#Maintainer: Frederic Boulet bipbiponlinux~AT~gmail.com #Former: George Vlahavas (vlahavas~at~gmail~dot~com, gapan@zenwalk forums) pkgname=qemu pkgver=0.12.5 pkgrel=1 zenver=66 arch=i486 source=("http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/qemu/qemu-$pkgver.tar.gz") docs=("readme" "install" "copying*" "changelog" "authors" "news" "todo" "maintainers" "version") url=http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ options=('norequiredbuilder' 'keepdepfile' 'noautodotnew') sourcetemplate=http://zenwalk.pinguix.com/user-accounts/bip/EXTRA/xap/$pkgname slackdesc=\ ( #|-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| "qemu - a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer." "When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made" "for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine (e.g. your" "own PC). By using dynamic translation, it achieves very good" "performances." "When used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performances by" "executing the guest code directly on the host CPU. A host driver" "called the QEMU accelerator (also known as KQEMU) is needed in this" "case. The virtualizer mode requires that both the host and guest" "machine use x86 compatible processors." ) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver ./configure --prefix=/usr --audio-drv-list=alsa,esd,sdl --enable-system --enable-linux-user make || return 1 make install DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg }