syslog-ng-curl-3.35.1-bp154.3.3.1<>,G`c;!M@eee.y9>AӦܻpj;Ckΐ X]acV#p%\^(Z-ޕ8TM(kբ=rq#2m|\e&0 H 1T&W{r՘%=0o(]ԉ&,W>ݓiJf%JK&Ykp7yG8Ϣ #rf_LiN' t͞pGAH$ ,zvOf 7@{G`Kaꭾx5ْ?$ۃw4Q?ZF>>*,?*d $ K  !'0L Z h   8t   (8$&9&: t&F%{G%H%I%X%Y%\&]& ^&sb'.c'd(}e(f(l(u(v(w)`x)|y) z))))*Csyslog-ng-curl3.35.1bp154.3.3.1HTTP destination support for syslog-ngThis package provides HTTP destination support for syslog-ng by means of libcurl.c;cloud136wSUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEGPL-2.0-onlyhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Daemons]m bUA큤A큤A큤c;c;a1 a1 a1 a1 a1 3e73b505fca0f3235ae067357efb3f15117d03b0ba338ec3646b4aca33598ffbc43db943e879180d2fe9ffcd5135beb5346`t_j_^>@^@^g@^Y^8 @]+]e@]nU\}\Q\4\\[1[k@[Za@ZV@ZTZ&@Z@YYܶ@YJ_XWҤ@W:WN@U|@U@T@Thomas Blume peter czanik peter czanik peter czanik Steve Kowalik peter czanik 3.30.1-0Ludwig Nussel peter czanik peter czanik Paolo Stivanin Matej Cepl Dominique Leuenberger peter czanik peter czanik peter czanik root Dominique Leuenberger peter@czanik.huschwab@suse.depeter@czanik.huJan Engelhardt peter@czanik.hupeter@czanik.hupeter@czanik.huThomas.Blume@suse.competer@czanik.hupeter@czanik.hupeter@czanik.hujengelh@inai.defstrba@suse.competer@czanik.humeissner@suse.competer@czanik.hupeter@czanik.hupeter@czanik.huczanik@balabit.huLed CVE-2022-38725: fix integer overflow in parsers (bsc#1207460) add 0001-Fix-buffer-handling-of-syslog-and-timestamp-parsers.patch- disable Java support for ARMv7 (compilation crashes)- update to 3.35.1 - remove "news" user creation, as it is no more referenced from the configuration file - packaging fixes to remove a few warnings- update to 3.33.2 - added support for parsing CEE and Fortigate logs - added Discord destination - added MQTT destination support - python3 workdaround removed (commented out for now, fixed upstream)- Set shebang for to be /usr/bin/python3.- update to 3.30.1 - follow up snmp support changes - add secure logging - add PAN-OS parser - add SumoLogic destination- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961)- fix bnc#1169385 by removing creating news log files from post, adding syslog-ng.conf options to create files/directories automatically, and commenting the relevant part out.- fix libevtlog package name- Update to 3.26.1 * added a new option to multi-line file sources * python-http-header: added this new plugin, which makes it possible for users to implement HTTP header plugins in Python language * azure-auth-header: Added this new plugin, which generates authorization header for applications connecting to Azure * set-severity(): Added this new rewrite rule for changing message severity. * $(list-search): Added a new template function, which returns the first index of a pattern in a list. * other minor improvements * many bug fixes- Fix fixing Python shebang- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: allow OBS to shortcut through -mini flavors.