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KMGTPEZ bytes iB%x0xCould not allocate memory in ReverseBytes()! Terminating ?@D $  Warning! Unable to generate a proper UUID! Creating an improper one as a last resort! Windows 7 may crash if you save this partition table! %02X%02X%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02XAp@0x00 Partition GUID code: () Partition unique GUID: First sector: (at Last sector: Partition size: sectors (Attribute flags: Partition name: '' 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000Current type is 'Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = ): Changed type of partition to 'Partition start out of range! Continuing, but problems now likely! Partition length out of range! Continuing, but problems now likely! Partition values out of range in MBRPart::SetLocation()! Continuing, but strange problems are now likely! primarylogicalomittederror Y Y 0x hIlhpI7MBRPartUnable to allocate memory in BasicMBRData::operator=()! Terminating! Unable to allocate memory in BasicMBRData::ReadMBRData()! Terminating! Problem reading disk in BasicMBRData::ReadMBRData()! Error reading logical partitions! List may be truncated! Warning! MBR Logical partitions found on a hybrid MBR disk! This is an EXTREMELY dangerous configuration! Logical partition infinite loop detected! This is being corrected. Unable to seek to ! Aborting! Error seeking to or reading logical partition data from ! Some logical partitions may be missing! EBR signature for logical partition invalid; read 0x, but should be 0x EBR describes a logical partition! Done writing data! Error when saving MBR! when seeking to MBR to write it! Disk size is sectors () MBR disk identifier: 0xMBR partitions: Number Boot Start Sector End Sector Status Code Can Be Can Be Number Boot Start Sector End Sector Status Logical Primary Code MBR: not present MBR: protective MBR: hybrid MBR: MBR only  MBR: unknown -- bug! EFI PART.: Problem: MBR partitions and overlap! Caution: More than one 0xEE MBR partition found. This can cause problems in some OSes. Warning: 0xEE partition doesn't start on sector 1. This can cause problems in some OSes. Specified change is not legal! Aborting change! Invalid partition inclusion code in BasicMBRData::SetInclusionwChecks()! Partition table is not currently in a valid state. Aborting change! Warning: Deleting oversized partition #! Start = , length = Warning! Too many partitions in BasicMBRData::RemoveLogicalsFromFirstFour()! Could not create extended partition; no room in primary table! Toggle active flag for partition: Partition to set as logical: Partition to omit: ** NOTE: Partition numbers do NOT indicate final primary/logical status, ** unlike in most MBR partitioning tools!  ** Extended partitions are not displayed, but will be generated as required. This will abandon your changes. Are you sure? Partition to set as primary: Partition to change type code: Enter an MBR hex code: %x %))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))"%)%))))))))$&))&&'''E(]())))))))))))"%)%))))))))$&))&&'''E(]()))a toggle the active/boot flag c recompute all CHS values l set partition as logical o omit partition p print the MBR partition table q quit without saving changes r set partition as primary s sort MBR partitions t change partition type code w write the MBR partition table to disk and exit Error! Could not allocate memory for partitions in GPTData::operator=()! Terminating! Problem: The CRC for the main GPT header is invalid. The main GPT header may be corrupt. Consider loading the backup GPT header to rebuild the main GPT header ('b' on the recovery & transformation menu). This report may be a false alarm if you've already corrected other problems. Problem: The CRC for the main partition table is invalid. This table may be corrupt. Consider loading the backup partition table ('c' on the recovery & transformation menu). This report may be a false alarm if you've already corrected other problems. Problem: The CRC for the backup GPT header is invalid. The backup GPT header may be corrupt. Consider using the main GPT header to rebuild the backup GPT header ('d' on the recovery & transformation menu). This report may be a false Caution: The CRC for the backup partition table is invalid. This table may be corrupt. This program will automatically create a new backup partition table when you save your partitions. Problem: The main header's self-pointer doesn't point to itself. This problem is being automatically corrected, but it may be a symptom of more serious problems. Think carefully before saving changes with 'w' or using this disk. Problem: The secondary header's self-pointer indicates that it doesn't reside at the end of the disk. If you've added a disk to a RAID array, use the 'e' option on the experts' menu to adjust the secondary header's and partition table's locations. Problem: main GPT header's current LBA pointer () doesn't match the backup GPT header's alternate LBA pointer(). Problem: main GPT header's backup LBA pointer () doesn't match the backup GPT header's current LBA pointer (The 'e' option on the experts' menu