EThis program demonstrates the 'Erase Page', 'Graphics' 'Erase to End of Line', 'Reverse Video', and the 'Direct Cursor Addressing' features of the Windows H-19 Emulator program. Y5+Please wait while data is being loaded Y5!KpY&.Start qx5FY.9a Y*3v Y/@` Y+:u Y04s Y,.v Y1;a Y-5e Y)/a Y.f Y-8v Y)2s Y.? Y*9e Y/3a Y+@` Y0:b Y,4e Y1.e Y-;c Y)5a Y./e Y*e Y)8a Y.2 Y*? Y/9c Y+3d Y0@t Y,:a Y14a Y-.` Y);a Y.5v Y*/ Y/a Y.8b Y*2d Y/? Y+9a Y03e Y,@t Y1:u Y-4` Y).f Y.;v Y*5d Y// Y+c Y*8c Y/2s Y+? Y09e Y,3c Y1@d Y-:e Y)4s Y..` Y*;a Y/5c Y+/ Y0c Y/8b Y+2s Y0?a Y,9v Y13a Y-@t Y):s Y.4` Y*.v Y/;d Y+5b Y0/ Y,` Y+8v Y02t Y,? Y19a Y-3` Y)@c Y.:d Y*4s Y/.` Y+;a Y05a Y,/a Y1e Y08` Y,2v Y1?a Y-9d Y)3a Y.@` Y*:a Y/4u Y+.` Y0;a Y,5c Y1/a Y-e Y,8d Y12u Y-?a Y)9a Y.3` Y*@` Y/: Y+4v Y0.` Y,; Y15u Y-/f Y)b Y18a Y-2d Y)?a Gy5pY4;Finish qY5!