Package: ifeffit Description-md5: 910f116c8e14fa8d361b031b45896347 Description-en: Interactive XAFS analysis program IFEFFIT is an interactive program for XAFS analysis. It combines the high-quality analysis algorithms of AUTOBK and FEFFIT with graphical display of XAFS data and general data manipulation. . IFEFFIT comes as a command-line program, but the underlying functionality is available as a programming library. The IFEFFIT library can be used from C, Fortran, Tcl, and Perl. Package: ifeffit-doc Description-md5: 23588aa725d1361238e782379bbed9bc Description-en: IFEFFIT examples and documentation This package contains all the available documentation for IFEFFIT and its component programs. Example files for EXAFS data analysis are also provided as tutorials. Package: libifeffit-perl Description-md5: e6edcbfcf9214ca2748ec5d9024356e5 Description-en: Perl extensions for IFEFFIT IFEFFIT is an interactive program for XAFS analysis. It combines the high-quality analysis algorithms of AUTOBK and FEFFIT with graphical display of XAFS data and general data manipulation. . This package provides an interface to IFEFFIT from Perl.