/* $NetBSD: calendar.c,v 1.3 2024/08/18 20:47:26 christos Exp $ */ #include "config.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" /* test fail without this include, for some reason */ #include "ntp_calendar.h" #include "ntp_calgps.h" #include "ntp_unixtime.h" #include "ntp_fp.h" #include "unity.h" #include static char mbuf[128]; static int leapdays(int year); void setUp(void); int isGT(int first, int second); int leapdays(int year); char * CalendarFromCalToString(const struct calendar *cal); char * CalendarFromIsoToString(const struct isodate *iso); int IsEqualCal(const struct calendar *expected, const struct calendar *actual); int IsEqualIso(const struct isodate *expected, const struct isodate *actual); char * DateFromCalToString(const struct calendar *cal); char * DateFromIsoToString(const struct isodate *iso); int IsEqualDateCal(const struct calendar *expected, const struct calendar *actual); int IsEqualDateIso(const struct isodate *expected, const struct isodate *actual); void test_Constants(void); void test_DaySplitMerge(void); void test_WeekSplitMerge(void); void test_SplitYearDays1(void); void test_SplitYearDays2(void); void test_SplitEraDays(void); void test_SplitEraWeeks(void); void test_RataDie1(void); void test_LeapYears1(void); void test_LeapYears2(void); void test_LeapYears3(void); void test_RoundTripDate(void); void test_RoundTripYearStart(void); void test_RoundTripMonthStart(void); void test_RoundTripWeekStart(void); void test_RoundTripDayStart(void); void test_IsoCalYearsToWeeks(void); void test_IsoCalWeeksToYearStart(void); void test_IsoCalWeeksToYearEnd(void); void test_DaySecToDate(void); void test_GpsRollOver(void); void test_GpsRemapFunny(void); void test_GpsNtpFixpoints(void); void test_NtpToNtp(void); void test_NtpToTime(void); void test_CalUMod7(void); void test_CalIMod7(void); void test_RellezCentury1_1(void); void test_RellezCentury3_1(void); void test_RellezYearZero(void); void setUp(void) { init_lib(); return; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * test support stuff * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int isGT(int first, int second) { if(first > second) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } int leapdays(int year) { if (year % 400 == 0) return 1; if (year % 100 == 0) return 0; if (year % 4 == 0) return 1; return 0; } char * CalendarFromCalToString( const struct calendar *cal) { char * str = malloc(sizeof (char) * 100); snprintf(str, 100, "%u-%02u-%02u (%u) %02u:%02u:%02u", cal->year, (u_int)cal->month, (u_int)cal->monthday, cal->yearday, (u_int)cal->hour, (u_int)cal->minute, (u_int)cal->second); str[99] = '\0'; /* paranoia rulez! */ return str; } char * CalendarFromIsoToString( const struct isodate *iso) { char * str = emalloc (sizeof (char) * 100); snprintf(str, 100, "%u-W%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", iso->year, (u_int)iso->week, (u_int)iso->weekday, (u_int)iso->hour, (u_int)iso->minute, (u_int)iso->second); str[99] = '\0'; /* paranoia rulez! */ return str; } int IsEqualCal( const struct calendar *expected, const struct calendar *actual) { if (expected->year == actual->year && (!expected->yearday || expected->yearday == actual->yearday) && expected->month == actual->month && expected->monthday == actual->monthday && expected->hour == actual->hour && expected->minute == actual->minute && expected->second == actual->second) { return TRUE; } else { char *p_exp = CalendarFromCalToString(expected); char *p_act = CalendarFromCalToString(actual); printf("expected: %s but was %s", p_exp, p_act); free(p_exp); free(p_act); return FALSE; } } int IsEqualIso( const struct isodate *expected, const struct isodate *actual) { if (expected->year == actual->year && expected->week == actual->week && expected->weekday == actual->weekday && expected->hour == actual->hour && expected->minute == actual->minute && expected->second == actual->second) { return TRUE; } else { printf("expected: %s but was %s", CalendarFromIsoToString(expected), CalendarFromIsoToString(actual)); return FALSE; } } char * DateFromCalToString( const struct calendar *cal) { char * str = emalloc (sizeof (char) * 100); snprintf(str, 100, "%u-%02u-%02u (%u)", cal->year, (u_int)cal->month, (u_int)cal->monthday, cal->yearday); str[99] = '\0'; /* paranoia rulez! */ return str; } char * DateFromIsoToString( const struct isodate *iso) { char * str = emalloc (sizeof (char) * 100); snprintf(str, 100, "%u-W%02u-%02u", iso->year, (u_int)iso->week, (u_int)iso->weekday); str[99] = '\0'; /* paranoia rulez! */ return str; } int/*BOOL*/ IsEqualDateCal( const struct calendar *expected, const