1 REVISION RECORD 0First Edition March 1986 0 PREFACE 0Kermit is a system for transferring files between computers. In particular it can transfer text and binary files between the UMRCC Cyber 170-730 and a microcomputer. The Cyber Kermit guide (REP105) is written for people who know little or nothing about the Cyber or its operating system, NOS. The guide describes only those Cyber features which you need when you are using Cyber Kermit. For more information, consult the UMRCC Cyber 170-730 Intro- ductory Guide (LOC101). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 March 1986 ii Cyber Kermit 1 CONTENTS 0 1. Introduction 1 0 2. Files on the Cyber 170-730 2 0 2.1. How are Cyber files stored? 2 0 2.2. What do Cyber files contain? 4 0 2.3. What are structured files on the Cyber? 6 0 3. Using Kermit 7 0 4. Kermit on your micro 9 0 4.1. Starting a micro Kermit 9 0 4.2. Connecting to the Cyber and escaping back 10 0 4.3. Micro Kermit commands that affect Cyber Kermit 10 0 4.4. Other micro Kermit commands 12 0 5. Kermit on the Cyber 170-730 13 0 5.1. Basic Cyber Kermit commands 13 0 5.2. Cyber Kermit SET commands 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0March 1986 iii Cyber Kermit 1 KERMIT 0 A File Transfer Facility 0 1. Introduction 0Kermit is a tool for transferring information from one computer to another. The Kermit protocol was defined and developed at Columbia University. Implementations of Kermit are available for many computers, but this manual assumes that one computer is the UMRCC Cyber 170-730, and that the other is a microcomputer you are using. Let us suppose you have typed some document on your micro and saved it on a floppy disk. Kermit can transfer this text to the Cyber if three conditions are fulfilled: 0(1) You can get a version of Kermit for your micro. 0(2) You can connect your micro to the Cyber. 0(3) You are a registered user of the Cyber. 0A version of Kermit for your micro may be available in the microprocessor area at UMRCC. If you are not registered to use the Cyber and wish to do so, you must contact your departmental representative. (In general, you should not use the Cyber merely to keep backup copies of micro files.) 0To transfer a file you must run two Kermit programs on two computers at the same time: one on your micro, which we shall call `micro Kermit', and the other on the Cyber 170-730, which we shall call `Cyber Kermit'. Any Kermit program has three parts: one deals with the particular machine on which it runs, one deals with other Kermit programs, and one (the `user interface') deals with people. This guide describes the Cyber Kermit `user interface'; that is, it tells you how to use Cyber Kermit. It should also say enough about micro Kermits to help you transfer files. Your micro Kermit may not agree with those described here in every respect; to learn more about your micro Kermit in particular, you must obtain a guide which treats your micro specifically (if there is such a guide). Kermit programs themselves ordi- narily provide comprehensive help information; simply run one and type 0 ? 0You should obtain a list of the commands accepted by that Kermit. For in- formation about one of them, type the command followed by `?'. So, for ex- ample, to ask what you can SET, type 0 SET ? 0and you should get a list of the terms you are allowed to SET. If one of these is FILE, then type 0 SET FILE ? 0to get a list of the values to which you can SET FILE. Parts of Kermit commands should be separated by blank spaces. Most Kermits allow you to abbreviate any part of any command, provided the result is not ambiguous. 0 0 0 March 1986 1 Cyber Kermit 12. Files on the Cyber 170-730 0The Cyber supports many types of files. This may bewilder you if you are new to our style of computing. Unfortunately you must learn a few facts about Cyber files before you can use Kermit to transfer them. 0Every file on the Cyber has a name consisting of one to seven letters or digits. The first character of any file name should be a letter. Extensions to file names are not allowed. There are no pathnames. Cyber Kermit imposes an additional restriction: it cannot transfer files whose names (on the Cyber) begin with ZZZ. (If you have such a file, you should RENAME it during the file transfer. 0 We shall now look at the different kinds of file available on the Cyber, asking first how Cyber files are stored, next what they contain, and finally what structure they may have. 0 02.1. How are Cyber files stored? 