: * support f-number, shutterspeed, and exposurebias in the virtual PTP camera * all: * several issues found by gcc 7 fixed * translations: * updated ukrainian, polish, vietnamese, french, swedish- updated to 2.5.13 release See below in pre relase, also: pentax: * Now using the pktriggercord codebase * lots of improvements * Please report missing Pentax K USB ids that are supported by pktriggercord!- updated to temporary snapshot ptp2: * iPhone iOS 10.2 storage handling fixed, added dynamic storage handling * Sony Alpha Live View support. * Canon EOS M series capture enabled. (might not fully work yet) * Various crashes and endless loops fixed that were found by the AFL fuzzer. * Various bugfixes in Nikon, Canon capture * New USB Ids: * Sony: SLT A37, DSC-RX100M5 * Nikon KeyMission 360 * Canon PowerShot G16 * Canon EOS M5 * Fuji Fujifilm XT-2 * GoPro Hero 5 Black- updated to 2.5.12 release ptp2: * Canon EOS: more fixes for Canon EOS 5D Mark IV and Canon EOS 80D. * Parrot Sequoia support and property decoding * Nikon 1: Fixed Nikon 1 capture * Sony Alpha: various bugfixes. * New USB IDs: * Nikon Coolpix AW130 * Nikon DSC D3400 * Parrot Sequoia * GoPro Hero, Hero4 Silver, Hero + * bugfixes and cleanups canon: * fixed zoom on some older Canon Powershots translations: * updated polish, ukrainian, vietnamese, danish, french, svensk- updated to 2.5.11 release * canon: * not experimental anymore, for some years * some bugfixes in configuration handling * ptp2: * canon: EOS capture improvements, also supporting new EOS * sony: tethering and trigger capture implemented, capture stability improvements * sony: exposure compensation setting fixed * sony: capture and autofocus configurations, similar to eosremoterelease * generic: fixed serialnumber retrieval * nikon: "autofocus" config variable for global autofocus enable/disable (default on, default liveview off) * various bugs fixed, stability improved * ptpip: allow different event ports. --port ptpip:IP:dataport:eventport * New ids reported: - Sony Alpha 7, DSC-RX100M4, NEX-7, DSC-HX20V, Alpha 6300, A7S II, A7, - Nikon DSC Df, D7200, D5, D810A, 1 V3 - Canon EOS 1Dx Mark 3, 80D, 5D Mark IV - Canon Digital IXUS 180 - various music players / android phones imported from libmtp * libgphoto2: * Speed up initial startup. * Win32: store settings in the "User Profile\.gphoto\settings" and not in C:\\Windows anymore. * gp_widget_changed() no longer clears the "changed" state to make this API more consistent. Use gp_widget_set_changed(widget,FALSE) to do so. * examples: * sample-photobooth: a sample program handling tethering, SIGUSR1 driven capture and SIGUSR2 based configuration reading. * sample-afl: code to inject afl fuzzing data * translations: * updated swedish, ukrainian, polish, finnish, russian, danish, polish, brazilian, serbian, dutch, chinese - libgphoto2-newjpeg.patch: removed, upstream- Fix Group tag.- require: udev in the library package for the hwdb refresher bsc#982339- libgphoto2-newjpeg.patch: jpeg_mem_src gets a const buffer now in new libjpeg-turbo.- updated to 2.5.10 release libgphoto2: * added gp_camera_list_config, gp_camera_get_single_config, gp_camera_set_single_config additional configuration APIs for faster access to single configuration values. ptp2: * allow generic opcode commands with parameters, config variable "opcode" * fixed pretending that Nikon Coolpix S series is a Nikon 1 S. * Nikon: fixed problem with SDRAM capture * Canon EOS: handle "no focus" during capture * Canon EOS: handle --new correctly * Canon Powershot: handle lack of object protection setting * Ricoh Theta: support shutterspeed configuration * added size checking to PTP unpacking primitives * various bugfixes * New ids: * Imported Media Players and Android phones from libmtp * Sony Alpha A7S II, ILCE 7M2 * Kodak Z990 * Nikon Coolpix L840, S3600 * Leica SL * Olympus TG-620, E-M5 Mark 2 * Canon