-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 # $NetBSD: eol-packages,v 1.11 2024/09/26 10:35:12 wiz Exp $ # #FORMAT 1.0.0 # # This file is designed to allow for a description of any end-of-life # (eol) packages in the pkgsrc collection. eol means that there is no # longer an upstream that is producing maintenance releases, and thus # that one cannot expect that security bugs will be fixed. # # When a package has reached eol an entry should be added to # pkg-vulnerabilities in the standard format but with a custom "type # of exploit" and "URL" fields e.g.: # # # foo-[0-9]* eol ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/vulns/eol-packages # # When `pkg_admin audit' is run it will display a warning in the form of: # # Package foo has reached end-of-life (eol), see ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/packages/vulns/eol-packages # # Entries in this file have the following fields: # # - Package: package(s) declared EOL/unmaintained by upstream # - eol date: if upstream makes an announcement that they are no # longer maintaining the software, then either the day after # support ends, or the announcement date if no date is given. If # pkgsrc decides (in hindsight) that maintenance has stopped # because it has been excessively long since a release, the date # should be the date that the entry is added. # - URL: reference to EOL announcement by upstream, or announcement # by a third party of a fork due to non-support by upstream, or # other affirmative data that upstream is no longer maintaining # this package. In cases where there is merely a lack of a new # release, leave this field blank. # - Description: Short description/rationale of EOL entry and # possible information about current supported versions or # packages that can be used as replacements for the EOL package. # The primary purpose of this file is to record that an upstream # is no longer maintaining a package; there is no need to give # advice about what users should do. # # If you have comments/additions/corrections, please contact # pkgsrc-security@NetBSD.org. # Package: acroread eol date: ca. August 2002 URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/ Description: Old version of Acrobat Reader, a newer version is in pkgsrc as print/acroread7. Package: acroread5 eol date: ca. December 2004 URL: http://www.adobe.com/products/reader/ Description: Old version of Acrobat Reader, a newer version is in pkgsrc as print/acroread7. Package: gaim eol date: April 6, 2007 URL: http://pidgin.im/~elb/cgi-bin/pyblosxom.cgi/going_public.html Description: Replaced by chat/pidgin. Package: WMMail eol date: ca. August 2000 Description: Old unmaintained WindowMaker mail notify program, use "mail/wmbiff" instead. Package: mozilla eol date: ca. July 2005 URL: http://developer.mozilla.org/devnews/index.php/2006/04/12/sunset-announcement-for-fxtb-10x-and-mozilla-suite-17x/ Description: Officially replaced by Firefox (www/firefox) and Thunderbird (mail/thunderbird), but there is also the community-driven Seamonkey Project (www/seamonkey) which continues to develop the suite. Package: ethereal eol date: June 7, 2006 URL: http://www.wireshark.org/news/20060607.html Description: Renamed to net/wireshark. Package: bind8 eol date: 27 August 2007 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Update to BIND 9.x Package: micq eol date: November 28, 2007 Description: Project renamed to climm, see chat/climm. Package: MySQL (3.23.x) eol date: July 31, 2006 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: MySQL (4.0.x) eol date: September 30, 2006 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: MySQL (4.1.x) eol date: December 31, 2006 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: python15 eol date: April 1999 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: python20 eol date: June 2001 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: python21 eol date: April 8, 2002 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: python22 eol date: May 30, 2003 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: PHP (4.x) eol date: December 31, 2007 URL: http://www.php.net/downloads.php#v4 Description: Upgrade to PHP 5.x Package: sqlitemanager eol date: August 20, 2008 URL: http://sourceforge.net/project/stats/detail.php?group_id=95526&ugn=sqlitemanager&type=cvs Description: Package unmaintained upstream Package: firefox (2.0.x) eol date: December 2008 URL: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html Description: Upgrade to www/firefox3 Package: firefox-gtk1 (2.0.x) eol date: December 2008 URL: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html Description: Upgrade to www/firefox3 Package: NetSaint