AUVOXWARE(1) AUVOXWARE(1) NNAAMMEE auvoxware - Network Audio System server for PCs with the VOXware audio interface SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aauuvvooxxwwaarree [:listen port offset] [-option ...] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN _a_u_v_o_x_w_a_r_e is the NAS server used on PC Unix platforms that support the VOXware device drivers for popular sound cards. It is able to discover what each device has in the way of ability and configure itself appropriately. The known list of platforms that support the VOXware interface are Linux, FreeBSD, SCO, Unixware and the generic SVR4.2 unixes. SSTTAARRTTIINNGG TTHHEE SSEERRVVEERR The server is usually started from /etc/rc or a user's startup script. When the Network Audio System server starts up, it takes over /dev/dsp & /dev/dsp1, according to the instructions in its configuration file, if any. Note that applications that attempt to access these devices themselves will fail while it is running. It will look for a configuration file of the name nasd.conf in the config directory, e.g. /etc/nas/nasd.conf. If it finds one, it will then open it and parse the contents, setting up the inputs and outputs as required. OOPPTTIIOONNSS All of the Network Audio System servers accept the follow- ing command line options: --aaaa Allows clients on any host to connect. By default, access is allowed only to clients on the local host. SSIIGGNNAALLSS The Network Audio System server attaches special meaning to the following signals: _S_I_G_H_U_P This signal causes the server to close all exist- ing connections, free all resources, and restore all defaults. _S_I_G_T_E_R_M This signal causes the server to exit cleanly. _S_I_G_U_S_R_1 This signal is used quite differently from either of the above. When the server starts, it checks to see if it has inherited SIGUSR1 as SIG_IGN instead of the usual SIG_DFL. In this case, the server sends a SIGUSR1 to its parent process after it has set up the various connection schemes. 1 AUVOXWARE(1) AUVOXWARE(1) DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS Too numerous to list them all. If run from _i_n_i_t_(_8_), errors are typically logged in the file _/_u_s_r_/_a_d_m_/_a_u_d_i_o_*_m_s_g_s, FFIILLEESS /tmp/.sockets/audio* Unix domain socket /usr/adm/audio*msgs /dev/audio Audio device SSEEEE AALLSSOO nas(1), auinfo(1), auplay(1), auctl(1), nasd.conf(1) BBUUGGSS If _a_u dies before its clients, new clients won't be able to connect until all existing connections have their TCP TIME_WAIT timers expire. The current access control support is weak at best. CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright 1993, Network Computing Devices, Inc. AAUUTTHHOORRSS The auvoxware server contains much code from the sun sam- ple server, written originally by Greg Renda and Dave Lemke of NCD, who in turn borrowed much code from the sam- ple X server. The original VOXware server for Linux was written by Amancio Hasty ( and was merged with the SVR4 VOXware server, written by Stephen Hocking ( Christian Schlichtherle ( then added some more Linux fixes, code to allow full duplex operation on those cards that supported it (GUS, PAS16, AudioTriX) and did some work on the 16 bit code. Stephen Hocking made sure it ran under FreeBSD. Shawn M. ( fixed it up to run under SCO Unix and added code to dynamically adjust the buffer sizes. Stephen Hocking then added code for the server to use a configuration file. The sample X server was originally written by Susan Ange- branndt, Raymond Drewry, Philip Karlton, and Todd Newman, from Digital Equipment Corporation, with support from a large cast. It has since been extensively rewritten by Keith Packard and Bob Scheifler, from MIT. 2