EOS 1D C, 750D * Canon IXUS 160 * Fuji Film X-T1, X-T10, A-610 pentax: * fixed some crashes on non-existing config variables * use portable directory api (helps Visual Studio) libgphoto2_port/vusb: * Implemented a virtual PTP camera for test purposes. libgphoto2_port/disk: * Support exfat fuse filesystems. all: * fixed various issues found by Coverity static analyzer * removed unistd.h headers where not needed to help Visual Studio translations: * updated swedish, brazilian portuguese, danish, polish, ukrainian, vietnamese- Several changes/fixes to packaging: * API documentation was packaged twice, once in the -devel package and once in the main package (under different paths), split off to separate libgphoto2-devel-doc package * Use apidocs from source tar instead of using doxygen * package user documentation in separate libgphoto2-doc package * remove obsolete hotplug scripts- updated to 2.5.9 release Now maintained (source and issue tracker) in GIT at ptp2: * PTP/IP: fixes to support Ricoh Theta and Sony Alpha over WLAN better * unification of timeout with backoff handling * Canon EOS: fixed a timeout bug on wait_event * Canon EOS: report protection status correctly * Canon EOS: unlock the ui on close * Sony: bulb mode support (in manual mode, shutterspeed and bulb option) * Hook up PTP OpenCapture opcode * Nikon J5 support. Nikon now hides prop and opcodes even differently. * Added USB IDs: - Sony SLT A77V, A7R2, HDR-PJ260VE - Nikon DSLR D5500 - Canon EOS 760D, 5Ds, 5Ds R - Nikon Coolpix AW110, S6300, S6800, S3700, S2900 - Nikon 1 S2, J5 - Ricoh Theta m15 (USB and WLAN) - GoProp Hero 4 canon: readd old Canon IXUS 30. translations: updated ukrainian, vietnamese, polish, italian- add -devel to baselibs for use to build wine in 64bit environments- Change udev BuildRequires for pkgconfig(udev) - use pkg-config --modversion udev instead of querying the package database. udev is often installed as udev-mini in OBS' build env, which the rpm -q udev call could not find.- updated to 2.5.8 release - all: * Missing COPYRIGHT headers added. * Bug fixes for issues detected by Coverity. - ptp2: * Canon Powershot/IXUS CHDK support Install the CHDK firmware and then use "gphoto2 --set-config chdk=On" to enable. * Canon EOS: Implemented new capture method for new Canon EOS to avoid hangs. * Canon EOS: New configuration variable: continuousaf * Canon EOS: event output for focusinfo / focusmask * Nikon DSLR: New configuration variables: movieiso, movieshutterspeed, moviehighisonr * Nikon Coolpix A: also manually add override opcodes for capture (please report if it works) * New USB ids: Sony: DSC-HX60V, Alpha-A7S, Alpha-A77 M2, Alpha A5100 Panasonic: DMC-LS2 Canon EOS 7D Mark II, Canon EOS M3 Canon Powershot SX520 HS Fuji Fujifilm X-E2 Samsung NX1 * Media Player IDs synced with the libmtp ID database. * Lots of bugfixes. - libgphoto2_port/libusb1: * Prefer libusb1 over libusb0 if both are present. * Asynchronous interrupt handling, to avoid losing usb interrupts during other operations. - libgphoto2.keyring: replaced by my new 4096 bit key- disable libusb 0.1, as it is no longer needed and will cause hangs. bsc#926862- remove all the .la files, improves startup time.- 2.5.7 release ptp2: * Canon EOS focusinfo crash fixed (affected all config operations) * wait_for_event sleep backoff increased (50 - 100 - 150 - 200ms) * Nikon: fixes to make Nikon Coolpix S9700 over PTPIP work better * Nikon: WLAN GUID setting * Sony: tighten event loop to avoid loss of objectadded events * New USB ids: Nikon Coolpix 9400, Nikon S9700, Pentax K3 (in PTP). pentax: * added Pentax K100Ds * added raw capture support packaging: * fixed missing libexif in pkgconfig translations: * updated ukrainian, vietnamese, french, polish- 2.5.6 release ptp2: * Nikon D3000/D3100/D3200: It hides the "good" capture opcodes from the DeviceInfo. Override and add them. If you see