DESCRIPTION Date::Business provides the functionality to perform simple date manipulations quickly. Support for calendar date and business date math is provided. Business dates are weekdays only. Adding 1 to a weekend returns Monday, subtracting 1 returns Friday. User defined Holidays are supported. Date::Business works very well for iterating over dates, and determining start and end dates of arbitray n business day periods (e.g. consider how to perform a computation for a series of business days starting from an arbitrary day). $end = new Date::Business(); # today $start = new Date::Business($end, -10); # 10 business days ago while (!$start->gt($end)) { compute_something($start); $start->nextb(); } INSTALLATION Requires packages Time::Local and POSIX. perl Makefile.PL [ LIB= ] make make test make install BUGS and ISSUES Bugs and issues can be submitted at