head 1.3; access; symbols; locks mys:1.3; strict; comment @# @; 1.3 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2000.; author mys; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author mys; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @# Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ################################################################## # Undo function proc proc_undo {E} { global UndoArray event generate $E <> if {[llength $UndoArray($E)] != 0} then { set liste [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] switch [lindex $liste 0] insert { set ksp [$E index "insert linestart"] $E insert [lindex $liste 1] "[lindex $liste 2]" Syntax $E $ksp "insert lineend" } delete { $E delete [lindex $liste 1] [lindex $liste 2] } UndoMul { proc_undo $E proc_undo $E } } } ########################## # gliedert tag ein proc undo_tag E { global UndoArray set sel_flag 0 if {[$E tag nextrange undo 1.0 end] != ""} then { set flag 0 foreach {A O} [$E tag ranges undo] { if $flag { if {[$E index $KO+1c] != $A} { lappend UndoArray($E) "delete $KA $KO" set KA $A } } { set flag 1 set KA $A } set KO $O } lappend UndoArray($E) "delete $KA $KO" $E tag remove undo 1.0 end } } ######################### # max laenge des undo Speichers proc undo_maxlength E { global UndoArray max_undo while {[string length $UndoArray($E)] > $max_undo} { if {[llength $UndoArray($E)] != 0} then { set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 1 end] } else break } } ########################## # proc undo_switch {E L} { global UndoArray undo_switch_sel_flag foreach i $L { switch $i UndoMax { undo_maxlength $E } Save { # Text sammeln und sichern undo_tag $E } Delete { # Delete speichern lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index [lindex $LIST 0]] [backslash [$E get [lindex $LIST 0] [lindex $LIST 1]]]" $E delete [lindex $LIST 0] [lindex $LIST 1] } UndoBegin { # Textmarke setzen $E mark set UndoBegin insert $E mark gravity UndoBegin left } UndoEnd { # Texttag setzen $E tag add undo UndoBegin insert } SelSave { if {[$E tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] != ""} then { undo_tag $E lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index sel.first] [backslash [$E get sel.first sel.last]]" set undo_switch_sel_flag 1 } {set undo_switch_sel_flag 0} } SelMul { if $undo_switch_sel_flag { undo_tag $E lappend UndoArray($E) UndoMul $E mark set UndoBegin insert $E mark gravity UndoBegin left } } BeginMark { $E tag add undo BeginMark-1c BeginMark } UndoMul { lappend UndoArray($E) UndoMul } DeleteKey { if {$undo_switch_sel_flag == 0} then { set ksp "" if {[lindex $UndoArray($E) end] != ""} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 0] == "insert"} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 1] == [$E index insert]} then { set ksp [lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 2] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] } } } lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index insert] [backslash $ksp][backslash [$E get insert]]" } } BackSpaceKey { if {$undo_switch_sel_flag == 0} then { set ksp "" if {[lindex $UndoArray($E) end] != ""} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 0] == "insert"} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 1] == [$E index insert]} then { set ksp [lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 2] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] } } } lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index insert-1c] [backslash [$E get insert-1c]][backslash $ksp]" } } default { set LIST $i } } } @ 1.2 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d1 129 a129 129 # Copyright (C) 1999 - Martin Strauss - under terms of GPL ################################################################## # Undo function proc proc_undo {E} { global UndoArray event generate $E <> if {[llength $UndoArray($E)] != 0} then { set liste [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] switch [lindex $liste 0] insert { set ksp [$E index "insert linestart"] $E insert [lindex $liste 1] "[lindex $liste 2]" Syntax $E $ksp "insert lineend" } delete { $E delete [lindex $liste 1] [lindex $liste 2] } UndoMul { proc_undo $E proc_undo $E } } } ########################## # gliedert tag ein proc undo_tag E { global UndoArray set sel_flag 0 if {[$E tag nextrange undo 1.0 end] != ""} then { set flag 0 foreach {A O} [$E tag ranges undo] { if $flag { if {[$E index $KO+1c] != $A} { lappend UndoArray($E) "delete $KA $KO" set KA $A } } { set flag 1 set KA $A } set KO $O } lappend UndoArray($E) "delete $KA $KO" $E tag remove undo 1.0 end } } ######################### # max laenge des undo Speichers proc undo_maxlength E { global UndoArray max_undo while {[string length $UndoArray($E)] > $max_undo} { if {[llength $UndoArray($E)] != 0} then { set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 1 end] } else break } } ########################## # proc undo_switch {E L} { global UndoArray undo_switch_sel_flag foreach i $L { switch $i UndoMax { undo_maxlength $E } Save { # Text sammeln und sichern undo_tag $E } Delete { # Delete speichern lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index [lindex $LIST 0]] [backslash [$E get [lindex $LIST 0] [lindex $LIST 1]]]" $E delete [lindex $LIST 0] [lindex $LIST 1] } UndoBegin { # Textmarke setzen $E mark set UndoBegin insert $E mark gravity UndoBegin left } UndoEnd { # Texttag setzen $E tag add undo UndoBegin insert } SelSave { if {[$E tag nextrange sel 1.0 end] != ""} then { undo_tag $E lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index sel.first] [backslash [$E get sel.first sel.last]]" set undo_switch_sel_flag 1 } {set undo_switch_sel_flag 0} } SelMul { if $undo_switch_sel_flag { undo_tag $E lappend UndoArray($E) UndoMul $E mark set UndoBegin insert $E mark gravity UndoBegin left } } BeginMark { $E tag add undo BeginMark-1c BeginMark } UndoMul { lappend UndoArray($E) UndoMul } DeleteKey { if {$undo_switch_sel_flag == 0} then { set ksp "" if {[lindex $UndoArray($E) end] != ""} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 0] == "insert"} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 1] == [$E index insert]} then { set ksp [lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 2] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] } } } lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index insert] [backslash $ksp][backslash [$E get insert]]" } } BackSpaceKey { if {$undo_switch_sel_flag == 0} then { set ksp "" if {[lindex $UndoArray($E) end] != ""} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 0] == "insert"} then { if {[lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 1] == [$E index insert]} then { set ksp [lindex [lindex $UndoArray($E) end] 2] set UndoArray($E) [lrange $UndoArray($E) 0 [expr [llength $UndoArray($E)] - 2]] } } } lappend UndoArray($E) "insert [$E index insert-1c] [backslash [$E get insert-1c]][backslash $ksp]" } } default { set LIST $i } } } @ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @d26 1 @