0The most important feature of Cyber files is the difference between LOCAL files and PERMANENT files. When you log out from the Cyber, any LOCAL files which you may have written are lost; only PERMANENT files continue to exist after your session ends. On the other hand, Cyber programs generally read and write only LOCAL files; in particular, Cyber Kermit reads and writes only LOCAL files. Therefore if you log in to the Cyber, you cannot simply type KERMIT and send a file; you must make a LOCAL file first. Moreover, if you type KERMIT and receive a file, you will lose the file when you log out unless you have made a PERMANENT copy of it. 0There are two kinds of PERMANENT file: INDIRECT and DIRECT access files. 0INDIRECT access files are PERMANENT files which are typically quite small. All Cyber users can have INDIRECT access files. To send an INDIRECT access file using Kermit, you must make a LOCAL copy of the file using the Cyber GET command. This LOCAL copy and the original PERMANENT file usually have the same name. When you have used Kermit to send a file to the Cyber, the file will be a LOCAL file. To keep that file on the Cyber as an INDIRECT access file, you must make a PERMANENT copy of it using the SAVE command. If you already have an INDIRECT access file by that name, you may use the REPLACE command to replace your old PERMANENT file with a new PERMANENT copy of the LOCAL file. 0DIRECT access files are PERMANENT files which are typically quite large (i.e., more than about 80 kbytes or 128 PRU's). Many Cyber users are not allowed to have DIRECT access files. To send a DIRECT access file using Kermit, you must first make the file LOCAL by using the Cyber ATTACH com- mand. An ATTACHed DIRECT access file is in fact both LOCAL and PERMANENT at the same time. When Cyber Kermit has received a file, the file will be a LOCAL file. To keep that file on the Cyber as a DIRECT access file (which you should not do unless it is very large), you may use the DSAVE command. If you already have a DIRECT access file by that name, you may use the DEPLACE command to replace your old PERMANENT file with a new copy of the LOCAL file. 0 0 0March 1986 2 Cyber Kermit 1You should know at least the following Cyber commands: 0 HELPME,command This gives you information about a Cyber com- mand and, in most cases, prompts you for each parameter and executes the command. For extra help with any parameter, type `?'. HELPME with no argument lists the commands you may use. 0LOCAL files: 0 ENQUIRE,F Lists the names of all LOCAL files. 0 LENGTH,filename Tells you the length of a LOCAL file in PRU's. A PRU contains 640 characters. 0 LIST,filename Lists a LOCAL file at your terminal. 0 RENAME,newname=oldname Changes the name of a LOCAL file. 0 RETURN,filename Gets rid of (deletes) a LOCAL file. 0 CLEAR Gets rid of (deletes) all LOCAL files. 0PERMANENT files: 0 CATLIST Lists the names of all PERMANENT files. 0 CATLIST,FN=filename,LO=F Gives the length of a PERMANENT file in PRU's, as well as other information. 0 CHANGE,newname=oldname Changes the name of a PERMANENT file. 0 PURGE,filename Erases a PERMANENT file. 0INDIRECT access files: 0 GET,filename Makes a LOCAL copy of an INDIRECT access file. 0 SAVE,filename Makes a new INDIRECT access copy of a LOCAL file. 0 REPLACE,filename Makes an INDIRECT access copy of a LOCAL file, overwriting any existing INDIRECT access file with the same name. 0DIRECT access files: 0 ATTACH,filename Makes a DIRECT access file both PERMANENT and LOCAL. 0 DSAVE,filename Makes a new DIRECT access copy of a LOCAL file. 0 DEPLACE,filename Makes a DIRECT access copy of a LOCAL file, over- writing any existing file with the same name. 0Transferring files between the Cyber and the Amdahl: 0 PUTFEP Transfers a file from the Cyber to the Amdahl. 0 GETFEP Transfers a file from the Amdahl to the Cyber. 0 March 1986 3 Cyber Kermit 12.2. What do Cyber files contain? 0Files on any computer may contain different kinds of data. The fundamental distinction between files with respect to content divides TEXT files from BINARY files. Most micros have only one kind of TEXT file; if your micro Kermit has a name to distinguish TEXT files, it probably calls them ASCII files. The default file type on nearly all Kermits is ASCII. 0On the Cyber there are three kinds of TEXT file; Cyber Kermit calls them ASCII files, DISPLAY code files, and EIGHT code files. 