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See it anyway? Overwrite, Append, or Don't log? (Type "O", "A", "D" or "q") Warning: "%s" exists; Overwrite, Append or Don't log? Missing filename ("less --help" for help)uVuVLESSMETAESCAPELESSMETACHARS; *? '"()<>|&^`#\%c%s%c%s*LESSECHOlessecho%s -p0x%x -d0x%x -e%s -- %s-n0x%x LESSOPEN-cHOME%s%s%sLESSCLOSESHELL%s %s %s...skipping... SSUUMMMMAARRYY OOFF LLEESSSS CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS Commands marked with * may be preceded by a number, _N. Notes in parentheses indicate the behavior if _N is given. h H Display this help. q :q Q :Q ZZ Exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMOOVVIINNGG e ^E j ^N CR * Forward one line (or _N lines). y ^Y k ^K ^P * Backward one line (or _N lines). f ^F ^V SPACE * Forward one window (or _N lines). b ^B ESC-v * Backward one window (or _N lines). z * Forward one window (and set window to _N). w * Backward one window (and set window to _N). ESC-SPACE * Forward one window, but don't stop at end-of-file. d ^D * Forward one half-window (and set half-window to _N). u ^U * Backward one half-window (and set half-window to _N). ESC-) RightArrow * Left one half screen width (or _N positions). ESC-( LeftArrow * Right one half screen width (or _N positions). F Forward forever; like "tail -f". r ^R ^L Repaint screen. R Repaint screen, discarding buffered input. --------------------------------------------------- Default "window" is the screen height. Default "half-window" is half of the screen height. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SSEEAARRCCHHIINNGG /_p_a_t_t_e_r_n * Search forward for (_N-th) matching line. ?_p_a_t_t_e_r_n * Search backward for (_N-th) matching line. n * Repeat previous search (for _N-th occurrence). N * Repeat previous search in reverse direction. ESC-n * Repeat previous search, spanning files. ESC-N * Repeat previous search, reverse dir. & spanning files. ESC-u Undo (toggle) search highlighting. --------------------------------------------------- Search patterns may be modified by one or more of: ^N or ! Search for NON-matching lines. ^E or * Search multiple files (pass thru END OF FILE). ^F or @ Start search at FIRST file (for /) or last file (for ?). ^K Highlight matches, but don't move (KEEP position). ^R Don't use REGULAR EXPRESSIONS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- JJUUMMPPIINNGG g < ESC-< * Go to first line in file (or line _N). G > ESC-> * Go to last line in file (or line _N). p % * Go to beginning of file (or _N percent into file). t * Go to the (_N-th) next tag. T * Go to the (_N-th) previous tag. { ( [ * Find close bracket } ) ]. } ) ] * Find open bracket { ( [. ESC-^F _<_c_1_> _<_c_2_> * Find close bracket _<_c_2_>. ESC-^B _<_c_1_> _<_c_2_> * Find open bracket _<_c_1_> --------------------------------------------------- Each "find close bracket" command goes forward to the close bracket matching the (_N-th) open bracket in the top line. Each "find open bracket" command goes backward to the open bracket matching the (_N-th) close bracket in the bottom line. m_<_l_e_t_t_e_r_> Mark the current position with . '_<_l_e_t_t_e_r_> Go to a previously marked position. '' Go to the previous position. ^X^X Same as '. --------------------------------------------------- A mark is any upper-case or lower-case letter. Certain marks are predefined: ^ means beginning of the file $ means end of the file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CCHHAANNGGIINNGG FFIILLEESS :e [_f_i_l_e] Examine a new file. ^X^V Same as :e. :n * Examine the (_N-th) next file from the command line. :p * Examine the (_N-th) previous file from the command line. :x * Examine the first (or _N-th) file from the command line. :d Delete the current file from the command line list. = ^G :f Print current file name. