PACKAGE NAME: Expect_perl-1.15-i486-1.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/perl-packages PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 48 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 130 K PACKAGE MD5: 6e3ade70e2e9ac48dd75fb7f1dada23d ./cli/perl-packages/Expect_perl-1.15-i486-1.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: perl >= 5.8.6,IO-Tty >= 1.04 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: Expect_perl: Expect 1.15 (believe it or not, Expect for Perl) Expect_perl: Expect_perl: From the POD: Expect_perl: Expect_perl: ``The Expect module is a successor of and a descendent of Expect_perl: It more closely ressembles the Tcl Expect language than Expect_perl: its predecessors. It does not contain any of the networking code Expect_perl: found in I suspect this would be obsolete anyway given Expect_perl: the advent of IO::Socket and external tools such as netcat... Expect_perl: Expect_perl: It is now possible to interconnect multiple file handles (and Expect_perl: processes) much like Tcl's Expect. An attempt was made to enable Expect_perl: all the features of Tcl's Expect without forcing Tcl on the Expect_perl: victim programmer :-) .''