.title k11com overlay for the main command list .ident /2.37/ ; 08-Mar-84 10:48:20 Brian Nelson ; 23-Oct-85 09:44:20 BDN Break LOASET out for new overlay. ; ; Copyright (C) 1984 Change Software, Inc. ; ; Place the main command list in an overlay ; Call LOACMD to get the overlay loaded and ; return the command list address in r0. Also ; do the same thing for REMOTE commands via a ; call to LOAREM. ; If it should happen that this should cause ; a problem due to overlays overwritting this ; routine then simply put this into the root. .if ndf, K11INC .ift .include /IN:K11MAC.MAC/ .include /IN:K11CDF.MAC/ .endc .iif ndf, k11inc, .error ; INCLUDE missing for K11MAC.MAC .sbttl define the allowable commands .psect $code ,i loacmd::mov #cmdlst ,r0 return $cmglob = 1 ; globalize command cmdlst ,@ ,1 ,c$take ,,string command cmdlst ,BYE ,2 ,c$bye command cmdlst ,COMMENT,4 ,c$nop command cmdlst ,CONNECT,3 ,c$conn command cmdlst ,CWD ,2 ,c$cwd ,,string command cmdlst ,COPY ,3 ,c$copy ,,string command cmdlst ,DATE ,2 ,sho$dy command cmdlst ,DELETE ,2 ,c$del ,,string command cmdlst ,DIAL ,3 ,c$dial ,,string command cmdlst ,DIRECT ,3 ,c$dir command cmdlst ,DISCONNECT,4 ,c$disc command cmdlst ,DISK ,4 ,c$spac command cmdlst ,DISPLAY,4 ,c$disp ,,string command cmdlst ,ERASE ,2 ,c$del ,,string command cmdlst ,EXAMINE,3 ,c$disp ,,string command cmdlst ,EXIT ,2 ,c$exit command cmdlst ,FINISH ,2 ,c$fin command cmdlst ,GET ,2 ,c$get ,,string command cmdlst ,HANGUP ,2 ,c$hang command cmdlst ,HELP ,2 ,c$help command cmdlst ,HOME ,3 ,c$home command cmdlst ,HOST ,3 ,c$sys ,,string command cmdlst ,LOCAL ,3 ,c$loc ,,string command cmdlst ,LOGOUT ,4 ,c$bye command cmdlst ,LOGFILE,4 ,c$logf ,,string command cmdlst ,LOG_FILE,4 ,c$logf ,,string command cmdlst ,LOG-FILE,4 ,c$logf ,,string command cmdlst ,NOTE ,2 ,c$nop command cmdlst ,QUIT ,1 ,c$exit command cmdlst ,PRINT ,2 ,c$print,,string command cmdlst ,RECEIVE,3 ,c$rec command cmdlst ,REDIAL ,3 ,c$redi ,,decnum command cmdlst ,REMOTE ,3 ,c$rem ,,string command cmdlst ,RENAME ,3 ,c$rena ,,string command cmdlst ,SEND ,3 ,c$send ,,string command cmdlst ,SERVER ,3 ,c$serv command cmdlst ,SET ,3 ,c$set ,,string command cmdlst ,SHOW ,2 ,c$show ,,string command cmdlst ,SPACE ,2 ,c$spac command cmdlst ,STATUS ,2 ,c$stat command cmdlst ,SYSTEM ,2 ,c$sys ,,string command cmdlst ,TAKE ,2 ,c$take ,,string command cmdlst ,TEST ,2 ,c$test command cmdlst ,TIME ,2 ,sho$dy command cmdlst ,TRANSFER,3 ,c$tran ,,string command cmdlst ,TRANSMIT,3 ,c$tran ,,string command cmdlst ,TYPE ,2 ,c$type ,,string command cmdlst ,WHO ,1 ,c$who command cmdlst .sbttl same thing for remote commands loarem::mov #remlst ,r0 return $cmglob = 1 command remlst ,BYE ,2 ,rmtbye command remlst ,COPY ,2 ,rmtcop ,,string command remlst ,CWD ,2 ,rmtcwd ,,string command remlst ,DELETE ,2 ,rmtdel ,,string command remlst ,DIRECTORY,3 ,rmtdir ,,string command remlst ,DISK ,3 ,rmtspa command remlst ,ERASE ,2 ,rmtdel ,,string command remlst ,FINISH ,2 ,rmtfin command remlst ,GET ,2 ,rmtget ,,string command remlst ,HELP ,2 ,rmthlp command remlst ,HOST ,2 ,rmthos ,,string command remlst ,LOGIN ,3 ,rmtlgi ,,string command remlst ,RENAME ,2 ,rmtren ,,string command remlst ,SPACE ,2 ,rmtspa command remlst ,TYPE ,2 ,rmttyp ,,string command remlst ,WHO ,1 ,rmtwho command remlst .end