eol date: November 25, 2002 URL: http://marc.info/?l=netsaint-announce&m=101503609823404&w=2 Description: Upgrade to Nagios Package: squid26 eol date: February 4, 2009 Description: Upgrade to www/squid27 (or www/squid30). Package: jakarta-tomcat5 eol date: Octover 23, 2007 URL: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-users/200710.mbox/%3c471D4096.5010104@apache.org%3e Description: Upgrade to www/apache-tomcat55 (or www/apache-tomcat6). Package: samba (3.0.x) eol date: August 5, 2009 URL: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Release_Planning_for_Samba_3.0 Description: Upgrade to net/samba35 (or newer). Package: cogito eol date: November 2006 URL: http://git.or.cz/cogito/ Description: Use devel/scmgit directly. Package: fprot-workstation-bin eol date: January 7, 2009 Description: Virus information won't provided any more for this version, F-PROT Antivirus version 4.x for UNIX based platform. Use security/f-prot-antivirus6-ws-bin. Package: firefox3 eol date: October, 2009 Description: Not yet eol by mozilla, but package has been removed. Update to firefox 3.5. Package: sun-jre14 eol date: October 30, 2008 URL: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jre6 (or newer) Package: sun-jdk14 eol date: October 30, 2008 URL: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jdk6 (or newer) Package: sun-jre15 eol date: November 3, 2009 URL: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jre6 (or newer) Package: sun-jdk15 eol date: November 3, 2009 URL: http://java.sun.com/products/archive/eol.policy.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jdk6 (or newer) Package: vmware-2.x eol date: May 20, 2003 URL: http://www.vmware.com/support/policies/lifecycle/general/ Description: Package unmaintained upstream Package: vmware-3.x eol date: Octover 7, 2004 URL: http://www.vmware.com/support/policies/lifecycle/general/ Description: Package unmaintained upstream Package: acroread7 eol date: December 28, 2009 URL: http://www.adobe.com/support/products/enterprise/eol/eol_matrix.html#86 Description: Old version of Adobe Reader, unmaintained upstream Package: acroread8 eol date: January, 2010 URL: http://www.adobe.com/support/products/enterprise/eol/eol_matrix.html#86 Description: Old version of Adobe Reader, unmaintained upstream Package: apache-1.3.x eol date: January, 2010 URL: http://archive.apache.org/dist/httpd/Announcement1.3.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache24 (or newer) Package: bugzilla-2.22.x eol date: July 28, 2009 URL: http://bugzillaupdate.wordpress.com/2009/07/28/release-3-4/ Description: Upgrade to devel/bugzilla3 (or newer) Package: openoffice2 eol date: December 22, 2009 URL: http://development.openoffice.org/releases/eol.html Descripion: Update to openoffice3 Package: spice eol date: ca. July 1993 URL: http://bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/Classes/IcBook/SPICE/ Description: The version of SPICE distributed by Berkeley has not been updated in well over 15 years. In the intervening time, the ng-spice project (http://ng-spice.sourceforge.net) has taken the last released code from Berkeley and maintained and improved it. Users of the spice-3f5.1 package should migrate to the cad/ng-spice package. Package: seamonkey-1.x eol date: March 16, 2010 URL: http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey1.1.19/README Description: Upgrade to a seamonkey-2.x (or newer version). Package: ctorrent eol date: June 7, 2006 URL: http://ctorrent.sourceforge.net/ Description: Discontinuled. Use net/dtorrent, Enhanced CTorrent. Package: irrtoolset-nox11 eol date: June 27, 2010 URL: http://www.isc.org/index.pl?/sw/IRRToolSet/ Description: Update to net/irrtoolset5. Package: suse (10.0) eol date: November 30, 2007 URL: http://en.opensuse.org/Lifetime Description: The situation is difficult as newer versions may not yet be supported if using linux emulation (depending upon your OS and version.) If native versions are available switch to those. If this is not an option, you need to be aware that this software is no longer maintained nor reliably monitored for security vulnerabilities. Package: suse (<11.1) eol date: June 30, 2010 URL: http://en.opensuse.org/Lifetime Description: SUSE versions 10.1 - 11.1 have not been in pkgsrc, but should be pointed out as end-of-life to assure that whatever replaces the SUSE 10.0 packages is supported. Package: postgresql80 eol date: March, 2008 Description: eol October 2010 by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: postgresql81 eol date: August, 2009 Description: eol November 2010 by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: ruby < 1.8 eol date: October, 2005 