## 47.beta (2024-08-02) ### Added - Add reload button to errors and F5 as reload shortcut ### Fixed - Don't show error-screen if SVG has been loaded and only the rendering for tiles for other zoom levels fails. Instead, show the already loaded tiles. - Fixed that some actions are available on error pages and loading screens while they are not actually useful. This includes actions like zoom, rotate, and print. - No longer empty the animation buffer if next frame isn't available yet. This removes flickering for larger and high FPS animations on slower systems. - Zoom into viewport center via buttons. Before, the image center was used, which would cause a jump if the viewport had been changed. ### Changed - Changed the drag and drop overlay to use accent colors instead of a fixed color. This also makes it follow the new adjustable accent colors. - Don't emmediately show the spinner for loading images. This avoids fresh spinners showing up each time when switching through images very quickly via keyboard. - Make strings that contain `\u{}` translatable - No longer overwrite GTKs default renderer with 'gl'. The latest patches in GTK seem to make the Vulkan renderer work fine. - The properties no longer use the deprecated AdwFlap widget. For very small windows, properties are now shown in an AdwBottomSheet. - Use AdwSpinner when loading images. - Use glycin's auto detection of development mode to disable sandbox.