0ASCII files are files of TEXT. ASCII is a standard character set consis- ting of 95 printable characters (including a blank space) and 33 unprint- able `characters'. You can make an ASCII file on the Cyber using one of the Cyber editors, FSE or XEDIT, or by giving the TEXT command when your terminal is in ASCII mode. ASCII is the default file type for Cyber Kermit; when you first give the KERMIT command on the Cyber, Kermit will be prepared to send and receive ASCII files (even if your terminal is not in ASCII mode). 0DISPLAY code files are files of TEXT. DISPLAY code consists of 64 print- able characters (including a blank space); it is also called 64-character code, DIS, DIS64, NORMAL, and UPPER CASE by some Cyber programs. Almost all Cyber compilers require input in DISPLAY code; if you compile a program on the Cyber, is is probably in DISPLAY code. You can make a DISPLAY code file on the Cyber by using one of the Cyber editors, FSE or XEDIT, or by giving the TEXT command when your terminal is in NORMAL mode. 0EIGHT code files are files of TEXT. They are often called ASCII8 or 8 code files by other Cyber programs. You can make an EIGHT code file on the Cyber by using the Cyber editor FSE with the option 8 or ASCII8. Most people do not need to use files of this type. 0The special Cyber command FCOPY converts files from one character code to another. For information about FCOPY, give the Cyber command HELPME,FCOPY. The FCOPY command requires code set parameters which correspond as follows to Cyber Kermit's names for types of text file: 0 Cyber Kermit FCOPY File-type code set 0 ASCII ASCII DISPLAY DIS EIGHT ASCII8 0 If your TEXT file contains only printable characters, if none of its lines contains more than 160 characters, and if you do not mind having invisible blank characters added to or taken off the ends of lines, then Cyber Kermit should transfer your file satisfactorily. Otherwise, note that 0(1) When it receives TEXT files, Cyber Kermit replaces all carriage re- turns with standard NOS ends-of-line and removes any line feed char- acters. 0(2) When it receives a DISPLAY code file, Cyber Kermit replaces all unprintable characters except carriage return and line feed with a blank space, and it replaces all printable characters which are not DISPLAY code characters with their closest printable equivalents. When it receives ASCII or EIGHT code files, Cyber Kermit keeps all characters it receives except carriage returns and line feeds. 0March 1986 4 Cyber Kermit 1 (3) When it receives a text file, Cyber Kermit keeps any blanks it re- ceives -- even if they are not needed. It also writes one blank on every otherwise empty line. Note that most Cyber programs will either remove this blank or add a second blank to the line. 0(4) When it receives a DISPLAY code file, Cyber Kermit adds a blank to any line ending in a colon. When it receives an EIGHT code file, it adds a blank to any line ending in NUL or @. 0(5) When it sends a text file, Cyber Kermit replaces all NOS ends-of-line with a carriage return followed by a linefeed. This is the standard Kermit line separator. If the file already contains carriage returns or linefeeds (as both ASCII and EIGHT code files may), Cyber Kermit sends them as part of the data. 0(6) When it sends a text file, Cyber Kermit replaces any undefined charac- ters with blank spaces. If you do not SET the correct File-type, you may lose much of the file's contents during a Kermit transfer. 0(7) When it sends a text file, Cyber Kermit strips any blank characters from the end of each line. 0(8) Cyber Kermit sets no limit on the length of lines; it does not shorten lines longer than 160 characters. However, most Cyber programs do not allow lines to have more than 160 characters. 0 0We often call any file which is not a TEXT file a BINARY file. On most computers there are at least two kinds of binary files: EXECUTABLE files and DATA files. A DATA file can be read and understood by programs on any computer, while an EXECUTABLE file makes sense only to the computer for which is was compiled. 0Cyber Kermit recognises two kinds of BINARY file: ordinary BINARY files and KERMIT files. 0You should normally use BINARY files when you are transferring binary DATA. Cyber Kermit reads and writes BINARY files bit by bit. Files on the Cyber are stored in words of 60 bits each, while files on most micros are stored in bytes of 8 bits each. This means that Cyber Kermit must usually add padding to the end of a BINARY file to fill up its last word; this padding, which always consists of zeros, should not cause difficulty in most cases, but you should know that your BINARY files may be longer when they leave the Cyber than they were when they arrived! 