Begin3 Title: elk Version: 3.0p2 Entered-date: 17JUL96 Description: Elk is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. In contrast to existing, stand-alone Scheme systems Elk has been designed specifically as an embeddable, reusable extension language subsystem for applications written in C or C++. The linux_config file should replace the config/i486-linux-gcc file and was contributed by an elk user (see the web page). See also: Author: (Olivier Laumann) Primary-site: /pub/programming/languages/scheme/elk 761951 elk-3.0.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/Linux/devel/lang/lisp 761961 elk-3.0p2.tgz 3977 elk-3.0.linux_config.gz Platforms: X11, Motif 1.2 optional Copying-policy: Free, no warranty End