TNT-Remote-Help --------------- The following commands are possible: //n Send text to channel n //ACT Show last sysopactivty //SESSION Show the usagetime of this session/version //ONACTIVITY Set text which will be send on sysopactivity //CHat Send text to a channel or callsign //MSG Like CHat //COMP on/off Enable/disable huffman compression //NAME Store name in database //CSTAT Show all active connections //MHeard Show list of all heard stations //MHeard Show entrys of MH oder search for //SHELL Start a UNIX-shell session //TSHELL Start a UNIX-shell session without CR/LF translation //RUN Execute a program //RUNT Execute a program without CR/LF translation //RUN Directory of all available programs //BOX Start DigiPoint Box //COOKIE Send a cookie //DIR Show directory //DIRLONG Show directory in long format //FREE Shows space on disks //INFO Info about station //HELP This help-information //NEWS Display news about this station //READ Read a file //BREAK Abort reading file //WRITE Write file to disk //CLOSE End writing file //WPRG Write file to disk using AUTOBIN-protocol //WPRG Same as above, but send back //RPRG //RPRG Read a file using AUTOBIN-protocol //RPRG Same as above, but send back //WPRG //WYAPP Write file to disk using YAPP-protocol //RYAPP [file] Read a file using YAPP-protocol //VERSION Show version of software //ECHO Send back string //TIME Send time //RTT [timestring] Calculate round trip timer //RING Ring the bell (call for sysop) //QUIT Disconnect with quittext //DISC Disconnect The two slashes (//) must be entered at the beginning of a line. End of help-information