! Syntax Highlighting Patterns for MIPS Assembly Language ! (Thanks to Allan Crain ) ! ! In NEdit Version 5.0.1 and beyond, load this pattern by starting nedit with: ! ! nedit -import ! ! Then, check that the patterns were loaded correctly, and choose Save Defaults ! from the Preferences menu. The new patterns will now be incorporated into ! your own .nedit file, so the next time you start NEdit, you will no longer ! need to use -import. ! ! In version 5.0, without -import, you must edit your .nedit file by hand and ! add the contents of each resource below to the corresponding list in your ! .nedit file. Be sure to separate new entries with \n, and continue resource ! strings by escaping all newlines within a resource value with \ (backslash), ! leaving only the last line of the resource value not ending in \. ! nedit.highlightPatterns:\ MIPS Assembly:1:0{\n\ comment:"#":"$"::Comment::\n\ Label:"^ *[^ ]+:":::Identifier1::\n\ String:"""":"""":"\\n":String::\n\ Register:"\\$(zero|[vastgfrk][0-9pat]|[0-3]?[0-9])":::MIPS Register::\n\ MIPS Instruction:"(abs(\\.[ds])?|addi?u?|andi*|divu?|multu*|mulo?u?|negu*|no[rt]|ori?|remu? |sllv?|sr[al]v?|ro[lr]|subu?|xori?|lu?i|slti?u?|seq|sg[et]u?|sleu?|sne|b|bcz[tf]|beqz?|bgez?(al)?|bgtz|blez|bltz(al)?|bnez?|bg[et]u?|bleu?|bltu?|j(al)?r?|la|l[bh]u|lw(cz|[lr])?|ld|ul(hu?|w)|s([bhd]|w([lr]|(cz))?)|us[hw]|move|m[ft](hi|lo)|mfc(z|1\\.d)|mtcz|add\\.[sd]|c\\.(eq|l[et])\\.[ds]|cvt\\.(d\\.[sw]|s\\.[dw]|w\\.[ds])|(div|[ls]|mov|mul|neg|sub)\\.[ds]|rfe|syscall|break|nop) |rfe|syscall|nop":::MIPS Instruction::\n\ Numeric literal:"(0x)[0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]+":::Numeric Const::\n\ Assembler directives:".(align|asciiz?|byte|data|double|extern|float|globl|half|kdata|ktext|set|space|text|word)":::Preprocessor1::\n\ } nedit.languageModes: MIPS Assembly:.s .a .mips .asm::Auto:::: nedit.styles:\ MIPS Instruction:black:Bold\n\ MIPS Register:blue:Bold\n\ MIPS Numeric const:blue:Plain