/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* editoops.c GRAPHICS * * feb 97 * * * */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "edit.h" #include "oops.h" typedef struct TransOops { float *loc; float oldloc[2]; } TransOops; void oops_to_select_objects() { Oops *oops; Base *base; Object *ob; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->type==ID_OB) { ob= (Object *)oops->id; if(oops->flag & SELECT) ob->flag |= SELECT; else ob->flag &= ~SELECT; } } oops= oops->next; } base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->flag != base->object->flag) { base->flag= base->object->flag; } base= base->next; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); } void swap_select_all_oops() { Oops *oops; int sel= 0; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & SELECT) { sel= 1; break; } } oops= oops->next; } oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(sel) oops->flag &= ~SELECT; else oops->flag |= SELECT; } oops= oops->next; } oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ G.soops->lockpoin= 0; } void select_swap_oops() { Oops *oops; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & SELECT) oops->flag &= ~SELECT; else oops->flag |= SELECT; } oops= oops->next; } G.soops->lockpoin= 0; oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ } void deselect_all_oops() { Oops *oops; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { oops->flag &= ~SELECT; } oops= oops->next; } G.soops->lockpoin= 0; } void set_select_flag_oops() /* alle areas */ { SpaceOops *so; ScrArea *sa; sa= G.curscreen->areabase.first; while(sa) { if(sa->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) { so= sa->spacedata.first; so->flag |= SO_NEWSELECTED; } sa= sa->next; } if(G.soops) G.soops->lockpoin= 0; } void deselect_all_area_oops() /* alle areas */ { SpaceOops *so; Oops *oops; ScrArea *sa; sa= G.curscreen->areabase.first; while(sa) { if(sa->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) { so= sa->spacedata.first; oops= so->oops.first; while(oops) { oops->flag &= ~SELECT; oops= oops->next; } } sa= sa->next; } if(G.soops) G.soops->lockpoin= 0; } void transform_oops(int mode) { TransOops *transmain, *tv; Oops *oops; float dx, dy, div, dvec[2], cent[2], min[2], max[2]; float sizefac, size[2], xref=1.0, yref=1.0; int a, tot= 0, midtog= 0; ushort event; short firsttime= 1, proj, afbreek=0, xc, yc, xo, yo, xn, yn, mval[2]; short val; char str[32]; if(G.soops==0) return; /* welke oopsen doen mee */ oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & SELECT) { tot++; } } oops= oops->next; } if(tot==0) return; G.moving= 1; tv=transmain= callocN(tot*sizeof(TransOops), "transmain"); oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & SELECT) { tv->loc= &oops->x; tv->oldloc[0]= tv->loc[0]; tv->oldloc[1]= tv->loc[1]; DO_MINMAX2(tv->loc, min, max); tv++; } } oops= oops->next; } cent[0]= (min[0]+max[0])/2.0; cent[1]= (min[1]+max[1])/2.0; ipoco_to_areaco_noclip(cent, mval); xc= mval[0]; yc= mval[1]; getmouseco_areawin(mval); xo= xn= mval[0]; yo= yn= mval[1]; dvec[0]= dvec[1]= 0.0; sizefac= fsqrt( (float)((yc-yn)*(yc-yn)+(xn-xc)*(xn-xc)) ); if(sizefac<2.0) sizefac= 2.0; while(afbreek==0) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=xo || mval[1]!=yo || firsttime) { if(mode=='g') { dx= mval[0]- xo; dy= mval[1]- yo; div= G.v2d->mask.xmax-G.v2d->mask.xmin; dvec[0]+= (G.v2d->cur.xmax-G.v2d->cur.xmin)*(dx)/div; div= G.v2d->mask.ymax-G.v2d->mask.ymin; dvec[1]+= (G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin)*(dy)/div; if(midtog) dvec[proj]= 0.0; tv= transmain; for(a=0; aloc[0]= tv->oldloc[0]+dvec[0]; tv->loc[1]= tv->oldloc[1]+dvec[1]; } sprintf(str, "X: %.2f Y: %.2f ", dvec[0], dvec[1]); headerprint(str); } else if(mode=='s') { size[0]=size[1]= (fsqrt( (float)((yc-mval[1])*(yc-mval[1])+(mval[0]-xc)*(mval[0]-xc)) ))/sizefac; if(midtog) size[proj]= 1.0; size[0]*= xref; size[1]*= yref; tv= transmain; for(a=0; aloc[0]= size[0]*(tv->oldloc[0]-cent[0])+ cent[0]; tv->loc[1]= size[1]*(tv->oldloc[1]-cent[1])+ cent[1]; } sprintf(str, "sizeX: %.3f sizeY: %.3f ", size[0], size[1]); headerprint(str); } xo= mval[0]; yo= mval[1]; force_draw(); firsttime= 