# $NetBSD: files.vax,v 2024/02/02 18:27:51 martin Exp $ # # new style config file for vax architecture # # maxpartitions must be first item in files.${ARCH}.newconf maxpartitions 8 maxusers 8 32 64 device mainbus { }: bus attach mainbus at root # Define a bunch of devices, needed in more than one place. device cpu device mem device mba { drive = -1 }: bus defflag opt_cputype.h VAX780 VAX750 VAX730 VAX8200 VAX8800 VAX8600 VAX610 VAX6200 VAX6300 VAX6400 VAX6500 VAX6600 VAX410 VAX43 VAX46 VAX48 VAX49 VAX53 VAX630 VAX650 VAX660 VAX670 VAX680 VAXANY defflag opt_emulate.h NO_INSN_EMULATE defpseudo leds file arch/vax/vsa/leds.c leds needs-flag # CPU on mainbus attach cpu at mainbus with cpu_mainbus # NMI on KA88 device nmi { slot=-1 }: bus attach nmi at mainbus with nmi_mainbus file arch/vax/vax/nmi_mainbus.c nmi # Abus and related devices device abus {}: bus attach abus at mainbus with abus_mainbus file arch/vax/vax/ka860.c vax8600 file arch/vax/vax/crl.c vax8600 # SBI and related devices device sbi { tr=-1 }: bus attach sbi at mainbus with sbi_mainbus attach sbi at abus with sbi_abus file arch/vax/vax/sbi.c sbi attach mem at sbi with mem_sbi file arch/vax/vax/ka780.c vax780 | mem_sbi | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/cfl.c vax780 | mem_sbi | vaxany # CMI and related devices device cmi { tr=-1 }: bus attach cmi at mainbus file arch/vax/vax/cmi.c cmi attach mem at cmi with mem_cmi file arch/vax/vax/ka750.c vax750 | mem_cmi | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ctu.c vax750 | vax730 | mem_cmi | vaxany # Direct unibus interface device ubi { tr=-1 } attach ubi at mainbus file arch/vax/vax/ubi.c ubi attach mem at ubi with mem_ubi file arch/vax/vax/ka730.c vax730 | mem_ubi | vaxany device vsbus { csr }: bus attach vsbus at mainbus file arch/vax/vsa/vsbus.c vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/vsbus_dma.c vsbus & (vax46 | vax48 | vax49 | vax53 | vaxany) device ze: sgec, arp, ether, ifnet attach ze at mainbus with ze_mainbus file arch/vax/if/if_ze.c ze_mainbus attach le at mainbus with le_mainbus: le24 file arch/vax/if/if_le.c le_mainbus attach mba at sbi with mba_sbi attach mba at cmi with mba_cmi file arch/vax/mba/mba.c mba needs-flag device hp: disk attach hp at mba file arch/vax/mba/hp.c hp needs-flag device ht: tape attach ht at mba file arch/vax/mba/ht.c ht needs-flag # # Bus-independent support for DEC devices # include "dev/dec/files.dec" # Memory Disk for install floppy file dev/md_root.c memory_disk_hooks # MSCP device drivers include "dev/mscp/files.mscp" # Unibus/Q22 bus definitions include "dev/qbus/files.uba" # TURBOchannel bus support and device drivers include "dev/tc/files.tc" attach tc at vsbus with tc_vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/tc_vsbus.c tc_vsbus attach uba at mainbus with uba_mainbus file arch/vax/uba/uba_mainbus.c uba_mainbus attach uba at sbi with uba_sbi file arch/vax/uba/uba_sbi.c uba_sbi attach uba at cmi with uba_cmi file arch/vax/uba/uba_cmi.c uba_cmi attach uba at ubi with uba_ubi file arch/vax/uba/uba_ubi.c uba_ubi # BI bus definitions include "dev/bi/files.bi" attach bi at mainbus with bi_mainbus file arch/vax/bi/bi_mainbus.c bi_mainbus attach bi at nmi with bi_nmi file arch/vax/bi/bi_nmi.c bi_nmi # VAX CPUs at BI, do not belong in MI code. attach cpu at bi with cpu_bi attach mem at bi with mem_bi # VAX CPUs at NMI attach cpu at nmi with cpu_nmi attach mem at nmi with mem_nmi # XMI bus definitions include "dev/xmi/files.xmi" attach xmi at mainbus with xmi_mainbus file arch/vax/vax/xmi_mainbus.c xmi_mainbus # VAX CPUs at XMI, do not belong in MI code. attach cpu at xmi with cpu_xmi attach mem at xmi with mem_xmi attach dz at vsbus with dz_vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/dz_vsbus.c dz_vsbus | smg | gpx attach lkkbd at dz with dzkbd file dev/dec/dzkbd.c dzkbd needs-flag # XXX alpha and pmax call this vsms device lkms: wsmousedev