INCLUDE vesadefaults.cfg LABEL back MENU LABEL .. KERNEL vesamenu.c32 APPEND pxelinux.cfg/vesadefault MENU SEPARATOR label corecooking MENU LABEL Cooking (31 may 2011) core kernel ifmem.c32 append 128000 corecookingreal 95232 justxcookingreal 46080 basecookingreal tinycookingreal TEXT HELP SliTaz "Cooking" is a constantly evolving version, fully usable, it allows you to test the latest improvements and packages, ask for new features or report bugs. You need at least 128Mb of RAM to run Slitaz. ENDTEXT label loramcooking MENU LABEL Cooking (31 may 2011) core loram kernel ifmem.c32 append 70656 loramcookingreal tinycookingreal TEXT HELP Slitaz flavor using a compressed read only /usr tree. You need at least 72Mb of RAM to run this flavor. ENDTEXT label tinycooking MENU LABEL Cooking (04 nov 2010) core tiny config cooking/tiny.cfg TEXT HELP Slitaz flavor mounting /usr tree from the Internet. You need at least 32Mb of RAM to run this flavor. ENDTEXT label justxcooking MENU LABEL Cooking (31 may 2011) JustX kernel ifmem.c32 append 95232 justxcookingreal basecookingreal TEXT HELP Slitaz flavor with as few as possible X11 applications and an X server. You need at least 96Mb of RAM to run this flavor. ENDTEXT label basecooking MENU LABEL Cooking (31 may 2011) base config cooking/base.cfg TEXT HELP Slitaz flavor with as few as possible applications, without X server. You need at least 48Mb of RAM to run this flavor. ENDTEXT