0If you are transferring an EXECUTABLE file from one micro to another via the Cyber, you should receive it on the Cyber as a KERMIT file. KERMIT files are supported only by Cyber Kermit; they make no sense to any other program. If you intend to process your file in any way on the Cyber, or if you intend to transfer it to another computer by any means other than Cyber Kermit, you must NOT receive it as a KERMIT file. On the other hand, Cyber Kermit guarantees when it sends a KERMIT file that it is sending precisely what it received, provided of course that it received the file as a Kermit file. 0 0 0March 1986 5 Cyber Kermit 12.3. What are structured files on the Cyber? 0The simplest files contain TEXT or BINARY data stored sequentially. Cyber Kermit handles these files without any difficulty. But some Cyber files are `structured', that is, organised by the operating system into parts called RECORDS and INTERNAL FILES. Since end-of-record and end-of-file marks are not part of the data in files, the Kermit protocol has no way to represent them. For this reason, 0(1) Cyber Kermit cannot receive a structured file. Any file Cyber Kermit writes will contain no internal ends-of-record or ends-of-file. 0(2) If you tell Cyber Kermit to send a structured file, it transfers only the first record of the file. It does not look to see if there is any other data in the file. 0(3) Almost all files which are executable on the Cyber have an internal structure, since most Cyber compilers write structured files. Kermit cannot transfer such files successfully. 0(4) If you have a structured TEXT file on the Cyber, you can remove its divisions with the Cyber command 0 PACK,filename 0 The file to be packed must be a LOCAL file. Cyber Kermit will transfer the entire file after you have packed it, but you cannot automatically restore its internal structure. (There are several ways you can create a structured text file deliberately, but the most common way you might accidentally create one is by combining two files with either the COPY or the APPEND command.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 March 1986 6 Cyber Kermit 13. Using Kermit 0Kermit is very easy to use, but some people may at first have difficulty understanding that Kermit involves running two programs at the same time on two computers from the same terminal, and that one computer will sometimes pass on your commands to the other. To clarify this, let us first describe the different states or conditions each computer can enter, then describe a simple Kermit session. 0Your micro can be in one of four states or conditions: 0(1) Not running Kermit. 0(2) Running Kermit and expecting a command from you. We may say that the micro is in Kermit command mode. 0(3) Running Kermit and pretending to be a Cyber terminal. In this state it passes on (almost) everything you type to the Cyber, ignoring any- thing but a special character or pair of characters called the ESCAPE SEQUENCE, which restores the micro to the state in which it expects a Kermit command from you. 0(4) Running Kermit, but not acting as a terminal and not expecting you to give a Kermit command; in this state your micro expects to exchange specially coded packets of information with the Cyber. 0At the same time that your micro is being so versatile, the Cyber may be in any of the following four states: 0(1) Not connected to your micro; you are not logged in. 0(2) Connected to your micro but not running Kermit; it expects you to give it an ordinary Cyber command. 0(3) Running Kermit and waiting for you to give it a Cyber Kermit command. We may say that the Cyber is in Kermit command mode. 0(4) Running Kermit, but not expecting a Cyber Kermit command; instead the Cyber expects to exchange coded information with your micro. 0 Now let us consider a simple Kermit session, omitting most of the details for the moment. We shall suppose that you wish to transfer two text files: CYBTEXT is on the Cyber and must go to your micro, while PROG is on your micro and must go to the Cyber. When you start, your micro is not running Kermit, and you are not logged in on the Cyber. 