#!/bin/sh if [ ${II2BUILDSTAMP} -lt 1223415500 ] then echo "### You need at least i-Installer 2.91 to install this package. Bailing out..." >&2 exit 1 fi PROGNAME=`"${II2RESOURCES}/basename" "$0"` echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Started..." source "${II2RESOURCES}/ii2shfuncs.sh" || \ { echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Cannot load ${II2RESOURCES}/ii2shfuncs.sh. Bailing out..." ; \ exit 1; } ii2checksanity ii2calledfrom if [ -x "${II2INSTALLDIR}"/bin/gs ] then FOUNDGS=`"${II2INSTALLDIR}"/bin/gs --version` MYGS=`cat "${II2PKGDIR}"/gs.version` if [ "${MYGS}" != "${FOUNDGS}" ] then INFO="There is already a ghostscript and it is version ${FOUNDGS}. Are you sure you want to overwrite?" ANSWER=`"${II2RESOURCES}/doalerter" -s "${II2DOSERVER}" -V -t Alert -T "Overwrite?" -I "${INFO}" -1 "Proceed" -3 "Quit"` if [ "${ANSWER}" == "Quit" ] then echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Aborting installation..." >&2 exit 1 fi fi fi ii2runphase remove PKGBASE=`basename "${II2PKGDIR}" .ii2` if [ "${PKGBASE}" == "ghostscript-6" ] then rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-7" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-7.ii2" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-8" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-8.ii2" elif [ "${PKGBASE}" == "ghostscript-7" ] then rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-6" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-6.ii2" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-8" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-8.ii2" elif [ "${PKGBASE}" == "ghostscript-8" ] then rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-7" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-7.ii2" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-6" rm -f "${II2INSTALLDIR}/.ghostscript-6.ii2" fi echo "### ${PROGNAME}: Finished." exit 0 # $Id: ghostscript-8.prepare 118 2008-10-04 09:51:34Z gctwnl $