- update to 3.25.1 - many bug fixes, improved Redis destination performance- remove ExcludeArch as bison workaround no more needed - remove dependency on libgeoip to fix bnc#1156203 (of course libmaxminddb is still supported)- updated to 3.23.1 to resolve bnc#1143190 - removed 2482.patch as it was merged upstream - add wensense & netskope parsers - add collectd support - update syslog-ng.conf due to an undocumented include syntax used in the config was removed by uspstream - add SCL to support Elasticsearch destination using the http() destination driver - add SCL to parse junos and checkpoint logs - changed the location of debuggercli files - disabled native connector (Rust support) - "ExcludeArch: i586 s390x" as workaround until bison is fixed- oops, forgot to update version in syslog-ng.conf again... - moved slack SCL to curl sub-package to silence warning on startup- Dynamically detect used python3 version.- added 2482.patch to resolve GPL-2.0 vs. BSD-4-Clause compatibility problem.- Allow building with java 1.8.0. - Use %license- updated to 3.19.1 - changed summary again- Replace time-sensitive wording of summary. - Drop %if..%endif guards that are idempotent. - Replace %__-type macro indirections.- update to 3.18.1 - remove support for SLES11 (sysvinit) - add support to compile on SLES12+ and Leap 42+ - tons of clean-up- added to syslog-ng.service to resolve bnc#1077975- update to syslog-ng 3.14.1 - remove patch, as merged upstream: 0001-modules-json-Adaptions-for-json-c-v0.13.patch - remove patch and revert to jdk 1.7 as 1.9 is problematic: syslog-ng-3.10.1-sourcetarget.patch - add secret-storage, appmodell and SCL files- fix build error with json-c v0.13 with patch 0001-modules-json-Adaptions-for-json-c-v0.13.patch- disable Java destination temporarily (it does not build)- fix %post and mongodb as requested by @idonmez- update to syslog-ng 3.12.1 - add tags parser - add xml parser - add Windows eventlog parser - add syslog-ng-debun + man - handle evtlog merge (add obsolates, new files, etc.) - use Python version of merge-grammar - add libmaxminddb-devel BuildRequires for the geoip2 parser - add geoip2 parser - add osquery parser (scl) - Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468) (by @RBrownSUSE) - WARNING: disable RabbitMQ and AMQP support as they fail to compile with openssl 1.1 Will be most likely re-enabled in 3.14.1- Update package summaries and RPM group classifications. Drop author lists from descriptions. Remove redundant %clean section. Replace old $RPM_ shell vars and make consistent use of macros instead.- Do not hardcode dependency on java-1_7_0-openjdk, depend on java-devel >= 1.7 instead - Added patch: * syslog-ng-3.10.1-sourcetarget.patch + Build Java classes with the lowest required source and target levels.- update to version 3.10.1 - update config version - renamed to - added module - added module - added module - added cisco parser (scl) - added snmptrapd parser files - add pkgconfig for add-contextual-data - don't compile curl dest on SLES 11- require group and user "news" in new system model.