0(1) Give your micro the command KERMIT. It is now in Kermit command mode. (2) Give your micro Kermit several commands which help it to communicate when you connect it to the Cyber; we discuss these in section 4.1. (3) Give your micro Kermit the CONNECT command; it will then start to act as a terminal. (4) Log in to your username on the Cyber. (5) Give the Cyber command 0 GET,CYBTEXT 0 to make a local copy of the file CYBTEXT. 0 0March 1986 7 Cyber Kermit 1(6) Give the Cyber command 0 KERMIT 0 The Cyber responds with the special prompt 0 Cyber Kermit> 0 This tells you that the Cyber is in Kermit command mode. (7) Give the Cyber Kermit command 0 SERVER 0 The Cyber makes no response. It now expects to exchange packets with your micro; it will speak only in code. (8) Escape back to your micro. It is no longer acting as a terminal, but has returned to Kermit command mode. (Later we shall discuss what you must do to escape back to your micro.) (9) Give your micro the Kermit command 0 GET CYBTEXT 0 Your screen will show the progress of the transfer. When the transfer is complete, press the RETURN key to reenter Kermit command mode. (10) Give your micro Kermit the command 0 SEND PROG 0 When the transfer is complete, press the RETURN key. (11) Give your micro Kermit the command 0 FINISH 0 This puts Cyber Kermit into Kermit command mode; in effect it can- cels the SERVER command. (12) Give your micro Kermit the CONNECT command; it starts to act as a terminal once again. (13) Give Cyber Kermit the QUIT command to stop running Cyber Kermit. (14) Give the Cyber command 0 SAVE,PROG 0 to make a permanent copy of the file. (15) Give the Cyber command BYE to log out. (16) Escape back to your micro. It enters Kermit command mode. (17) And give your micro the Kermit command QUIT to stop running Kermit. 0 From this sample session you can see that the real work gets done when your micro and the Cyber are exchanging coded packets. The rest of the time you either prepare for this exchange or tidy up after it; this involves giving commands and Kermit commands to both the Cyber and your micro. To simplify the treatment of these commands, we shall look at your micro first, then at the Cyber. 0 0 0 0March 1986 8 Cyber Kermit 14. Kermit on your micro 0The Kermit protocol does not specify precisely what commands a given Kermit must accept or what format the commands must have. The descriptions below may not therefore match the commands you must give to your micro in every detail. However they should come so close that most users will not need to consult another guide. 0 04.1. Starting a micro Kermit. 0Your first action in a Kermit session must be to start a Kermit program on your micro. Usually this means giving your micro the command 0 KERMIT 0or something similar. This Kermit program lets your micro act as a Cyber terminal. Before you actually connect to the Cyber, you must give certain SET commands to your micro to make the connection work properly. You ought to give as many of the following commands (or their equivalents) as your micro allows: 0 SET LOCAL ON This lets you see what you are typing while you are connected to the Cyber. Do NOT use the Cyber's echo- plex feature. 0 SET PARITY EVEN Cyber Kermit uses only EVEN parity; your micro must also be set to EVEN parity before Kermit can transfer files. 0 SET TIMER ON Kermit works best when one of the two Kermit programs is timing operations. Since Cyber Kermit cannot time Kermit transactions, the micro should do so. If your micro Kermit has no timer, you may need to press the RETURN key during file transfers if the exchange of packets should stop. 0 SET BAUD value This controls the speed of data transmission. The value will probably be 1200, 2400 or 4800. 0 SET ESCAPE char You may not need to do this if your micro already has a usable escape sequence. The ESCAPE character may or may not be transmitted to the Cyber; if your micro transmits this character, it must not be the BREAK signal and it must not be the CONTROL key with one of the letters H, M, P, Q, S, T, or X. If you need to define an ESCAPE character on your micro, use CONTROL with `['. This has no special meaning to the Cyber, and if your micro has an ESCAPE key, pressing it should be equivalent to pressing CONTROL with `['. If you must use a letter with CONTROL, use E or F. 0 0 0 0 0March 1986 9 Cyber Kermit 14.2. Connecting to the Cyber and escaping back. 0You can connect to the Cyber by giving your micro Kermit the command 0 CONNECT 0Before you do this, be sure you know how to escape back