URL: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2005/ Description: Packages have been removed. Update to newer version. Package: ruby (1.8.7) eol date: June 30, 2013 URL: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/06/30/we-retire-1-8-7/ Description: Packages have been removed. Update to newer version. Package: ruby (1.9.2) eol date: September, 2012 Description: Not eol by upstream, but packages have been removed. Update to newer version. Package: postgresql82 eol date: August, 2010 Description: eol December 2011 by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: postgresql83 eol date: February, 2013 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: bind95 eol date: May, 2010 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: PHP (5.2) eol date: July, 2010 URL: http://www.php.net/archive/2010.php#id2010-07-22-1 Description: Upgrade to PHP 5.3 or newer. Package: asterisk 1.2.X eol date: November 21, 2010 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (see comms/asterisk16 & comms/asterisk18) Package: asterisk 1.6.0.X eol date: October 1, 2010 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (see comms/asterisk16 & comms/asterisk18) Package: asterisk 1.6.1.X eol date: April 27, 2011 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (see comms/asterisk16 & comms/asterisk18) Package: asterisk 10.X eol date: December 15, 2013 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (see comms/asterisk18 & comms/asterisk) Package: python23 eol date: March 11, 2008 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: python24 eol date: Dec 19, 2008 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: jakarta-tomcat4 eol date: June 25, 2009 URL: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/tomcat-announce/200906.mbox/%3c4A43F757.2000401@apache.org%3e Description: Upgrade to www/apache-tomcat6 (or newer). Package: drupal 5.x eol date: January 6, 2011 URL: http://drupal.org/node/1027214 Description: Update to newer version. (see www/drupal6) Package: ns-flash 9.x eol date: February 8, 2011 URL: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/406/kb406791.html Description: Update to newer version. (see multimedia/adobe-flash-plugin) Package: phpmyadmin 2.11.x eol date: July 12, 2011 URL: http://sourceforge.net/news/?group_id=23067&id=301992 Description: Update to newer version. Package: bugzilla 3.2 eol date: February 15, 2011 URL: http://www.bugzilla.org/news/#release40 Description: Someone needs to upgrade devel/bugzilla3 to a supported version if you are reading this, maybe that someone is you? Package: RealPlayerGold eol date: April, 2008 URL: http://www.real.com/realplayer/download Description: RealPlayer for Linux has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Package: python25 eol date: October, 2011 URL: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5.6/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: MySQL (5.0.x) eol date: January 9, 2011 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: suse (11.3) eol date: January 20, 2012 URL: http://en.opensuse.org/Lifetime Description: The situation is difficult as newer versions may not yet be supported if using linux emulation (depending upon your OS and version.) If native versions are available switch to those. If this is not an option, you need to be aware that this software is no longer maintained nor reliably monitored for security vulnerabilities. Package: Rails (2.x) eol date: August 16, 2011 URL: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2011/8/16/ann-rails-2-3-14 Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: jdbc-postgresql80 eol date: October 2010 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: jdbc-postgresql81 eol date: November 2010 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: jdbc-postgresql82 eol date: December 2011 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: gcc eol date: Unknown, but a long time ago URL: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: gcc3 eol date: Unknown, but a long time ago URL: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: gcc34 eol date: Unknown, but a long time ago URL: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: gcc44 eol date: March 2012 URL: http://gcc.gnu.org/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: firefox36 eol date: April 24, 2012 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/ Description: Update to firefox10, new Extended Support Release. Package: xulrunner192 eol date: April 24, 2012 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/ Description: Update to xulrunner10, new Extended Support Release. Package: asterisk 1.6.2.X eol date: April 21, 2012 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (see comms/asterisk18 & comms/asterisk10) Package: apache-tomcat55 eol date: September 30, 2012 URL: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-55-eol.