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS -_<_f_l_a_g_> Toggle a command line option [see OPTIONS below]. --_<_n_a_m_e_> Toggle a command line option, by name. __<_f_l_a_g_> Display the setting of a command line option. ___<_n_a_m_e_> Display the setting of an option, by name. +_c_m_d Execute the less cmd each time a new file is examined. !_c_o_m_m_a_n_d Execute the shell command with $SHELL. |XX_c_o_m_m_a_n_d Pipe file between current pos & mark XX to shell command. v Edit the current file with $VISUAL or $EDITOR. V Print version number of "less". --------------------------------------------------------------------------- OOPPTTIIOONNSS Most options may be changed either on the command line, or from within less by using the - or -- command. Options may be given in one of two forms: either a single character preceded by a -, or a name preceeded by --. -? ........ --help Display help (from command line). -a ........ --search-skip-screen Forward search skips current screen. -b [_N] .... --buffers=[_N] Number of buffers. -B ........ --auto-buffers Don't automatically allocate buffers for pipes. -c -C .... --clear-screen --CLEAR-SCREEN Repaint by scrolling/clearing. -d ........ --dumb Dumb terminal. -D [_x_n_._n] . --color=_x_n_._n Set screen colors. (MS-DOS only) -e -E .... --quit-at-eof --QUIT-AT-EOF Quit at end of file. -f ........ --force Force open non-regular files. -F ........ --quit-if-one-screen Quit if entire file fits on first screen. -g ........ --hilite-search Highlight only last match for searches. -G ........ --HILITE-SEARCH Don't highlight any matches for searches. -h [_N] .... --max-back-scroll=[_N] Backward scroll limit. -i ........ --ignore-case Ignore case in searches that do not contain uppercase. -I ........ --IGNORE-CASE Ignore case in all searches. -j [_N] .... --jump-target=[_N] Screen position of target lines. -J ........ --status-column Display a status column at left edge of screen. -k [_f_i_l_e] . --lesskey-file=[_f_i_l_e] Use a lesskey file. -L ........ --no-lessopen Ignore the LESSOPEN environment variable. -m -M .... --long-prompt --LONG-PROMPT Set prompt style. -n -N .... --line-numbers --LINE-NUMBERS Use line numbers. -o [_f_i_l_e] . --log-file=[_f_i_l_e] Copy to log file (standard input only). -O [_f_i_l_e] . --LOG-FILE=[_f_i_l_e] Copy to log file (unconditionally overwrite). -p [_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] --pattern=[_p_a_t_t_e_r_n] Start at pattern (from command line). -P [_p_r_o_m_p_t] --prompt=[_p_r_o_m_p_t] Define new prompt. -q -Q .... --quiet --QUIET --silent --SILENT Quiet the terminal bell. -r -R .... --raw-control-chars --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS Output "raw" control characters. -s ........ --squeeze-blank-lines Squeeze multiple blank lines. -S ........ --chop-long-lines Chop long lines. -t [_t_a_g] .. --tag=[_t_a_g] Find a tag. -T [_t_a_g_s_f_i_l_e] --tag-file=[_t_a_g_s_f_i_l_e] Use an alternate tags file. -u -U .... --underline-special --UNDERLINE-SPECIAL Change handling of backspaces. -V ........ --version Display the version number of "less". -w ........ --hilite-unread Highlight first new line after forward-screen. -W ........ --HILITE-UNREAD Highlight first new line after any forward movement. -x [_N[,...]] --tabs=[_N[,...]] Set tab stops. -X ........ --no-init Don't use termcap init/deinit strings. --no-keypad Don't use termcap keypad init/deinit strings. -y [_N] .... --max-forw-scroll=[_N] Forward scroll limit. -z [_N] .... --window=[_N] Set size of window. -" [_c[_c]] . --quotes=[_c[_c]] Set shell quote characters. -~ ........ --tilde Don't display tildes after end of file. -# [_N] .... --shift=[_N] Horizontal scroll amount (0 = one half screen width) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LLIINNEE EEDDIITTIINNGG These keys can be used to edit text being entered on the "command line" at the bottom of the screen. RightArrow ESC-l Move cursor right one character. LeftArrow ESC-h Move cursor left one character. CNTL-RightArrow ESC-RightArrow ESC-w Move cursor right one word. CNTL-LeftArrow ESC-LeftArrow ESC-b Move cursor left one word. HOME ESC-0 Move cursor to start of line. END ESC-$ Move cursor to end of line. BACKSPACE Delete char to left of cursor. DELETE ESC-x Delete char under cursor. CNTL-BACKSPACE ESC-BACKSPACE Delete word to left of cursor. CNTL-DELETE ESC-DELETE ESC-X Delete word under cursor. CNTL-U ESC (MS-DOS only) Delete entire line. UpArrow ESC-k Retrieve previous command line. DownArrow ESC-j Retrieve next command line. TAB Complete filename & cycle. SHIFT-TAB ESC-TAB Complete filename & reverse cycle. CNTL-L Complete filename, list all. +Cannot seek to that file positionCannot seek to beginning of fileCannot seek to end of fileCannot seek to line number %nDon't know length of fileDetermining length of file%*s LESSANSIENDCHARS~ Calculating line numbers/dev/tty (press RETURN)shCannot create pipeCannot seek to start positionInvalid mark letterMark not in current fileMark not setLog file is already in useInput is not a pipeLog file "%s"No log filetags support is not available and then every %d spacesquotes %sTags file "%s"less Use "h" for helplog file support is not available-" must be followed by 1 or 2 charsLine number is required after -l Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Nudelman less comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. For information about the terms of redistribution, see the file named README in the less distribution. Homepage: http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''.There is no %s option ("less --help" for help)%s is an ambiguous abbreviation ("less --help" for help)The %s option should not be followed by =Cannot use "-+" or "--" for a string optionCan't use "-!" for a numeric option7770000000000Cannot query the %s optionCannot change the %s optionThere is no %s option-%sValue is required after %sNumber is required after %ssearch-skip-screenauto-buffersclear-screendumbquit-at-eofforcequit-if-one-screenhilite-searchmax-back-scrollignore-casejump-targetstatus-columnlesskey-fileno-lessopenlong-promptline-numberslog-fileLOG-FILEsilentquietraw-control-charssqueeze-blank-lineschop-long-linestag-fileunderline-specialversionhilite-unreadtabsno-initmax-forw-scrollwindowquotestildeshiftno-keypadSearch skips displayed screenRepaint by clearing each lineAssume intelligent terminalAssume dumb terminalDon't quit at end-of-fileQuit at end-of-fileOpen only regular filesOpen even non-regular filesBackwards scroll limit: Ignore case in searchesTarget line: Don't display a status columnDisplay a status columnDon't use the LESSOPEN filterUse the LESSOPEN filterShort promptMedium promptLong promptDon't use line numbersUse line numberslog file: Log file: prompt: Never ring the bellDisplay all blank linesSqueeze multiple blank linesFold long linesChop long linestag: tags file: Backspaces cause overstrikePrint backspace as ^HTab stops: 0123456789,Don't use init/deinit stringsForward scroll limit: Scroll window size: quotes: Show tildes after end of fileHorizontal shift: Horizontal shift %d positionsUse keypad modeDon't use keypad modeSearch includes displayed screenMax buffer space per file (K): Max buffer space per file: %dKDon't automatically allocate buffersAutomatically allocate buffers when neededRepaint by scrolling from bottom of screenRepaint by painting from top of screenQuit immediately at end-of-fileDon't quit if end-of-file on first screenQuit if end-of-file on first screenDon't highlight search matchesHighlight matches for previous search onlyHighlight all matches for previous search patternBackwards scroll limit is %d linesCase is significant in searchesIgnore case in searches and in patternsPosition target at screen line %dConstantly display line numbersRing the bell for errors AND at eof/bofRing the bell for errors but not at eof/bofDisplay control characters as ^XDisplay control characters directlyDisplay control characters directly, processing ANSI sequencesDisplay underlined text in underline modeDon't highlight first unread lineHighlight first unread line after forward-screenHighlight first unread line after any forward movementSend init/deinit strings to terminalForward scroll limit is %d linesScroll window size is %d linesDon't show tildes after end of file%s: %s?n?