struct calendar *actual) { if (expected->year == actual->year && (!expected->yearday || expected->yearday == actual->yearday) && expected->month == actual->month && expected->monthday == actual->monthday) { return TRUE; } else { printf("expected: %s but was %s", DateFromCalToString(expected), DateFromCalToString(actual)); return FALSE; } } int/*BOOL*/ IsEqualDateIso( const struct isodate *expected, const struct isodate *actual) { if (expected->year == actual->year && expected->week == actual->week && expected->weekday == actual->weekday) { return TRUE; } else { printf("expected: %s but was %s", DateFromIsoToString(expected), DateFromIsoToString(actual)); return FALSE; } } static int/*BOOL*/ strToCal( struct calendar * jd, const char * str ) { unsigned short y,m,d, H,M,S; if (6 == sscanf(str, "%hu-%2hu-%2huT%2hu:%2hu:%2hu", &y, &m, &d, &H, &M, &S)) { memset(jd, 0, sizeof(*jd)); jd->year = y; jd->month = (uint8_t)m; jd->monthday = (uint8_t)d; jd->hour = (uint8_t)H; jd->minute = (uint8_t)M; jd->second = (uint8_t)S; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * test cases * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* days before month, with a full-year pad at the upper end */ static const u_short real_month_table[2][13] = { /* -*- table for regular years -*- */ { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }, /* -*- table for leap years -*- */ { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 } }; /* days in month, with one month wrap-around at both ends */ static const u_short real_month_days[2][14] = { /* -*- table for regular years -*- */ { 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 }, /* -*- table for leap years -*- */ { 31, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31 } }; void test_Constants(void) { int32_t rdn; struct calendar jdn; jdn.year = 1900; jdn.month = 1; jdn.monthday = 1; rdn = ntpcal_date_to_rd(&jdn); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(DAY_NTP_STARTS, rdn, "(NTP EPOCH)"); jdn.year = 1980; jdn.month = 1; jdn.monthday = 6; rdn = ntpcal_date_to_rd(&jdn); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(DAY_GPS_STARTS, rdn, "(GPS EPOCH)"); } /* test the day/sec join & split ops, making sure that 32bit * intermediate results would definitely overflow and the hi DWORD of * the 'vint64' is definitely needed. */ void test_DaySplitMerge(void) { int32 day,sec; for (day = -1000000; day <= 1000000; day += 100) { for (sec = -100000; sec <= 186400; sec += 10000) { vint64 merge; ntpcal_split split; int32 eday; int32 esec; merge = ntpcal_dayjoin(day, sec); split = ntpcal_daysplit(&merge); eday = day; esec = sec; while (esec >= 86400) { eday += 1; esec -= 86400; } while (esec < 0) { eday -= 1; esec += 86400; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(eday, split.hi); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(esec, split.lo); } } return; } void test_WeekSplitMerge(void) { int32 wno,sec; for (wno = -1000000; wno <= 1000000; wno += 100) { for (sec = -100000; sec <= 2*SECSPERWEEK; sec += 10000) { vint64 merge; ntpcal_split split; int32 ewno; int32 esec; merge = ntpcal_weekjoin(wno, sec); split = ntpcal_weeksplit(&merge); ewno = wno; esec = sec; while (esec >= SECSPERWEEK) { ewno += 1; esec -= SECSPERWEEK; } while (esec < 0) { ewno -= 1; esec += SECSPERWEEK; } TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ewno, split.hi); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(esec, split.lo); } } return; } void test_SplitYearDays1(void) { int32 eyd; for (eyd = -1; eyd <= 365; eyd++) { ntpcal_split split = ntpcal_split_yeardays(eyd, 0); if (split.lo >= 0 && split.hi >= 0) { TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isGT(12,split.hi)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isGT(real_month_days[0][split.hi+1], split.lo)); int32 tyd = real_month_table[0][split.hi] + split.lo; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(eyd, tyd); } else TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(eyd < 0 || eyd > 364); } return; } void test_SplitYearDays2(void) { int32 eyd; for (eyd = -1; eyd <= 366; eyd++) { ntpcal_split split = ntpcal_split_yeardays(eyd, 1); if (split.lo >= 0 && split.hi >= 0) { /* basic checks do not work on compunds :( */ /* would like: TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(12 > split.hi); */ TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isGT(12,split.hi)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(isGT(real_month_days[1][split.hi+1], split.lo)); int32 tyd = real_month_table[1][split.hi] + split.lo; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(eyd, tyd); } else TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(eyd < 0 || eyd > 365); } return; } void test_SplitEraDays(void) { int32_t ed, rd; ntpcal_split sd; for (ed = -10000; ed < 1000000; ++ed) { sd = ntpcal_split_eradays(ed, NULL); rd = ntpcal_days_in_years(sd.hi) + sd.lo; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ed, rd); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(0 <= sd.lo && sd.lo <= 365); } } void test_SplitEraWeeks(void) { int32_t ew, rw; ntpcal_split sw; for (ew = -10000; ew < 1000000; ++ew) { sw = isocal_split_eraweeks(ew); rw = isocal_weeks_in_years(sw.hi) + sw.lo; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(ew, rw); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(0 <= sw.lo && sw.lo <= 52); } } void test_RataDie1(void) { int32 testDate = 1; /* 0001-01-01 (proleptic date) */ struct calendar expected = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; struct calendar actual; ntpcal_rd_to_date(&actual, testDate); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualDateCal(&expected, &actual)); return; } /* check last day of february for first 10000 years */ void test_LeapYears1(void) { struct calendar dateIn, dateOut; for (dateIn.year = 1; dateIn.year < 10000; ++dateIn.year) { dateIn.month = 2; dateIn.monthday = 28 + leapdays(dateIn.year); dateIn.yearday = 31 + dateIn.monthday; ntpcal_rd_to_date(&dateOut, ntpcal_date_to_rd(&dateIn)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualDateCal(&dateIn, &dateOut)); } return; } /* check first day of march for first 10000 years */ void test_LeapYears2(void) { struct calendar dateIn, dateOut; for (dateIn.year = 1; dateIn.year < 10000; ++dateIn.year) { dateIn.month = 3; dateIn.monthday = 1; dateIn.yearday = 60 + leapdays(dateIn.year); ntpcal_rd_to_date(&dateOut, ntpcal_date_to_rd(&dateIn)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualDateCal(&dateIn, &dateOut)); } return; } /* check the 'is_leapyear()' implementation for 4400 years */ void test_LeapYears3(void) { int32_t year; int l1, l2; for (year = -399; year < 4000; ++year) { l1 = (year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)); l2 = is_leapyear(year); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "y=%d", year); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(l1, l2, mbuf); } } /* Full roundtrip from 1601-01-01 to 2400-12-31 * checks sequence of rata die numbers and validates date output * (since the input is all nominal days of the calendar in that range * and the result of the inverse calculation must match the input no * invalid output can occur.) */ void test_RoundTripDate(void) { struct calendar truDate, expDate = { 1600, 0, 12, 31 };; int leaps; int32 truRdn, expRdn = ntpcal_date_to_rd(&expDate); while (expDate.year < 2400) { expDate.year++; expDate.month = 0; expDate.yearday = 0; leaps = leapdays(expDate.year); while (expDate.month < 12) { expDate.month++; expDate.monthday = 0; while (expDate.monthday < real_month_days[leaps][expDate.month]) { expDate.monthday++; expDate.yearday++; expRdn++; truRdn = ntpcal_date_to_rd(&expDate); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expRdn, truRdn); ntpcal_rd_to_date(&truDate, truRdn); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualDateCal(&expDate, &truDate)); } } } return; } /* Roundtrip testing on calyearstart */ void test_RoundTripYearStart(void) { static const time_t pivot = 0; u_int32 ntp, expys, truys; struct calendar date; for (ntp = 0; ntp < 0xFFFFFFFFu - 30000000u; ntp += 30000000u) { truys = calyearstart(ntp, &pivot); ntpcal_ntp_to_date(&date, ntp, &pivot); date.month = date.monthday = 1; date.hour = date.minute = date.second = 0; expys = ntpcal_date_to_ntp(&date); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expys, truys); } return; } /* Roundtrip testing on calmonthstart */ void test_RoundTripMonthStart(void) { static const time_t pivot = 0; u_int32 ntp, expms, trums; struct calendar date; for (ntp = 0; ntp < 0xFFFFFFFFu - 2000000u; ntp += 2000000u) { trums = calmonthstart(ntp, &pivot); ntpcal_ntp_to_date(&date, ntp, &pivot); date.monthday = 1; date.hour = date.minute = date.second = 0; expms = ntpcal_date_to_ntp(&date); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expms, trums); } return; } /* Roundtrip testing on calweekstart */ void test_RoundTripWeekStart(void) { static const time_t pivot = 0; u_int32 ntp, expws, truws; struct isodate date; for (ntp = 0; ntp < 0xFFFFFFFFu - 600000u; ntp += 600000u) { truws = calweekstart(ntp, &pivot); isocal_ntp_to_date(&date, ntp, &pivot); date.hour = date.minute = date.second = 0; date.weekday = 1; expws = isocal_date_to_ntp(&date); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expws, truws); } return; } /* Roundtrip testing on caldaystart */ void test_RoundTripDayStart(void) { static const time_t pivot = 0; u_int32 ntp, expds, truds; struct calendar date; for (ntp = 0; ntp < 0xFFFFFFFFu - 80000u; ntp += 80000u) { truds = caldaystart(ntp, &pivot); ntpcal_ntp_to_date(&date, ntp, &pivot); date.hour = date.minute = date.second = 0; expds = ntpcal_date_to_ntp(&date); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(expds, truds); } return; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * ISO8601 week calendar internals * * The ISO8601 week calendar implementation is simple in the terms of * the math involved, but the implementation of the calculations must * take care of a few things like overflow, floor division, and sign * corrections. * * Most of the functions are straight forward, but converting from years * to weeks and from weeks to years warrants some extra tests. These use * an independent reference implementation of the conversion from years * to weeks. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* helper / reference implementation for the first week of year in the * ISO8601 week calendar. This is based on the reference definition of * the ISO week calendar start: The Monday closest to January,1st of the * corresponding year in the Gregorian calendar. */ static int32_t refimpl_WeeksInIsoYears( int32_t years) { int32_t days, weeks; days = ntpcal_weekday_close( ntpcal_days_in_years(years) + 1, CAL_MONDAY) - 1; /* the weekday functions operate on RDN, while we want elapsed * units here -- we have to add / sub 1 in the midlle / at the * end of the operation that gets us the first day of the ISO * week calendar day. */ weeks = days / 7; days = days % 7; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, days); /* paranoia check... */ return weeks; } /* The next tests loop over 5000yrs, but should still be very fast. If * they are not, the calendar needs a better implementation... */ void test_IsoCalYearsToWeeks(void) { int32_t years; int32_t wref, wcal; for (years = -1000; years < 4000; ++years) { /* get number of weeks before years (reference) */ wref = refimpl_WeeksInIsoYears(years); /* get number of weeks before years (object-under-test) */ wcal = isocal_weeks_in_years(years); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(wref, wcal); } return; } void test_IsoCalWeeksToYearStart(void) { int32_t years; int32_t wref; ntpcal_split ysplit; for (years = -1000; years < 4000; ++years) { /* get number of weeks before years (reference) */ wref = refimpl_WeeksInIsoYears(years); /* reverse split */ ysplit = isocal_split_eraweeks(wref); /* check invariants: same year, week 0 */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(years, ysplit.hi); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, ysplit.lo); } return; } void test_IsoCalWeeksToYearEnd(void) { int32_t years; int32_t wref; ntpcal_split ysplit; for (years = -1000; years < 4000; ++years) { /* get last week of previous year */ wref = refimpl_WeeksInIsoYears(years) - 1; /* reverse split */ ysplit = isocal_split_eraweeks(wref); /* check invariants: previous year, week 51 or 52 */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(years-1, ysplit.hi); TEST_ASSERT(ysplit.lo == 51 || ysplit.lo == 52); } return; } void test_DaySecToDate(void) { struct calendar cal; int32_t days; days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, -86400); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==-1 && cal.hour==0 && cal.minute==0 && cal.second==0), "failed for -86400"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, -86399); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==-1 && cal.hour==0 && cal.minute==0 && cal.second==1), "failed for -86399"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, -1); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==-1 && cal.hour==23 && cal.minute==59 && cal.second==59), "failed for -1"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, 0); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==0 && cal.hour==0 && cal.minute==0 && cal.second==0), "failed for 0"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, 1); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==0 && cal.hour==0 && cal.minute==0 && cal.second==1), "failed for 1"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, 86399); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==0 && cal.hour==23 && cal.minute==59 && cal.second==59), "failed for 86399"); days = ntpcal_daysec_to_date(&cal, 86400); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((days==1 && cal.hour==0 && cal.minute==0 && cal.second==0), "failed for 86400"); return; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * unfolding of (truncated) NTP time stamps to full 64bit values. * * Note: These tests need a 64bit time_t to be useful. */ void test_NtpToNtp(void) { # if SIZEOF_TIME_T <= 4 TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("test only useful for sizeof(time_t) > 4, skipped"); # else static const uint32_t ntp_vals[6] = { UINT32_C(0x00000000), UINT32_C(0x00000001), UINT32_C(0x7FFFFFFF), UINT32_C(0x80000000), UINT32_C(0x80000001), UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF) }; static char lbuf[128]; vint64 hold; time_t pivot, texp, diff; int loops, iloop; pivot = 0; for (loops = 0; loops < 16; ++loops) { for (iloop = 0; iloop < 6; ++iloop) { hold = ntpcal_ntp_to_ntp( ntp_vals[iloop], &pivot); texp = vint64_to_time(&hold); /* constraint 1: texp must be in the * (right-open) intervall [p-(2^31), p+(2^31)[, * but the pivot 'p' must be taken in full NTP * time scale! */ diff = texp - (pivot + JAN_1970); snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), "bounds check: piv=%lld exp=%lld dif=%lld", (long long)pivot, (long long)texp, (long long)diff); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((diff >= INT32_MIN) && (diff <= INT32_MAX), lbuf); /* constraint 2: low word must be equal to * input */ snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), "low check: ntp(in)=$%08lu ntp(out[0:31])=$%08lu", (unsigned long)ntp_vals[iloop], (unsigned long)hold.D_s.lo); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(ntp_vals[iloop], hold.D_s.lo, lbuf); } pivot += 0x20000000; } # endif } void test_NtpToTime(void) { # if SIZEOF_TIME_T <= 4 TEST_IGNORE_MESSAGE("test only useful for sizeof(time_t) > 4, skipped"); # else static const uint32_t ntp_vals[6] = { UINT32_C(0x00000000), UINT32_C(0x00000001), UINT32_C(0x7FFFFFFF), UINT32_C(0x80000000), UINT32_C(0x80000001), UINT32_C(0xFFFFFFFF) }; static char lbuf[128]; vint64 hold; time_t pivot, texp, diff; uint32_t back; int loops, iloop; pivot = 0; for (loops = 0; loops < 16; ++loops) { for (iloop = 0; iloop < 6; ++iloop) { hold = ntpcal_ntp_to_time( ntp_vals[iloop], &pivot); texp = vint64_to_time(&hold); /* constraint 1: texp must be in the * (right-open) intervall [p-(2^31), p+(2^31)[ */ diff = texp - pivot; snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), "bounds check: piv=%lld exp=%lld dif=%lld", (long long)pivot, (long long)texp, (long long)diff); TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE((diff >= INT32_MIN) && (diff <= INT32_MAX), lbuf); /* constraint 2: conversion from full time back * to truncated NTP time must yield same result * as input. */ back = (uint32_t)texp + JAN_1970; snprintf(lbuf, sizeof(lbuf), "modulo check: ntp(in)=$%08lu ntp(out)=$%08lu", (unsigned long)ntp_vals[iloop], (unsigned long)back); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(ntp_vals[iloop], back, lbuf); } pivot += 0x20000000; } # endif } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * GPS rollover * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void test_GpsRollOver(void) { /* we test on wednesday, noon, and on the border */ static const int32_t wsec1 = 3*SECSPERDAY + SECSPERDAY/2; static const int32_t wsec2 = 7 * SECSPERDAY - 1; static const int32_t week0 = GPSNTP_WSHIFT + 2047; static const int32_t week1 = GPSNTP_WSHIFT + 2048; TCivilDate jd; TGpsDatum gps; l_fp fpz; ZERO(fpz); /* test on 2nd rollover, April 2019 * we set the base date properly one week *before the rollover, to * check if the expansion merrily hops over the warp. */ basedate_set_day(2047 * 7 + NTP_TO_GPS_DAYS); strToCal(&jd, "19-04-03T12:00:00"); gps = gpscal_from_calendar(&jd, fpz); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(week0, gps.weeks, "(week test 1))"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(wsec1, gps.wsecs, "(secs test 1)"); strToCal(&jd, "19-04-06T23:59:59"); gps = gpscal_from_calendar(&jd, fpz); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(week0, gps.weeks, "(week test 2)"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(wsec2, gps.wsecs, "(secs test 2)"); strToCal(&jd, "19-04-07T00:00:00"); gps = gpscal_from_calendar(&jd, fpz); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(week1, gps.weeks, "(week test 3)"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE( 0 , gps.wsecs, "(secs test 3)"); strToCal(&jd, "19-04-10T12:00:00"); gps = gpscal_from_calendar(&jd, fpz); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(week1, gps.weeks, "(week test 