may fix this problem. Problem: main GPT header's first usable LBA pointer () doesn't match the backup GPT header's first usable LBA pointer () Problem: main GPT header's last usable LBA pointer () doesn't match the backup GPT header's last usable LBA pointer (The 'e' option on the experts' menu can probably fix this problem. Problem: main header's disk GUID () doesn't match the backup GPT header's disk GUID (You should use the 'b' or 'd' option on the recovery & transformation menu to select one or the other header. Problem: main GPT header's number of partitions () doesn't match the backup GPT header's number of partitions (Resizing the partition table ('s' on the experts' menu) may help. Problem: main GPT header's size of partition entries () doesn't match the backup GPT header's size of partition entries ( Problem: Disk is too small to hold all the data! (Disk size is sectors, needs to be sectors.) Problem: GPT claims the disk is larger than it is! (Claimed last usable sector is , but backup header is at and disk size is sectors. The 'e' option on the experts' menu will probably fix this problem Warning: The 0xEE protective partition in the MBR is marked as active. This is technically a violation of the GPT specification, and can cause some EFIs to ignore the disk, but it is required to boot from a GPT disk on some BIOS-based computers. You can clear this flag by creating a fresh protective MBR using the 'n' option on the experts' menu. Caution: Partition doesn't begin on a -sector boundary. This may result in degraded performance on some modern (2009 and later) hard disks. Consult http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-4kb-sector-disks/ for information on disk alignment. No problems found. free sectors () available in segments, the largest of which is () in size. Identified problems! Warning! Main partition table overlaps the first partition by blocks! Try reducing the partition table size by entries. (Use the 's' item on the experts' menu.) You will need to delete this partition or resize it in another utility. Warning! Secondary partition table overlaps the last partition by Unsupported GPT version in main header; read 0x, should be 0x Unsupported GPT version in backup header; read 0xWarning! Header size is specified as , which is invalid. Setting the header size for CRC computation to Caution! Header size for CRC check is , which is greater than . If stray data exists after the header on the header sector, it will be ignored, which may result in a CRC false alarm. Could not allocate memory in GPTData::CheckHeaderCRC()! Aborting! Warning! Mismatched GPT and MBR partition! MBR partition , of type 0x, has no corresponding GPT partition! You may continue, but this condition might cause data loss in the future! Problem: partitions and overlap: Partition : to Problem: partition ends before it begins. is too big for the disk. Partition table scan: ******************************************************************* This disk appears to contain an Apple-format (APM) partition table! It will be destroyed if you continue! ******************************************************************* NOTE: Write test failed with error number . It will be impossible to save changes to this disk's partition table! Invalid partition data! >mllwmmWarning! Disk size is smaller than the main header indicates! Loading secondary header from the last sector of the disk! You should use 'v' to verify disk integrity, and perhaps options on the experts' menu to repair the disk. Caution: invalid backup GPT header, but valid main header; regenerating backup header from main header. Caution: invalid main GPT header, but valid backup; regenerating main header from backup! Warning: Invalid CRC on main header data; loaded backup partition table. Warning! Unable to load either main or backup partition table! Warning! Main partition table CRC mismatch! Loaded backup partition table instead of main partition table! Warning! One or more CRCs don't match. You should repair the disk! Warning! Read error ; strange behavior now likely! ! Misbehavior now likely! Caution! After loading partitions, the CRC doesn't check out! Error! Couldn't seek to partition table! Error! Couldn't open device when reading partition table! Could not allocate memory in GPTData::CheckTable()! Terminating! Warning! Error reading partition table for CRC check! Warning! Main and backup partition tables differ! Use the 'c' and 'e' options on the recovery & transformation menu to examine the two tables. The justLooking flag is set. This probably means you can't write to the disk. Caution! Secondary header was placed beyond the disk's limits! Moving the header, but other problems may occur! Warning! Secondary header is placed too early on the disk! Do you want to correct this problem? Have moved second header and partition table to correct location. Have not corrected the problem. Strange problems may occur in the future! Warning! The claimed last usable sector is incorrect! Do you want to correct this problem? Have adjusted the second header and last usable sector value. Aborting write operation! Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING PARTITIONS!! Do you want to proceed? OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to Unable to save backup partition table! Perhaps the 'e' option on the experts' menu will resolve this problem. The operation has completed successfully. Warning! An error was reported when writing the partition table! This error MIGHT be harmless, or the disk might be damaged! Checking it is advisable. Unable to open device '' for writing! Errno is ! Aborting write! Aborting write of new partition table. Warning! An error was reported when writing the backup file. It may not be usable! Unable to open file '' for writing! Aborting! Warning! Current disk size doesn't match that of the backup! Adjusting sizes to match, but subsequent problems are possible! loading partition table; strange behavior now likely! Improper backup file! Clearing all partition data! ' for reading! Aborting! Warning! GPT main header not overwritten! Error is Could not allocate memory in GPTData::DestroyGPT()! Terminating! Warning! GPT main partition table not overwritten! Error is Warning! GPT backup partition table not overwritten! Error is Warning! GPT backup header not overwritten! Error is GPT data structures destroyed! You may now partition the disk using fdisk or other utilities. Problem opening '' for writing! Program will now terminate. Warning! MBR not overwritten! Error is ! APM: present APM: not present GPT: not present GPT: present GPT: damaged  GPT: unknown -- bug! Disk sectors, Logical sector size: bytes Disk identifier (GUID): Partition table holds up to entries First usable sector is , last usable sector is Partitions will be aligned on -sector boundaries Total free space is sectors ( Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name Partition # does not exist. *************************************************************** Found invalid GPT and valid MBR; converting MBR to GPT format in memory. THIS OPERATION IS POTENTIALLY DESTRUCTIVE! Exit by typing 'q' if you don't want to convert your MBR partitions to GPT format! *************************************************************** ********************************************************************** Found invalid GPT and valid BSD disklabel; converting BSD disklabel to GPT format. THIS OPERATION IS POTENTIALLY DESTRUCTIVE! Your first BSD partition will likely be unusable. Exit by typing 'q' if you don't want to convert your BSD partitions to GPT format! ********************************************************************** Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT. Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT. Found valid GPT with corrupt MBR; using GPT and will write new protective MBR on save. **************************************************************************** Caution: Found protective or hybrid MBR and corrupt GPT. Using GPT, but disk verification and recovery are STRONGLY recommended. **************************************************************************** Creating new GPT entries. No partitions! Specified partition is invalid! Converted 1 BSD partition. Converted BSD partitions. Unable to convert partitions! Unrecognized BSD disklabel. Warning! Too many partitions to convert! MBR partition is out of range; omitting it. GPT partition is undefined; omitting it. Caution: Partition end point past 32-bit pointer boundary; some OSes may react strangely. Partition begins beyond the 32-bit pointer limit of MBR partitions, or is too big; omitting it. Adjusting GPT size from to fill the sector The highest-numbered partition is , which is greater than the requested partition table size of ; cannot resize. Perhaps sorting will help. Error allocating memory for partition table! Size is unchanged! Partition number out of range! Information: Moved requested sector from in order to align on -sector boundaries. Attempt to set partition alignment to 0! Partition number out of range: Partition number out of range ( requested, but only available) No partitions defined in GPTData::operator[]; fatal error! Invalid partition number (showget2DrE>7GPTDataUnable to allocate memory in BSDData::ReadBSDData()! Terminating! BSD partitions: 0x BSD: not present BSD: present  BSD: unknown -- bug! ffffffff'<fffffffffffQUnused entry00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000Microsoft basic dataEBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7Microsoft reservedE3C9E316-0B5C-4DB8-817D-F92DF00215AEWindows REDE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6ACPowerPC PReP boot9E1A2D38-C612-4316-AA26-8B49521E5A8BWindows LDM dataAF9B60A0-1431-4F62-BC68-3311714A69ADWindows LDM metadata5808C8AA-7E8F-42E0-85D2-E1E90434CFB3IBM GPFS37AFFC90-EF7D-4E96-91C3-2D7AE055B174ChromeOS kernelFE3A2A5D-4F32-41A7-B725-ACCC3285A309ChromeOS root3CB8E202-3B7E-47DD-8A3C-7FF2A13CFCECChromeOS reserved2E0A753D-9E48-43B0-8337-B15192CB1B5ELinux swap0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4FLinux filesystem0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4Linux reserved8DA63339-0007-60C0-C436-083AC8230908Linux /home933AC7E1-2EB4-4F13-B844-0E14E2AEF915Intel Rapid StartD3BFE2DE-3DAF-11DF-BA40-E3A556D89593Linux LVME6D6D379-F507-44C2-A23C-238F2A3DF928FreeBSD disklabel516E7CB4-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712BFreeBSD boot83BD6B9D-7F41-11DC-BE0B-001560B84F0FFreeBSD swap516E7CB5-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712BFreeBSD UFS516E7CB6-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712BFreeBSD ZFS516E7CBA-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712BFreeBSD Vinum/RAID516E7CB8-6ECF-11D6-8FF8-00022D09712BMidnight BSD data85D5E45A-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Midnight BSD boot85D5E45E-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Midnight BSD swap85D5E45B-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Midnight BSD UFS0394Ef8B-237E-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Midnight BSD ZFS85D5E45D-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Midnight BSD Vinum85D5E45C-237C-11E1-B4B3-E89A8F7FC3A7Apple UFS55465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACNetBSD swap49F48D32-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648NetBSD FFS49F48D5A-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648NetBSD LFS49F48D82-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648NetBSD concatenated2DB519C4-B10F-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648NetBSD encrypted2DB519EC-B10F-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648NetBSD RAID49F48DAA-B10E-11DC-B99B-0019D1879648Apple boot426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACApple HFS/HFS+48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACApple RAID52414944-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACApple RAID offline52414944-5F4F-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACApple label4C616265-6C00-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACAppleTV recovery5265636F-7665-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACApple Core Storage53746F72-6167-11AA-AA11-00306543ECACSolaris boot6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris root6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris /usr & Mac ZFS6A898CC3-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris swap6A87C46F-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris backup6A8B642B-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris /var6A8EF2E9-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris /home6A90BA39-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris alternate sector6A9283A5-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris Reserved 16A945A3B-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris Reserved 26A9630D1-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris Reserved 36A980767-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris Reserved 46A96237F-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631Solaris Reserved 56A8D2AC7-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631HP-UX data75894C1E-3AEB-11D3-B7C1-7B03A0000000HP-UX serviceE2A1E728-32E3-11D6-A682-7B03A0000000Freedesktop $BOOTBC13C2FF-59E6-4262-A352-B275FD6F7172Haiku BFS42465331-3BA3-10F1-802A-4861696B7521Sony system partitionF4019732-066E-4E12-8273-346C5641494FEFI SystemC12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93BMBR partition scheme024DEE41-33E7-11D3-9D69-0008C781F39FBIOS boot partition21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649VMWare VMFSAA31E02A-400F-11DB-9590-000C2911D1B8VMWare reserved9198EFFC-31C0-11DB-8F78-000C2911D1B8VMWare kcore crash protection9D275380-40AD-11DB-BF97-000C2911D1B8Linux RAIDA19D880F-05FC-4D3B-A006-743F0F84911EUnable to allocate memory in PartType::AddType()! Partition type list will be incomplete! %xExact type match not found for type code ; assigning type code for '' Unknown Press the key to see more codes: Undefined bit #system partitionhide from EFIlegacy BIOS bootableread-onlyhiddendo not automountAttribute value is . Set fields are: () No fields set :Known attributes are: Toggle which attribute field (0-63, 64 or to exit): Have disabled the '' attribute. Have enabled the ': ornandxor=setcleartogglegetUnknown attributes operator: %qxCould not convert hex attribute mask%dCould not convert bit number&UG&UProblem opening for reading! Error is . You must run this program as root or use sudo! The specified file does not exist! The specified path is a directory! The specified path is a character device! The specified path is a FIFO! The specified path is a socket! Warning! Problem closing file! Error when determining sector size! Setting sector size to Disk device is Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table. The new table will be used at the next reboot. Warning: Platform not recognized! Warning: We seem to be running on multiple platforms! Unable to allocate memory in DiskIO::Read()! Terminating! Unable to allocate memory in DiskIO::Write()! Terminating! Warning! We seem to be running on no known platform! Warning: File size is not a multiple of 512 bytes! Misbehavior is likely! GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.8 Type device