to your micro, even if you have to SET your micro's ESCAPE character to do so. If you cannot escape back to your micro, you cannot use Kermit! Usually the command SHOW or STATUS will force your micro to reveal this information. All Kermits use the notation CTRL-F to mean `press the CONTROL key and F at the same time'. The micro's escape sequence may be simply its escape character, but you may need to type the escape character followed by the letter C. 0Before you first log in on the Cyber, you may need to send a BREAK signal, depending on what kind of connection you have. Your micro may have a BREAK key, or your micro Kermit may send a BREAK signal when you type its escape character followed by the letter B. After you connect to the Cyber, you must not send another BREAK signal or you may lose your Cyber connection. 0When you escape back to your micro, you are not actually disconnected from the Cyber. Unless you have logged out, the Cyber will be expecting a Cyber command, a Cyber Kermit command, or a coded packet from your micro Kermit, depending on the Cyber's state at the time you escape back. Do not give your micro Kermit any of the commands BYE, EXIT, PUSH, or QUIT when you are still connected to the Cyber. 0Note: Whatever key you may use on your micro to correct typing errors, it probably won't work on the Cyber. You can always delete a character on the Cyber by pressing the CONTROL key and the letter H at the same time. The character you have deleted will still appear on your screen. 0 04.3. Micro Kermit commands that affect Cyber Kermit. 0Many of the commands you give to your micro Kermit will send coded messages to Cyber Kermit. Cyber Kermit cannot obey these messages unless you have given it a SERVER command. Remember that your micro Kermit may not allow some of the commands listed here. 0GET filename This command tells the micro Kermit to receive a file from the Cyber, and at the same time tells Cyber Kermit to send the file. Your micro probably allows you to give two file names, one the name of the file on the Cyber, and the other the name it will have on your micro after it is transferred. 0SEND filename This tells your micro Kermit to send filename, and at the same time tells Cyber Kermit to receive it. Your micro probably allows you to give two file names, one the name of the file on the micro, and the other the new name it will have on the Cyber after transfer. 0 0 0 0March 1986 10 Cyber Kermit 1REMOTE TYPE filename This tells Cyber Kermit to send filename; at the same time it tells your micro Kermit not to save it, just to list it on your screen. You may use this command to check you have SET the correct Cyber FILE-TYPE for transferring this file. You can interrupt a REMOTE TYPE command at any time, usually by pressing RETURN. 0FINISH This stops Cyber Kermit from acting as a SERVER; when you CONNECT to the Cyber, it will be in Kermit com- mand mode, expecting a Cyber Kermit command. 0LOGOUT This command not only stops Cyber Kermit from running as a SERVER; it stops it completely. When next you CONNECT to the Cyber, it will expect an ordinary Cyber command. 0REMOTE HOST command These two command formats are equivalent as far as KERMIT command Cyber Kermit is concerned. They allow you to send a command to Cyber Kermit without having to FINISH and CONNECT. Only four commands may follow REMOTE HOST or KERMIT: 0REMOTE HOST SET-FILE-TYPE type This command allows you to change the Cyber REMOTE HOST SET type Kermit file-type. You must specify one of these types: ASCII, BINARY, DISPLAY, EIGHT, and KERMIT. File-types can be abbreviated to their first letter. 0REMOTE HOST SHOW This prints on your micro the information displayed by the Cyber Kermit SHOW command. It is transferred to the micro like a file. This is useful for checking the file-type currently SET on the Cyber. 0REMOTE HOST STATUS This prints on your micro the information displayed by the Cyber Kermit STATUS com- mand. Since it is transferred to the micro like a file, the packet numbers listed will refer to the current transfer. This STATUS command can be used to learn the name Cyber Kermit gave to the last file it received; in that case the REMOTE HOST STATUS command must be the first REMOTE command after the transfer. 0REMOTE HOST TYPE filename This is equivalent to the REMOTE TYPE com- mand; it is provided because some micros support REMOTE HOST commands but not REMOTE TYPE commands. 