\documentclass[article,nojss]{jss}%-- the LONGER version %% NOTA BENE: More definitions --> further down %%%%%%%%%%%% % \author{Martin M\"achler \\ ETH Zurich% \\ April, Oct.\ 2012 {\tiny (\LaTeX'ed \today)}%---- for now } \title{Accurately Computing $\log(1 - \exp(-\abs{a}))$ \\ Assessed by the \pkg{Rmpfr} package} %% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set: \Plainauthor{Martin M\"achler} %% comma-separated \Plaintitle{% Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(.)) -- Assessed by Rmpfr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Accurately Computing log(1 - exp(.)) -- Assessed by Rmpfr} %\VignetteDepends{Rmpfr} %\VignetteDepends{gmp} %\VignetteDepends{sfsmisc} \SweaveOpts{engine=R,strip.white=true, width=8.5, height=6} \SweaveOpts{pdf=FALSE, eps=FALSE, grdevice = pdfaCrop} % defined in R "<>": ^^^^^^^^ %% an abstract and keywords \Abstract{In this note, we explain how $f(a) = \log(1 - e^{-a}) =\log(1 - \exp(-a))$ can be computed accurately, in a simple and optimal manner, building on the two related auxiliary functions \code{log1p(x)} ($=\log(1+x)$) and \code{expm1(x)} ($=\exp(x)-1 = e^x - 1$). The cutoff, $a_0$, in use in \R{} since % version 1.9.0, April 2004, is shown to be optimal both theoretically and empirically, using \pkg{Rmpfr} high precision arithmetic. As an aside, we also show how to compute $\log\bigl(1 + e^x \bigr)$ accurately and efficiently. } \Keywords{Accuracy, Cancellation Error, R, MPFR, Rmpfr} %% at least one keyword must be supplied %% publication information %% NOTE: Typically, this can be left commented and will be filled out by the technical editor %% \Volume{13} %% \Issue{9} %% \Month{September} %% \Year{2004} %% \Submitdate{2004-09-29} %% \Acceptdate{2004-09-29} %% The address of (at least) one author should be given %% in the following format: \Address{ Martin M\"achler\\ Seminar f\"ur Statistik, HG G~16\\ ETH Zurich\\ 8092 Zurich, Switzerland\\ E-mail: \email{maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch}\\ URL: \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler} } %% It is also possible to add a telephone and fax number %% before the e-mail in the following format: %% Telephone: +43/1/31336-5053 %% Fax: +43/1/31336-734 %% for those who use Sweave please include the following line (with % symbols): %% MM: this is "substituted" by jss.cls: %% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty} \usepackage[american]{babel}%for American English \usepackage{amsmath}%sophisticated mathematical formulas with amstex (includes \text{}) \usepackage{mathtools}%fix amsmath deficiencies \usepackage{amssymb}%sophisticated mathematical symbols with amstex (includes \mathbb{}) % \usepackage{amsthm}%theorem environments \usepackage{bm}%for bold math symbols: \bm (= bold math) \usepackage{enumitem}%for automatic numbering of new enumerate environments % This is already in jss above -- but withOUT the fontsize=\small part !! \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontsize=\small,fontshape=sl} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}{fontsize=\small} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}{fontsize=\small,fontshape=sl} %%~-~-~-~ Make