THE DYNAMITE: VECTELOPMENT ========================== Due to high demend of better coherency between various Vector Linux flavours, VL 5.0 development will be based on integrated build system, called vectelopment (Vector Linux Development). It comprises of two sides of coin: * For end users, they may download any VL flavour ISO, install it, then they can use VECPKG frontend to download more packages from the same software plaza. Ultimatelly, without dependency confusion. * To provides such a pleasant plaza, Vector Linux developers (proudly well know as the Vectelopers) are equiped with automatic build tool-kits called CHECKINSTALL, VECTELOPER and VECHIEF. This document series is intended for anybody trying to be on the Vectelopers side. We view the vectelopment process as a workflow like this: [cdrom]------->+ [tgz]-->+ [src]<-->[tar]----->[pkg]-->+--->[ftp] [doc]---------------------->+ +--->[iso] +--->[iso-soho] +--->[iso-dynamite] cdrom: Slackware CDROM or previous VLrc. tgz: ready made packages (from slackware, everywhere) src: compressed tarball tar: tarbal directory (original source code + custom) pkg: compiled packages iso: the distro (all flavours) doc: documentations ftp: online software plaza on the FTP site For deep explanation of Please read the VECPKG documentation of the idea behind this 'dynamite'. Then let's discuss how you can contribute, what tools are needed, and where is the documentation to read on. WHAT DO WE HAVE ALREADY ? ========================= For the start, the current vectelopment-5.0 has been setup on the FTP site. We have some initial MATERIALs and TOOLs. Please check these directories for materials: - The RELEASE/iso-dynamite. This is the mini distro which was build from Slackware 10. You may use this as the development HOST, while waiting Vector to release the VL-5.0rc1. - The RELEASE/packages directory contains some more packages. - The RELEASE/doc directory is the initial documentations. - The tgz directory contains some static packages. - The tar directory contains source code for GTK1 based apps. To help the Vectelopment process, there are 5 needed tools: * pkgtool : tools from uncle Slackware * vecpkg2 : basic packages management, also enduser front end. * checkinstall : installation tracker and package maker. * vecteloper : compile many packages (tar+tgz) into (pkg) * vechief : assembly everything (doc, pkg) into the (iso) HOW CAN I HELP ? ================= Here is a quick introduction of how you may help VECTELOPMENT, and the tools you need. 1. As the distro chief (make the iso) Everybody knows this is the big boss job. They will provide the innitial HOST platform (rc1), then the others can start to help. The chief need the "vechief" tool that helps assembling the things into an iso. However, many jobs still need expert hand such as compiling the kernel and integrating the CORE systems. If you want to try to be a chief, go on. Make a contribution flavours like VL-On-Crack, GX, or Dynamite. It is fun by itself. 2. As package vecteloper (contribute the tgz) You may get an interestiong source code somewhere, compile it, and contribute the precompiled binary package. Everybody that knows how to use "checkinstall" can involve. Any packages will be accepted. After tested, they will be in the FTP site under veclinux-5.0/various directory. Please read the CHECKINSTALL documentation for the guide. 3. As tarball vecteloper (contribute the tar) Get the original source code somewhere, but do not compile it yet ! Instead, arrange it in a tarball directory, add customisation, and submit that tarball directory. Of course you have to test compiling it first, so the distro chief will have no problem to compile it later. This is prefereable than the previous tgz contribution for official packages (the ones that are included in the ISO). However, it needs a bit more skill of using "vecteloper" tool-kit. Please read VECTELOPER for more information. 4. As artist (make beautifull customisation) Well, what can I say. This is the one that 'define' the look and feel of Vector Linux. Please make background, icons, gadget, themes using whatever tools (gimp, blender, etc). Submit it to the vectelopers to make them a package, or maybe just use the "vecteloper" tool-kit by your self. Making custom package is really easy using "vecteloper". A short guide is in the ARTIST documentation. 5. As documentor (make the doc) This is the most daunting task. We really need more up to date and friendly articles. Some stunning screenshots would be nice too !!! The tools are bluefish, quanta, gimp, etc. The shameless guide is in the DOCUMENTOR article. 6. Plaza Manager (get the FTP tidy) We need a person in charge for each base library, that put the things in proper places. This is important so the new vecpkg can work properly. The tools are a reliable internet connection and a SSH client (terminal+ssh from Linux, puTTY from Windows). So, have you decided which way to contribute ? Please read on the next relevant documents.