capture bugs, please report with debuglogfile. * "exposurecompensation" now in correct size (-3.0 <-> 3.0 usually) * Canon EOS: decode and report "focusinfo" variable that outputs the focus information of the camera. * Canon EOS: autofocusdrive=0 and cancelautofocus=1 added to cancel autofocusing, to avoid blocking the camera. * Canon EOS: "eosviewfinder" renamed to "viewfinder" * Sony SLT: Make property setting work for "iso", "exposurecompensation", "f-number", "shutterspeed" * Canon EOS: crash on 700D fixed * Nikon DSLR: race condition on object addition handled better * Nikon DSLR: make sure we make a pause a bit during polling after capture. * IDs added: Nikon: Coolpix P7800, S1, J4 Nikon: D3300, D610, D4s, D810, D750 Canon: IXUS 125HS, PowerShot Elph340HS Leica M9 * various bugfixes libgphoto2_port/usb1: * fixed a memory leak * api changed for gp_log_data to make smaller debuglogs possible- release - regression with nikon coolpix s fixed - canon eos has no zoom - more fixes and translation updates- 2.5.5 release - ptp2: Nikon 1 support. Final fix to get it running by Raj Kumar of Nikon: liveview capture without autofocus enhanced, now also for card Nikon: restart liveview after capture Canon EOS: New property reporting method (OLC Info) implemented. Print read-only values in configuration table lookup (for Canon EOS mostly) Sony: Fixed Sony SLT-A900v capture Fixed the various "datetime" hooks for PTP generic, Canon Powershot and Canon EOS to hopefully work better. --set-config datetime=now sets the camera to the current time. CHDK: some changes New ids: Nikon DSC D3x, D5300 Nikon Coolpix P330 Canon PowerShot S95, S120, SX260HS, SX280HS, SX160IS, A2500, A2600, Elph135, IXUS 300HS, IXUS 255HS Canon EOS 1200D Sony DSC-A900, Alpha 6000, DSC-HX5V Casio EX-ZR700, Fuji FinePix AV-150, T200 Massive logging and error handling cleanup by Axel Waggershauser cleanup of the USB data handling Bugfixes - st2205: add support for a new type of 240x320 picture frames - all: Massive logging and error handling cleanup by Axel Waggershauser. Various cleanups from David Berrange for mingw32 builds. fixed libgd detection and linking. - print-camera-list add a mode to print udev rules for the non-standard USB support (usbscsi/usbdisk), needed additional to HWDB databases. - translations: updated ukrainian, vietnamese, polish, french, finish, chinese, danish, dutch,- updated to snapshot 2014/06/27 - fixed generation of udev rules bnc#884514 - new D7100 configuration tables - Nikon D5300 id added- updated to snapshot 2014/06/13 - Nikon 1 capture working - various canon eos fixes and improvements - readded PTP matcher rule to UDEV rules - translation updates- updated to snapshot - more nikon 1 fix work - generate udev rules for /dev/sg* again- remove dependency on gpg-offline (blocks rebuilds and tarball integrity is checked by source-validator anyway, plus it was commented out)- updated to 2.5.4 release - sony slt support - nikon bulb support - other nikon, canon, olympus improvements - lots of bugfixes and various new ids- updated to final hotfix - fixed ptp matcher - updated french, dutch, russian, ukrain translation- updated to 2.5.3 final - bugfixes, Coverity and other fixes - new USB ids - hwdb support fixed (bnc#852551) - unified all names, especiall Canon S100 (bnc#856828) - pentax updates - reenabled gpg checking- Replace udev rules with udev hwdb for openSUSE 13.1 or later (more efficient). - Fix udev hwdb installation and ensure udev hwdb is updated when package is installed / updated / uninstalled.- updated to temporary snapshot - new udev hwdb - new Nikon capture functions for newer Nikons - Olympus 3030 fixed - several new USB ids - translation updates - lots of other bugfixes - disabled gpg key checking for snapshot- buildrequire libxml2-devel for olympus e-series.