Installing the gcl-1.0 binaries on Linux ======================================== 1. Get gcl-1.0-linux-bin.tar.gz . 2. Unpack: su (cd / ; tar xvfz -) < gcl-1.0-linux-bin.tar.gz Installing gcl-1.0 on Linux from source ======================================= 1. Get gcl-1.0.tar.gz and gcl-1.0-linux.tar.gz . 2. Unpack the sources: tar xvfz gcl-1.0.tar.gz 3. Unpack and apply the Linux patches: tar xvfz gcl-1.0-linux.tar.gz patch -p0 < gcl-1.0-diffs 4. Build GCL, as described in the README: cd gcl-1.0 add-defs 386-linux make 5. Install: su make install Known bugs ========== 1. (FORMAT NIL "~5,3F" (QUOTE A)) results in an error instead of returning "A" 2. (format nil "~9,2,1E" 3.14159E8) returns " 3.14L+8" instead of " 3.14E+8" (The exponent marker should be the same as when PRIN1 is called!) 3. (FORMAT NIL "~1{~:}" "-~s-" (QUOTE (1 2)) 3) results in an error instead of returning "-1-" 4. Why can't I close two-way streams? >(close (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "blabla") *standard-output*)) Error: Cannot close the standard input. Fast links are on: do (use-fast-links nil) for debugging Error signalled by CLOSE. 5. (read-char-no-hang (make-string-input-stream "") nil "eof") returns NIL instead of "eof" 6. (copy-alist '(a b)) results in an error instead of returning the equivalent of (copy-list '(a b)) 7. (setf (subseq "aaaxxxccc" 3 6) "bbb") returns "aaabbbccc" instead of "bbb" 8. (format (make-array 10 :element-type 'string-char :fill-pointer 0) "XXX") returns "XXX" instead of NIL 9. (string 32) returns " " instead of signalling an error. 10. (subtypep '(integer 1 (5)) '(mod 5)) returns the values NIL; T which is definitely wrong. 11. (LOG 3 0) returns 0 instead of signalling an error. 12. (find-package "system") returns #<"SYSTEM" package> instead of NIL