0; } else usleep(1); while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); if(val) { switch(event) { case ESCKEY: case LEFTMOUSE: case SPACEKEY: case RETKEY: afbreek= 1; break; case MIDDLEMOUSE: midtog= ~midtog; if(midtog) { if( abs(mval[0]-xn) > abs(mval[1]-yn)) proj= 1; else proj= 0; firsttime= 1; } break; default: arrowsmovecursor(event); } } if(afbreek) break; } } if(event==ESCKEY) { tv= transmain; for(a=0; aloc[0]= tv->oldloc[0]; tv->loc[1]= tv->oldloc[1]; } } freeN(transmain); G.moving= 0; addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } Oops *find_nearest_oops() { Oops *oops; float x, y, facx, facy; short mval[2]; getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(mval, &x, &y); oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide == 0) { if(oops->x <=x && oops->x+OOPSX >= x) { if(oops->y <=y && oops->y+OOPSY >= y) { return oops; } } } oops= oops->next; } return 0; } void do_activate_oops(Oops *oops) { Base *base; Object *ob; switch(oops->type) { case ID_SCE: if(oops->id) set_scene((Scene *)oops->id); break; case ID_OB: base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->object == (Object *)oops->id) break; base= base->next; } if(base) { set_active_base(base); /* editview.c */ allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 1); } break; case ID_MA: ob= OBACT; if(ob && oops->id) { assign_material(ob, (Material *)oops->id, ob->actcol); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } break; } } void mouse_select_oops() { Oops *oops; extern float oopslastx, oopslasty; /* oops.c */ short xo, yo, mval[2]; if(G.soops==0) return; /* welke oopsen doen mee */ oops= G.soops->oops.first; oops= find_nearest_oops(); if(oops==0) return; if((G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY)==0) deselect_all_oops(); if(oops) { /* last_seq= seq; */ if(G.qual==0) { oops->flag |= SELECT; } else { if(oops->flag & SELECT) { oops->flag &= ~SELECT; } else { oops->flag |= SELECT; } } oopslastx= oops->x; oopslasty= oops->y; if(G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY) do_activate_oops(oops); G.soops->lockpoin= oops; } oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); force_draw(); std_rmouse_transform(transform_oops); } void borderselect_oops() { Oops *oops; rcti rect; rctf rectf, rq; int a, b, val, ok; short mval[2]; if(G.soops==0) return; val= get_border(&rect, 3); if(val) { mval[0]= rect.xmin; mval[1]= rect.ymin; areamouseco_to_ipoco(mval, &rectf.xmin, &rectf.ymin); mval[0]= rect.xmax; mval[1]= rect.ymax; areamouseco_to_ipoco(mval, &rectf.xmax, &rectf.ymax); oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide == 0) { rq.xmin= oops->x; rq.xmax= oops->x+OOPSX; rq.ymin= oops->y; rq.ymax= oops->y+OOPSY; if(isect_rctf(&rq, &rectf, 0)) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) { oops->flag |= SELECT; } else { oops->flag &= ~SELECT; } } } oops= oops->next; } oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ } } void select_oops_lib(ID *id) { Oops *oops; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->id->lib== (Library *)id) oops->flag |= OOPS_DOSELECT; } oops= oops->next; } } void select_linked_oops() { Oops *oops; OopsLink *ol; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & SELECT) { if(oops->type==ID_LI) select_oops_lib(oops->id); ol= oops->link.first; while(ol) { if(ol->to && ol->to->hide==0) ol->to->flag |= OOPS_DOSELECT; ol= ol->next; } } } oops= oops->next; } oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & OOPS_DOSELECT) { oops->flag |= SELECT; oops->flag &= ~OOPS_DOSELECT; } } oops= oops->next; } oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ } void select_backlinked_oops() { Oops *oops; OopsLink *ol; if(G.soops==0) return; oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if( (oops->flag & SELECT)==0) { ol= oops->link.first; while(ol) { if(ol->to && ol->to->hide==0) { if(ol->to->flag & SELECT) oops->flag |= OOPS_DOSELECT; } ol= ol->next; } } } oops= oops->next; } oops= G.soops->oops.first; while(oops) { if(oops->hide==0) { if(oops->flag & OOPS_DOSELECT) { oops->flag |= SELECT; oops->flag &= ~OOPS_DOSELECT; } } oops= oops->next; } oops_to_select_objects(); /* ook redr */ }