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x..%t?n?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) ..?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%:byte %bB?s/%s...%t?f%f .?n?m(%T %i of %m) ..?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. :byte %bB?s/%s. .?e(END) ?x- Next\: %x.:?pB%pB\%..%t?f%f .?m(%T %i of %m) .?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. .byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\%..%tHELP -- ?eEND -- Press g to see it again:Press RETURN for more., or q when doneWaiting for data                                @            %  B          Q         }                ; u   .       <   r4444444444444444444444444444444444444444,444444Nothing to searchInvalid patternPlease re-enter search patternNo previous regular expressionLine numbers turned offtagsGTAGSGRTAGSGSYMSGPATHNo tags fileNo such tag in tags fileunknown tag typeLESSGLOBALTAGS%s -x%s %sTag not found11111Out of memory0G'F'F'F'FGF'F'FGG'FG'FG'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'FGGG'F'FG'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'F'FGF'F'F'F'F'F'F'F}F'F'F'F'F'FG'F'F'F'F}F}F'F'FF'F'F'F'FFG'F}FF'F'FF'F'F'F'F}F'F'FFG'F0GHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~K`J`J`J0KKRL`J`JLL`JZM`JM`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`JMNNO`J`JO`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`J`JPAP`J`J`J`J`J`J`J;U`J`J`J`J`JP`J`J`J`JKQ;UQ`JQ`JR`J`JGRS`J;US`J`JST`J`J`J;U`J`JVBV`JVbwxbxseognkmhsinmimshzulxonx5iHCNRNPNDcchlYAYBYCYDYEYFYGncNLxrlmpbvtwsNllhlwmaMWCopaNCYaYbYcYdYeYfYgYhYiYjYkYlYmYnBTYoYpugdCdNdBdTknbtblcrcsctCCdoCMveupvsdcdldshdasdmmhimmkmpmrecaeedeifsi1isi3ifipkbkakCktkLkMkEkSk0k1k;k2k3k4k5k6k7k8k9kIkAkHkFkRkTl0l1lal2l3l4l5l6l7l8l9mommnwDCDLDOICSFRISRUPpkplpxpspfporpr1r2r3rfrccvscsfsastwitatsuchuiPK1K3K2K4K5pOrPacpnkBSXRXSARAXNXFeALOLF@1@2@3@4@5@6@8@9@0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*0#1#2#3#4%a%b%e%g%h%i%j!1!2!3RFF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFFFGFHFIFJFKFLFMFNFPFQFRFSFTFUFVFWFXFYFZFaFbFcFdFeFfFgFhFiFjFkFlFmFnFoFpFqFrcbMCMLMRLfDKRCCWWGHUDIQDTOPUfhPAWAu0u1u2u3u4u5u6u7u8u9opocIcIpspSfSbZAZBZCZDZEZFZGZHZIZJZKZLZMZNZOZPZQZRZSZTZUZVZWZXZYZZZaZbZcZdZeZfZgZhZiZjZkZlZmZnZoZpZqZrZsZtZuZvZwZxZyKmMiRQGmAFABxldvcis0s1s2s3XyZzYvYwYxYyYzYZS1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8XhXlXoXrXtXvsAsLi2nlkoG2G3G1G4GRGLGUGDGHGVGCmlmubx~w֏̓0 R[  !$'*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~;Q1vgp amj^d` #&),/258;>ADGJMPS|,VY\_behknqtwz}s  "%(+.147:=@CFILORUX[^aQdgjmpsvy|B  !$'U*-0369<?BEHKNQTWZ]`cfilorux{~  #&),/258;>! ADGJMPSVY\_behknqtwz}K, line %d, col %d, terminal '%s'2Kn,X   `  %KTERM environment must be <= %d characters. '%s': I need something more specific. '%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. terminals database is inaccessible Not enough memory to create terminal structure. TERM environment variable not set. '%s': unknown terminal type. |.UTF-8linuxTERMCAPhhII00/usr/share/terminfo%c/%.*sTERMINFOTERMINFO_DIRS%s/%sNCURSES_NO_SETBUF%s/.terminfo;!!!h`fvzԏُ  ""lll||| e j    ky ( JKYdu f    bv z!w" (F2R r u'g <<p%[)]*())* * ){{}}{}(())()[[]][]#$G>> P30123456789=:f/?/*?*n+n,N-N.m'E :e  :n:pt5T6:x&:d4-/:ttso_|%v !+ Hh VqQ:q:QZZ    l h b  w  i x X      0  $  k  j  is a directory is not a regular file (use -f to see it)  Phcp}&F~/6 <Nb r{a $8`b @7B 7 c 7`d A8 <e 7Qkf 8F 7@g 8h( 7 i0 7`j8 7J@ !7kH HlHPLP 7(FmX 7^kyn` "7oh  Op @px HpP q 7 `r "8 s !7S !8%t 5T ;u ",8`GcV w " 8 x (pyX A 8`y 7z 8" ~ !7? # (8. A83C/... 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