space between Sinput and Soutput smaller: ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~~-~-~-~~-~-~-~~-~-~-~ %%--- Best advice, now from : % http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/19359/reduce-space-between-sinput-and-soutput \newlength{\FVtopsep} \newlength{\FVpartopsep} \newlength{\FVparskip}% <- added as "no. 3" by MMa (after reading fancyvrb doc) \makeatletter \FV@AddToHook{\FV@ListParameterHook}{\topsep=\FVtopsep\partopsep=\FVpartopsep\parskip=\FVparskip} \makeatother % Control the spacing around the Sinput and Soutput environments by using the lengths % % \FVtopsep % \FVpartopsep % \FVparskip % % Both *topsep act quite similar most of the time, more details % can be found in the fancyvrb documentation on page 46. 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Similarly, \code{log1p()} has been provided by C math libraries and has become part of C language standards around the same time, see, for example, \citet{ieee04:log1p}. Analogously, since \R{}~1.5.0 (April 2002), the function \code{expm1(x)} computes $\exp(x) - 1 = e^x - 1$ accurately also for $\abs{x} \ll 1$, where $e^x \approx 1$ is (partially) cancelled by ``$-\: 1$''. In both cases, a simple solution %approach for small $\abs{x}$ is to use a few terms of the Taylor series, as \begin{align} \label{eq:Taylor-log1p} \loglp(x) &= \log(1 + x) = x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 -+ \dots, \ \mathrm{for}\ \ \abs{x} < 1, %\mathrm{and} \\ \label{eq:Taylor-expm1} \expml(x) &= \exp(x) - 1 = x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + \dots, \ \mathrm{for}\ \ \abs{x} < 1, \end{align} and $n!$ denotes the factorial. We have found, however, that in some situations, the use of \code{log1p()} and \code{expm1()} may not be sufficient to prevent loss of numerical accuracy. The topic of this note is to analyze the important case of computing $\log\left(1 - e^x \right) = \log(1 - \exp(x))$ for $x < 0$, computations needed in accurate computations of the beta, gamma, exponential, Weibull, t, logistic, geometric and hypergeometric distributions, %% in ~/R/D/r-devel/R/src/nmath/ : %% grep --color -nHEw -e '(R_Log1_Exp|R_D_LExp|R_DT_Log|R_DT_C?log)' *.? %% --> ~/R/Pkgs/Rmpfr/vignettes/log1mexp_grep and % because of the latter, even for the logit link function in logistic regression. For the beta and gamma distributions, see, for example, % e.g., \citet{DidAM92}\footnote{In the Fortran source, file ``\code{708}'', also available as \url{http://www.netlib.org/toms/708}, the function ALNREL() computes log1p() and REXP() computes expm1().}, and further references mentioned in \R{}'s \code{?pgamma} and \code{?pbeta} help pages. For the logistic distribution, $F_L(x) = \frac{e^x}{1+e^x}$, the inverse, aka quantile function is $q_L(p) = \mathrm{logit}(p) := \log \frac{p}{1-p}$. If the argument $p$ is provided on the log scale, $\tilde p := \log p$, hence $\tilde p \le 0$, we need \begin{align} \label{eq:qlogis} \mathtt{qlogis}(\tilde p,\: \mathtt{log.p=TRUE}) = q_L\!\left(e^{\tilde p}\right) = \mathrm{logit}\!