{"draft":"draft-ietf-capport-rfc7710bis-10","doc_id":"RFC8910","title":"Captive-Portal Identification in DHCP and Router Advertisements (RAs)","authors":["W. Kumari","E. Kline"],"format":["HTML","TEXT","PDF","XML"],"page_count":"11","pub_status":"PROPOSED STANDARD","status":"PROPOSED STANDARD","source":"Captive Portal Interaction","abstract":"In many environments offering short-term or temporary Internet access\r\n(such as coffee shops), it is common to start new connections in a\r\ncaptive portal mode. This highly restricts what the user can do until\r\nthe user has satisfied the captive portal conditions.\r\n\r\nThis document describes a DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 option and a Router\r\nAdvertisement (RA) option to inform clients that they are behind some\r\nsort of captive portal enforcement device, and that they will need to\r\nsatisfy the Captive Portal conditions to get Internet access. It is\r\nnot a full solution to address all of the issues that clients may\r\nhave with captive portals; it is designed to be one component of a\r\nstandardized approach for hosts to interact with such portals. While\r\nthis document defines how the network operator may convey the captive\r\nportal API endpoint to hosts, the specific methods of satisfying and\r\ninteracting with the captive portal are out of scope of this\r\ndocument.\r\n\r\nThis document replaces RFC 7710, which used DHCP code point 160. Due\r\nto a conflict, this document specifies 114. Consequently, this\r\ndocument also updates RFC 3679.","pub_date":"September 2020","keywords":["Captive Portal","Walled Garden","Coffee-shop","Hotel"],"obsoletes":["RFC7710"],"obsoleted_by":[],"updates":["RFC3679"],"updated_by":[],"see_also":[],"doi":"10.17487\/RFC8910","errata_url":null}