#!/bin/bash ## src2pkg script for: abiword ## Auto-generated by src2pkg-1.9.7 ## src2pkg Copyright 2005-2009 Gilbert Ashley add_source_to_package_1 () { if [[ $1 = "" ]] ; then echo $RED"Failed! "$NORMAL"You must supply an argument (source name) to add_source_to_package_1" FAILED="MANDATORY ARGUMENT NOT GIVEN" fi # save the main source and package names # the conditional syntax means they only get set once ! [[ $NAME_1 ]] && NAME_1=$NAME ! [[ $VERSION_1 ]] && VERSION_1=$VERSION ! [[ $SRC_DIR_1 ]] && SRC_DIR_1=$SRC_DIR ! [[ $PKG_DIR_1 ]] && PKG_DIR_1=$PKG_DIR ! [[ $CONFIG_DIR_1 ]] && CONFIG_DIR_1=$CONFIG_DIR ! [[ $SRC_DIR_NAME_1 ]] && SRC_DIR_NAME_1=$SRC_DIR_NAME # blank the derived variable values reset_vars # reset the derived variables using the current SOURCE_URL SOURCE_URL=$1 pre_process # override PKG_DIR so everything goes into one package PKG_DIR=$PKG_DIR_1 # do these normal functions here find_source make_dirs unpack_source fix_source_perms } finish_package_1() { reset_vars NAME=$NAME_1 VERSION=$VERSION_1 pre_process # reset the package dir to the main PKG_DIR so that the # contents of this package get combined with the first one SRC_DIR=$SRC_DIR_1 SRC_DIR_NAME=$SRC_DIR_NAME_1 PKG_DIR=$PKG_DIR_1 CONFIG_DIR=$CONFIG_DIR_1 } reset_vars () { [[ $DEBUG ]] && echo "Resetting variables...!!!" BIN_DIR='' SBIN_DIR='' LIBEXEC_DIR='' SYSCONF_DIR='' SHAREDSTATE_DIR='' LOCALSTATE_DIR='' LIB_DIR='' INCLUDE_DIR='' DATA_DIR='' INFO_DIR='' LOCALE_DIR='' MAN_DIR='' DOC_DIR='' GAMESBIN_DIR='' GAMESDATA_DIR='' PIXMAPS_DIR='' ICONS_DIR='' # these are the obvious ones that need to be reset SOURCE_URL='' SOURCE_NAME='' SOURCE='' NAME='' VERSION='' ALT_NAME='' ALT_VERSION='' ORIG_NAME='' ORIG_VERSION='' SRC_DIR='' SRC_DIR_NAME='' PKG_DIR='' PKG_DIR_NAME='' OBJ_DIR='' OBJ_DIR_NAME='' CONFIG_DIR='' CONFIG_SUBDIR='' CONFIG_COMMAND='' MAKE_COMMAND='' VERIFY='' } # All the above functions could be put into the main FUNCTIONS file or elsewhere # Instead of recycling SOURCE_URL, use EXTRA_SOURCES so that everything gets downloaded at once. #SOURCE_URL='http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.6/source/abiword-2.6.6.tar.gz' #EXTRA_SOURCES='http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.6/source/abiword-plugins-2.6.6.tar.gz #http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.6/source/abiword-extras-2.6.6.tar.gz #http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.6/source/abiword-docs-2.6.6.tar.gz #' # Since the sources all come from a common dir, you could also do the above this way: BASE_URL='http://www.abisource.com/downloads/abiword/2.6.6/source' SOURCE_URL='abiword-2.6.6.tar.gz' EXTRA_SOURCES='abiword-plugins-2.6.6.tar.gz abiword-extras-2.6.6.tar.gz abiword-docs-2.6.6.tar.gz' SOURCE_2="abiword-plugins-2.6.6.tar.gz" SOURCE_3="abiword-extras-2.6.6.tar.gz" SOURCE_4="abiword-docs-2.6.6.tar.gz" ####################################### SOURCE 1 # SOURCE_NAME='abiword-2.6.6.tar.gz' #NAME='abiword' #VERSION='2.6.6' #SOURCE_URL from above is all we need # ARCH='i486' BUILD='1' PRE_FIX='usr' # Any extra options go here EXTRA_CONFIGS='--disable-printing --disable-spellcheck' # STD_FLAGS='-O2 -march=i486 -mtune=i686' # Get the functions and configs . /usr/libexec/src2pkg/FUNCTIONS ; pre_process find_source make_dirs unpack_source fix_source_perms configure_source compile_source fake_install # leave the rest of the functions till last ####################################### SOURCE 1 ####################################### SOURCE 2 ## reset the vars and build a second tarball EXTRA_CONFIGS="--with-abiword=$SRC_DIR_1" add_source_to_package_1 $SOURCE_2 # do the standard 'build' functions or write custom code configure_source compile_source # fake_install cp $SRC_DIR/$NAME $PKG_DIR/usr/bin ## cleanup the added sources CLEANUP=SRC post_process ####################################### SOURCE 2 ####################################### SOURCE 3 ## reset the vars and build a third tarball EXTRA_CONFIGS='' add_source_to_package_1 $SOURCE_3 # do the standard 'build' functions or write custom code configure_source compile_source # fake_install cp $SRC_DIR/$NAME $PKG_DIR/usr/bin ## cleanup the added sources CLEANUP=SRC post_process ####################################### SOURCE 3 ####################################### SOURCE 4 ## reset the vars and build a fourth tarball add_source_to_package_1 $SOURCE_4 # do the standard 'build' functions or write custom code configure_source compile_source # fake_install cp $SRC_DIR/$NAME $PKG_DIR/usr/bin ## cleanup the added sources CLEANUP=SRC post_process ####################################### SOURCE 4 ####################################### SOURCE 1 ## reset the vars and go back to the original sources CLEANUP=ALL finish_package_1 fix_pkg_perms strip_bins create_docs compress_man_pages make_description make_doinst make_package post_process # src2pkg - Copyright 2005-2009 Gilbert Ashley ## See the documentation for more help and examples. Below are some of # the most common Extras and Options for easy cut-and-paste use. # EXTRA_CONFIGS='' PRE_FIX='' DOCLIST='' # MAKE_COMMAND='' INSTALL_LINE='' # SHELL_INSTALL='YES' CORRECT_PERMS='NO' # When editing src2pkg scripts to add custom code, use these variables # to refer to the current directory, the sources or the package tree: # $CWD (current directory), $SRC_DIR (sources), $PKG_DIR (package tree) # Other commonly-used directories include: $DOC_DIR (document directory) # $MAN_DIR (man-page directory) $DATA_DIR (shared-data directory)