Date: Mon, 1993 Oct 18 13:51 EDT From: "John F. Chandler" Subject: Announcing IBM Mainframe MUSIC/SP Kermit-370 Version 4.3 Keywords: IBM 370 Kermit, MUSIC/SP Kermit, MUSIC Kermit Xref: IBM Mainframe, Also see IBM 370 Xref: MUSIC/SP Kermit, Also see MUSIC/SP Kermit, IBM 370 This is to announce MUSIC Kermit Release 4.3. The sources have not been completely rewritten, but numerous fixes, extensions, and improvements have been inserted. Parts of the source have been resequenced: IK0DEF.ASM, IK0CMD.ASM, IK0KAN.ASM, and IK0PRO.ASM, and any local mods affecting these parts will need to be changed accordingly. The changes in 4.3 include all updates formerly available in IKMKER.UPD plus a number of new ones. As with previous releases, all MUSIC-specific files begin with IKM, and generic Kermit-370 files begin with IK0 (I K Zero). See the file IKMKER.INS for installation instructions. Most of the distribution files have been replaced, including IKMKER.INS, plus the assembler sources and the "beware", help, and update files. Release 4.3 is also being issued in the companion TSO, CICS, and CMS variants (see the separate announcements for details). Anyone interested in helping to port Kermit-370 to still other operating systems should contact John Chandler or . For a list of generic additions, see the generic Kermit-370 announcement IK0KER.ANN. The following is a list of MUSIC-specific updates added since Release 4.2, including some already available in intermediate releases. 1) Multiple Kermit subcommands are allowed on the MUSIC command line if the INIT file defines a delimiter. 2) Kermit-MUSIC now tries to automatically detect the terminal controller type. 3) Kermit-MUSIC now gives the date and time of each file in response to the Kermit DIR subcommand, and the attribute packet for a download now carries the correct time stamp. Many thanks to the beta testers who have helped work out the bugs in the new release. A further set of updates is currently being tested for support of MUSIC subdirectories and long userids. Watch for future announcements.