#Mrxvt.geometry: 88x44 # # ----------------------------- TAB-BAR OPTIONS ------------------------------ # # Mrxvt.autohideTabbar: False #Mrxvt.minVisibleTabs: 5 Mrxvt.maxTabWidth: 17 Mrxvt.syncTabTitle: True Mrxvt.highlightTabOnBell: True Mrxvt.itabBackground: #101010 Mrxvt.tabBackground: #000000 Mrxvt.itabForeground: #909090 Mrxvt.tabForeground: #9a9a9a Mrxvt.bottomTabbar: True # # ---------------------- SCROLLING / SCROLLBAR OPTIONS ----------------------- # # Mrxvt.scrollbarRight: true Mrxvt.scrollbarStyle: rxvt Mrxvt.saveLines: 500 Mrxvt.scrollTtyOutputInhibit: true Mrxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true Mrxvt.scrollColor: #808080 Mrxvt.troughColor: #202020 # # ---------------------------------- FONTS ----------------------------------- # # Mrxvt.xft: 1 Mrxvt.xftFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Mrxvt.xftSize: 10 Mrxvt.xftAntialias: 1 Mrxvt.xftPFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mrxvt.xftPSize: 8 # # ---------------------------------- CURSOR ---------------------------------- # # Mrxvt.cursorBlink: false Mrxvt.cursorBlinkInterval: 800 Mrxvt.cursorColor: #00ff00 Mrxvt.cursorColor2: #000000 # # ---------------------------------- COLORS ---------------------------------- # # # Setup colors for a black background. Mrxvt.background: #000000 Mrxvt.foreground: #9a9a9a # This makes reading man pages a little easier. Mrxvt.colorBD: #00afaf Mrxvt.colorUL: #00af00 # # ------------------------------- MISC OPTIONS ------------------------------- # # # Border to leave around terminal text Mrxvt.internalBorder: 2 # Make double click select whole URL's Mrxvt.cutChars: :=/~#@?%&_-.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz # Blank the mouse pointer on keystrokes or after 10 seconds of inactivity. Mrxvt.pointerBlank: True Mrxvt.pointerBlankDelay: 3 # Don't close the tab if the secondary screen is displayed (e.g. when running # vim). Mrxvt.protectSecondary: True # Run as a login shell. # Mrxvt.loginShell: True # Enable session management Mrxvt.sessionMgt: true # # --------------------------------- PROFILES --------------------------------- # # Mrxvt.profile1.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-irsssi /usr/bin/irssi Mrxvt.profile1.tabTitle: Irssi Mrxvt.profile1.workingDirectory:/home/roger Mrxvt.profile2.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-admin /bin/su Mrxvt.profile2.tabTitle: "Administrator" Mrxvt.profile3.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-term3 /bin/bash Mrxvt.profile3.tabTitle: "Terminal 3" Mrxvt.profile4.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-term4 /bin/bash Mrxvt.profile4.tabTitle: "Terminal 4" Mrxvt.profile5.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-term5 /bin/bash Mrxvt.profile5.tabTitle: "Terminal 5" Mrxvt.profile6.command: dtach -A /tmp/dtach.roger-term6 /bin/bash Mrxvt.profile6.tabTitle: "Terminal 6" # # ------------------------------- Default ------------------------------- # # # Number of tabs to launch initially # Mrxvt is hard coded to only launch a max of 4 tabs default.initProfileList: 1,2,3,4,5