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache-tomcat6 (or www/apache-tomcat7). Package: horde-3.x, imp-4.x turba-2.x, ingo-1.x, kronolith-2.x eol date: November 27, 2012 URL: http://dev.horde.org/h/jonah/stories/view.php?channel_id=1&id=255 Description: Someone needs to upgrade www/horde and its applications to a supported version. Package: bind97 eol date: November, 2012 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: samba (3.3.x) eol date: August 9, 2011 URL: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Release_Planning_for_Samba_3.3 Description: Upgrade to net/samba36 (or newer). Package: sun-jre6 eol date: February 2013 URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jre7 (or newer) Package: sun-jdk6 eol date: February 2013 URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html Description: Upgrade to lang/sun-jdk7 (or newer) Package: firefox10 eol date: February 19, 2013 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Update to firefox17, new Extended Support Release. Package: thunderbird10 eol date: February 19, 2013 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird/organizations/faq/ Description: Update to thunderbird17, new Extended Support Release. Package: xulrunner10 eol date: February 19, 2013 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Update to xulrunner17, new Extended Support Release. Package: suse (12.1) eol date: May 15, 2013 URL: http://en.opensuse.org/Lifetime Description: The situation is difficult as newer versions may not yet be supported if using linux emulation (depending upon your OS and version.) If native versions are available switch to those. If this is not an option, you need to be aware that this software is no longer maintained nor reliably monitored for security vulnerabilities. Package: acroread9 eol date: June 26, 2013 URL: http://www.adobe.com/support/products/enterprise/eol/eol_matrix.html#86 Description: Old version of Adobe Reader, unmaintained upstream Package: gallery-1 eol date: November 21, 2008 URL: http://galleryproject.org/last_official_G1_releases Description: Old version of Gallery, unmaintained upstream Package: subversion16 eol date: June 18, 2013 URL: http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.8.html#svn-1.6-deprecation Description: Old version of Subversion, no longer supported by upstream. Package: adobe-flash-plugin-10.x eol date: July 9, 2013 URL: http://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2013/05/extended-support-release-updated-to-flash-player-11-7.html Description: Old extended support of Adove Flash Player, unmaintained upstream. Package: apache-2.0.x eol date: July 9, 2013 URL: http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/Announcement2.0.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache24 (or newer) Package: python26 eol date: October 29, 2013 URL: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.9/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: xulrunner17 eol date: December 3rd, 2013 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: No alternative currently available (as of 12/12/13) Package: contao29 eol date: Apr, 2012 Description: End of support by release of Contao 2.10.0. Package: contao210 eol date: Jun, 2012 Description: End of support by release of Contao 2.11.0. Package: contao30 eol date: Sep, 2013 Description: End of support by release of Contao 3.1.0. Package: contao31 eol date: Dec, 2013 Description: End of support by release of Contao 3.2.0. Package: contao211 eol date: Jun, 2014 Description: not eol by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: contao33 eol date: Nov 25, 2014 Description: End of support by release of Contao 3.4.0. Package: contao34 eol date: Jun 5, 2015 Description: End of support by release of Contao 3.5.0. Package: python31 eol date: Jan, 2014 Description: not eol by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: samba (3.5.x) eol date: Octover 11, 2013 URL: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Release_Planning_for_Samba_3.5 Description: Upgrade to net/samba 3.6.x (or newer). Package: python32 eol date: Apr, 2014 Description: not eol by vendor, but package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: MySQL (5.1.x) eol date: December 4, 2013 Description: Upgrade to 5.6 (or newer version). Package: PHP (5.3) eol date: Aug 14, 2014 URL: http://php.net/archive/2014.php#id2014-08-14-1 Description: Upgrade to PHP 5.4 or newer. Package: TYPO3 (6.0) eol date: May 31, 2014 URL: http://typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-60-end-of-life-announcement/ Description: Upgrade to TYPO3 6.2 or newer. Package: TYPO3 (4.7) eol date: Oct, 2014 URL: http://typo3.org/news/article/announcing-the-discontinuation-of-typo3-cms-47-and-typo3-cms-61/ Description: Upgrade to TYPO3 6.2 or newer. Package: TYPO3 (6.1) eol date: Oct, 2014 URL: http://typo3.org/news/article/announcing-the-discontinuation-of-typo3-cms-47-and-typo3-cms-61/ Description: Upgrade to TYPO3 6.2 or newer. Package: bind96 eol date: Feb, 2014 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: bind98 eol date: Sep, 2014 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: openjdk7-bin eol date: Apr, 2015 URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/eol-135779.html Description: Binary package phased out in favor of openjdk7 and openjdk8 source-based packages. Package: ruby (1.9.3) eol date: Feb 23, 2015 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2014/01/10/ruby-1-9-3-will-end-on-2015/ Description: Upgrade to Ruby 2.0.0 or later. Package: firefox17 eol date: Oct 29, 2013 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Upgrade to firefox31, new Extended Support Release. Package: firefox24 eol date: Sept 24, 2014 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Upgrade to firefox31, new Extended Support Release. Package: thunderbird24 URL: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/31.0/releasenotes/ Description: Upgrade to a current release offered by www/thunderbird Package: TYPO3 (4.5) eol date: Mar, 2015 URL: https://typo3.org/news/article/announcing-typo3-45-lts-regular-end-of-life-eol/ Description: Upgrade to TYPO3 6.2 or newer. Package: firefox31 eol date: July 2, 2015 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Upgrade to firefox38, new Extended Support Release. Package: thunderbird31 eol date: July 17, 2015 URL: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/38.0/releasenotes/ Description: Upgrade to a current release offered by www/thunderbird Package: xulrunner31 eol date: July 2, 2015 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/faq/ Description: Upgrade to xulrunner38, new Extended Support Release. Package: postgresql84 eol date: October, 2015 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol July 2014 by vendor Package: postgresql90 eol date: October, 2015 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol September 2015 by vendor Package: openjdk7, sun-jdk7, sun-jre7 eol date: October, 2015 Description Java 7 eol April 2015 by vendor URL: https://www.java.com/en/download/faq/java_7.xml Description: Java 7 eol April 2015 by vendor Package: asterisk 1.8.X eol date: October 21, 2015 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (comms/asterisk) Package: PHP (5.4) eol date: September 14, 2015 URL: http://php.net/eol.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 5.5 or newer. Package: old versions (pre 4.5) of XEN eol date: December 22, 2015 URL: http://www.xenproject.org/downloads/xen-archives.html Description: Desupported by vendor. Update to xen 4.5 or newer. Package: drupal 6.x eol date: February 24, 2016 URL: https://www.drupal.org/drupal-6-eol Description: Update to newer version. (see www/drupal7) Package: ruby (2.0.0) eol date: February 24, 2016 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2016/02/24/support-plan-of-ruby-2-0-0-and-2-1/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.1 or later. Package: postfix (2.9) eol date: February 25, 2016 URL: http://www.postfix.org/announcements/postfix-3.1.0.html Description: Update to Postfix 3.0 or later. Package: contao41 eol date: July 17, 2016 Description: End of support by release of Contao 4.2.0. Package: PHP (5.5) eol date: July 21, 2016 URL: http://php.net/eol.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 5.6 or newer. Package: Wireshark (1.x) eol date: July 31, 2016 URL: https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-users/201607/msg00020.html Description: Upgrade to Wireshark 2.x or newer. Package: ap-modsecurity URL: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/ModSecurity-Migration-Matrix Description: No EoL notice from vendor but development ceased, package has been removed. Use security/ap-modsecurity2 Package: contao42 eol date: October 31, 2016 Description: End of support by release of Contao 4.3.0. Package: adobe-flash-plugin-11.x eol date: December 13, 2016 Description: Old extended support of Adove Flash Player, unmaintained upstream. Package: rt3 eol date: December 31, 2017 Description: unmaintained upstream, upgrade to rt4. Package: dovecot (1.2, 2.0, 2.1) eol date: May 11, 2011, June 12, 2012, June 26, 2013 Description: