LABEL core4 MENU DEFAULT MENU LABEL SliTaz 4.0 kernel ../boot/4.0/bzImage append initrd=../boot/4.0/rootfs4.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs3.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs2.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs1.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin TEXT HELP The current stable release SliTaz 4.0 released on 10 april 2012. The new 4in1 ISO you can install a full SliTaz desktop with only 48MB of RAM. You need at least 192Mb of RAM to run the full desktop. ENDTEXT LABEL loram4 MENU LABEL Stable 4.0 loram kernel ../boot/4.0/bzImage append initrd=../boot/4.0/rootfs4lo.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs3lo.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs2lo.gz,../boot/4.0/rootfs1lo.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin TEXT HELP The current stable release SliTaz 4.0 released on 10 april 2012. The new 4in1 ISO you can install a full SliTaz desktop with only 40MB of RAM. You need at least 128Mb of RAM to run the full desktop. ENDTEXT