X11/servers/!INDEX generated by keeper 1.48; do not edit by hand! This directory contains Linux patches and enhancements for XFree86 that have not yet been included in the XFree86 distribution itself. It's gotten a lot smaller since 3.2 folded in support for Diamond and W32 cards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XF86_Mach64-3.2p1-ELF-i486.tgz ELF i486 binary of XF86 ATI Mach64 XServer with public patch 01 vnc-3.3.1-2.bin.tar.gz allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa vnc-3.3.1-2.i386.rpm allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa [RPM] vnc-3.3.1-2.src.rpm allows you to view your X Desktop from MS Windows and vice versa [SRPM]