\left(e^{\tilde p}\right) % = \log\Bigl(\frac{e^{\tilde p}}{1-e^{\tilde p}}\Bigr) = \log \frac{e^{\tilde p}}{1-e^{\tilde p}} = \tilde p - \log\left(1 - e^{\tilde p} \right), \end{align} and the last term is exactly the topic of this note. \section{log1p() and expm1() for log(1 - exp(x))} Contrary to what one would expect, for computing $\log\left(1 - e^x \right) = \log(1 - \exp(x))$ for $x < 0$, neither \begin{align} \label{eq:f.expm1} \log(1 - \exp(x)) &= \log(-\expml(x)), \ \ \mathrm{nor}\\ \label{eq:f.log1p} \log(1 - \exp(x)) &= \loglp(-\exp(x)), \end{align} are uniformly sufficient for numerical evaluation. %% 1 In (\ref{eq:f.log1p}), when $x$ approaches $0$, $\exp(x)$ approaches $1$ and $\loglp(-\exp(x))$ loses accuracy. %% 2 In (\ref{eq:f.expm1}), when $x$ is large, $\expml(x)$ approaches $-1$ and similarly loses accuracy. Because of this, we will propose to use a function \code{log1mexp(x)} which uses either \code{expm1} (\ref{eq:f.expm1}) or \code{log1p} (\ref{eq:f.log1p}), where appropriate. Already in \R{}~1.9.0 (\cite{R-190}), % (April 2004) % now, both R_Log1_Exp() and --> R_D_LExp(x) := (log_p ? R_Log1_Exp(x) : log1p(-x)) we have defined the macro \verb|R_D_LExp(x)| to provide these two cases %branches automatically\footnote{look for ``log(1-exp(x))'' in \url{http://svn.r-project.org/R/branches/R-1-9-patches/src/nmath/dpq.h}}. % R-1.8.1: pgamma(30,100, lower=FALSE, log=TRUE) gave 0 instead of -... To investigate the accuracy losses empirically, we make use of the \R{} package \CRANpkg{Rmpfr} for arbitrarily accurate numerical computation, and use the following simple functions: <>= library(Rmpfr) t3.l1e <- function(a) { c(def = log(1 - exp(-a)), expm1 = log( -expm1(-a)), log1p = log1p(-exp(-a))) } @ <>= leg <- local({ r <- body(t3.l1e)[[2]]; r[[1]] <- `expression`; eval(r) }) ## will be used below @ <>= ##' The relative Error of log1mexp computations: relE.l1e <- function(a, precBits = 1024) { stopifnot(is.numeric(a), length(a) == 1, precBits > 50) da <- t3.l1e(a) ## double precision a. <- mpfr(a, precBits=precBits) ## high precision *and* using the correct case: mMa <- if(a <= log(2)) log(-expm1(-a.)) else log1p(-exp(-a.)) structure(as.numeric(1 - da/mMa), names = names(da)) } @ <>= <> <> @ where the last one, \code{relE.l1e()} computes the relative error of three different ways to compute $\log(1 - \exp(-a))$ for positive $a$ (instead of computing $\log(1 - \exp(x))$ for negative $x$). %% TODO? "cache = TRUE": --- <>= a.s <- 2^seq(-55, 10, length = 256) ra.s <- t(sapply(a.s, relE.l1e)) <>= <> cbind(a.s, ra.s) # comparison of the three approaches <>= <> capture.and.write(cbind(a.s, ra.s), 8, last = 6) @ This is revealing: Neither method, log1p or expm1, is uniformly good enough. Note that for large $a$, the relative errors evaluate to \code{1}. This is because all three double precision methods give 0, \emph{and} that is the best approximation in double precision (but not in higher \code{mpfr} precision), hence no problem at all, and we can restrict ourselves to smaller $a$ (smaller than about 710, here).