- Updated to 2.5.2 ptp2: * Fixed Raspberry Pi and USB 3.0 "connect only once" problem. * Experimental Olympus E-series (not Pen) remote control support. Try in "Control" mode. * Nikon DSLR: real movie capture! (use --set-config movie=1/0 and --wait-event) * New ids: Sony: DSC-A900, SLT-A350, DSC-RX1, HX300, NEX-3N Nikon Coolpix: P80, L820, S9500, S620, P520, S2500, S2600 Nikon Coolpix A Nikon DSLR: D2Xs, D4, D7100 Nikon J2 Canon Powershot: S100, A1300IS, A2300IS, Canon EOS: 700D, 100D Fuji FinePix: H20EXR, X20 Samsung: NX1000, EK-GC100 Also various MTP device ids merged from libmtp. * ptpip: major/minor number was switched in init packet. * Nikon DSLR: out of focus during capture fixed, various bugfixes * Nikon "controlmode" config for unlocking the camera. * Canon DSLR: "keepdeviceon" pinging in get_config, liveview * Canon thumbnail retrieval fixed. * Lots of work on getting Olympus E-series DSLRs in Control mode to run. canon: * wait-for-event: handle when camera goes offline during waiting. * fixed mtime 0 (Jan 1 1970) issue when downloading files and using --filename sierra: * Fixed the Nikon Coolpix 4300 and 2500 USB over SCSI capture mode. * Ignore register 4 read errors after capture as Nikon does not supply them. * added commented code on how to switch the Coolpix 2500 to RAW DIAG mode. libgphoto2_port: * gp_port_reset functionality to do a port reset. libgphoto2_port/usbscsi: * Use timeout supplied by driver, not hardcoded 1.5 seconds (fixes Nikon sierra capture). translations: * updated ukrainian, finish, dutch, polish, russian, french, vietnamese, german build: * specify lots of _BSD_SOURCE to make the strict MacOS ports build happier. Might break non Linux platforms, please report this. * libxml2 needed for Olympus E series capture support. * cleaned up AM_CPPFLAGS/CPPFLAGS usage, do not use both of them together.- Added url as source. Please see updated to bugfix version - ptp2: fixed 32bit platforms - ax301: fixed buffer overread- updated to 2.5.1 final version - more fixes in the wait-event, capture preview and regular capture code for Canon and Nikon. - some new camera ids added- updated to temp snapshot - various new ids - various bugfixes - Canon driver fixes - PTP driver fixes: Canon EOS thumbnail fixes - translation updates- fix build with new udev rules location- fix previous change- split to libgphoto2-6 to allow parallel installation with old libgphoto2 (2.4) and to follow shared lib convention.- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags - .la files for plugins are useless - remove them- Updated to major release 2.5.0 - more dynamic lists (no more fixed limits) - libgphoto2 api adjustments to make it more sane, binary incompatible - new .so version 6- fixed one missed gp_devs = NULL which led to more crashes bnc#771743- added 2.4 branch fixes - libusb1: do not crash immediately (avoid global context usage) - canon: --wait-for-event append \0 to filename - ptp2: new USB ids, fixed Canon EOS thumbnail retrieval- generate v 175 udev rules (basically will use internal usb_id now)- 2.4.14 release - Canon EOS 5D Mark III support - Samsung Galaxy support restored - bugfixes- temp snapshot - various libusb 1.0 fixes (including last one merged) - EOS fast directory listing- Add libgphoto2-libusb.patch: Fix initialization of libusb 1.0. The initialization of libusb was not always done with the default context and if not done with the default context, the right one needs to be passed to subsequent calls.- Updated to 2.4.12 final release. - libusb 1.0 support - canon and nikon capture enhancements - lots of bugs fixed - lots of new devices - updated translations- do not explicitly require libusb 0.1 in pkgconfig file - some more bugfixes- Updated to temp snapshot - libusb 1.0 support - changed canon powershot event handling - fixed several bugs - added new devices- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency- disable hal support completely for 12.1 bnc#697024- Updated to the 2.4.11 release - lots of PTP fixes for Canon and Nikons. - sierra mode now uses SCSI wrapping directly. - fixes also in other drivers - lots of new USB ids - translations updates- Recommend instead of require lang package since it's not mandatory.