Gilbert Ashley 19 May 2005 AFX-taskbar is an adaptation of Todd Jeffreys' taskbar-1.0.2/1.0.3 Compiled with GCC-3.3.5 and GLIBC-2.3.4 with the following configuration flags: --prefix=/usr --with-gnu-ld --with-xft --with-imlib --with-x or with: --prefix=/usr --with-gnu-ld --with-x --without-xft --without-imlib for a minimal size and dependencies. I've made the following changes: 1.To change color of menu highlight from Blue to Dark Gray changed line 160 of src/menuhandler.c : ...PALETTE_MENU_BLUE >> PALETTE_DARK_GRAY 2. Change line 1071 of taskbar.c : ...pFont->GetWidth(pFont,"Start",5) + 5 * OFFSET; >> ...pFont->GetWidth(pFont,"Menu",4) + 4 * OFFSET; 3. Change line 538 of taskbar.c ...pFont->Render(pFont,mainWindow,2 ....... shift,"Start",5); ...pFont->Render(pFont,mainWindow,2 ....... shift,"Menu",4); 4. To set config file as /etc/taskbar instead of ~/.taskbar, added this after line 268 of src/taskbar.c: /* Amigo overrides the $HOME variable */ strcpy(fName,"/etc/taskbar"); (....offset is 4 lines) Note: The configuration file must still be manually copied to /etc, or to one's $HOME directory if step 4 is not used. For a less generic look 'Menu' could be changed to 'Amigo' or 'Linux' and change like this instead of as above: 2. Change line 1071 of taskbar.c to: ...pFont->GetWidth(pFont,"Amigo",5) + 5 * OFFSET; 3. Change line 538 of taskbar.c ...pFont->Render(pFont,mainWindow,2 ....... shift,"Start",5); >> ...pFont->Render(pFont,mainWindow,2 ....... shift,"Amigo",5);