% < 709.78271289338403 (lynne 64b) <>= ii <- a.s < 710 a.s <- a.s[ii] ra.s <- ra.s[ii, ] @ What about really small $a$'s? Note here that <>= t3.l1e(1e-20) as.numeric(t3.l1e(mpfr(1e-20, 256))) @ % ## expm1 def log1p % ## -46.0517 -Inf -Inf % as.numeric(): % ## [1] -46.0517 -46.0517 -46.0517 both the default and the \code{log1p} method return \code{-Inf}, so, indeed, the \code{expm1} method is absolutely needed here. Figure~\ref{fig:bigpic} visualizes the relative errors\footnote{% Absolute value of relative errors, $\abs{(\hat{f}(a) - f(a)) / f(a)} = \abs{1 - \hat{f}(a)/f(a)}$, where $f(a) = \mathrm{log1mexp}(a)$ (\ref{eq:log1mexp}) is computed accurately by a 1024 bit \pkg{Rmpfr} computation} of the three methods. Note that the default basically gives the maximum of the two methods' errors, whereas the final \code{log1mexp()} function will have (approximately) minimal error of the two. %% --- Define figure_1 here ------------------------------ <>= par(mar = c(4.1,4.1,0.6,1.6)) cc <- adjustcolor(c(4,1,2),.8, red.f=.7) lt <- c("solid","33","3262") ll <- c(.7, 1.5, 2) @ %% main = "|relative errors| of three methods for log(1 - exp(-a))" <>= matplot(a.s, abs(ra.s), type = "l", log = "xy", col=cc, lty=lt, lwd=ll, xlab = "a", ylab = "", axes=FALSE) legend("top", leg, col=cc, lty=lt, lwd=ll, bty="n") draw.machEps <- function(alpha.f = 1/3, col = adjustcolor("black", alpha.f)) { abline(h = .Machine$double.eps, col=col, lty=3) axis(4, at=.Machine$double.eps, label=quote(epsilon[c]), las=1, col.axis=col) } eaxis(1); eaxis(2); draw.machEps(0.4) @ %% TODO? "cache = TRUE": echo=FALSE: do not show already, but need (a.,ra2) <>= a. <- (1:400)/256 ra <- t(sapply(a., relE.l1e)) ra2 <- ra[,-1] @ \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering % increasing width --> effective LaTeX *height* will decrease <>= <> <> ## draw the zoom-in region into the plot: yl <- range(pmax(1e-18, abs(ra2))) rect(min(a.), yl[1], max(a.), yl[2], col= adjustcolor("black", .05), border="gray", pch = 5) @ \setcapwidth{\textwidth}% \caption[Relative errors of log1mexp() approximations]{% Relative errors$^{*}$ of the default, $\log(1 - e^{-a})$, and the two methods ``\code{expm1}'' $\log(-\expml(-a))$ and ``\code{log1p}'' $\loglp(-\exp(-a))$. Figure~\ref{fig:zoomin-pic} will be a zoom into the gray rectangular region where all three curves are close.} \label{fig:bigpic} \end{figure} In Figure~\ref{fig:zoomin-pic} below, we zoom into the region where all methods have about the same (good) accuracy. The region is the rectangle defined by the ranges of \code{a.} and \code{ra2}: <>= <> @ In addition to zooming in Figure~\ref{fig:bigpic}, we want to smooth the two curves, using a method assuming approximately normal errors. Notice however that neither the original, nor the log-transformed values have approximately symmetric errors, so we use \code{MASS::boxcox()} to determine the ``correct'' power transformation, <>= da <- cbind(a = a., as.data.frame(ra2)) library(MASS) bc1 <- boxcox(abs(expm1) ~ a, data = da, lambda = seq(0,1, by=.01), plotit=.plot.BC) bc2 <- boxcox(abs(log1p) ~ a, data = da, lambda = seq(0,1, by=.01), plotit=.plot.BC) c(with(bc1, x[which.max(y)]), with(bc2, x[which.max(y)]))## optimal powers ## ==> taking ^ (1/3) : s1 <- with(da, smooth.spline(a, abs(expm1)^(1/3), df = 9)) s2 <- with(da, smooth.spline(a, abs(log1p)^(1/3), df = 9)) @ i.e, the optimal boxcox exponent turns out to be close to $\frac 1 3$, which we use