This directory is for information about the UseNet Volunteer Votetakers (UVV), a group of UseNet users who have volunteered to help with vote-taking for proposed new newsgroups. This group came about as a result of a need to raise the standards for newsgroup vote-taking after countless times in the past where votes have had to be re-started due to procedural errors on the part of first-time or careless vote-takers. The problem got so bad that David Lawrence, moderator of news.announce.newgroups asked Ron Dippold, author of the UseVote software and a reliable vote-taker, to handle all newsgroup votes. Wanting a little help in such a large task, Ron started the UVV and found over 20 volunteers to share some of the load. The UVV provides a training ground for those interested in being vote-takers. Due to variations in peoples' schedules and free time, there is no required amount of participation. Even if you can't help for a few years, Ron said he doesn't mind because some others on the list will be able to help. If you would like to join the UVV, there are some qualifications you should meet before even asking about it: * read the Guidelines for UseNet Newsgroup Creation until you understand them. They are available in this directory in the file newsgroup-creation-guidelines. * read Ron Dippold's Newsgroup Creation Helper article. It is available in this directory in the file newsgroup-creation-companion. * read news.groups for about 6 months - understand the dynamics of the group and how easily a mistake in vote-taking can lead to flames and/or cancellation of a vote. When you've done that, send an e-mail to The mail will go to Ron Dippold at (whose approval you'll need) and Ian Kluft at (who can add you to the list after Ron approves you.) Ian Kluft member, UseNet Volunteer Votetakers - "The knights who say ACK!"