# |-------------------Use this guide to format your text with--------------------| fdutils: fdutils Linux floppy utilities fdutils: fdutils: This package contains utilities for formatting extra capacity disks, automatic fdutils: floppy disk mounting and unmounting, etc. The package includes the following fdutils: items: - superformat: formats high capacity disks; - fdmount: automatically fdutils: mounts/unmounts disks when they are inserted/removed; - xdfcopy: formats, reads fdutils: and writes OS/2's XDF disks; - MAKEFLOPPIES: creates floppy devices in /dev; fdutils: - getfdprm: prints disk geometry; - setfdprm: sets disk geometry; - fdrawcmd: fdutils: sends commands to floppy driver; - floppycontrol: configures floppy driver; fdutils: License: GPL-2 fdutils: URL: http://www.tux.org/pub/knaff/fdutils/ fdutils: Packaged by src2pkg