echo off echo Constructing Kermit-CC for IBM-PCs. echo Please use option "/DCGA" if you want to make a Kermit version running echo on CGA or MDA machines. Break on Rem Assumes all files are on the current disk. Rem If there is insufficient disk space then the command Rem "masm filespec.asm;" Rem may be typed individually for each .asm file. Rem Note: files CCSDEF.H and CCVIBM.LNK must be in the current directory for Rem use by masm and link, respectively. Rem First, the system independent .asm files: ccscmd, ccscom, ccsfil, ccsker, Rem ccsrcv, ccsscp, ccssen, ccsser, ccsset, ccster, ccsfin if not exist ccsdef.h goto noheader echo Make an .OBJ file from each .ASM file. for %%f in (ccscmd, ccscom, ccsfil, ccsker, ccsrcv, ccsscp) do masm %%f; for %%f in (ccssen, ccsser, ccsset, ccster, ccsfin) do masm %%f; Rem Second, the system dependent files: ccgibm, ccuibm, ccxibm, ccyibm, cczibm Rem cchkos for %%f in (ccgibm, ccuibm, ccxibm, cczibm, cchkos) do masm %%f; masm %1 ccyibm; echo End of Assembly step. Rem Third, link the Object files, using the appropriate command file. echo Starting Link step. link @ccvibm.lnk if errorlevel 1 goto badlink echo File CCVIBM.EXE is built. Rem Display version number. ccvibm -f nul, exit goto done :noheader echo ERROR - File CCSDEF.H is needed but could not be found. goto done :badlink echo LINKING ERROR. :done echo on