0Note: Cyber Kermit provides help information for all remote commands, but you cannot ask for this with a `?', since your micro Kermit will try to answer such queries itself. If you use `*' (or almost any other symbol), Cyber Kermit interprets it as a query. 0 0 0 0March 1986 11 Cyber Kermit 14.4. Other micro Kermit commands. 0Most Kermits have an extensive range of SET commands that change various constants required by the Kermit protocol. When you are using Cyber Kermit you should need to give only those SET commands listed in section 4.1. 0SET FILE filetype Most micro Kermits recognise at least two types of SET FILE TYPE filetype file: ASCII and BINARY. Note that this SET command affects only the micro Kermit; you must change the file type on the Cyber separately, either by REMOTE HOST SET filetype or by CONNECTing and giving a SET FILE-TYPE filetype command. 0SHOW These commands should display the current values of STATUS anything you can SET and the statistics of the last file transfer. In fact, few micros distinguish the two commands, and many do not support one of them. 0TYPE filename This lists a file from your micro's filestore. 0DELETE filname This erases a file from your micro's filestore. 0EXIT These three commands stop your micro Kermit; they QUIT may or may not be equivalent, and your micro might PUSH not accept all of them. Before you stop your micro Kermit, be sure you have logged out from the Cyber. 0Note: Many micro Kermits also have a BYE command. This command does not work with Cyber Kermit and should not be used. 0RECEIVE This command tells a micro Kermit to receive a file RECEIVE filename from Cyber Kermit; you must first give Cyber Kermit a SEND command. You will probably find it simpler to use the micro Kermit GET command with the Cyber Kermit SERVER command. 0Micro Kermits usually allow you to get directory information and to give commands to their operating systems without stopping the Kermit program. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0March 1986 12 Cyber Kermit 15. Kermit on the Cyber 170-730 0Kermit is available to all users of the Cyber. To start the Cyber Kermit program, simply give the command 0 KERMIT 0without any parameters. Cyber Kermit sets your terminal to ASCII mode when it is running, but if your terminal is in NORMAL mode when Cyber Kermit starts, it will return to NORMAL mode when Cyber Kermit stops. Although Cyber Kermit runs in ASCII mode, it ignores the difference between upper and lower case letters even in the commands it receives in coded form from your micro. 0Whenever it runs, Cyber Kermit logs all commands except SHOW and STATUS, and it records file transfers, file name changes, and other information in the local file ZZZKLOG. Each time you start Cyber Kermit, it writes at the end of this file; if you give the KERMIT command several times, the log for all of these sessions will be preserved. There are special Cyber commands to help you list this log file. The command 0 KERMIT,LOG 0lists the part of the log which was written when you last gave the KERMIT command. To list the entire log, use the command 0 KERMIT,ALL 0If you wish to print your log file at a Cyber printer, give the name of the printer as a parameter to the KERMIT command; for example, to print the log on the MBS printer at UMRCC, give the command 0 KERMIT,MBS 0For a list the printers available to users of the Cyber, consult the UMRCC Cyber 170-730 Introductory Guide. 0 05.1. Basic Cyber Kermit commands. 0Cyber Kermit accepts nine commands when it is in Kermit command mode. The SET command is so complex that we shall treat it separately. Cyber Kermit commands and their parameters can be abbreviated to any unambiguous string, but all Cyber file names must be given in full. You will notice that Cyber Kermit always prints required letters in UPPER CASE and optional letters in lower case; all hyphens are optional. All input commands, local or remote, accept lower case letters as variant forms of upper case letters. 0STATUS This command lists information about past file transfers: how many there were, what was the name of the most recent file transferred, and statistics after the program began its most recent file transfer. Note that sending data in response to remote commands or requests for help count as file transfers. 