for smoothing in a ``zoom--in'' of Figure~\ref{fig:bigpic}. Then, the crossover point of the two curves already suggests that the cutoff, $a_0 = \log 2$ is empirically very close to optimal. <>= matplot(a., abs(ra2), type = "l", log = "y", # ylim = c(-1,1)*1e-12, col=cc[-1], lwd=ll[-1], lty=lt[-1], ylim = yl, xlab = "a", ylab = "", axes=FALSE) legend("topright", leg[-1], col=cc[-1], lwd=ll[-1], lty=lt[-1], bty="n") eaxis(1); eaxis(2); draw.machEps() lines(a., predict(s1)$y ^ 3, col=cc[2], lwd=2) lines(a., predict(s2)$y ^ 3, col=cc[3], lwd=2) @ %% no title here: main = "|relative errors| of two methods for log(1 - exp(-a))") \enlargethispage{5ex} \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering <>= cl2 <- adjustcolor("slateblue", 1/2)# (adj: lwd=3) # the color for "log(2)" par(mar = c(4.1,4.1,0.6,1.6)) <> abline(v = log(2), col=cl2, lty="9273", lwd=2.5) cl2. <- adjustcolor(cl2, 2) axis(1, at=log(2), label=quote(a[0] == log~2), las=1, col.axis=cl2.,col=cl2, lty="9273", lwd=2.5) ## what system is it ? sysInf <- Sys.info()[c("sysname", "release", "nodename", "machine")] mtext(with(as.list(sysInf), paste0(sysname," ",release,"(",substr(nodename,1,16),") -- ", machine)), side=1, adj=1, line=2.25, cex = 3/4) @ \setcapwidth{\textwidth}% \caption{A ``zoom in'' of Figure~\ref{fig:bigpic} showing the region where the two basic methods, ``\code{expm1}'' and ``\code{log1p}'' switch their optimality with respect to their relative errors. Both have small relative errors in this region, typically below $\eps_c :=$% \code{.Machine\$double.eps} $=2^{-52} \approx 2.22\cdot 10^{-16}$. \ \ The smoothed curves indicate crossover close to $a = a_0 := \log 2$.} \label{fig:zoomin-pic} \end{figure} \paragraph{Why is it very plausible to take $a_0 := \log 2$ as approximately optimal cutoff?} Already from Figure~\ref{fig:zoomin-pic}, empirically, an optimal cutoff $a_0$ is around $0.7$. We propose to compute \begin{align} \label{eq:def-log1mexp} f(a) = \log\left(1 - e^{-a}\right) = \log(1 - \exp(-a)), \ \ a > 0, \end{align} by a new method or function \code{log1mexp(a)}. It needs a cutoff $a_0$ between choosing \code{expm1} for $0 < a \le a_0$ and \code{log1p} for $a > a_0$, i.e., \begin{align} \label{eq:log1mexp} f(a) = \mathrm{log1mexp}(a) := \begin{cases} \log(-\expml(-a)) & 0 < a \le a_0 \ \ ( := \log 2 \approx 0.693) \\ \loglp(-\exp(-a)) & \phantom{0 < {}}a > a_0. \end{cases} \end{align} The mathematical argument for choosing $a_0$ is quite simple, at least informally: In which situations does $1 - e^{-a}$ loose bits (binary digits) \emph{entirely independently} of the computational algorithm? Well, as soon as it ``spends'' bits just to store its closeness to $1$. And that is as soon as $e^{-a} < \frac 1 2 = 2^{-1}$, because then, at least one bit cancels. This however is equivalent to $-a < \log(2^{-1}) = -\log(2)$ or $a > \log 2 =: a_0$. \section{Computation of log(1+exp(x))} Related to $\mathrm{log1mexp}(a)=\log(1 - e^{-a})$ is the log survival function of the logistic distribution % (see above)%: defined F_L $\log(1 - F_L(x)) = \log\frac{1}{1+e^x} = -\log(1 + e^x) = -g(x)$, where \begin{align} \label{eq:def-log1pexp} g(x) := \log(1 + e^x) = \loglp(e^x), \end{align} which has a ``$+"$'' instead of a ``$-$'', compared to $\mathrm{log1mexp}$, and is easier to analyze and compute, its only problem being large $x$'s where $e^x$ % = \exp x$ overflows numerically.