This package is based on the etc package for Slackware-11.0 ########### Version 1.0 Changes made: * /etc/ changed paths: /usr/X11R6/lib to /usr/X11R7/lib /usr/i486-slackware-linux/lib to /usr/i586-kiss-linux/lib * Leave out /etc/termcap-BSD this is a huge file to just be lying there unused * /etc/skel will be provided as a separate package because I plan to make extensive improvements there. * removed a bit of cruft from the Version 2.0 Add termcap-BSD.gz to package Modify paths in /etc/ to remove X11R6 change man-page search paths comment out 'biff' mail notification remove /etc/ remove /usr/X11R7/lib from etc/ replace etc/passwd, etc/group and etc/shadow with newer versions which include apache, messagebus and haldaemon groups, but change gdm group to wdm remove etc/profile.d/ rename etc/termcap-Linux to etc/ add all *.new files to 'config' list in Version 2.1 Use more ash/dash-friendly syntax in profile Add a dummy universal fstab file Version 2.2 In, use the default LANG=C so that no i18n support is needed for a minimal system