- really update config version to 3.8 (thanks Per for the report) - move curl (HTTP) support into a subpackage to reduce the number of dependencies in the base package- update to 3.8.1 for a complete list of changes see: - add Java support. NOTE: no modules due to missing gradle and JAR dependencies - add curl HTTP support - disable mongodb for SLES11 (fails to compile) - update configuration to 3.8 - change datadir parameter (default now includes 'syslog-ng') - add cef & date modules, apache, loggly, logmatic scl-s - add disk buffer support - update java module list - uncomment Alias=syslog.service in syslog-ng.service - rename system-expand to - add missing: Obsolates: syslog-ng-json (JSON is now in core)- fix bnc#965191 by adding back "Alias=syslog.service" to "syslog.service" - update to 3.7.3, which fixes many small bugs - remove obsolate e30fe7c3717a7bda4036448c7777747df1a4e0f9.patch - using self generated dist tgz, as official tgz is missing generated man pages - fix bnc#982487 by copying config.h manually- update to syslog-ng 3.7.1 - for a detailed changelog, see upstream at: and - FYI: no java support due to lack of gradle - follow geoip modul name change (tfgeoip -> geoip-plugin) - add - remove notls workaround (openssl is now a hard dependency) - add python support - update version in syslog-ng.conf - move json support to core - tmp patch to fix compilation on SLES11: e30fe7c3717a7bda4036448c7777747df1a4e0f9.patch - SLES notes: some core dependencies are missing, so you need to build in your home repo and have json, libevtlog from Factory- fix shebang in syslog-ng-service-prepare script that contains bash-specific constructions- Do not BuildRequire libhiredis0_10: It's responsibility of the respective -devel package to pull in the library. On openSUSE < 13.2.1 (Current Tumbleweed) we keep it to workaround a bug in the hiredis-devel package of those releases.cloud136 16749188333.35.1-bp154. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectionobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=05992779bc67000917280c273039df6e5ac96320, not strippeddirectoryASCII text PRRRRRRRR}fUk(wՔutf-8d61c836f014e7727d65f389259191977a57ee6b2b7867180021f0d0c119633d2? 7zXZ !t/7c]"k%Ə1HXO[4ƑSD4BÀJ^CKjxKy!)8u Gbi0 rz:ՙ:, &{OBONsKTlb &9h\ zs`GCMc7K\DCa!I%S"8?">\L_׆8l~vt/f6%P@YP11zv}ZwrϨľ59 oVjՇ/Ɓ,LKw0*w n,B4@IE5]yL26-:#B ,K˷(!jlłXĀՊn)~yt |8`^uEufAQ%릑!ls):UdIiy|hپإhV3AL[!`P6sqgPҁr~W7֯d!J3*[w;uϠzbS("5?/:TÁA Z0=?: Zuw O9n/[gS -jչF>gܽTPw2e]^#]~y㠃0$i(%=<]$BjX6FߐS*xx.6' z Kf~U5d+|TNŮ?كt'k%MU;OיӲXx\~rΌ5D3Kbjt2Y?Z0MO_Dю+(9K}gU\Z0 O%oRgSl`jSؾ:\֪#sSڡ,:b nMLv ϶4P-u,F"%$*.̡mFIfgƩrevIL"bV${d5nշnǗ%nT椬8m4w_z4O̹IHW}KNLlJo@_T[+yEhT[<҉:OcU.υ&OiIU?%wDť7HMh^t2!JY9Dq_GWdζ?g(b~V$1dV5#+>1328g)_DMvE^e.l X|_r>\jl+]+ oF*EC?QP fQT5X׎"ց }T1d1Y@ہ8_@pv>)ޏ!65AYamaŲ. nRc Md~*{H e<31JbNZ <@*9zGqx+'vcJ43ܴAHap-eVK:+ &ߘ_;Rު|@I{U2@v1n4aƃHv& _שjt!Ԩ(n?z/sR>3,::e YP.<ܘ=ߣMsFi"EKEXlƀDh݂04߀ tBCGG8,4NWY-v|V/r4ukOFAjN3sJ7WdxHS-M3J\ඛBP\hЧ&dj}^ݓGA3Y jq]>*yW"Pq'[ZI"FaIJ*n`> 8ݖ;iQ׫EQ@܃U0 b;fe!vwYX?ǩf7Rbfd0<q`ż$sLDMqcX~cߓjQ\oPJyf̢(vvaxH=cmζ.@JUy'nB/n4rPSʼnO宁O}#0˂, Q`:ױ(Yve%BdSտ& 9R P]*f%6@!pv*h2[2i}LS&(o^N5'i&P/vBfŭ6zLњQS!/塲c?XѨAl)Vn𭪔7|m×dV?*%W]qmB%v'q^ҬwXU>-Ä\+ ;eV/$ e@hӈ\ {ƚ8P Bqdg aw3Rs|zR&4OA;OrRPg k{P^sMkRƶD~ Qc|LP-M"⭹/7V*rȧ^_ƽ4џCrW<@]FaBuz[JŖԛoPRZVK,Խ9+íbH# Y]p̛9dh?y{yٺX/c+OgH#zU[ =^fV/aQ- (%yNkDT?NWU0 ZNuH\|XK:T`?STf:u3,F>[*n2 g;LIZ8TJm^YI[5lFazl"%0Tp^?#Sß ıdn7D 5hPO[{u=ݏ 1ٔEԓC\2hhߤay?;+IWBy%gQXLOBt9amFM[ iJ2]:.NaItہZ49B`졙љP0kqA4&o}q š.,Im+F#ǻrCP ??\ ^v{jSLZST}`k1r褁V8VAw [2MjW9} wSN~5l>HSaH@8,ܭ/*ZelB*|(y2VWWxG, XAM0IuNIiib?O>@,HN[ D7[.H59&jѢ%[e|}+ E2s(tJ`TYF{8/։|˨`I-4v\W fL-xX ࡟\0/"d'XGQ™V X1WupKHmCح{ uVoZrx$ տַIHo5۟׍7sTg>֬ hȠ3GƼEWb;ϵ_{CTNpIbѾchdvb[Bdsf⟢34gA@oit drϱ?Ob/C`mZA_7_C-jU4}.X¡ 8O4k0