## ----setup,include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE ) library( Haplin, quietly = TRUE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- dir.exmpl <- system.file( "extdata", package = "Haplin" ) exemplary.file1 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/HAPLIN.trialdata.txt" ) my.gen.data.haplin <- genDataRead( file.in = exemplary.file1, file.out = "trial_data1", dir.out = ".", format = "haplin", n.vars = 0 ) exemplary.file3 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/exmpl_data.ped" ) my.gen.data <- genDataRead( exemplary.file3, file.out = "ped_data", dir.out = ".", format = "ped" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # ?genDataRead # # example( genDataRead ) ## ----add_cov_data_read-------------------------------------------------------- add.cov.file <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/add_cov_data2.dat" ) my.gen.data.haplin3 <- genDataRead( file.in = exemplary.file1, file.out = "trial_data3", dir.out = ".", format = "haplin", n.vars = 0, cov.file.in = add.cov.file ) my.gen.data.haplin3 add.cov.file2 <- paste0( dir.exmpl, "/add_cov_data.dat" ) my.gen.data2 <- genDataRead( exemplary.file3, file.out = "ped_data2", dir.out = ".", format = "ped", cov.file.in = add.cov.file2 ) my.gen.data2 ## ----show_summary------------------------------------------------------------- my.gen.data ## ----showPheno_demo----------------------------------------------------------- # by default - showing first 5 entries: showPheno( my.gen.data ) # getting all the info: head( showPheno( my.gen.data, n = "all" ), n = 20 ) showPheno( my.gen.data, from = 4, to = 15 ) # show information about females only: head( showPheno( my.gen.data, sex = 2, n = "all" ), n = 20 ) ## ----showPheno_demo2---------------------------------------------------------- females.pheno <- showPheno( my.gen.data, sex = 2 ) head( females.pheno ) ## ----nindiv_demo-------------------------------------------------------------- nindiv( my.gen.data ) nfam( my.gen.data ) ## ----nsnps-------------------------------------------------------------------- nsnps( my.gen.data ) ## ----showSNPnames------------------------------------------------------------- showSNPnames( my.gen.data ) # by default - showing only first 5 SNPs showSNPnames( my.gen.data, from = 12, to = 31 ) ## ----showGen_demo------------------------------------------------------------- showGen( my.gen.data, markers = c( 10,15,121 ) ) # by default - showing first 5 entries showGen( my.gen.data, from = 31, to = 231 ) ## ----showGen_demo2------------------------------------------------------------ subset.genes <- showGen( my.gen.data, from = 31, to = 231, markers = c( 10,15,121 ) ) subset.genes ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # my.prepared.gen.data <- genDataPreprocess( data.in = my.gen.data, map.file = # "my_gen_data.map", design = "triad", file.out = "my_prepared_gen_data", # dir.out = "." ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # gen.data.subset <- genDataGetPart( data.in = my.gen.data, markers = c( 3:15,22 ), # design = "triad", file.out = "my_gen_data_subset", dir.out = "." ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # my.prepared.gen.data <- genDataLoad( filename = "my_prepared_gen_data", # dir.in = "." )