- Updated to 2.4.10 release - lots of PTP and EOS related fixes - shortcuts in UDEV rules - new jl2005c driver for small cameras - translation updates- bump maximum file limit to 4096, as 2.5 is not ready yet bnc#439065 - Fixed some bugs in the ptp2 drivers.- build against lockdev-devel- remove the major .la files- Updated to 2.4.9 final release - more EOS and other PTP fixes - more picture frame fixes- disable hal inclusion - updated to temp snapshot - new usbdiskdirect driver for certain picture frames - new libgd dependency for picture frame - new picture frame driver - lots of PTP fixes and enhancements- updated to version 2.4.8 - Lots of improvements to EOS and Nikon capture support - fuji s5 pro capture support - several new ids - stability fixes - translation updates- package baselibs.conf- tempsnapshot- tag mediaplayers correctly in the new style UDEV model.- temp snapshot - directory bugfix to allow fileretrieval with unix fds - translation updates - various ptp stabilizing bug fixes- 2.4.7 final release - just small cleanups compared to last- temp snapshot - fixed udev v 136 rule generation - temp snapshot - more ptp improvements - generate UDEV 3rd generation rules (for gudev)- temp snapshot - lots of Canon EOS improvements in capture support - New ids for PTP2 - lots of PTP2 bugfixes and improvements - bugfixes- updated to temp snapshot - various Canon EOS bug fixes/improvements - new ids- Updated to 2.4.6 final (just some small stuff)- updated to temp snapshot - fixed Canon old EOS repeated capture - added Canon new EOS LiveView in --capture-preview - more Canon new EOS properties - various bugfixes and new ids.- updated to 2.4.5 release - various EOS capture fixes - varios Nikon capture fixes - Nikon LiveView support- updated to temp snapsot - various ptp2 driver bugfixes in capture areas - gphoto filesystem rewritten to be dynamic and without LRU corruptionbuild75 1528480319  !"#$cscsdadadedeeseseueufifrfrhuititjajanlnlplplptrurusksrsvsvukukvivizhzhzh2.5.18-lp150. libgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgphoto2-6.molibgphoto2_port-12.molibgp -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 7zXZ !t/ۆS]"k%+k{O>-=|t'HDIx9 OI0-}i\X?k+ߘ;s%ʒM2h%/oHHOx 9l|4T];>Mb芊tMB\D\-{@l†ܫA=G=.YQ '{AH9޵ҘU=l >g.wmp8J.h$?{Q%춝؀Ś_ޯ319zRo^[xۻ{3 d'o3Kס  'uP\`oʗAoIc E3+|zOkrFJJIv 29%:&qNP0Gbsgק]1Jb~<?[r?~WXWf;g89'ǟE8j䩫ɮ)Ԩ?Qk< cV̖x51{P#87TC8W6F8i᳚MX.j؃svqSN vεsbAD*jԘҨV"_ϱI6W ݗlДy0.&XMa`Rf"֏NBe8#ST·2SK\o(<2b6J\&,8o%n]+KK/6^'l@BCr ޙ9!ΫQ!3;@b+ii)Z\1I -Jz}Uď\=GA{P@k`%RwԖ3]ϙ}zJia0şk` mA_u+^Ya#ܻ{ Mq 8Xnp*ؽӱ7#(f+)褴-) 8Qu7@ɨ2m PHgN|V~hs&!!ݜpnuG.ZV7ߖࢢǪd")>|s.\.SԽ!&z.fPb(3=9`2+0s(h!Bw3-֪Y5{2xO-ϋ<)$CZ*#'޳}uM2qBt Cc*1#)ٝKOxirN**U˙.zv=31qHQR5QFeҬq/P盀 S2IgIѺq& .#`I'(5&yQ1gN#+VfX-`kv )=m[x;zlJxLP]N؜%P<, ^l5lX==3U "]ehB<ӿ;1ARc% RTB֪al>*gq8xCo'&M!u ,AK= Yr%;1&qJ*b\$Z hK1uQR R9y_~#r|nNpyՏ%'36ҺZb_病%O06{`}2Zpw[Wdx|ӻ҉]sE7k_dO\8< L6nTr\Gqe$llTyZq)C;d "U-uu+$i䡲 ?1=Oj7l(k_u\ )[}Ûh)#}t?>>hd#Q2C`j v|2=G)P4?1<* 3ϵَevbe-/S$N(a#gFL.cҚmXЅ6C6>)\g5rAv1ݠ'v{T 1 R}1Pb!PQ7U&HNqp4HVw؁48KBkIʙla 才5Rl _evUjM$-`̹r?ل}'Z)Py^G %N4>`c_@h1XrFb(R=vY%`mۍ3,з3M,B# M`Y*w7l+;C- kEg fF\&mv!F fXBKS5Lv Ψ!0mA̐Z<&_0Qk^^:e},Fx֪A)_n !!zN!)ksEM)29v HK2nbbFND40vF͓6$9H2:ڝAɓ _۾x7 e !nR<3ĢYb[O@d]j%1 O(:Vq^z5w@\[JX;7Hd|R?7;i ?P.hװO1Lyeu"'V;/‡t|!4-iΗ=1GcT7) 2 ]al4ێ#C?()-3ga,W~+ }?&n,8X) FP4 Ρ>QU2'>߸ =m&6 Ѡ/}Dp+ /rY8cHj4/Kx{W0U*﯑еDjm@J~LLa;;㳌MV3r.݈=ER4b3< ߤWUvR~"9k+}\9LR auz;sKi)N/Eפg3$P:!ҽ{X}gfeTAO,љjg2z=#e@wZ8n1K{+]jN ;~~'36`ݵ#.<S{C؁rJ8tg$"lzd/ P9}sޛ&/sꀩX$8D"~k6q͕˗0g!sb>ч 86kCigr1 U!<8Ej(&ؾdj"xۨ`|ʿmEs'D߂39+U!Y5KUT8]O/ǜ01|_품Wl骧J";՝փ,:TVW$A P1ϲfA!31hiNCs+VȀ]!f# {a=5$b!8 "1kP[; 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