attach lkms at dz with dzms file dev/dec/dzms.c dzms needs-flag # RD-type disks at VS2000's onboard MFM-controller device hdc { drive = -1 } attach hdc at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/hdc9224.c ry | hdc | rd needs-flag device rd: disk attach rd at hdc device ry: disk attach ry at hdc # # Machine-independent SCSI driver. # include "dev/scsipi/files.scsipi" # builtin NCR5380 SCSI-controller on VAXstation device si: scsi, ncr5380sbc attach si at vsbus with si_vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/ncr.c si_vsbus # # Machine-independent ATA drivers # include "dev/ata/files.ata" # Monochrome framebuffer on VS3100. device smg: displaydev, wsemuldisplaydev, rasops1 attach smg at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/smg.c smg needs-flag # GPX framebuffer on VS3100. device gpx: displaydev, wsemuldisplaydev, rasops8 attach gpx at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/gpx.c gpx needs-flag # Monochrome QVSS framebuffer on qbus (VCB01) device qv {}: displaydev, wsemuldisplaydev attach qv at uba attach genfb at qv with genfb_qv file arch/vax/uba/qv.c qv|genfb_qv needs-flag device qvaux { line=-1 }: tty attach qvaux at qv file arch/vax/uba/qvaux.c qvaux needs-flag attach lkkbd at qvaux with qvkbd file arch/vax/uba/qvkbd.c qvkbd needs-flag attach lkms at qvaux with qvms file arch/vax/uba/qvms.c qvms needs-flag # Color framebuffer on VS4000/60. device lcg: displaydev, wsemuldisplaydev attach lcg at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/lcg.c lcg needs-flag # Color framebuffer on VS4000/90. device spx: displaydev, wsemuldisplaydev attach spx at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/spx.c spx needs-flag # LANCE ethernet controller on VAXstation attach le at vsbus with le_vsbus: le24 file arch/vax/if/if_le_vsbus.c le_vsbus # builtin NCR53C95 SCSI Controlller on VAXstation 4000 VLC/60/9x #device asc: scsi, ncr53c9x attach asc at vsbus with asc_vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/asc_vsbus.c asc_vsbus # These devices aren't tested (or even compiled!) # They are just included here to make some files happy ;) # # Ikonas framebuffer device ik attach ik at uba file arch/vax/uba/ik.c ik needs-flag device vs attach vs at uba file arch/vax/uba/vs.c vs needs-flag # RK06/07 on UBA device rk: disk attach rk at uba file arch/vax/uba/rk.c rk needs-flag # TM11/TE10 at UBA device te: tape attach te at uba file arch/vax/uba/tm.c te needs-flag # TU78 at MBA device mu: tape attach mu at mba file arch/vax/mba/mt.c mu needs-flag # DN-11 on UBA device dn # XXX? attach dn at uba file arch/vax/uba/dn.c dn needs-flag # IDC (RB730) on UBA (VAX 11/730) device idc { drive=-1 } attach idc at uba device rb: disk attach rb at idc file arch/vax/uba/idc.c rb needs-flag # LP-11 at UBA device lp attach lp at uba file arch/vax/uba/lp.c lp needs-flag # ???? at UBA device lpa attach lpa at uba file arch/vax/uba/lpa.c lpa needs-flag # PS2 at UBA device ps attach ps at uba file arch/vax/uba/ps.c ps needs-flag # SC-21/SC-31 at UBA device sc { drive=-1 } attach sc at uba device up: disk attach up at sc file arch/vax/uba/up.c up needs-flag # TU45 at UBA device ut { drive=-1} attach ut at uba device tj: tape attach tj at ut file arch/vax/uba/ut.c tj needs-flag # TU58/DECtape II device uu: tape attach uu at uba file arch/vax/uba/uu.c uu needs-flag # Benson-Varian plotter at UBA device va { drive=-1} attach va at uba device vz attach vz at va file arch/vax/uba/va.c va needs-flag # Versatec plotter at UBA device vp attach vp at uba file arch/vax/uba/vp.c vp needs-flag # ACC LH/DH IMP on UBA device acc: ifnet attach acc at uba file arch/vax/if/if_acc.c acc needs-flag # DR11C at UBA device ct # XXX attach ct at uba file arch/vax/uba/ct.c ct needs-flag # A/D-converter on UBA device ad attach ad at uba file arch/vax/uba/ad.c ad needs-flag # DH-11/DM-11 on UBA device dh # XXX? attach dh at uba