0SHOW This command lists all values that can be SET and certain others required by the Kermit protocol (parity and block check types). It also gives the file name which will be used by default for the next file Cyber Kermit receives whose name already belongs to a local file. 0March 1986 13 Cyber Kermit 1SERVER This command starts ordinary file transfers either to or from the Cyber. After you give a SERVER command, Cyber Kermit expects to receive all instructions in coded form from micro Kermit. The normal way to return Cyber Kermit to Kermit command mode is to give a FINISH command to the micro Kermit. You can type Cyber Kermit's escape charac- ter, CONTROL with C, if you forget to give a FINISH com- mand before you CONNECT to the Cyber. 0SEND filename You may use the SEND command to transfer a file from the Cyber to your micro. You must give the name of the file to SEND. The micro Kermit will expect a RECEIVE command rather than a GET command. After the file is sent, Cyber Kermit returns to Kermit command mode. It is ordinarily simpler to use the Cyber Kermit SERVER command with the micro Kermit command GET. 0RECEIVE You may use the RECEIVE command to transfer a file to the RECEIVE filename Cyber from your micro. If you specify a file name, Cyber Kermit ignores the name sent by the other Kermit. It is usually simpler to use Cyber Kermit's SERVER command. 0QUIT You may use either of these commands to stop Cyber Kermit EXIT without saving any values you have SET. If you give the Cyber command KERMIT again, the log will still contain a record of your earlier session, but any values you SET before QUITting or EXITing will not be saved. 0PUSH Use this command to store whatever values you have SET, and then stop Cyber Kermit. The next time you give the Cyber command KERMIT, the program will recover this data before starting. The data is saved in a local file named ZZZKDAT. 0 05.2. Cyber Kermit SET commands. 0The SET command allows you to change a number of values which affect the way Cyber Kermit runs. Most people will need this feature only to change from one file-type to another; this is done with the command 0 SET FILE-TYPE value 0where the acceptable values are ASCII, BINARY, DISPLAY, EIGHT, and KERMIT. Each of these options can be abbreviated to a single letter. The program offers help for each of these options. Since so many programs and commands on the Cyber use different abbreviations or names for various file types, Cyber Kermit actually recognises additional names as alternatives to one or another of these five. 0The command 0 SET DEBUG ON 0can be used to include in the log file a copy of every packet sent and of any packets or putative packets received (a putative packet begins with the first character after the Kermit packet sychronisation marker and ends with what ought to be the checksum or with any unprintable character or end-of- 0 March 1986 14 Cyber Kermit 1line which occurs before what ought to be the checksum). Most people will not want to SET DEBUG ON. 0The remaining SET commands control the various terms and values required by the Kermit protocol. All SET options except DEBUG and FILE-TYPE allow you to restore the default value by giving the command 0 SET option 0without a parameter; thus for example the command 0 SET DELAY 0will set the requested delay to the default value of 20 seconds. The SET options are: 0SET BIT-PREFIX These options require a single letter as their value. SET QUOTE-CHAR All three characters must differ from each other, and SET REPEAT-CHAR each must be in the ASCII range 33 -- 62 or 96 -- 126. 0SET DELAY These options require a decimal number as their value; SET PACKET-LENGTH octal and hexadecimal values are not allowed. The pro- SET RETRY gram will give you the range allowed for each option. 0SET ESCAPE These options can be set only to unprintable values. SET MARKER Since many of these values are not allowed because they cause difficulties with the operating system, you may not specify these values directly. Instead, to specify a value of, for example, CTRL-A for the packet marker, use the command 0 SET MARKER A 0If your connection to the Cyber is extremely poor, you may need to increase the number of retries allowed, and perhaps decrease the maximum allowed packet length. If the Cyber is being used so heavily that response time is quite long, you may need to increase the requested delay period; it would probably be more effective to shut off the timer altogether. Do not reset the Kermit protocol constants unless you know precisely what you are doing. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 March 1986 15 Cyber Kermit