\footnote{Indeed, for $x=710$, $ -g(x) = \log(1 - F_L(x)) = $ \code{plogis(710, lower=FALSE, log.p=TRUE)}, underflowed to \code{-Inf} in \R{} versions before 2.15.1 (June 2012) from when on (\ref{eq:log1pexp}) has been used.} As $g(x)= \log(1 + e^x) = \log(e^x(e^{-x} + 1)) = x + \log(1 + e^{-x})$, we see from (\ref{eq:Taylor-log1p}) that \begin{align} \label{eq:log1pexp-asym} g(x) = x + \log(1 + e^{-x}) = % \sim %\asymp %% x + e^{-x}(1 - e^{-x}/2) + \O((e^{-x})^3), x + e^{-x} + \O((e^{-x})^2), \end{align} for $x\to\infty$. Note further, that for $x\to-\infty$, we can simplify $g(x)=\log(1 + e^x)$ to $e^x$. A simple picture quickly reveals how different approximations behave, where we have used \code{uniroot()} to determine the zero crossing, but will use slightly simpler cutoffs $x_0=37$, $x_1$ and $x_2$, in (\ref{eq:log1pexp}) below: %% Notation x_0, x_1, x_2 are related to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cutoff in equation (10) %% -37 18 33.3 <>= ## Find x0, such that exp(x) =.= g(x) for x < x0 : f0 <- function(x) { x <- exp(x) - log1p(exp(x)) x[x==0] <- -1 ; x } u0 <- uniroot(f0, c(-100, 0), tol=1e-13) str(u0, digits=10) x0 <- u0[["root"]] ## -36.39022698 --- note that ~= \log(\eps_C) all.equal(x0, -52.5 * log(2), tol=1e-13) ## Find x1, such that x + exp(-x) =.= g(x) for x > x1 : f1 <- function(x) { x <- (x + exp(-x)) - log1p(exp(x)) x[x==0] <- -1 ; x } u1 <- uniroot(f1, c(1, 20), tol=1e-13) str(u1, digits=10) x1 <- u1[["root"]] ## 16.408226 ## Find x2, such that x =.= g(x) for x > x2 : f2 <- function(x) { x <- log1p(exp(x)) - x ; x[x==0] <- -1 ; x } u2 <- uniroot(f2, c(5, 50), tol=1e-13) str(u2, digits=10) x2 <- u2[["root"]] ## 33.27835 @ %% but really the above is still ``non sense'': look at <>= par(mfcol= 1:2, mar = c(4.1,4.1,0.6,1.6), mgp = c(1.6, 0.75, 0)) curve(x+exp(-x) - log1p(exp(x)), 15, 25, n=2^11); abline(v=x1, lty=3) curve(log1p(exp(x)) - x, 33.1, 33.5, n=2^10); abline(v=x2, lty=3) @ \medskip Using double precision arithmetic, a fast and accurate computational method is to use \begin{align} \label{eq:log1pexp} \hat{g}(x) = \mathrm{log1pexp}(x) := \begin{cases} \exp(x) & x \le -37 \\ \loglp(\exp(x)) & -37 < x \le x_1 := 18, \\ x + \exp(-x) & x_1 < x \le x_2 := 33.3, \\ x & x > x_2, \end{cases} \end{align} where only the cutoff $x_1 = 18$ is important and the other cutoffs just save computations.\footnote{see % the %\R{} plot \code{curve(log1p(exp(x)) - x, 33.1, 33.5, n=2\^{}10)} above, revealing a somewhat fuzzy cutoff $x_2$.} %%--- Ok, still do a little deeper analysis for the interested R code reader %%--- invisibly mostly (echo=FALSE) here: <>= t4p.l1e <- function(x) { c(def = log(1 + exp(x)), log1p = log1p(exp(x)), ## xlog1p = x + log1p(exp(-x)), xpexp = x + exp(-x), x = x) } leg <- local({ r <- body(t4p.l1e)[[2]]; r[[1]] <- `expression`; eval(r) }) ##' The relative Error of log1pexp computations: relE.pl1e <- function(x, precBits = 1024) { stopifnot(is.numeric(x), length(x) == 1, precBits > 50) dx <- t4p.l1e(x) ## double precision x. <- mpfr(x, precBits=precBits) ## high precision *and* using the correct case: mMx <- if(x < 0) log1p(exp(x.)) else x. + log1p(exp(-x.)) structure(as.numeric(1 - dx/mMx), names = names(dx)) } <>= x.s <- seq(-100, 750, by = 5) # <- the big picture ==> problem for default x.s <- seq( 5, 60, length=512) # <- the zoom in ==> *no* problem for def. rx.s <- t(sapply(x.s, relE.pl1e)) signif(cbind(x.s, rx.s),3) @ \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering %% using "blue" for the default method, *as* in Figure 1 above <>= par(mar = c(4.1,4.1,0.6,1.6), mgp = c(1.6, 0.75, 0)) cc <- adjustcolor(c(4,1,2,3),.8, red.f=.7, blue.f=.8) lt <- c("solid","33","3262","dotdash") ll <- c(.7, 1.5, 2, 2) ym <- 1e-18 yM <- 1e-13 matplot(x.s, pmax(pmin(abs(rx.s),yM),ym), type = "l", log = "y", axes=FALSE, ylim = c(ym,yM), col=cc, lty=lt, lwd=ll, xlab = "x", ylab = "") legend("topright", leg, col=cc, lty=lt, lwd=ll, bty="n") eaxis(1, at=pretty(range(x.s), n =12)); eaxis(2) draw.machEps(0.4) x12 <- c(18, 33.3) abline(v=x12, col=(ct <- adjustcolor("brown", 0.6)), lty=3) axis(1, at=x12, labels=formatC(x12), padj = -3.2, hadj = -.1, tcl = +.8, col=ct, col.axis=ct, col.ticks=ct) @ % increasing width --> effective LaTeX *height* will decrease \setcapwidth{\textwidth}% \caption{Relative errors (via \pkg{Rmpfr}, see footnote of Fig.~\ref{fig:bigpic}) of four different ways to numerically compute $\log\bigl(1 + e^{x}\bigr)$. Vertical bars at $x_1 = 18$ and $x_2 = 33.3$ visualize the (2nd and 3rd) cutpoints of (\ref{eq:log1pexp}).} % Moved into text:|| down Note that the default method is fully accurate on this $x$ range. \label{fig:log1pexp} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:log1pexp} visualizes the relative errors of the careless ``default'', $\log\bigl(1 + e^{x}\bigr)$, its straightforward correction $\loglp\bigl(e^x\bigr)$, the intermediate approximation $x + e^{-x}$, and the large $x$ ($ = x$), i.e., the methods in (\ref{eq:log1pexp}), depicting that the (easy to remember) cutoffs $x_1$ and $x_2$ in (\ref{eq:log1pexp}) are valid. %% moved from figure caption: Note that the default method is fully accurate on this $x$ range and only problematic when $e^x$ begins to overflow, i.e., $x > e_{\mathrm{Max}}$, which is <>= (eMax <- .Machine$double.max.exp * log(2)) exp(eMax * c(1, 1+1e-15)) @ where we see that indeed $e_{\mathrm{Max}} = $\code{eMax} is the maximal exponent without overflow. \section{Conclusion} We have used high precision arithmetic (\R{} package \pkg{Rmpfr}) to empirically verify that computing $f(a) = \log\left(1 - e^{-a}\right)$ is accomplished best via equation (\ref{eq:log1mexp}). In passing, we have also shown that accurate computation of $g(x) = \log(1+e^x)$ can be achieved via (\ref{eq:log1pexp}). % Note that %% FIXME: %% a short version of this note has been published .... %% \cite{....} a version of this note is available as vignette (in \texttt{Sweave}, i.e., with complete \R{} source) from the \pkg{Rmpfr} package vignettes. \subsection*{Session Information} \nopagebreak <>= toLatex(sessionInfo(), locale=FALSE) <>= options(op.orig) @ %\clearpage \bibliography{log1mexp} \end{document}