file arch/vax/uba/dh.c dh needs-flag # Vaxstation 4000 audio device vsaudio: audiobus, am7930 attach vsaudio at vsbus file arch/vax/vsa/vsaudio.c vsaudio needs-flag # These are general files needed for compilation. file dev/cons.c file dev/cninit.c file arch/vax/vax/locore.c file arch/vax/vax/clock.c file arch/vax/vax/core_machdep.c coredump file arch/vax/vax/gencons.c vax8600 | vax780 | vax750 | vax630 | vax8200 | vax680 | vax650 | vax660 | vax670 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/pmap.c file arch/vax/vax/machdep.c file arch/vax/vax/ka820.c vax8200 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/crx.c vax8200 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka88.c vax8800 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka6400.c vax6400 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka410.c vax410 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka43.c vax43 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka46.c vax46 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka48.c vax48 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka49.c vax49 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka53.c vax53 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka610.c vax610 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka630.c vax630 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka650.c vax650 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka660.c vax660 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka670.c vax670 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/ka680.c vax680 | vaxany file arch/vax/vax/emulate.S !no_insn_emulate file arch/vax/vax/unimpl_emul.S !no_insn_emulate file arch/vax/vax/lock_stubs.S file arch/vax/vax/scb.c file arch/vax/vax/opcodes.c file arch/vax/vax/conf.c file arch/vax/vax/trap.c file arch/vax/vax/bus_dma.c file arch/vax/vax/bus_mem.c file arch/vax/vax/procfs_machdep.c procfs file arch/vax/vax/sgmap.c file arch/vax/vax/sig_machdep.c file arch/vax/vax/syscall.c file arch/vax/vax/vm_machdep.c file arch/vax/vax/findcpu.c file arch/vax/vax/autoconf.c file arch/vax/vax/ns_cksum.c ns file arch/vax/vax/disksubr.c disk | tape file arch/vax/vax/db_machdep.c ddb file arch/vax/vax/db_disasm.c ddb file arch/vax/uba/uba_dma.c uba file arch/vax/vax/multicpu.c multiprocessor file arch/vax/vax/cpu_in_cksum.S (inet | inet6) & cpu_in_cksum # Binary compatibility with previous NetBSD releases (COMPAT_XX) file arch/vax/vax/compat_13_machdep.c compat_13 | compat_ultrix file arch/vax/vax/compat_16_machdep.c compat_16 | compat_ultrix include "compat/ultrix/files.ultrix" include "compat/vax1k/files.vax1k" # Dom h{ra f}r vara kvar s} l{nge f}r vi se vilka vi beh|ver... #arch/vax/vax/dkbad.c standard #arch/vax/vax/ka730.c standard #arch/vax/vax/iidr.o optional ii #arch/vax/vax/iidrsys.o optional ii #arch/vax/vax/iidr_glob.o optional ii #arch/vax/if/if_css.c optional css imp device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_dp.c optional dp device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_ddn.c optional ddn device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_dmv.c optional dmv device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_ec.c optional ec device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_en.c optional en device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_ex.c optional ex device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_hdh.c optional hdh device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_hy.c optional hy device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_pcl.c optional pcl device-driver #arch/vax/if/if_vv.c optional vv device-driver #arch/vax/if/raw_hy.c optional hy device-driver # this wants to be probed as late as possible. # # Machine-independent USB device support # include "dev/usb/files.usb" include "dev/bluetooth/files.bluetooth" include "arch/vax/conf/majors.vax"