#!/usr/bin/perl -w
die "use lglinks_short";
# vim: set sw=4 ts=4 si et:
# read one or more of the rss files
# and generate a list of links.
use strict;
require XML::RSS;
my @news = ();
my ($item,$site,$rdfstring);
my ($desc,$title);
my $rss = new XML::RSS;
die "USAGE: lglinks lg22.rss .....\nThe generated html code is written to stdout\n" unless($ARGV[0]);
#push (@news, "
Linux Gazette
push (@news, "\n");
for my $file (@ARGV){
open(FF,$ARGV[0])||die "lglinks: ERROR can not read $file\n";
s/&/+.+/g; # this is to fix a bug in the XML::RSS
close FF;
if ($rdfstring && length($rdfstring)> 250) {
foreach $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) {
if ($item->{'description'}){
#print STDERR $desc."\n";
if ($item->{'title'}){
$title="<no title>";
push (@news, "- {'link'}\">$title
$desc \n");
die "ERROR: failed to get news from $ARGV[0]\n";
push (@news, "
if (scalar(@news) < 5){
die "ERROR: less than 2 items \n";
for (@news){