4)"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(wsec1, gps.wsecs, "(secs test 4)"); } void test_GpsRemapFunny(void) { TCivilDate di, dc, de; TGpsDatum gd; l_fp fpz; ZERO(fpz); basedate_set_day(2048 * 7 + NTP_TO_GPS_DAYS); /* expand 2digit year to 2080, then fold back into 3rd GPS era: */ strToCal(&di, "80-01-01T00:00:00"); strToCal(&de, "2021-02-15T00:00:00"); gd = gpscal_from_calendar(&di, fpz); gpscal_to_calendar(&dc, &gd); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualCal(&de, &dc)); /* expand 2digit year to 2080, then fold back into 3rd GPS era: */ strToCal(&di, "80-01-05T00:00:00"); strToCal(&de, "2021-02-19T00:00:00"); gd = gpscal_from_calendar(&di, fpz); gpscal_to_calendar(&dc, &gd); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualCal(&de, &dc)); /* remap days before epoch into 3rd era: */ strToCal(&di, "1980-01-05T00:00:00"); strToCal(&de, "2038-11-20T00:00:00"); gd = gpscal_from_calendar(&di, fpz); gpscal_to_calendar(&dc, &gd); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualCal(&de, &dc)); /* remap GPS epoch: */ strToCal(&di, "1980-01-06T00:00:00"); strToCal(&de, "2019-04-07T00:00:00"); gd = gpscal_from_calendar(&di, fpz); gpscal_to_calendar(&dc, &gd); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(IsEqualCal(&de, &dc)); } void test_GpsNtpFixpoints(void) { basedate_set_day(NTP_TO_GPS_DAYS); TGpsDatum e1gps; TNtpDatum e1ntp, r1ntp; l_fp lfpe , lfpr; lfpe.l_ui = 0; lfpe.l_uf = UINT32_C(0x80000000); ZERO(e1gps); e1gps.weeks = 0; e1gps.wsecs = SECSPERDAY; e1gps.frac = UINT32_C(0x80000000); ZERO(e1ntp); e1ntp.frac = UINT32_C(0x80000000); r1ntp = gpsntp_from_gpscal(&e1gps); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(e1ntp.days, r1ntp.days, "gps -> ntp / days"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(e1ntp.secs, r1ntp.secs, "gps -> ntp / secs"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(e1ntp.frac, r1ntp.frac, "gps -> ntp / frac"); lfpr = ntpfp_from_gpsdatum(&e1gps); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "gps -> l_fp: %s <=> %s", lfptoa(&lfpe, 9), lfptoa(&lfpr, 9)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(L_ISEQU(&lfpe, &lfpr), mbuf); lfpr = ntpfp_from_ntpdatum(&e1ntp); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "ntp -> l_fp: %s <=> %s", lfptoa(&lfpe, 9), lfptoa(&lfpr, 9)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE_MESSAGE(L_ISEQU(&lfpe, &lfpr), mbuf); } void test_CalUMod7(void) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, u32mod7(0)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, u32mod7(INT32_MAX)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2, u32mod7(UINT32_C(1)+INT32_MAX)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(3, u32mod7(UINT32_MAX)); } void test_CalIMod7(void) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(5, i32mod7(INT32_MIN)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(6, i32mod7(-1)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, i32mod7(0)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, i32mod7(INT32_MAX)); } /* Century expansion tests. Reverse application of Zeller's congruence, * sort of... hence the name "Rellez", Zeller backwards. Just in case * you didn't notice ;) */ void test_RellezCentury1_1(void) { /* 1st day of a century */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1901, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_TUESDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2001, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_MONDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2101, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_SATURDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2201, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_THURSDAY )); /* bad/impossible cases: */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_WEDNESDAY)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_FRIDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 1, 1, CAL_SUNDAY )); } void test_RellezCentury3_1(void) { /* 1st day in March of a century (the tricky point) */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1901, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_FRIDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2001, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_THURSDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2101, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_TUESDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2201, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_SUNDAY )); /* bad/impossible cases: */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_MONDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_WEDNESDAY)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 1, 3, 1, CAL_SATURDAY )); } void test_RellezYearZero(void) { /* the infamous year zero */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(1900, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_MONDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2000, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_SATURDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2100, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_FRIDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(2200, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_WEDNESDAY)); /* bad/impossible cases: */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_TUESDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_THURSDAY )); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, ntpcal_expand_century( 0, 1, 1, CAL_SUNDAY )); } void test_RellezEra(void); void test_RellezEra(void) { static const unsigned int mt[13] = { 0, 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; unsigned int yi, yo, m, d, wd; /* last day before our era -- fold forward */ yi = 1899; m = 12; d = 31; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = ntpcal_expand_century((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(2299, yo, mbuf); /* 1st day after our era -- fold back */ yi = 2300; m = 1; d = 1; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = ntpcal_expand_century((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(1900, yo, mbuf); /* test every month in our 400y era */ for (yi = 1900; yi < 2300; ++yi) { for (m = 1; m < 12; ++m) { /* test first day of month */ d = 1; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = ntpcal_expand_century((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(yi, yo, mbuf); /* test last day of month */ d = mt[m] + (m == 2 && is_leapyear(yi)); wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = ntpcal_expand_century((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(yi, yo, mbuf); } } } /* This is nearly a verbatim copy of the in-situ implementation of * Zeller's congruence in libparse/clk_rawdcf.c, so the algorithm * can be tested. */ static int zeller_expand( unsigned int y, unsigned int m, unsigned int d, unsigned int wd ) { unsigned int c; if ((y >= 100u) || (--m >= 12u) || (--d >= 31u) || (--wd >= 7u)) return 0; if ((m += 10u) >= 12u) m -= 12u; else if (--y >= 100u) y += 100u; d += y + (y >> 2) + 2u; d += (m * 83u + 16u) >> 5; c = (((252u + wd - d) * 0x6db6db6eU) >> 29) & 7u; if (c > 3u) return 0; if ((m > 9u) && (++y >= 100u)) { y -= 100u; c = (c + 1) & 3u; } y += (c * 100u); y += (y < 370u) ? 2000 : 1600; return (int)y; } void test_zellerDirect(void); void test_zellerDirect(void) { static const unsigned int mt[13] = { 0, 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 }; unsigned int yi, yo, m, d, wd; /* last day before our era -- fold forward */ yi = 1969; m = 12; d = 31; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = zeller_expand((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(2369, yo, mbuf); /* 1st day after our era -- fold back */ yi = 2370; m = 1; d = 1; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = zeller_expand((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(1970, yo, mbuf); /* test every month in our 400y era */ for (yi = 1970; yi < 2370; ++yi) { for (m = 1; m < 12; ++m) { /* test first day of month */ d = 1; wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = zeller_expand((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(yi, yo, mbuf); /* test last day of month */ d = mt[m] + (m == 2 && is_leapyear(yi)); wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(yi-1, m-1, d-1) % 7 + 1; yo = zeller_expand((yi%100), m, d, wd); snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "failed, di=%04u-%02u-%02u, wd=%u", yi, m, d, wd); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(yi, yo, mbuf); } } } void test_ZellerDirectBad(void); void test_ZellerDirectBad(void) { unsigned int y, n, wd; for (y = 2001; y < 2101; ++y) { wd = ntpcal_edate_to_eradays(y-1, 0, 0) % 7 + 1; /* move 4 centuries ahead */ wd = (wd + 5) % 7 + 1; for (n = 0; n < 3; ++n) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, zeller_expand((y%100), 1, 1, wd)); wd = (wd + 4) % 7 + 1; } } } void test_zellerModInv(void); void test_zellerModInv(void) { unsigned int i, r1, r2; for (i = 0; i < 2048; ++i) { r1 = (3 * i) % 7; r2 = ((i * 0x6db6db6eU) >> 29) & 7u; snprintf(mbuf, sizeof(mbuf), "i=%u", i); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE(r1, r2, mbuf); } }