#Maintainer: Shador pkgname=compiz-fusion-plugins-main pkgver=0.8.2 pkgrel=1 zenver=62 arch=noarch sourcetemplate="http://gaia.homelinux.org/packages/Compiz/$pkgname/$pkgver-$zenver.$pkgrel/" extradepends=('compiz-plugins-main') options=('norequiredbuilder') slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "$pkgname - a metapackage for compiz-plugins-main" "Due to the merge of Compiz and Compiz Fusion the" "compiz-fusion-plugins-main package was renamed to compiz-plugins-main." "To ease the transition for Zenwalk users this metapackage was created." "It may be removed safely." ) build() { # Nothing to do, but we have to execute at least one command or buildpkg will exit cd $startdir/src }