filename, or press to exit: -lUsage: [-l] device_file Found valid MBR and GPT. Which do you want to use? 1 - MBR 2 - GPT 3 - Create blank GPT Your answer: Using GPT and creating fresh protective MBR. Found valid MBR and corrupt GPT. Which do you want to use? (Using the GPT MAY permit recovery of GPT data.) Found invalid MBR and corrupt GPT. What do you want to do? (Using the 1 - Use current GPT 2 - Create blank GPT Your answer: Specified partition doesn't have a disklabel partition type code. Continue anyway? Partition number (-): Current partition table size is . Enter new size ( up, default Caution: The partition table size should officially be 16KB or larger, which works out to 128 entries. In practice, smaller tables seem to work with most OSes, but this practice is risky. I'm proceeding with the resize, but you may want to reconsider this action and undo it. , default partition is in use. First sector (, default = ) or {+-}size{KMGTP}: Information: Moved requested sector from to in order to align on -sector boundaries. Use 'l' on the experts' menu to adjust alignment Last sector (No table partition entries left No free sectors available No partitions Enter the partition's new unique GUID ('R' to randomize): New GUID is GUID is too short! Enter name: Invalid partition number () New partition number (1-WARNING: APM or BSD disklabel structures detected! This operation could damage any APM or BSD partitions on this disk! About to wipe out GPT on . Proceed? Blank out MBR? MBR is unchanged. You may need to delete an EFI GPT (0xEE) partition with fdisk or another tool. WARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! If you decide not to use one, just hit the Enter key at the below prompt and your MBR partition table will be untouched. Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces, to be added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: %d %d %dPlace EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)? Creating entry for GPT partition # (MBR partition #Set the bootable flag? GPT partition # does not exist; skipping. Unused partition space(s) found. Use one to protect more partitions? Note: Default is 0xEE, but this may confuse Mac OS X. MBR command (? for help): Command (? for help): Enter backup filename to save: This option deletes all partitions and creates a new protective MBR. Proceed? You may need to edit /etc/fstab and/or your boot loader configuration! .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. /e/0000u/00/0///00U0y00000000000000. /e/0000u/00/0///00U0y00000b back up GPT data to a file c change a partition's name d delete a partition i show detailed information on a partition l list known partition types n add a new partition o create a new empty GUID partition table (GPT) p print the partition table q quit without saving changes r recovery and transformation options (experts only) s sort partitions t change a partition's type code v verify disk w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) ? print this menu Recovery/transformation command (? for help): Warning! This will probably do weird things if you've converted an MBR to GPT form and haven't yet saved the GPT! Proceed? Warning! This will destroy the currently defined partitions! Proceed? Problem loading MBR! GPT is untouched; regenerating protective MBR! Converted partitions. Finalize and exit? Note: New protective MBR created Enter backup filename to load: %366666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666>3N3333`4D5T566d55655666666,6R6666666666>3N3333`4D5T566d55655666666,6R6b use backup GPT header (rebuilding main) c load backup partition table from disk (rebuilding main) d use main GPT header (rebuilding backup) e load main partition table from disk (rebuilding backup) f load MBR and build fresh GPT from it g convert GPT into MBR and exit h make hybrid MBR l load partition data from a backup file m return to main menu o print protective MBR data t transform BSD disklabel partition Expert command (? for help): Partitions will begin on Relocating backup data structures to the end of the disk Enter the disk's unique GUID ('R' to randomize): The new disk GUID is Enter the sector alignment value (1-Type device filename, or press to exit: 59>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>N9>999:.:C;S;>>c;V<<<<<<==(===>>=>>>>>>N9>999:.:C;S;>>c;V<<<<<<==(===>>=a set attributes c change partition GUID d display the sector alignment value e relocate backup data structures to the end of the disk g change disk GUID h recompute CHS values in protective/hybrid MBR l set the sector alignment value n create a new protective MBR s resize partition table t transpose two partition table entries u Replicate partition table on new device z zap (destroy) GPT data structures and exit Enter an MBR hex code (default ^13GPTDataTextUI;,PSt4'\F0XwKP$#DDld82`V6b24Q\| ,*LLlF ( Lt t | 824>`+j8<U\{|L0DPxp@"`0P>pf&  ((!H>#x#%%&r'))4+d,B2 77;<<\>>AFBCF@Gp:HJL8M M0 NP Rx :S S T U nV!&W 4FT4t4444 5@5Bp555r55 6@6p66 6b66747T7|777J7z7$8:D8zd8888*89g89y =,=t++++ +8 ,V 4, T, t, , , , , - 4-, - (. 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