Unmaintained upstream. Upgrade to 2.2.x. Package: ruby (2.1) eol date: March 31, 2017 URL: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2017/04/01/support-of-ruby-2-1-has-ended/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.2 or later. Package: contao43 eol date: June 15, 2017 Description: End of support by release of Contao 4.4.0. Package: mrxvt eol date: November 27, 2017 Description: Unmaintained upstream. Package: rxvt eol date: November 27, 2017 Description: Unmaintained upstream. Package: webkit24-gtk eol date: February 1, 2016 URL: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2016/02/01/on-webkit-security-updates/ Description: Unmaintained upstream. Upgrade to webkit-gtk. Package: webkit24-gtk3 eol date: February 1, 2016 URL: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2016/02/01/on-webkit-security-updates/ Description: Unmaintained upstream. Upgrade to webkit-gtk. Package: apache-2.2.x eol date: June, 2017 URL: https://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/Announcement2.2.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache24 (or newer) Package: asterisk 11.X eol date: October 25, 2017 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (comms/asterisk13) Package: contao45 eol date: August 28, 2018 Description: End of support by release of Contao 4.6.0. Package: firefox45 eol date: June 13, 2017 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/ Description: Update to firefox60, new Extended Support Release. Package: firefox52 eol date: September 5, 2018 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/ Description: Update to firefox60, new Extended Support Release. Package: spidermonkey52 eol date: September 5, 2018 URL: http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/organizations/ Description: Update to firefox60, new Extended Support Release. Package: py-crypto eol date: August 29, 2017 URL: https://github.com/dlitz/pycrypto/issues/238 Description: py-crypto is unmaintained, py-cryptodome is a replacement. Package: webkit1-gtk eol date: February 1, 2016 URL: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2016/02/01/on-webkit-security-updates/ Description: Unmaintained upstream. Upgrade to webkit-gtk. Package: webkit1-gtk3 eol date: February 1, 2016 URL: https://blogs.gnome.org/mcatanzaro/2016/02/01/on-webkit-security-updates/ Description: Unmaintained upstream. Upgrade to webkit-gtk. Package: PHP (7.0) eol date: December 3, 2018 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 7.1 or newer. Package: PHP (5.6) eol date: December 31, 2018 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 7.1 or newer. Package: mbedtls1 eol date: February 3, 2018 URL: https://tls.mbed.org/download-archive Description: Upgrade to mbedtls. Package: xchat eol date: March 2, 2018 URL: https://blog.tingping.se/2018/03/02/when-distros-get-it-wrong.html Description: XChat continues development under the name Hexchat. Package: Django 1.4 LTS eol date: October 1, 2015 URL: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions Description: Upgrade to newer Django. Package: Django 1.8 LTS eol date: April 1, 2018 URL: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions Description: Upgrade to newer Django. Package: rssh eol date: January 23, 2019 URL: https://sourceforge.net/p/rssh/mailman/message/36525645/ Description: Unmaintained upstream. Package: ghostscript-gpl eol date: February 14, 2013 URL: https://www.ghostscript.com/doc/current/History9.htm#Version9.07 Description: License change to AGPL, see ghostscript-agpl. Package: old versions (pre 4.7) of XEN eol date: October 1, 2018 URL: http://www.xenproject.org/downloads/xen-archives.html Description: Desupported by vendor. Update to xen 4.8 or newer. Package: jetty 7.x eol date: October 1, 2014 URL: https://www.eclipse.org/lists/jetty-announce/msg00069.html Description: Desupported by vendor. Update to jetty 9.x. Package: ruby (2.2) eol date: March 31, 2018 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2018/06/20/support-of-ruby-2-2-has-ended/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.3 or later. Package: ruby (2.3) eol date: March 31, 2019 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/03/31/support-of-ruby-2-3-has-ended/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.4 or later. Package: bind99 eol date: July, 2018 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: bind910 eol date: July, 2018 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: postgresql91 eol date: October, 2016 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol October 2016 by vendor Package: postgresql92 eol date: November, 2017 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol November 2017 by vendor Package: postgresql93 eol date: November, 2018 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol November 2018 by vendor Package: python34 eol date: March, 2019 URL: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3410/ Description: eol March 2019 by vendor. Update to newer version. Package: bind912 eol date: May, 2019 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: jabberd14 eol date: July, 2019 URL: none Description: Upstream's last release was in 2007. Package: nodejs6 eol date: April 31, 2019 URL: https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ Description: eol April 31 2019 by vendor. Update to newer versions. Package: contao35 eol date: May 31, 2019 Description: End of support of LTS version. Package: asterisk 14.X eol date: September 26, 2018 URL: https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions Description: Update to newer version. (comms/asterisk17) Package: t1lib eol date: October 28, 2019 Description: No maintenance since 2011, local patches for security bugs. Should not be used for parsing untrusted fonts, but probably safe for parsing system fonts (e.g. DVI documents that rely on just system fonts) Package: PHP (7.1) eol date: December 1, 2019 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 7.2 or newer. Package: TYPO3 (6.2) eol date: Apr, 2017 URL: https://typo3.org/article/new-typo3-maintenance-releases-last-typo3-cms-62-release/ Description: Upgrade to newer version of TYPO3. Package: apache-tomcat6 eol date: December 31, 2016 URL: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-60-eol.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache-tomcat7 or newer. Package: apache-tomcat8 eol date: June 30, 2018 URL: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-80-eol.html Description: Upgrade to www/apache-tomcat85 or newer. Package: nodejs8 eol date: December 31, 2019 URL: https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ Description: eol December 31 2019 by vendor. Update to newer versions. Package: postgresql94 eol date: February 13, 2020 URL: http://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: eol February 13, 2020 by vendor Package: ruby (2.4) eol date: March 31, 2020 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2020/04/05/support-of-ruby-2-4-has-ended/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.5 or later. Package: old versions (pre 4.9) of XEN eol date: December 2019 URL: https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Project_Release_Features Description: Security support for 4.8 ended December 2019. Update to xen 4.9 or newer. Package: magento 1.x eol date: June 30, 2020 URL: https://magento.com/blog/magento-news/support-magento-1-software-ends-june-30-2020 Description: eol June 30, 2020 by vendor Package: python27 eol date: January 1, 2020 URL: https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/ Description: eol January 1, 2020 by vendor. Update to supported 3.x versions if possible. Package: bind914 eol date: May, 2020 URL: https://kb.isc.org/docs/bind-9-end-of-life-dates Description: Package has been removed. Update to newer version. Package: python35 eol date: September 30, 2020 URL: https://devguide.python.org/versions/#versions Description: eol September 2020 by vendor. Update to newer version. Package: cliqz eol date: April 29, 2020 URL: https://cliqz.com/announcement.html Description: eol per announcement. Package: PHP (7.2) eol date: December 1, 2020 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 7.3 or newer. Package: PHP (7.3) eol date: December 6, 2021 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 7.4 or newer. Package: drupal 8.x eol date: November 17, 2021 URL: https://www.drupal.org/psa-2021-11-30 Description: Update to newer version. Package: gtk+-1.x eol date: 2011? Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: gtk2+-2.x eol date: December 16, 2020 URL: https://blog.gtk.org/2020/12/16/gtk-4-0/ Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: qt4-libs eol date: December 19, 2015 URL: https://www.qt.io/blog/2014/11/27/qt-4-8-x-support-to-be-extended-for-another-year Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: ruby (2.5) eol date: April 5, 2021 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.6 or later. Package: ruby (2.6) eol date: April 22, 2022 URL: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/branches/ Description: Update to Ruby 2.7 or later. Package: net/isc-dhcp4 eol date: October 5, 2022 URL: https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-eol/ Description: Switch to different software. Package: net/isc-dhcpd4 eol date: October 5, 2022 URL: https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-eol/ Description: Switch to different software. Package: net/isc-dhclient4 eol date: October 5, 2022 URL: https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-eol/ Description: Switch to different software. Package: net/isc-dhcrelay4 eol date: October 5, 2022 URL: https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-eol/ Description: Switch to different software. Package: postgresql10 eol date: November 10, 2022 URL: https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: py-sip v4 eol date: February 26, 2021 URL: https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/sip/download Description: Update to newer version. Package: TYPO3 (6.2) eol date: Feb, 2021 URL: https://get.typo3.org/version/6.2 Description: Upgrade to TYPO3 8 or newer. Package: security/ykclient eol date: April 15, 2021 URL: https://status.yubico.com/2021/04/15/one-api-yubico-com-one-http-get/ Description: Switch to different software. Package: textproc/pcre eol date: June 2021 URL: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2023/04/11/1 Description: Update to PCRE2. Package: python36 eol date: December 31, 2021 URL: https://devguide.python.org/versions/#versions Description: eol December 2021 by vendor. Update to newer version. Package: python37 eol date: June 27, 2023 URL: https://devguide.python.org/versions/#versions Description: eol June 2023 by vendor. Update to newer version. Package: Django < 3.2 eol date: Before 2023 URL: https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions Description: Upgrade to newer Django. Package: samba (3.x) eol date: March 4, 2015 URL: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_Release_Planning Description: Upgrade to net/samba 4.x (or newer). Package: Rails (5.2) eol date: June 1, 2022 URL: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/maintenance_policy.html Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: Rails (6.0) eol date: June 1, 2022 URL: https://guides.rubyonrails.org/maintenance_policy.html Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: Apache Tomcat versions before 8.5 eol date: March 2, 2020 URL: https://tomcat.apache.org/whichversion.html Description: Upgrade to a newer version. Package: asterisk 15.X eol date: October 3, 2019 URL: https://docs.asterisk.org/About-the-Project/Asterisk-Versions/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: asterisk 16.X eol date: October 9, 2023 URL: https://docs.asterisk.org/About-the-Project/Asterisk-Versions/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: asterisk 17.X eol date: October 28, 2021 URL: https://docs.asterisk.org/About-the-Project/Asterisk-Versions/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: asterisk 19.X eol date: November 2, 2023 URL: https://docs.asterisk.org/About-the-Project/Asterisk-Versions/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: postgresql11 eol date: November 9, 2023 URL: https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: nodejs16 eol date: September 11, 2023 URL: https://github.com/nodejs/release Description: Update to newer version. Package: asterisk 13.X eol date: October 24, 2021 URL: https://docs.asterisk.org/About-the-Project/Asterisk-Versions/ Description: Update to newer version. Package: PHP (7.4) eol date: November 28, 2022 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 8.1 or newer. Package: PHP (8.0) eol date: November 26, 2023 URL: http://php.net/supported-versions.php Description: Upgrade to PHP 8.1 or newer. Package: MySQL (5.5.x) eol date: December 31, 2015 Description: Upgrade to 8.0 (or newer version). Package: MySQL (5.6.x) eol date: February 28, 2018 Description: Upgrade to 8.0 (or newer version). Package: MySQL (5.7.x) eol date: October 31, 2020 Description: Upgrade to 8.0 (or newer version). Package: olm eol date: July 31, 2024 Description: Use vozodemacs. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBAgAGBQJm9TjmAAoJEAqTd/uumSZig+oQAMEEEJqKb4gpdI9WBLGxVBHV 0xJKLi4A1FJaPR4BJXl6YRHsAJFzQYBj2Hbvyei+x4eFtNhuh1erjpVjfMFMCewh baBWbqodMp+LKJ6+O7Zo+d8TqsyzatVmwFQf2/FG1sryL/iXTC6h49udEQ7+PiZv AqTCF31yan4ElDAku9vqnRx10ox7+SVfrau5P6neF4JjE2ckQo6YGtWbDDI9bY6H xA9XapEieRcn83DXTgapbzreMBps2AMZcv2dO2MHwlZoaQ1vJ8IN1ou8nQ/sytMb /84lXwoyHh/LaYbDVsJ4yUiP7TVMuy3oWc+cZtyfvJ1vVYFAr8b+sS3lRYdE/mW8 bSIo1wKRANflRPWfqGDTpL0SYY7pUZOH0lo2re4s+jjv7JfKOy9cyNhgoOmt08re sqgR+tuX0f1PspW2IlWmrZcB2/rxNpEjwr173vmDFNHLjdgxqDZbeE1DMl6Trcd/ ztXiD8PHqMQlqYkmJ78fYlPK8OqxCVZl/vJS1TO/wYxZ83Gte8jY9eBK4/2r1KmT lcVCEQYXKh5JcYM5RqXew9r0+aET9Mg/vUjsczdoFQaPrkS0IPAVAwsfQgPlOX1D cTbwtpTP8NpAUqD07jNOetGGE60PWVxcgFCKU9Llc/nBViKsidumLO01FqcKtPTc HoMjNWRR9cZ6agwrcGX7 =wvfs -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----